posed. But surely, just then, a sense of his own inestimable indebtedness to his dead comrade of forty years, for friendship, for inspiration, and for intellectual stimulus, should have been uppermost in his mind. In his will Coleridge well described the Gillmans as his 'dear friends, his more than friends, the guardians of his health, happiness, and interests' during the latter sixteen years of his life, and no one who loves Coleridge, and all that he was and is to the world, can but share in his feelings of gratitude. The will, which is full of such acknowledgments, is, in other respects, thus summarised by the poet's daughter : 1 What little he had to bequeath (a policy of assurance worth about £2560) is my mother's for life, of course, and will come to her children equally after her time. Mr. Green has the sole power over my father's literary remains, and the philosophical part he will himself prepare for publication; some theological treatises he has placed in the hands of Mr. Julius Hare of Cambridge and his curate, Mr. J. Sterling (both men of great ability). Henry will arrange literary and critical pieces, notes on the margins of books' (etc.) How worthily Coleridge's nephew fulfilled his duty, so long as fading health permitted, and with what ability and filial piety the task which fell from his hands was taken up and carried on, first by the poet's daughter, and next by her brother Derwent, is well known to a grateful world. The tasks passed on by Green were possible tasks. That which was impossible he chivalrously kept for himself-the completion of the magnum opus. About a year after Coleridge's death, an accession of fortune enabled Green to renounce the private practice of his profession, and in his country retirement he devoted the remaining twenty-eight years of his life to an attempt to realise his master's dream. It was in vain. There was no magnum opus 'the existence of any such work was mere matter of moonshine,' says Green's biographer and editor. 'Coleridge had not left any available written materials. ... except fragments-for the most part, inadaptable fragments-.. no system of philosophy, nor even the raw materials of one.' 3 Green probably accomplished more in the setting forth of Coleridge's philosophical views, in his Hunterian Orations of 1840 and 1847, than in the Spiritual Philosophy. But of these high matters I have no right to speak, and even were it otherwise, this would not be the place. Neither have I felt called on to discuss Coleridge's position as a poet. That has been settled, and is unlikely to be disturbed. But I had long felt that two things were awanting-first, a complete collection of his poems printed according to his own latest revised text, and arranged in some settled order; and, second, a fairly complete and accurate narrative of the events of his life. These desiderata I have attempted to supply in this volume, which is the imperfect result of many years' labour of love. 1 Mem. of S. Coleridge, i. iii. Most of the will (dated Sep. 17, 1829) is given in the Gent. Mag. for Dec. 1834. It is printed in full, with the codicil of July 2, 1830, in Coleridge's Poems. London: J. T. Cox, 1836, pp. liii.-lx. 2 What became of the 'theological treatises' -what they were, or whether they ever reached the hands of Hare and Sterling, I know not. One may have been Confessions of an Enquir ing Spirit, edited by H. N. Coleridge; and another, the Theory of Life-the joint composition of Coleridge and Gillman-published in 1848. 3 Spiritual Philosophy, founded on the teaching of the late S. T. Coleridge, by the late J. H. Green, F.R.S., D.C.L., edited with a Memoir of the Author's Life, by John Simon, F.R.S., 2 vols. 1865, p. xxxviii. XV. COLERIDGE AND HIS CHILDREN I would fain leave the narrative to work its own impression on the mind of the reader. If its somewhat fuller and more orderly presentment of what I honestly believe to be the truth, be not found to tend, on the whole, to raise Coleridge in the eyes of men, I shall, I confess, feel both surprised and disappointed. It is neither by glossing over his failings, nor by fixing an exclusive eye on them, that a true estimate of any man is to be arrived at. A better way is to collect as many facts as we can, set them in the light of the circumstances in which they were born, sort them fairly into the opposing scales, and weigh them in an atmosphere as free as possible from cant and prejudice. To my own mind it seems that Coleridge's failings are too obvious to require either all the insistence or all the moralising which have been lavished on them; and that his fall is less wonderful than his recovery. His will was congenitally weak, and his habits weakened it still farther; but his conscience, which was never allowed to sleep, tortured him; and, after many days, its workings stimulated the paralysed will, and he was saved. A brief dawn of unsurpassed