
bibliques sculptés au pourtour extérieur. 28 pp.,
and 1 plate. 8vo. Paris, 1853.
Revue archéologique."

Extract from the 66

2 vols. B.M.

AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Histoire
de l'Abbaye de Saint-Denis en France.
8vo. Paris, 1860–61.
AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Iconogra-
phie du Dragon. 75 pp., and illustrations. 8vo.
Arras, 1864.

at the Society of Antiquaries, March 1778. Fol. London, 1780. B.M. AYMARD.-Album photographique d' Archéologie religieuse, publié par Hippolyte Malègue, avec texte par M. Aymard, archiviste. 32 photographs, and numerous illustrations in the text. Fol. Paris, 1857. B.M. AYRSHIRE.-Views in Ayrshire (with descriptive letterpress). 8vo. London (1860). B.M. AYTON (RICHARD). A Voyage round Great Britain, undertaken in the summer of the year 1813. With a series of views illustrative of the character and prominent features of the coast, drawn and engraved by W. Daniell. 8 vols. Fol. AZARI (GIUSEPPE ANTONIO).-Marmo Tau

London, 1814-25.


Ayton's name appears in the first and second volumes only.

Des Quatre animaux apocalyptiques et de leurs
representations sur les églises au moyen-âge. 4to.
Paris, 1846.

Extract from the "Annales archéologiques."
AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Symbo-
lique des pierres précieuses, ou Tropologie des
Gemmes. 4to. Paris, 1846.

Extract from the "Annales archéologiques.” AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Mémoire sur trente-deux statues emblématiques observées sur les tourelles du transept de la Basilique de SaintDenis. 8vo. Paris, 1847.

AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Les Statues du porche nord de la Cathédrale de Chartres, ou explication de la présence de la statue de la Beauté, de la Volupté, de l'Honneur, sur les basiliques chrétiennes. 8vo. Paris, 1849.

AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Choeur de Notre-Dame de Paris: Ystoires et Emblèmes

Extract from the "Revue de l'Art chrétien."

AYZAC (F. M. E. D', Madame).-Du Sym-
bolisme dans l'Architecture. In the "Revue géné-
rale d'Architecture," vol. VII.
B. Arch.

robolico Locarnese; ossia dissertazione su d'una tavola marmorea esistente in Locarno, ove è scolpita a basso rilievo una testa di toro con festoni senza alcuna iscrizione. 1 plate. 8vo. Milano, 1795. Cicogn. AZEGLIO (ROBERTO D').-La Reale Galleria di Torino, illustrata da R. d' A. 4 vols. 164 plates. Fol. Torino, 1836-46. S.K.

AZEGLIO (R. D').-Delle Accademie di
Belle Arti. 8vo. Torino, 1859. A. B. A., Milan.
AZEGLIO (R. D').-Studi storici e archeo-
logici sulle Arti del Disegno. 2 vols. With portrait
of d' A. 8vo. Firenze, 1861.
AZEGLIO (R. D').-Notizie estetiche e
biografiche sopra alcune precipue opere oltramon-
tane del Museo Torinese. 8vo. Firenze, 1862.

AZEGLIO (R. D').—Ritratti di uomini il-
lustri dipinti da illustri artefici, estratti dall' antica
raccolta dei Reali di Savoia per R. d' A. Con un
biografia dell' autore per Giorgio Briano.
Firenze, 1863.


AZZURRI (G.).—Progetto di altare maggiore per la chiesa del Gesù in Roma. Fol. Roma, B. Arch.



B. (-, Comte).-Antiquités Romaines. 4to. | BABUTY DESGODETZ (A.).-Les EdiLa Haye, 1750.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

B. (T.).—A journey to Jerusalem; or, the travels of fourteen Englishmen to Jerusalem, in 1669 (p. 79, of Two journeys to Jerusalem, by R. Burton, or rather Nath. Crouch). T.C.D. BAADER.-See CATALOGUES, Sale. BAADER (JOSEPH).-Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte Nürnbergs. 2 parts. 8vo. Nördlingen, 1860-62.

