
neals, and is attended by a gentleman named | he more particularly addressed himself; and Cupid."

"Do be serious, Francis," said my mother; and, turning to my father, she hinted that it might be prudent to send for a constable.

an approaching event was notified as the reason of his honoring us at present with his company. All this was well; but the little gentleman was one of those personages who look into the womb of time,-" coming events cast their shadows before," and he predicted, in anything but the mystic language employed in prophecy, that within twelve months he should visit us on another interesting occasion, to wit, when a son and heir was presented to the house of Dillon. The dwarf indulged in a chuckle, my sisters colored to the redness of " the red, red rose,"

"I assure you, madam, I report faithfully," I replied. "Of course I can only guess at his intentions. He may have come here to forbid Julia's banns, or, more likely, to save the trouble of a second ceremony, lead Mary at the same time with her sister to the altar. You may remember he mentioned, when he honored you with his company before, that he wanted a consort and an heir. This and my mother considered it prudent to evening he inquired very affectionately for the ladies, and hoped that the old chap'meaning you, sir-was tolerably hearty.'

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My father could not suppress a smile. "Upon my life, the assurance of this saffron-faced rascal makes me laugh. Well, I suppose we must submit to being afflicted with his presence for the evening. Ha! dinner's served. Go, Archy, and tell the gentleman we are waiting for him. But soft-he comes."

The appearance of the dwarf in the doorway, and a passing glimpse of a hideous countenance peering over his master's shoulder, as Cupid politely ushered the little gentleman in, by no means restored the mental tranquillity of my poor mother; but when, crossing the carpet gingerly, the dwarf took the lady's hand, and, with a bow that would have shamed Baron Nathan, raised it "a la Grandison" to his lips, my father was obliged to turn his head away, and Brian laughed outright. Nothing, however, could shake the stranger's self-possession; in turn his compliments were addressed to the young ladies, the visitors, and the host; then, observing that he feared he might have been the cause of keeping back dinner, he presented his "lean long arm" to the elder dame, who evinced but little pleasure at the preference. Archy, who had returned to pick up a napkin he had dropped in his fright, whispered anxiously in her ear the usual supplication of " Dinna thra him!"—and my mother proceeded under the dwarf's escort to the eating-room, I presume with similar feelings to those with which a bear would advance to the stake, did he but know whither he was going.

Dinner passed, the dessert was laid upon the table, and the Archy was departing, when the dwarf drew forth the small silver chest he termed a snuff-box, and handed it to the butler, with directions that his man Cupid should replenish it. His mood this evening was facetious A boiled turkey had found favor in his sight, and the grouse were roasted to a turn; the port also, had happily taken his fancy, and this pleasant" concatenation" disposed him to be hilarious. To the ladies

depart. Had there been any doubt upon the same, the entrance of Cupid would have determined a retreat. The ladies fled, rather than retired; and, faith! no wonder,-for, had Britain been ransacked, an uglier couple than the stranger and his attendant could not have been produced.

"A stupid habit, this English one, of the women bolting ten minutes after grace is given. Well, we'll get nearer the fire; and, by the way, another log or two would improve it.-Both these gentlemen are from Ireland, I presume? Pleasant country that, according to the best authenticated accounts of modern travellers. A native is killed for love, and a visiter finished for thirty shillings."

"Excuse me, sir," and Reginald Dillon reddened,-" much of what you read is gross ly exaggerated."


"Oh, that may occasionally be the case," continued the little man; "but still it is rather remarkable that, under the head of Irish news,' the first article your eye meets, is generally headed Another murder.' To say the truth, I have not lately dipped deep into Milesian statistics,-and am not, therefore, prepared to state with accuracy the number of the killed, hanged, and transported during the past month. The last pleasant transaction I noticed was that affair of Mr. St. George."

Brian turned pale.

"The scoundrel, with the best intentions, failed in effecting the contemplated homicide, and merely maimed his victim; and it is said that the gentleman, in his gratitude for deliverance from death, permits the murderer to go at large."

"You seem very indignant at this forbear ance."

