Contents: Introduction. -The Art of debate; Briefs for debatePolitics, Suffrage, Parties, Political methods, Institutions, National policy (foreign), National policy (domestic); Parliamentary procedure; Economics-Currency, Tariff, Taxation; Sociology-Government intervention, Labor, Liquor, Education; Miscellaneous; Additional topics for debate; Index. "In preparing this volume the editors have had a threefold object in view. They have aimed (1) to furnish a text-book for formal courses in public speaking and discussion; (2) to provide a manual for literary and debating societies; and (3) to give the ordinary worker, not a specialist in the subjects treated, suggestion and assistance. The value of the book for these three classes must lie chiefly in the fact that it states concisely the principal arguments, pro and con, on a large number of the important topics of the day; that it presents working bibliographies on these topics; and that it gives examples of logical statement, and may suggest a systematic method for the treatment of other topics. "The basis of the work has been a collection of some two hundred briefs prepared during the past ten years by students in Harvard University, under the direction of instructors. Of these briefs the most useful and interesting have been selected; the material has been carefully worked over, and the bibliographies enlarged and verified. A number of new topics, as well as a list of questions suitable for debate, have been added, and the whole has been made uniform in treatment." -Preface. Brown, Charles Walter. The complete debater's manual, containing upwards of three hundred questions for debate, extemporaneous speech, original discourse and general conversation, designed for practical exercises in declamation, conversation, and as a guide and assistant in the organization and conduct of clubs and debating societies, with special reference to lodges, G. A. R. posts, town and ward meetings, political and all miscellaneous assemblages, by Charles Walter Brown. Chicago. Frederick J. Drake & Co., 1902. 158p. Bullock, E. D. Child labor. E. D. Bullock. xx, 196p. book series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. $1.00 a volume. Paper, $.25. (Debaters' hand - Compulsory insurance. E. D. Bullock. xxxv, 266p. book series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00. -Employment of women. E. D. Bullock. xviii, 147p. (Debaters' hand book series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00. -Trade unions. E. D. Bullock. xxvii, 262p. (Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00. California University. Constitution of the Interscholastic Debating League of California. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1914. University of California, Bulletin of the University Extension Division.. Series 4. Bulletin No. 2. Bureau of Public Discussion. 12p. -Debating and debating societies. Berkeley, University of California Press, November, 1914. University of California, Bulletin of the University Extension Division. Series 4. Bureau of Public Discussion. Bulletin No. 3. 30p. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Debate index. Pittsburgh. Carnegie Library, 1911. 75р. "This index was begun as a card index to the debaters' manuals in the Reference Department of this Library. The increasing number of such manuals and the frequent requests for material on debates made It seem desirable to combine in one list the indexes to all the manuals, thus bringing references to all the material on one subject together and saving the time required to consult the index of each book. The card index has been so useful here that it has been printed, in the hope that, incomplete as it is, it may also be useful elsewhere. It will be seen that it does not index single debates published separately, but is merely a combined index to the books listed at the beginning. Under each subject are given the proposition for debate, page references to the manuals, and a note indicating the material to be found there, whether briefs, references, specimen debates or synopses of debates."-Preface. Book Indexed: Alden, Raymond Macdonald, "Art of Debate," 1900; Askew, John Bertram, "Pros and Cons," Ed. by A. M. Hyamson, 1906; Brookings, Walter Du Bois and Ringwalt, R. C., Ed., "Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics," 1906; Carnegie Library -Debate index. 2d edition. Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library, 1912. 84p. Additional Books Indexed: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, "Debates," 3v. (Typewritten book of references). Debaters' handbook series. 16v. Robbins, Edwin Clyde, comp., "High school debate book," 1911. -Debate index. Supplement to the second edition, 1912-1913. Reprinted from the monthly bulletin, November, 1913. Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library, 1913. 23p. Additional Books Indexed: Carpenter, Oliver Clinton, "Debate outlines on public questions," 1912; Debaters' handbook series, v17-22; Independent, May 29, August 7, 28, October 16, November 6, 1913; Intercollegiate debates, v2, 1912; Johnson, Julia E., comp., "Selected articles on the recall," 1911; National Economic League, Boston, "Initiative and referendum," 1912; Oregon High School Debating League, "Announcements for the year 1910-'11, 1912-'13; Shurter, Edwin DuBois, and Taylor, C. C., "Both sides of 100 public questions briefly debated," 1913; Wisconsin University (Department of Debating and Public Discussion), "Bulletin, December 1911-November, 1912," 1911-'12. Craig, A. H. Pros and Cons. Complete debates. Important questions fully discussed in the affirmative and the negative, with by-laws and parliamentary rules for conducting debating societies, and with a list of interesting topics for debate, by A. H. Craig. New York. Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, c. 1897. 