BABBAGE (CHARLES, F.R.S.). – Observations on the Temple of Serapis, at Pozzuoli, near Naples. (Privately printed.) 8vo. London, 1847. Lond. Inst.

BABBAGE (CHARLES, A.M.). - The Exposition of 1851. Article from the "North British Review," August 1851.

2nd edition, with additions. 8vo. London, 1851. S.K.

BABBAGE (C.).—On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 8vo. London, 1832. S.K.

BABINGTON (BENJAMIN GUY).-The sculptures and inscriptions at Mahámalaipur. With plates. (From the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society.) 4to. London, 1828. B.M. BABINGTON (Rev. CHURCHILL).-An Introductory Lecture on Archæology, delivered before the University of Cambridge. By C. B. 8vo. Cambridge, 1865. S.K. BABUTY DESGODETZ (ANTOINE).-Les édifices antiques de Rome, dessinés et mesurés très exactement. Fol. Paris, 1682. B.M. With new title. Paris, 1695, and Paris, 1779.

fices antiques de Rome publiés par G.

Marshall. French and English text. 2 vols. 137 B.M. plates. Fol. Londres, 1771-95.

Les Édifices antiques de Rome......4 parts. Fol. Rome, 1822. Additions in 2 parts. See VALADIER (J.). Aggiunte e correzioni all' opera sugli edifizi antichi di Roma dell' architetto A. D. Additions, etc. Italian and French. Fol. 1843. B.M.

Italian translation. (See CANINA.) Sugli antichi edificii di Roma, con Supplementi......&c., di Cav. Canina. Fol. Roma, 1846.

BABUTY DESGODETZ (A.) and LE CAMUS DE MÉZIÈRES (NICHOLAS).—Dissertation de la Compagnie des Architectes (experts des Bâtimens) à Paris (en réponse au Mémoire de M. Paris du Verney) sur la Théorie et la Pratique des gros Bois de Charpente, dans leur exploitation et dans leur emploi. Rédigée par MM. B. D. et Le C. de M. 8vo. Paris, 1763. BACCI (ANDREA).-Le dodici pietre preziose, che adornarono i vestimenti del Sommo Sacerdote. With:-Il Diamante, le Margherite etc. con un discorso dell' Alicorno, e della gran bestia detta Alce. 4to. Roma, 1587. Cicogn.


[blocks in formation]

BACH (C. D. F.).-Etudes de Dessin. Oblong fol. Breslau, 180-.

studies from nature in Hindostan. 2 vols. With plates. 8vo. London, 1837. B.M.

BACH (C. D. F.).—Kunst zu zeichnen für BACTRIA.-Supplément à la suite des mé12 plates. Oblong fol.

Lehrer und Lernende. Breslau, 180-.

Also under the title: Nouvelles études de Dessin.

BACH (C. D. F.).-Collection de Têtes, dessinées à Rome, pour se perfectionner dans l'art de dessin. 4to. Breslau, 1815. BACH (C.) and BENKOWITZ. - Der Torso; eine Zeitschrift, der alten und neuen Kunst gewidmet. 4to. Breslau, 1796-97.

Akad. der Künste, Berlin. BACHAUMONT (FRANÇOIS LE COIGNEUX DE).-Lettres sur les peintures, sculptures, et gravûres des MM. de l'Académie Royale exposées au salon du Louvre depuis le 1767 jusqu'à 1779. 12mo. Londres, 1780. Cicogn. BACHAUMONT (L. PETIT DE).-Essai sur la Peinture, la Sculpture et l'Architecture. (By L. Petit de Bachaumont.) 8vo. (Paris,) 1751. B.M. 2nd edition, containing Mémoires sur le Louvre. P. 91. (Anonymous in 1st edition.) BACHHOFFNER (GEORGE H.). — Chemistry as applied to the fine arts. 8vo. London, 1837.

