
question-how long will it be before I weigh, and sheet home?"

"Most probably," returned the professional man, who, having been at sea himself, thoroughly comprehended Wildman's questions, from twelve to twenty hours will bring the crisis."

der his own impetus, the fighting man rolled over heavily twice or thrice upon the sward. Stunned for a moment by the fall, when he looked up, the pallid stranger stood over him with upraised cudgel, tendering the most solemn assurances, garnished plentifully by certain expletives delivered in the Celtic tongue, that a twinkle of the eye or a move- "That is," returned the mariner, “ I may ment of a finger would be considered by the trip before morning-or my ground-tackle ragged Irishman a signal to practically as- hold on till the next night. Now, on one certain whether the cranium of Mr. Huggins, point, I'll make a clean breast-I came here or a sapling from the woods of Durneein Beg under the directions of that scamping scounwere made of the tougher material. A giant drel, who put his helm a-weather, the mo on his legs is one thing-a giant on the ment that 'ere chap produced the markinggrass quite another; and, it being apparent irons. He made all the arrangements for to the prostrate pugilist that the Emeralder that lad's murder; and, before he would “had made himself up for mischief,” he lay | start tack or sheet, I had to hand him a belt, quiet on the sward accordingly.

where forty yellow boys were stowed away, as a stand-by in squally weather; and I had also to give him my promise on paper for a hundred pound besides. Overhaul him, and you will find the belt."

Nor was this short and decisive affair confined altogether to Brian and his ragged coadjutor; for Mrs. Burke and the children raised the murder-cry so effective, that her "loud alarum" was heard from road to road, Mr. Huggins would have willingly deand brought immediate assistance. Hug-clined to go through the indelicacy of ungins was secured and handed over to the police; and then reconducted to the place where the murder had been attempted, and where Brian, with a pistol in his hand, was watching the disabled assassin.

Wildman, from the moment he received the shots after one feeble effort to gain his feet-continued motionless on the ground, with a scowling glance turned on his successful antagonist. He never spoke; but now and again, muttered imprecations escaped him. When, however, his coward ally was brought up hand-cuffed and crestfallen, while tremulous lips and a twitching of the facial muscles betrayed the mortal fear and hopeless despondency of the culprit, who feels himself beyond the possibility of evading the uplifted arm of justice; then a furious outbreak was vented by the wounded mariner, as he showered curses on the dastardly fugitive who had deserted him. The oaths which Wildman swore were awful.

"It's all up with me," exclaimed the prostrate murderer. "I feel myself hove short, and I fancy my lower spars are disabled— -a leak in the starboard streak-and the hold filling fast."

To comprehend this nautical parlance, the opinion of a surgeon who had reached the spot, and made a hasty examination, will be the best key. Both bullets had penetrated the abdomen, and one had reached the spine. Internal hemorrhage had taken place extensively, and the spinal injury had caused paralysis of the limbs.


"I say, messmate,” continued the wounded man, addressing himself to the surgeon; "let there be no gammon between you and me. I know that my sailing order's come, Blue Peter's at the fore, and the topsail in the hanging clawlines-answer me a plain

dressing al fresco; but at the moment, a number of police arrived with a stretcher to remove the wounded man, and the superintendent—an ex-functionary attached to Bow Street-at once recognised the host of the Fortune of War as an old acquaintance, and renewed a former intimacy with the fighting man.

"Lor'! Ben, how squeamish you have growed of late," exclaimed the new comer; "I have seen ye a dozen years ago peel in public,-and by the same token, I lost ten bob upon you the last time, when ye fought a cross with the Bermondsey gasman."

The belt and money were discovered. The undertaking for the hundred had been deposited with Mrs. Huggins for safer security; but that lady and the Captain's IO U were at this time safe in the possession of the police.

No pretext could be devised by Mr. Huggins, except a very lame one, to account for the suburban expedition which had terminated so disastrously. His previous knowledge of criminal jurisprudence made him conclude that the less said were, for himself the better; and with the general assurance that he, the Pet, "vas innicint as the child hunborn," he submitted to his fate.