"Why, yes," returned yellow-face; "but it is entirely from selfish considerations. Ot course the assassin, or intended assassin. will be off at once to England :—I may be his next victim,-travel with him in the mail,-dine with him at some table d'hote,or, heaven knows where! actually rub skirts with the delinquent."

Brian grew paler still; but the little gen

tleman did not observe the effect his random | she wants, and presently we'll test her skil shot had caused. in the drawing-room."


"You have been in the army?" said the Too happy in having an excuse for offerdwarf, addressing the bridegroom elect. ing hospitality to a gentlewoman whose evil "Yes sir. In the-th Dragoon Guards." | reputation made her an object of terror to the Egad, a singular coincidence," continued chief butler, he hastened to propitiate the the little fellow, as he addressed himself to sorceress. Her wants were liberally sup my father. "That d―d trooper who levant-plied, and she expressed herself pleased with Archy's attentions. As he presented a second glass of alcohol, to the acceptance of which she offered hut a feeble resistance, Cupid, whose saucer eyes had been rivetted upon her, to her great annoyance, from the time she had entered the servant's hall, rose and retired.

ed with your aunt Janet belonged to the sume regiment--He! he he!" And the scoundrel perpetrated an unearthly laugh. "The Elliotts appear to have given a preference to heavy dragoons!"

My father looked daggers at the dwarf. Was this a fitting time to recall aunt Janet's escapade, and bring to light again a family misfortune half forgotten! And I whispered to Reginald, that if the little fellow ventured an allusion to the gallows, and hinted that any of our progenitors had died from vertebral dislocation, late as the hour was, he and his man Cupid would incontinently be directed to resume their travels, and seek another lodging for the night.

It would have been rather disagreeable for the visitor and his valet had they been directed to commence a night-march. The wind, which all the afternoon had been rising, now blew a regular gale, and sent the heavy rain spattering against the casement. The little man drew his chair closer to the fire, and ventured an opinion that, though the port was excellent, a tumbler of Glenlivet might be taken, merely out of compliment to the weather. To this suggestion my father graciously assented, and Archy in due time paraded the necessary materiel.

As the chief butler departed, he directed a parting glance at me, which appeared an invitation to follow him, and I rose and left the


"Gude Lord! Master Francis, ken ye wha's below ?"

In every day affairs Archy could manage to express himself passably in English; but, on the occurrence of more important events, he always fell back upon lowland Scotch. "How the devil should I know ?"


Hegh, mon," continued the butler, "nane ither than auld Miriam, the gipsy queen fra Yetholm."

"Well, give the old tramper some supper, and then let her bundle off."

"Bundle off!-deil a mind she has for stirrin' sic a night as this. There she is, cockit at ane side o' the fire, and that black worricow planted at the ither. Was ever an honest house placed in the same predicament? -Up stairs a warlock, and down stairs a witch!-Lord protect us! Hear ye the storm they have raised atweeen them?" And a thundering gust shook the hall-window as he spoke.

"Well go, Archy, give the old beldam what

"Whose devil's follower is yonder hideous black?" inquired the gipsy.

"That question, friend Miriam, his owner alone can answer," returned the attendant. "Ye are wanted in the drawing-room by the young ladies; and, when ye have speyed their fortunes, maybe by your art you could mak' out how close akin the master and the man are to the devil?"

Conducted in great form by the chief butler, the gipsy queen was introduced to the drawing-room, whither we had previously repaired to join the ladies. The adept in planetary influences was far past the middle life; her person was corpulent, but not clumsy; and her face-remarkable for the regular outline, brilliant eyes, and pearly teeth which distinguish this extraordinary people-in youth must have been beautiful. She wore the scarlet cloak peculiar to her tribe; and the ease of manner with which she entered the presence was absolutely graceful. With a rapid glance she swept the faces of those assembled; and, while Archy collected the offerings of the company on a salver, to which all save the little gentleman contributed, the fortune-teller ceeded to unfold the decrees of fate.


What fortune was in store for the young ladies was cautiously revealed in whispers, as the gipsy placed herself beside them on the sofa. Now and again a rising blush, or an interchange of meaning glances, told that the spae-wife's prognostics of the future were strange or agreeable. When the task was ended, my sisters smiled, and it was quite apparent that the stars had been propitious.