564p. $1.50. Contents: How to organize a society; Rules governing debates; Introductory observations; Political economy; [21] Questions fully discussed in the affirmative and the negative; [6] Questions outlined; [250] Subjects for debate; [8] Addresses for salutatory, valedictory, and other occasions. Appendix: The Philippine Islands; The initiative and referendum; Good roads; Our standing army; Trusts; Capital vs. Labor. "In presenting this volume to the public, the author desires to state that he has assumed no authority of his own beyond the mere presentation of the arguments comprising the discussions. Let the volume be considered a series of suggestions from which extended discussions may arise. The outline debates present programmes, as it were, but not their elaboration. The essays and orations are to supply the foundation thoughts as aids in the preparation of subjects for school and public use. The questions analyzed are the questions of the day, and not the old, time-worn topics of the past. "One desires something new, something practical, and something up-to-date. This new debater will fit into the last three years of this century. It treats of the questions of the present and of the future, not the dead issues of the past. It discusses Science of finance; Transportation; Government control; Foreign policies; Tariff; Postage; License; Social life; Immigration; Revenue; Suffrage; Patriotism; Commerce; Phases of political economy." -Preface. Debaters' Handbook Series: "The volumes in this series contain reprints of the best reference material available in books, magazines and pamphlets on the various questions. All articles are carefully selected, so as to furnish the main arguments on both sides of the question and the necessary historical data without undue repetition. Much of the material is from original sources, and is not available to the average reader or library." "Each volume contains a complete bibliography, and, many of them, a brief also, and is arranged with a view to the special need of librarians, high school debating leagues, and others who want reliable information in condensed form." The volumes in this series, which are in the State Library, are Drury, Newton B. Debating material. Prepared by Newton B. Drury, In- Fanning, C. E. Capital punishment. C. E. Fanning. 2d edition, revised. -Conservation of natural resources. C. E. Fanning. xv, 153p. (De baters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00. -Direct primaries. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. C. E. Fanning. - Election of United States senators. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. Foster, William Trufant. Argumentation and debating. By William Tru- Contents: Phrasing the proposition; Analyzing the proposition; Proving the proposition-Evidence; Proving the proposition-Inductive and deductive argument; Proving the proposition-The argument from example; Proving the proposition-Argument from causal relation; Refuting opposing arguments-Fallacies; Refuting opposing argumentsSpecial methods; Constructing the brief; Developing the argument from the brief-Relation of the brief to the complete argument; Developing the argument from the brief-The principles and qualities of style; Arousing the emotions-Persuasion; Debating; Appendix. "The aim of this book is to present the essentials of argumentation and debating as simply as possible, following the order in which the difficulties arise in actual practice. The point of view is that of the student rather than that of the instructor. The amount of practical material, therefore, in proportion to the amount of theoretical material, is larger than is usual in manuals on this subject. The chapter on briefdrawing, for example, starts with a familiar proposition and takes the student step by step through the development of a complete working brief. The chapter on fallacies deals not only with the common sources of fallacies, but as well with the most effective methods of exposing fallacies; the chapter on evidence deals not only with the tests of evidence, but as well with the sources and the methods of using evidence. In short, the book aims throughout to show the student how to go to work. It deals with no imaginary difficulties; the necessity for every topic has been proved in many class-rooms for many years. "Special care has been taken to present an abundance of striking Illustrations, free from extraneous and exceptional elements, and always within the range of the student's information and experience, in order that he may direct his attention to the principles involved. In order that the first specimens of argument may not be discouragingly far above the beginner's possibilities, examples are presented from the recent work of students at Harvard College, Bowdoin College, and other institutions."Preface. Gislason, Haldor B. Effective debating, by Haldor B. Gislason, Instructor in Rhetoric and Public Speaking, University of Minnesota. Bulletin of the University of Minnesota. General series No. 14. April, 1914. Published by the General Extension Division, the Department of Rhetoric and Public Speaking, and the High School Debating League. 55p. The Idaho High School Debate League. Announcements for the year 1911'12. Prepared by the Department of Public Speaking, University of A Idaho. The University of Idaho Bulletin. Vol. 6, June 1, 1911, No. 3. 16p. Question: "Resolved, That immigration into the United States should be restricted by a reading and writing test." -Announcements for the year 1912-'13. University of Idaho Bulletin. Vol. 7, October, 1912, No. 11. 18p. Question: "Resolved, That aside from any question of the constitutionality of the proposed plan, cities in Idaho should adopt a commission form of government." -Announcements for the year 1913-'14. University of Idaho Bulletin. Vol. 8, July, 1913, No. 9. 22p. Question: "Resolved, That our Federal Government should require American coastwise trade to pay the Panama Canal tolls." Indiana High School Discussion Contest. First annual contest Indiana High School Discussion Contest. Held at Indiana University under auspices of University Extension Division, June 3, 1914. 48p. Question: New constitution for Indiana. Indiana University. Debating and public discussion. Manual for Civie Discussion Clubs. Indiana University Bulletin. Extension Division. Vol. XI, No. 6, June 15, 1913. 24p. -A new constitution for Indiana. An outline and some student speeches. Indiana University Bulletin. Extension Division. Vol. XI, No. 10, January, 1914. 