Brian was permitted to leave the public house, after giving an assurance that he should hold himself in readiness when further testimony was wanted, and in Craven street found dinner, the runner and the dwarf waiting his arrival. Both received Brian's narrative with unfeigned astonishment; the little man however, declining to enter fully into the particulars until the cloth was removed. But before the conversation could be renewed, a hastily driven carriage rattled down the street, and pulled up at the domi

cile of Mrs. Honeywood. A police sergeant dismounted, and he too was immediately conducted to the drawing-room. He came from the George and Garter, to announce that Wildman could not survive till morning; and that he had expressed intense anxiety to see him whose hand had sent him to his last account, for a few minutes before he died. At his own desire, a clerk, in the presence of the police superintendent, was then engaged taking a voluntary deposition from the lips of the dying man-and the sergeant hinted, that, from the surgeon's report, the sooner the wishes of Hans Wildman were complied with, it would be the better.

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The dwarf, to do him justice, was a thing of action. He directed cabs to be instantly procured, and even consented to waive his fancy for antediluvian conveniences, and embark in a vehicle of ordinary dimensions. Mr. Ellis was his selected companion. Brian led-I followed; and Sergeant-I forget the letter and number-led the van; and we proceeded rapidly to the George and Gar-tor.


I never before was at the bed-side of a murderer; and I devoutly supplicate Heaven, that I never may be present at such a scene again.

"And is come to look for the last time on his parents' double murderer," said the young Irishman, as he stepped forward and placed himself at the bedside of the dying malefac

"Wretch! did not your savage treatment make her so?" returned the youth, with flashing eyes.

"Not mine more than Dangerfield's, and Black Frank, and the rest on 'em."

"Whose bones are whitening on the Cuba gibbet you escaped from, Hans?" rejoined the little gentleman.

The face of the dying malefactor betrayed surprise and consternation, as he exclaimed

"Avast, there!" exclaimed the mariner. "D-n that! I won't have it on no account. That I gave your father what you repaid with two-fold interest this evening, I won't deny; but I had nothing to do with the lady's busiBefore we were conducted to the chamber ness, beyond lifting her into the boat. It of the dying man, the superintendent of po- was the squire himself and two others that lice and the surgeon in attendance, introdu- cracked the house, and carried her and yourced us to another apartment. The latter assu-self to the canal. She was not murdered— red us, that in Wildman there was not an hour I tell you she died mad." of life; while the police functionary apprized us, that the confessions of the dying criminal had been as unreserved as they were appalling. Besides those revelations more immediately connected with Brian-namely, the abduction and consequent death from fright of one parent, and the murder of the other-the fearful admissions which he made, showed that a career much more extended than what is generally allotted to villains, had been marked all through by every species of offending. On land, a robber-at sea, "In the devil's name, who are you who a pirate; by turns a slaver, a smuggler, and knows aught of Cuba, and Dangerfield, and a rover he spoke, and with apparent indif- that gibbeting affair? I remember hearing ference, of vessels sunk after having been the voice before-ay! it was the very night plundered, and their unhappy crews obliged that you and I met in the North, and Miriam to "walk the plank.' Not the slightest evi- told what has proved so true that the one dence of contrition accompanied his murder- was to fall by the hand of the other. But-" ous confessions; and Wildman rather boast- and Wildman returned to what he seemed ed than regretted the commission of enormi-anxious to disclaim-" don't put the lady's ties, than which, those in former times death on me. D-n me-I won't have more imputed to the Buccaneers, could not be entered in the log than's right-it's pretty considered more horrific. To have made a full already." record of half the crimes the wounded ruffian A sudden pang convulsed his features; had acknowledged to, would have been and in his sea parlance, exclaiming that a irrelevant; and the police functionary very saw was passing through his handsome timprudently confined the depositions of the dy-bers, he called for a glass of grog. Weak ing man to those matters which affected the brandy and water was administered, but inlives and the rights of those who were still ternal spasms succeeded each other fastin existence. strength and sense gradually gave way Stretched upon his back upon the bed, and together; and in mental wanderings and

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It was now verging upon eleven o'clock; and when we were about to quit the "George and Garter," it was communicated to Brian. that it would be necessary for him to sign a deposition in the case of Huggins; and, to prove his identity, he was required to repair to the station-house where the ruffian was in close custody. The little gentleman volunteered his escort, and we all proceeded to the place where the fighting man was confined.