Dillon's ordeal was brief and flattering,although Harriette Martineau would have entered a protest against one portion of his good luck, he would be prosperous in his undertakings, and father of an extensive family.

I was dismissed in the general style. One dark lady had a strong regard for me, of which a fairer one was particularly jealous. I had black men who wished me ill, and light gentlemen who had a sincere affection for

me. I would, by a woman with blue eyes,
be subjected to considerable trouble; and
finally, inherit property at present beyond the
seas, but whether invested in Kamschatka
canals or Timbuctoo railroads was not clear.
The gipsy stopped next before my father.
"Bah, Miriam, you told my fortune in
Dryburgh Abbey, five-and-twenty years ago,"
and a look was interchanged between the
parties. I was glad that my mother was ab-
sent; for old ladies are at times confounded-
ly acute.

"Come, let me see your hand."


In the meanwhile the dwarf had gone through the custoinary forms of palmistry, and presented his hand to the fortune-teller. With a smile of ineffable contempt he observed her confusion,--and in a sarcastic tone intimated, that lines so plain as his were easily intelligible. Miriam looked steadfastly for a minute, and then flung the little gentleman's hand away.

"Well," exclaimed yellow-face," is it not strange that a common-place history like mine could not be fathomed by the queen of the gipsies! Pshaw! I am no believer in

My father complied with the gipsy's re- the secret art. But come!-let me try my poor skill with the ablest of its profession." The dwarf took Miriam's hand. "Plain palmistry--we'll set you down at sixty-and we'll divide your life into three epochs-twenty-forty-sixty. Which of these shall I refer to ?"

"It is strange," she half muttered. "Beneath this roof-tree there is one who can work you much good or more mischief."

"Ah!" I whispered, " that must be Cupid. What service he may perform I am ignorant of altogether: but if he meet any of the women unexpectedly-egad! I won't answer for consequences

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Archy delighted in the mysterious; in everything supernatural he was a true believer; and, under a variety of false pretences, he managed to remain in the drawing-room. Next in order to my father sate he dwarf, ensconced in an easy chair, his long legs poked out upon a hassock, his head gracefully reposed, and himself the true impersonation of "otium cum dignitate." Miriam halted in his front, and two pair of more black and searching eyes never met each other than those of the little gentleman and the gipsy queen.

This encounter seemed to be the great object for which the chief butler had continued in the presence. "Greek now met Greek," and Archy was desperately excited as he watched the issue.

"Look at them," he whispered in my ear. "Did ever anybody see such awfu' beings face till face! Naething any gait upon the Border matches Miriam. Godsake!"-and a squall struck the window at the moment "if they come to a trial skill, they'll tak' the roof clean off the house, and we'll be found buried in the ruins."

There was a quiet dignity in the little man's demeanor towards the gipsy, which would have induced me to back him at odds against her. When she approached his chair, he neither shrunk from the trial nor allowed his ease to be interrupted. Dipping nis fingers into his waistcoat pocket, he extracted a piece of silver as an offering to the sibyl; but, to the astonishment of all, the gipsy waved her hand, and declined the of fering.


Godsake, sir," said Archy, "look to that! She'll nae tak' the money. Poor, lost thing! bad as her chances are of grace, she'll nae resave enlistin' money from Satan's recruiting sergeant."

"The first," returned Miriam. "Ha!-let me see-humph!-it requires some calculation to go back so far.”

And, producing a tablet from his pocket, the little man executed a few hieroglyphics. Miriam looked on with fixed attention.

"In the spring of 1794-I have not time to enter into a closer computation of timeyou married a man called Richard Ford ?”

The gipsy turned pale, but bowed assent; and again the little man figured on his tablets.

"I find that the same Richard Ford was transported at the spring assizes, 1795, for stealing a roan mare, the property of the Miller of Linndale."

"Stop!" cried the gipsy; but still the little man figured on.