S.K. BACHMANN (C. G.). Ansichten ge

schmackvoller Stadt- und Landhäuser, zur Auswahl für Baulustige, &c. 2 parts. 20 plates, with text in German and French. Small fol. Leipzig, 1820. BACHMANN (C. G.).—Die fünf Säulenordnungen nach Vignola und fünf andern architektonischen Unterstützungen. 4to. Leipzig, 1822. BACKER (A. DE).-See RUELENS et DE BACKER, Annales Plantinniennes, &c. BACLER DALBE (AUBERT LOUIS).—Souvenirs pittoresques dans Paris et ses environs. 40 lithogr. plates (in 8 nos.). Fol. Paris, n.d. BACLER DALBE (A. L.).—Souvenirs pittoresques, ou vues lithographiées de la Suisse, du Valais, &c. 102 plates. Fol. Paris, 1818.

[ocr errors]

dailles des rois de la Bactriane. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1823. Bodl. BACULARD D'ARNAUD (FRANÇOIS THOMAS, MARIE DE).-Les avantages des beauxarts. Épître à M. N**** par M. d'A. (In verse.) 4to. Berlin, 1750. B.M. BADALOCCHI (SISTO).-Paintings in the Verospi Palace. See ALBANI (Francesco). BADE et ses environs, dessiné ......1826. See SCHREIBER.




BADEMIER (ALEX. L.).-Études sur la réunion du palais des Tuileries au palais du Louvre. (Présentées aux expositions des années BADER (JOSEF).-Meister Erwin von Stein1844, 45 et 46.) Fol. Paris, 1846. bach und seine Heimath, dargestellt durch J. B. 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1844. B.M. BADESLADE (T., Surveyor).-Thirty-six different Views of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats in the County of Kent. Fol. London, n. d. S.K. BADHAM (CHARLES, M.A., Vicar of Sudbury). The history and antiquities of All Saints' Church, Sudbury, and of the parish generally. 8vo. London, 1852.


BADIUS (ASCENSIUS JODOCUS).-Naviculæ stultar. virginum. (Par.). With woodcuts. 4to. Paris, 1500. B.M.

And 4to. Arg. Pruss., 1502. La nef des folles (selon les cinq sens de nature, composés, selon l'évangile de monseigneur saint Matthieu, des cinq. vierges qui ne prirent pas d'huile avec eux pour mettre en leurs lampes); trad. du lat. de Joce Bade (par J. Droyn). With woodcuts. 4to. Paris, n.d.

Another edition (J. Treperel). 4to. Paris, 1501. Last edition, enlarged (J. d'Ogerolle). With woodcuts. 4to. Lyon, 1583.

BACLER DALBE (A. L.).-Souvenirs pit- BADIUS (CONRADUS).-L'Alcoran des Cor


toresques, contenant la campagne d'Espagne. lithogr. plates. Fol. Paris, 1824. BACMEISTER (JOHANN VOLLRATH).-His

torische Nachricht von der metallnen Bildsäule Peters des Grossen. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1783. BACON (JOHN), F.S.A.-A letter to Sir Robert Peel, on the appointment of a commission for promoting the cultivation of the fine arts. 8vo. London, 1843. B.M.

BACON (JOHN), R.A.-See CECIL (Richard), Memoirs......1801.

BACON (THOMAS).-Illustrations and Descriptions. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, The Oriental Annual.

BACON (THOMAS).-First impressions and

deliers. Nouv. édition ornée de figures dessinées par B. Picart. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1734. Bodl. BAECKER (LOUIS DE).-Eglises (du moyen age) dans les villages Flamands du Nord de la France. 8vo. Bruges, 1848.


[blocks in formation]