blasphemies, the last half-hour of that man upon the halter, instead of doing the thing of crime was frightfully passed away. He ship-shape, and making it a bow-line knot, raved of sinking ships and burning villages. as he should have done that, in the CapAy-aye," he muttered, "Dangerfield's tain's opinion, being the neatest tie for a right. Batten the hatches down, and a few hempen cravat." auger-holes will do the rest. Dead tongues won't wag, ye know. What matters it whether a few black rascals get scorched. Fire the thatch at once! Didn't ye, to escape the Tartar, fling a whole cargo overboard, chained together by the neck in couples? Blast that tall gibbet!-it's too hard that half-a-dozen of us should dangle from its yard-arms, and every grinning nigger point out which is which. Well! they won't be able to do that long-the kites and kittiewakes will pick us bare within a fortnight." Exhausted, the raving wretch sank into temporary silence; but in a few minutes a convulsed twitching of the facial nerves bespoke an increase of mental and bodily pain. Sight had evidently left him, for though the room was well lighted up, Wildman complained of the darkness. Broken murmurings occasionally escaped him; and the last sentence that could be understood was, "Now, Ben, use the knife!" With a longdrawn groan that was heard distinctly by those who were listening on the lobby, the murderer's spirit escaped from its tenement of clay. Wildman was gone to his account -he had been arraigned already, before that dread tribunal where the just and the unjust must appear

"And how his audit stood
None knew save Heaven!"


Sir William. I tell you he shall marry her, or I'll disinherit him! that's certain. Look ye, Tom, not to make any more words about the

matter, I have brought the lady here with me,

and I'll see you contracted before we part; or
you shall delve and plant cucumbers as long as
you live.
Love in a Village.

"UPON my honor," observed the Dwarf, after the surgeon had declared that the struggle was ended, and the mariner no more, I never met with a couple of gentlemen, whose lives and departures were more similar and less edifying than those of the gallant captain, now moribund on the bed there, and a former friend, to whom, in his parting remarks he made a complimentary allusion. Besides drowning niggers and scuttling ships, the last sentence Mr. Wildman delivered distinctly, was a request that Mr. Huggins should use his whittle. Dangerfield was also a man of spirit. I recollect the morning he was gibbeted in Cuba, he knocked down the black executioner for the clumsy hitch he put

From his strength, his profession, and general bad character, precautions had been adopted to prevent him doing mischief either to others or to himself. When introduced to the apartment he was confined in, we found him seated on a bench, and handcuffed for better security, with two policemen placed to watch him. In Mr. Ellis, the Pet recognised an old acquaintance, and a brief greeting was interchanged between them. At the Dwarf and me, the criminal looked with the indifference which men bestow on strangers; but as Brian, who had been the last to enter the room, advanced to the table, a countenance, pale and agitated before, became visibly more downcast when the eyes of the murderer and his intended victim met each other's glance. Ellis sat down on the bench beside the Pet, who presently inquired, in a whisper, "whether Wildman was likely to

recover ?"


"Recover!" returned the runner. seldom that a man who has got a brace of bullets in his body manages to do that. No, Ben; it's regularly up with him; and he's as cold at present, in the 'Crown and Garter,' as any stiff-un ye ever sacked after dark."

whose mind a gleam of hope appeared to "Well," replied the fighting man-across ciate was no more" I hopes he told the truth shoot, when assured that his villanous assoafore he hopped the twig, and cleared me of hany bad intention, who am as hinnicent as the babe unborn."

"Why, not exactly," rejoined the Bow Street man. "He did mention you, certainly, before he died, in reference to that gentleman; and requested you to use your gully Ben."


Use my gully!" exclaimed the Leg-Lane Pet, with innocent astonishment. "Vy, Mr. Hellis, the captain must have been raving to have spoken of knives. I'll tell the plain truth, and explain to these here gents, vot brought me to the fields. 'Ben,' says henow, gemmen, this is as true as if I vas on oath before the beak, and had regʼlarly kissed the calf-skin. 'Ben,' says he, I'm goin' to meet that young cove as you knows, that grassed me in the coffee-room; and as he's

unkimmon wilent in his temper, vill you | vot's gone by ?" exclaimed the fighting man. come, jist to perwent a turn-up?' So I goes "It's all over; and, may I be scragged, if a hinnicently to the fields, to keep peace be- toe o' mine has touched what they calls contween 'em-and I'm blest, but here I be's secrated ground these five years, but vonce, under screw, as if I had come out upon what and that vos to hoblige han old customer, they calls han evil harrant." who fancied he'd inwestigate a gent, who died of somethin' that nobody could tell nothing about. But, as I was sayin', if I'm clapped under the screw, vy, my vife vill break her 'art, and my bisnis go to the devil."