"I find, next summer, a woman seated on the cucking-stool, for purloining sundry fowls, the property of Parson Roundabout. Her name was



Enough!" exclaimed the gipsy. you the devil's prime minister or himself?" The yellow gentleman merely waved his hand, and, crest-fallen, the gipsy queen retired.

Brian was the last in order. But the trial of necromantic skill between the yellow gentleman and the sibyl might have induced the latter to have fied the field, had not the dwarf pointed with his finger to the stranger. Miriam approached the youth, and demanded and received his hand.

The moment her eyes ran across the lines of the expanded palm, she exclaimed passionately, as she turned to the little gentleman.

"By Heaven! this is surcharged with more conflicting influences than all in the room besides,--your own excepted."

"Can you read the past, and foresee his future fate?" inquired the dwarf, as he refreshed himself with a pinch of high-toast.

"A child might do both," returned the sibyl; "for never were fortune's leading

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Strong passions are marked here-stout heart and ready hand."

I remembered the market of Ballyporeen and could not help exclaiming, that to the latter qualities I could bear evidence on oath.

"Ha!-what have we here ?"-and she fixed her keen eyes on Brian's-" So young, -and blood upon his hand already!"

met such mingled destinies as those I have to-night, the career of one verging to its close,-that of the other only opening on the race of existence." And she pointed her extended arms to the dwarf and the island orphan.

"I have a little experience," quoth the saffron-colored stranger.



Nay, more knowledge," exclaimed the gipsy," than, I fear, has been fairly come by." Hegh! protect us!" said Archy in a whisper. "God grant they dinna quarrel. If they do,-aff gaes the roof."

"I fancy, Lucky," observed the dwarf, "1 touched upon one or two tender reminiscenses. Give me another peep at your hand." And a second time he drew forth his tablets. "No, no," returned the sibyl; "your power is more than mine. I fear ye.


"He's the devil after a!" said Archy in a whisper, and his teeth made an excellent imitation of a pair of castanets.

"Come, let me once more look upon a hand lined by every shade of fortune.” And again the gipsy peered upon Brian's palm.

The wind, that for a brief space had lulled, rose suddenly, and drove a hail-shower against the casements.

The youth turned deadly pale, and plucked "An unpleasant night for a belated travhis hand away. My mother, who had join-eller," observed my father.

ed the party, threw an alarmed look at my "And just the one to enjoy an easy chair father, Dillon's eyes met mine,--and to all, and rousing fire," returned the little gentlesave the dwarf, the sibyl's announcement man. seemed astounding. He pushed his long legs farther on the hassock, threw back his head into the angle of his easy chair, turned one thumb over the other, and carelessly observed,

And, without the trouble of raising his head from its reposing attitude, he directed a glance at Archy, whose eyes were always mechanically turned upon him when he spoke.

"On with more wood!"

In a moment the chief butler hastened to obey the order. The little man raised his fore-finger.

"Be cautious:-you dropped, at my last visit, a billet on my foot."

"Bah! a commonplace occurrence in that delightful land. In Ireland blood is estimated, as on the Borders we hold buttermilk. Savage as men, they are imps in boyhood, and before they are able to wield a cudgel they can fling a stone. I question, if a criminal census were taken of the country, even from Dan to Beersheba, if any could be found, over twelve years old, who could plead 'not guilty' to being principal or accessory to some case of battery or as-him any vexation." sault."

And, after delivering himself of this very complimentary notice touching "Ireland and the Irish," the little gentleman took a refreshing pinch; while Miriam resumed her investigation of Brian's hand, which a look from me had induced him to commit once more to the sibyl.

For a minute she scanned the youth's hand with marked attention.

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"Gude Lord!" ejaculated Archy, when he had made up the fire and retreated behind my chair, “heard ye onything like that? → The awfu' cratur never forgets what gives

Another squall made the windows rattle. "There, ye see, he's oot o' timper when he recollects the thump upon his taes," groaned the chief butler.

"Here lies the road of life in manhood,” resumed the gipsy; "the path intricate and thorny-the termination happily attained at last. Many a barrier to be removed, and many evil influences to be overcome-some hands to push you back, while others will drag you forward. In a word, your fate hangs mainly on the agency of those who are strange to you at present."