promise and achievement; a trouble' as of 'clouds and weeping rain'; then, a long summer evening's work done by 'the setting sun's pathetic light'-such was Coleridge's day, the after-glow of which is still in the sky. I am sure that the temple, with all the rubble which combined with its marble, must have been a grander whole than any we are able to reconstruct for ourselves from the stones which lie about the field. The living Coleridge was ever his own apologymen and women who neither shared nor ignored his shortcomings, not only loved him, but honoured and followed him. This power of attraction, which might almost be called universal, so diverse were the minds and natures attracted, is itself con We may read and re-read his life, but we clusive proof of very rare qualities. cannot know him as the Lambs, or the or the Gillmans, or Green knew him. friendship has eyes, and their testimony impressions. Coleridge left three children. Hartley, his eldest born, was also a poet and a man of letters. Not a few of his sonnets have taken a place in permanent literature, and as a critic and essayist he is remarkable for lucidity of style, and balance of thought and judgment. He was a gentle, simple, humble-minded man, but his life was marred and broken by intemperance. He lies, in death as in life, close to the heart of Wordsworth, and his name still lingers in affectionate remembrance by those 'lakes and sandy shores' beside which he was, as his father had prophesied, to 'wander like a breeze.' The career of Derwent, both as to the conduct of life and its rewards, was in marked contrast to his brother's. His bent was to be a student, but he was forced into action, partly by circumstance, partly by an honourable ambition. During a long and useful life, more than twenty years of which were spent as Principal of St. Mark's College, Chelsea, he did signal service to the cause of national education. He cannot be said to have left his mark on literature, but his chief work, The Scriptural Character of the English Church, won the admiration of F. D. Maurice for 'its calm scholar-like tone and careful English style.' He was appointed a Prebendary of St. Paul's in 1846, and Rector of Hanwell in 1863. The leisure of his later years was devoted to linguistic and philological studies, in which his attainments were remarkable. At rare intervals, to the inner circle of his friends, he would talk by the hour, and though in these 'conversational monologues' he resembled rather than approached his father, he delivered himself with a luminous wisdom all his own. He edited the works of his father, his brother, and of his two friends, Winthrop Mackworth Praed and John Moultrie. Of his sister Sara, it has been said that her father looked down into her eyes, and left in them the light of his own.' Her beauty and grace were as remarkable as her talents, her learning, and her accomplishments; but her chief characteristic was 'the radiant spirituality of her intellectual and imaginative being.' This, with other rare qualities of mind and spirit, is indicated in Wordsworth's affectionate appreciation in The Triad, and conspicuous in her fairy-tale Phantasmion, and in the letters which compose the bulk of her Memoirs. GENEVIEVE vieve! MAID of my Love, sweet Genevieve! POEMS Save when the lightnings darting winged Quick bursting from the pitchy clouds between In forked Terror, and destructive state 1 Shall shew with double gloom the horrid Shalt thou be at this hour from danger free ? Perhaps with fearful force some falling Wave Shall wash thee in the wild tempestuous Sea, sooth No tender parent there thy cares shall No much-lov'd Friend shall share thy every woe. Why does thy mind with hopes delusive burn ? Vain are thy Schemes by heated Fancy plann'd : Thy promised joy thou'lt see to Sorrow turn Exil'd from Bliss, and from thy native land. C 1 I well remember old Jemmy Bowyer, the 'plagosus Orbilius' of Christ's Hospital, but an admirable educer no less than Educator of the Intellect, bade me leave out as many epithets as would turn the whole into eight-syllable lines, and then ask myself if the exercise would not be greatly improved. How often have I thought of the proposal since then, and how many thousand bloated and puffing lines have I read, that, by this process, would have tripped over the tongue excellently. Likewise, I remember that he told me on the same occasion-'Coleridge! the connections of a Declamation are not the transitions of Poetry-bad, however, as they are they are better than "Apostrophes" and "O thou's," for at the worst they are something like common The others are the grimaces of Lunacy.' --S. T. COLERIDGE. sense. Here, meek-eyed Peace with humble 61 And gild with brightest rays the evening of thy Life. 1787. MS. NIL PEJUS EST CÆLIBE VITA [IN CHRIST'S HOSPITAL BOOK] I WHAT pleasures shall he ever find? What joys shall ever glad his heart? |