"Lord, Ben," returned the runner, "how men change as they grow older. I mind the time you would go ten miles to get up a fight, and not ten yards to stop one. Well, I hope the beaks at the Bailey will take it in, and it will be all the better for ye."

"But," said the ex-pugilist, "von't it be unkimmon cruel, if a man as goes hout on a peaceable hintention, should be locked up for nothing for a month, and then be shewn up at the Old Bailey among cracksmen and conweyancers. Vy, it vill ruin me as a man of bisness, and the Fortune of War may jist as vell be shut up."

"Well, don't make yourself uneasy about that, Ben," rejoined the Bow Street functionary.


Yes, but I ham!" returned the fighting man. "Ven customers inquires arter me, and hears I'm in the cage-vy, von't they toddle to another crib, don't you think? If so be I'm penned until the Sessions, The Fortune may go to Bath. Vat made it the house it his? Vy, the ur.kimmon ciwility of the missus and myself. If a gent lushed heavy and lost his legs, vy, his vord to the cabman vas-Drive me to the Fortune, for that's the ticket, where all is on the square.' Drunk or sober, not a clye was ever cleaned; and they could go to roost, and vake next mornin,' thof they had uncounted goold about 'em. Sick or vell, they always were looked arter, and-"

"No, no," said the man in the blue coat and metal buttons. "Don't ye fret yerself, Ben, about that. Why, the beaks have taken the Fortune under their particular protection; and, when I was coming away, they found a young lady so fast asleep up stairs, that none of them could waken her. Where is Poll Hargrave, Pet?”

The sudden question again sent the color from the cheeks of the pugilist; and he disclaimed all knowledge of the hocussed girl.

"I fancied it might have been the Sleeping Beauty the police disturbed," said the runner.

"And vy did the force visit my house hin my habsince ?" inquired the ruffian, in evident alarm.

"To have a friendly look-out after your wife and customers, I suppose," was the reply.

"And vy should they go up stairs, a ransacking of my bed-rooms?"

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I imagine by the same right,. that they went down stairs to take stock of your cellar."

The Pet turned deadlier pale than before. "Vell," he replied, "they vouldn't diskiver hany thing there as hadn't paid duty reg'

"Are bones as well as beer exciseable?" inquired the Dwarf, as he took another of his imperturbable pinches of high-toast.

"If, notwithstanding the most delicate at-lar." tention and the best medical advice, they kicked the bucket, they were respectably interred," observed the little gentleman, in his own peculiar manner, and with a most puissant pinch of blackguard. "None of your trumpery turns out-your mutes, and plumes, and hearse no unnecessary parade-all private and economic, as it ought to be."

The fighting man started. The color again receded from his face, and the tremulous twiching of the lips betrayed mental agi


Well," added the runner, "I won't pretend to say how many Ben may have buried in his day, for his was altogether another line of business; but I am ready to bet a horse to a hen, that for one stiff-un he stuck in clay, he grubbed a hundred out of it. Why, a dozen years ago, he carried on a roaring business. I've heard that he and his pals have lifted as good as ten a-week at times. They would have made a rapid fortune; but the burkers first overstocked the market, and at last, entirely done up the trade."

"Vere's the use, Mr. Hellis, of talkin' of

Had a shell popped through the ceiling, and dropped at the foot of the fighting man his countenance could not have expressed terror more fearfully."

"Bones!" he involuntarily muttered.

"Why, yes, Ben. I never like to keep an old acquaintance in suspense. We found Poll Hargrave hocussed above stairs, and the stuff that did it locked in the bar-press of which Mother H- always carried the key, as you know yourself. What was in the cellar, under the flags behind the door? why, that's the worst of the affair, I fancy.'


Vere is my vife ?" exclaimed the Pet. "In quod," returned the functionary. "And vere's the Early One?" asked Mr. Huggins.

"Ditto," was the brief reply.

"Then there's no use in coming it Hookey Valker longer," observed the Leg Lane Pet, in a voice of the deepest despondency. "It's all hup, and I'm safe for scragging!"