Another and a louder gust roared down the chimney, and seemed to shake the room.

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Insensible to the elemental uproar, the gipsy seemed entirely engrossed with her predictions.

"One who will assist in making or in marring your fortune is not distant. In a few days-nay, hours-expect him."

Suddenly the knocker struck the hall-door, and the bell was loudly sounded.

"By heaven!" exclaimed the gipsy, he is come! Now, look to thyself, boy! Thy race of fortune is commencing!"

She threw Brian's hand aside, bowed her head to the company, and, while Archy hurried to the door to ascertain

"Who knock'd so loud, and knock'd so late,"

Miriam glided from the room, leaving us, as they would say in Ireland, "regularly bothered," and at full liberty to conjecture what the devil would come next.


Another arrival.-Captain Dangerfield.-Interesting disclosures of what took place at my father's, both upstairs and downstairs.

ARCHY was absent but for a brief space, until he returned to the drawing room to announce that a stranger, who had been travelling to the next town, had missed the road in the dark, and, instead of keeping that which led to the village, had taken the avenue that conducted him to the hall-door. The chief butler did not seem particularly prepossessed with the outer man of the wayfarer. He might be honest, he admitted, although he had rather a suspicious look about him. Still that was no safe criterion, and appearances were often deceptive. He, Archy, when a boy, had seen a man hanged at Kelso for robbing the minister's manse-an honester-looking gentleman was not among the numerous spectators-and his last speech was so edifying, that many declared it was better than a bad sermon. Were he the deil himself, with a warlock and witch in the house, the traveller could do na muckle damage; and he, the chief butler, would keep a sharp eye upon the spoons. My father, whose Border hospitality would have recoiled from the very thought of refusing shelter on such a night even to an enemy's dog, cut short the butler's farther arguments in favor of giving the wanderer admission, by directing that the stranger should be conducted to the dining-room, whither I was desired to proceed, and offer such accommodation as his appearance might entitle him to.

"If Mistress Miriam may be believed, the advent of this suspicious-looking gentleman is of some consequence to you, my young swankey," said the little fellow, addressing Brian.

"To those who are friendless," returned the youth, with a heavy sigh," it matters little who comes and who goes: and the stranger's arrival is to me a matter of perfect indifference." "'tis

"Go, Francis," said my father; supper hour. Hurry that old fool, Archy. If he gets hold of the spae-wife below stairs, he's so cursedly fond of the supernatural, that the grouse may be brandered black before he will put them on the table."


"A prudent hint," said the dwarf, as he pointed one of his fleshless fingers towards the door, and signalled my departure. know not how it is, but I fancy the Border air operates on me as an appetizer, and I shall consequently visit it more frequently than I have done. I am sorry I cannot remain and be present at the ceremonial, which I understand is fixed for Wednesday."

Had thoughts found tongues, I believe the general response to this gracious intimation would have been, "Heaven forbid you


"I must, however," continued the little gentleman, "give the young lady a trifling addition to her trousseau. Frank, my dear fellow, have the goodness to tell Cupid that I want him."

"Frank my dear fellow !"-Egad, the little scoundrel was determined there should be no useless ceremony between us--calling me by my Christian name as if he had been my god-father, and making me the organ of communication between himself and the ugliest African that ever was imported.

I gave the dwarf's message, however, to Archy, whom I met in the hall, after conducting the unknown to the dining-room, and I proceeded thither myself, to make a personal inspection of the stranger. I found him standing with his back to the fire, discussing a glass of pure Glenlivet, with which the chief butler had supplied him.

When I approached him he made a loutish bow, and apologised in curt and commonplace language for his intrusion. From some phrases he used in allusion to the weather; I set him down at once to be a seafaring man; and the indifference with which he turned down a large-sized claret glass of whiskey, showed that he was accustomed to drink ardent spirits, and confirmed me in the opinion I had from the first moment formed of his profession.

His appearance was very remarkable. In height he was beneath middle stature-in squareness of person far beyond it. Clumsy strength was indicated in every limb, and features and form were coarsely framed alike

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