THE ARUNDEL SOCIETY (so named from Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel in the reigns of James and Charles the First, "the Father of Vertù in England") was established, in 1848, for the purpose, as its second title expresses, of "Promoting the Knowledge of Art." The plan of its founders (amongst whom were the Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord Lindsay, Lord Herbert of Lea, Mr. A. H. Layard, Mr. Samuel Rogers, and Mr. John Ruskin) was the preservation of the record, and the diffusion of the knowledge of the most important monuments of Painting and Sculpture remaining from past times, especially of such as were, either from their locality difficult of general access, or from any peculiar causes threatened by violence or decay. The primary subject selected for illustration was Italian Fresco-Painting; a minor attention was thought due to the more familiar productions of Painting in Oil; whilst Sculpture, both classical and medieval, whether in monumental marble or more portable ivory, was to be treated under a separate system of publication. By adopting, according to circumstances, different processes invented or perfected by the scientific and mechanical genius of the age, more adequate expressions both of form and colour might now, it was believed, be obtained than was possible with the limited means in use at any former period. The association of a large number of Subscribers would enable the Society to produce cheaply, and thence to circulate widely, what previously had been the costly luxury of a few; whilst the independent position of its governing body would induce less regard to the popularity, and more to the artistic value of its productions than could fairly be expected from ordinary publishers. It was at the same time hoped that greater familiarity with the purer and severer styles of earlier Art would tend to withdraw the public taste from works that were meretricious or puerile, and thus indirectly elevate the tone of our National Schools of Painting and Sculpture.

In pursuance of this design the Society has issued to its Members, principally in return for the yearly subscription of One Guinea, Engravings, Chromolithographs, and Literary Illustrations of some of the principal works of the following masters :-Giotto, Masolino, Masaccio, Filippino Lippi, Fra Angelico, Benozzo Gozzoli, Andrea Mantegna, Dom. Ghirlandaio, Giovanni Sanzio, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, L. da Vinci, B. Luini, Andrea del Sarto, Raffaelle, Memling, Van Eyck, &c., &c., and in addition has published some reductions from the Elgin Marbles, and a series of about 170 facsimiles in "fictile ivory" of ancient Ivory Carvings.

The organization of the Society, and the terms of membership are sufficiently explained in the following summary of its rules :


The Society is governed by a Council of from twelve to sixteen persons, who, with the several Honorary Officers, are elected from among the Members at a General Meeting in the Spring, when the Annual Report and Balance-sheet are presented by the Council, and their policy and proceedings discussed.


Members are divided into the undermentioned Classes:

I. ASSOCIATES.-Unlimited in Number.-Who give on admission, as an Entrance Donation, not less than One Guinea to the Copying Fund, become Members of the Society for Life, pay no Subscriptions, but can purchase Occasional and Supernumerary Publications at Members' prices.

II. SECOND SUBSCRIBERS (ANNUal or Life).—Unlimited (for the present) in Number.-Any new Member, after paying the Entrance Donation, may select this Class in preference to that of Associates, and will then be liable for the payment of One Guinea per annum, or a composition of Fifteen Guineas for Life, in return for which a set of publications is given in the Autumn of every year.

III. FIRST SUBSCRIBERS (ANNUAL OR LIFE.)-Limited to Fifteen Hundred.-Second Subscribers and Associates are admitted pari passu to fill any vacancies in this Class, to which they are found entitled by []

priority at the annual revision of the lists, subject (in the case of Second Subscribers) to the same payment as in their former Class, but they can at their choice continue or relinquish the Second Subscription. A set of publications is given to the First Subscribers in the Spring of every year.

IV. HONORARY MEMBERS.-Limited to Fifteen.—Election by a General Meeting alone admits to this Class.


Members of all Classes are eligible on the Council, and entitled to speak and vote at General Meetings, and to purchase all publications on sale at lower prices than the public.


I. ANNUAL.-Divided into Two Series.-1. First Annual Publications, issued in the Spring to all First (Annual and Life) Subscribers, and Honorary Members. 2. Second Annual Publications, issued in the Autumn to all Second (Annual and Life) Subscribers.

II. OCCASIONAL.-Published and sold separately, at lower prices to Members, and at higher to the Public.

III. SUPERNUMERARY.-Or extra copies of the First and Second Publications sold like the Occasional.


Supported by the Entrance Donations of new Members and by Voluntary Contributions, is applied to form a Collection of Drawings from important but little known and perishable works of art.


The Society's apartments, with the collection of drawings and publications, are open gratuitously to the Public daily, from 10 till 5. Saturdays, 10 till 4.


Lists of Publications on sale, Reports, Rules, Lists of Members, &c., with any other information, may be obtained, personally or by letter, from the Secretary, at the office in London, or in the country or abroad from the Local Agents.



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