
of North Carolina Record.

Number 115. Extension series No. 6.

Chapel Hill, N. C. The University, January, 1914. 54p.

Queries, briefs, outlines and references: Recall of judges; Compulsory education; Initiative and referendum; Child labor; Woman suffrage; Taxation; Commission form of city government; Rural credit and agricultural co-operation; Good roads; Engineering assistance to counties; Convict labor; Race segregation.

Questions for debate: Capital punishment; Closed shop; Compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes; Conservation; Corrupt practices act; County problems; Direct primaries; Education; Employment of women; Enlargement of the navy; Fisheries; Forestry; Health; Independence for the Philippines; International disarmament; Immigration; Labor unions; Minimum wage; Monroe doctrine; Municipal ownership; Panama canal; Presidential election; Private laws; Public libraries; Railroads; Reciprocity; Ship subsidies; Telegraph; Trusts and corporations; Veto power. -The initiative and referendum. University of North Carolina record. Number 113. Extension series No. 5. Chapel Hill, N. C. The University, November, 1913. 61p.

Question: "Resolved, That the Constitution of North Carolina should be so amended as to allow the initiative and referendum in Statewide legislation."

North Dakota High School Debating League. Announcements, 1914-1915. Question: Resolved, That the Federal Government should own and operate all public telephone and telegraph lines. North Dakota University, Extension Division. Bureau of Educational Co-operation. Bulletin Vol. VI, No. 4D, September, 1914. 23p. Oklahoma University. Guaranty of bank deposits. Arguments for and against. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin. The University Extension. Department of Public Discussion and Debate. Norman, Oklahoma, December, 1913. New series No. 78. University extension series No. 16. 80p.

Question: "Resolved, That bank deposits should be guaranteed by a fund raised by a government tax on banks proportional to deposits." -The initiative and referendum. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin. University Extension. Department of Public Discussion and Debate. Norman, Oklahoma, September, 1913. New series No. 74. University extension series No. 13. 48p.

Question: "Resolved, That the initiative and referendum constitute

a valuable improvement in our legislative system."

-The preferential ballot. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin. The University Extension. Department of Public Information and Welfare. Norman, September, 1914. 54p. New series No. 85 University extension series No. 20.

Question: "Resolved, That the preferential ballot should be adopted in the several States."

-A student's manual of debating and parliamentary practice. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin. The University Extension. Public Discussion and Debate. Norman, Oklahoma, September, 1914. New series No. 73. University extension series No. 12. 65p.

Contents: Organization and procedure; Principles of effective debating: How to judge a debate. A reprint of three bulletins of the University Extension Division of the University of Wisconsin, written by Prof. Rollo F. Lyman. -Unicameral legislatures. Arguments for and against. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin. The University Extension. Department of Public Discussion and Debate. Norman, Oklahoma, December, 1913. New series No. 77. University extension series No. 15. 71p.

Question: "Resolved, That our present State legislatures should be replaced by unicameral and smaller legislatures."

-Woman's suffrage. Arguments for and against. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin. The University Extension. Department of Public Discussion and Debate. Norman, Oklahoma, March, 1914. New series No. 80. University extension series No. 17. 80p. Question: "Resolved, That women should have equal suffrage with


Parsons College. Compulsory minimum wage scale. White Plains, N. Y. H. W. Wilson Co. 54p., paper, $.50.

Constructive and rebuttal speeches by the teams of Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa, in the triangular debates with Leander Clark College, Toledo, Iowa, and Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa.

Pearson, Paul M., and Hicks, Philip M. Extemporaneous speaking, by Paul M. Pearson, Professor Public Speaking, Swarthmore College, and Philip M. Hicks, Assistant in Public Speaking, Swarthmore College. New York. Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, c. 1912. 268p. $1.25.

Contents: Preface; Efficient speaking; Preparing the speech; The introduction; The conclusion; The discussion; Personality; After-dinner speaking; Speaking in business; Speeches for study.

"Object of this book: The material contained in Part I of this book embodies the teaching experience of the editors. The topics, the principles and the hints to students of public speaking are those which they have found useful in the class-room, and the raison d'être of the book is the need they have felt for a working text for the course in extemporaneous speaking, and the hope that it might prove useful to teachers working along similar lines."—Preface.

Pearson, Paul M. Intercollegiate debates. Being briefs and reports of many intercollegiate debates. Harvard-Yale-Princeton, Brown-Dartmouth-Williams, Michigan-Northwestern-Chicago, Indiana-IllinoisOhio, and many others. Edited, with an introduction by Paul M. Pearson, Professor of Public Speaking, Swarthmore College. New York. Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, c. 1909. 529p. $1.50.

Contents: Introduction; Reports of intercollegiate debates-Bank notes secured by commercial paper; Federal charter for interstate business; Initiative and referendum; A Federal income tax; Abandonment of the protective tariff; Injunction and the Federal courts; An inheritance tax; Federal control of railroads; Restriction of foreign immigration; Asset currency; Are labor unions beneficial? Armed intervention for the collection of debts; Educational qualification for suffrage; The closed shop vs. The open shop: An increased navy; Guarantee of bank deposits; A central bank; Appointment vs. Election of judges: The presidential vs. The parliamentary system of government; Popular election of senators; Annexation of Cuba; Ship subsidies; Government ownership of coal mines; The commission system of municipal government; Postal savings banks; Appendix-Questions for debate.

"The distinctive features of this book are apparent from the table of contents. Practically all the questions discussed in intercollegiate debates during the year just closed are here reported. Most of these have not been available before in any form that would be helpful to students in preparing for debates. As these are vital current issues, and will be generally discussed by schools and colleges for the next few years, this book should prove a valuable help."-Preface.