63p. Intercollegiate debates on the income tax. Harvard vs. Yale at Woolsey Hall, New Haven; Harvard vs. Princeton at Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, March 22, 1910. Cambridge, The Harvard Debating Council, 1910. 64p. $.50. 1 Question: "Resolved, That the Federal Government should have the power to impose an income tax not apportioned among the States according to population." The Iowa High School Debating League. Seventh annual announcement of the Iowa High School Debating League. Proposition for 1912-'13: Resolved, That the United States should adopt a policy of shipping subsidies. Prepared by the executive committee. Iowa City. The State University of Iowa, 1912. 23p. - Eighth annual announcement of the Iowa High School Debating League. Proposition for the year 1913-1914: Resolved, That all corporations engaged in interstate commerce should be required to take out Federal charters, it being conceded that such a requirement would be constitutional, and that Federal license shall not be available as an alternative plan. Prepared by the chairman of the executive committee. Iowa City. The State University of Iowa, October, 1913. 31p. -The State University of Iowa, Iowa City. University Extension Bulletin No. 7. O. E. Klingaman, editor. Bureau of Debating and Public Speaking. Ninth annual announcement of the Iowa High School Debating League. Iowa City. The University, October, 1914. 23p. Proposition: "Resolved, That immigration into the United States should be further restricted by a literacy test." Jones, Leo. A manual for debaters. The value, organization and principles of debating, with a list of questions and a bibliography. By Leo Jones, Chief of the Bureau of Debate and Discussion. Bulletin of the University of Washington. Extension series No. 8. General series No. 75. Seattle, The University, August, 1913. 81p. Kleiser, Grenville. How to argue and win, by Grenville Kleiser, formerly Instructor in Public Speaking at Yale Divinity School, Yale University. New York. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1911. 310p. $1.25. Contents: Introductory; Truth and facts; Clearness and conciseness; The use of words; The syllogism; Faults; Personality; The lawyer; The business man; The preacher; The salesman; The public speaker; Briefdrawing; The discipline of debate; Tact; Cause and effect; Reading habits; Questions for solution; Specimens of argumentation; Golden rules in argumentation. Appendix: Note for law lecture, Abraham Lincoln; Of truth, Francis Bacon; Of practice and habits, John Locke; Improving the memory, Isaac Watts. "In this book will be found definite suggestions for training the mind in accurate thinking and the power of clear and effective statement. It is the outcome of many years of experience in teaching men to 'think on their feet.' The aim throughout is practical, and the ultimate object a knowledge of successful argumentation." -Preface. Knowles, J. Sheridan. The debaters' handbook, including a debate upon the character of Julius Caesar, adapted from J. Sheridan Knowles. Designed for practical exercises in declamation, and as a model for debating clubs; also for classes in public and private schools, with directions for the conduct of debate, and a list of subjects and references. Boston. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., с. 1887. 114p. $.50. Contents: Rules of debate; Directions and suggestions; Debate upon the character of Julius Caesar; Questions for debate; Letter from Horace Mann. "There being, at present, no standard work that can be procured as a model for the debater, this little volume is offered to supply, as well as it may, such a deficiency. It contains a debate upon the character of Julius Caesar, arranged principally from one written by James Sheridan Knowles, as an elocutionary exercise for the use of a class of his own pupils. The acknowledged merit of the author as an elocutionist and dramatic writer is a sufficient guaranty that it is well adapted to the purpose for which it was designed. In fact, it is doubtful whether the English language can furnish any matter more appropriate for the application of the principles of elocution, or better adapted to use as a practical exercise in declamation. The animated style of the composition renders it a highly interesting and useful form of practice for speakers; the more so, for obvious reasons, from its being in the form of a debate. "As originally prepared by Mr. Knowles, the debate consisted of thirteen parts, including that of the chairman. These being, most of them, too long for general use, are here subdivided in such a manner as to comprise, with some additions, thirty-one parts, which, it is believed, are so arranged as not to weaken the force of the arguments on either side of the question. In the subdivision of the various parts in the original, a few passages have been omitted, and some added, with the view to adapting it to the purposes of general practice; and, as all the parts in the debate are thus rendered of an appropriate length for speakers, this little volume will also be found a convenient book from which to make selections for single declamations. "It may be stated that the object of arranging this debaate in the form here presented, was primarily to furnish an elocutionary exercise, and a model of debate for an association in the vicinity of Boston. The success attending it, as shown in the interest manifested by the members, and the apparent benefit resulting to them from the occasional use of it, have prompted its publication." -Preface. Knox Interscholastic Debating League. Bibliography and announcement for 1911-'12. Prepared by the Public Speaking Department of Knox College, Galesburg, Ill., and published by the Knox Interscholastic Debating League. 12p. Question: "Resolved, That the ratification of the recently-proposed reciprocity treaty between the United States and Canada would have been for the best interest of both countries." -Bibliography and announcement for 1914-'15. 16р. Question: "Resolved, That the parcel post should be extended to include the entire express service of the United States." Louisiana State University. The Pentagonal Debating Contest. Question: "Resolved, That the Federal Government should adopt a progressive Income tax with a reasonable minimum of exemption as the best |