"Well, I would be inclined to back your opinion for a five pound flimsey,” replied the Bow Street runner. But here comes the clerk and the informations, and we'll make the deposition in the office. Good night, Ben! Don't ye be so cast down. To my knowledge you have had a long and lucky run of it; and out of twenty of your pals— except the Tyburn Tinker, who retired from business in good time-is there one of the score who has not either been lagged or scragged ?"

With this consolatory observation, Mr. Ellis followed us to the outer room, where the official papers were duly signed, and an arrangement was made with the police authorities, that they should apprize us of the time the inquest would be holden, so soon after the coroner had arranged it as was possible. We all re-embarked in our respective vehicles as we had arrived-the Dwarf, as the little gentleman carefully buttoned his great-coat, reminding us, that at sharp two" we should next day have the


honor of an audience.

“As to you," he said, addressing the young Irishman, "I consider that your destinies are completed. The finger of Providence has pointed out the road to fortune; and by a just retribution, the murderer of the father has perished by the orphan's hand. As for you,' and the Dwarf directed a minatory glance, and extended his lean fore-finger, to render by suitable action his address the more impressive, "every man is the builder of his own fortunes, and yours will rest entirely with yourself. The decision of tomorrow will be final. If you choose wisely, and wed her to whom you shall be presented-'

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I shook my head, and the little fellow, with upraised finger, coolly continued

tion with a calmness of tone and manner that was conclusive on the point.

"I will, in that case, take the liberty of doing what seems good to me with mine own-and convert a portionless girl into the wealthiest heiress that ever a booby-headed borderer rejected."

"And you assure me that I shall be inde pendent-nay, opulent?" said the youth, with a look of anxious inquiry.

"You are sode jure, already. Homesdale Priory and the Hunsgate estates are yours as snrely as this snuff-box belongs to me,' returned the little fellow.


Then," exclaimed Brian, with an air of triumph, as he caught my hand in his, "to the last guinea, Frank, we'll share good fortune-like brothers, as we are in heart. Take to your arms the girl you love, and pitch him, his money and his heiress to the devil!"

"Upon my word,” replied the little gentleman, all unmoved," for some good services I have rendered, I cannot say that I have received a satisfactory return. I and my money are not by any means obliged to you for the pleasant disposition you have made of both; and I think that the vaunted gallantry of Ireland should have prevented you from consigning to Pandemonium a young lady you never saw.'

The dryness of the Dwarf's remonstrance provoked a hearty laugh; and as we proceeded down stairs, I overheard him in a low voice observe to his friend the runner,

"That lad is true metal, after all-regular Corinthian, without a particle of dross."

The morning decisive of my fate, dawned upon two private gentlemen whose slumbers had not been unbroken. When the crisis of a man's fortunes is at hand, the feelings which uncertainty produces, are more har"A fortune that no Elliott who ever wore rassing far than when the result, no matter or lost a head, possessed or dreamed of, shall how unfortunate it may be, is known, and be yours. If you reject the lady's hand, as the worst that fate can do has been developed. quickly as legal forms wilt permit, all that II had already made my election-and mine possess shall be forthwith transferred to her; was the resolution which nothing could or and as a farewell gift, I'll present Mr. Fran- should disturb―and like another Antony, if I cis Elliott with--a shilling!" and the yellow had not a world to give up for love, I was scoundrel made me a profound bow, accompa- ready to abandon advantages held out, and nied by a flourish of hand, and foot, which undergo the penalties denounced against my half persuaded me that in early life he must disobedience. Still I was unenviably resthave been a dancing-master. less; and I prayed heartily for the hour to arrive when the Dwarf should pour out the phials of his wrath, and withdraw the light of his countenance forever.

With lips apart, and an eye fixed upon the Dwarf in marked anxiety, Brian had listened to the brief address, which at the same time offered wealth, and detailed the penalty attendant on disobedience.

"And for following the course his heart dictates, honor says is right, and Heaven must approve, you must reject him as a cast-away?" he said.

The little fellow drew out his snuff-box, applied his fingers to the high-toast, and after a most deliberate pinch, replied to the ques

Nor was Brian-notwithstanding the assurances of the little gentleman, that his probation had ended-exactly upon a bed of roses. He had sent Mr. Wildman to his accountand malgre the advantages of an Irish education, the first time a man becomes a homicide, he must, to a certain extent, feel some nervousness when the act is recalled to memory. No one, who ever hurried a human being to

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