Phelps, E. M. Federal control of interstate corporations.

E. M. Phelps. xxvi, 200p. (Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00.

-Government ownership of railroads. 2d edition, revised and enlarged.
E. M. Phelps. xxxiv, 214p. (Debaters' handbook series.) White
Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00 a volume.
-Income tax. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. E. M. Phelps, xxix,
147p. (Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W.
Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00.

-Initiative and referendum. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. E. M.
Phelps. xlvi, 209p. (Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N.
Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00 a volume.

-Parcels post. 2d edition, revised. E. M. Phelps. xxv, 158p. (De

baters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00.

-Recall, including recall of judges and judicial decisions. E. M.
Phelps. xlv, 228p. (Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N.
Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00.
-Woman suffrage. 2d edition, revised.

E. M. Phelps. xxxvii, 162p.

(Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00.

Pittenger, William. The debater's treasury. By William Pittenger. Comprising a list of over two hundred questions for debate, with arguments both affirmative and negative. Philadelphia. The Penn Publishing Company, 1911. 141p. (paper), $.25.

Contents: Art of debate; Forms of debate; A debating society; Constitution; By-laws; Two hundred questions, with notes and arguments; Index to questions.

"This treatise gives a few simple directions to help the novice into the right path, but he must rely upon the facility only to be acquired through long practice. A long list of questions is given, suitable for discussion, which will be useful in schools and in debating societies. When a question is to be selected for a coming debate it will hardly be possible to read over a list so varied as this without either finding what is wanted or a suggestion of an acceptable topic.

"The arguments appended are not all that might be offered; they may not even be the best, but they will show that something can be said on each side of the question. The notes explain the nature and scope of the question, especially where arguments are perfectly obvious. The list is intended for a wide range of debaters. Some topics will seem almost childish; others will appear too difficult for any but students specially prepared. This was inevitable. Let each take what may suit him and pass by those either too hard or too easy. No one class of students will ever need to use all of them.

"It has not been thought necessary to add references to sources of information."-Introduction.

Reed, Albert Granberry, and Adams, John Quincy. Suggestions for high school rally debaters. By Albert Granberry Reed, Professor of English Literature, and John Quincy Adams, Professor of Public Speaking. University Bulletin, Louisiana State University. Vol. V-N. S. No. 2, Pt. 2, February, 1914. 12p. Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis. Briefs on public questions, with selected lists of references. By Ralph Curtis Ringwalt, Member of the New York Bar; formerly Lecturer in Public Speaking in Columbia University; JointEditor of "Briefs for Debate," etc. New York. Longmans, Green & Co., 1913. 229p. $1.20.

Contents: Politics-Naturalization; Woman suffrage; Negro suffrage; An educational qualification for suffrage; The restriction of immigration; Chinese immigration; Direct legislation; Proportional representation; The popular election of senators; The retention of the Philippines; The Monroe doctrine. Economics-Protection and free trade; Commercial reciprocity; Reciprocity with Canada; Shipping subsidies; Trusts; An asset currency: Postal savings banks. Sociology-Government ownership of railways; A postal telegraph; Municipal transportation; A Federal divorce law; The single tax; Compulsory industrial arbitration; Government by injunction. Index.

"This is a series of argumentative briefs and lists of references on twenty-five of the most important public questions of the day.

"For greater precision in the argument, each brief has been prefaced with a concise proposition, stating the question for discussion. A few short paragraphs have then been given, explaining why the subject is important, what facts material to it are generally conceded by both sides, and what apparently are the chief points at issue. Then follows the brief proper-a discussion of these issues from the affirmative and the negative points of view. Each main division of a brief is preceded by a list of references, giving information about or evidence in support of the statements that follow.

"The only end I have had in mind in preparing the lists of references is their usefulness. I have tried to give the most important books on each topic and, especially, references to available books-those which are, or ought to be, in every large library. The lists are by no means exhaustive; the specialist will be obliged to make many additions to

them, additions particularly in the nature of reports and documents, and of references to periodicals having only a comparatively small or a class circulation. But I believe that not a few are the most complete that have thus far been brought together. Where other bibliographies have come to my attention I have noted them at the beginning of my 'General references.'"-Preface.

Robbins, E. C. The high school debate book. By E. C. Robbins, Debate Coach at the State University of Iowa. Third edition. Chicago. A. C. McClurg & Co., 1913. 229p. $1.00.

Contents-Briefs for debate: Age pensions; Capital punishment; Central bank of the United States; Commission form of municipal government; Conservation of natural resources; Federal vs. State rights; Government ownership of railways; Immigration, further restriction of; Income tax, A graduated Federal; Initiative and referendum; Municipal ownership; Philippine Islands, Permanent retention of; Primary, nominations by the; Repeal of the fifteenth amendment (negro suffrage); Saloon as a social factor; Ship subsidy; Woman suffrage; Yellow peril.

Appendices: A model constitution for a literary society; List of questions for debate, upon which the Library of Congress has issued bibliographies.

"Few secondary schools offer courses in debate, and in consideration of this fact the present volume has been prepared. It is hoped that it will be of service to those who wish to engage in public discussion and yet who are unable to secure the advantages of special training. The theoretical side of the subject and its technical divisions, except those germane to the construction of debate, have been purposely avoided, and the suggestions and examples given are largely based on the personal experiences of the author.

"The foremost object has been to present a book that will be useful to the pupil in the high school. To that end every reference in each bibliography has been evaluated, and citations to periodicals that are not available to the average library have been intentionally omitted. There is nothing more exasperating and disheartening to a debater than to have in his possession a large number of references to which he does not have access. With each question, however, bibliography sufficient for a thorough discussion has been included.

"The chapters which appear under the title of 'Introductory Information' emphasize the fact that there are definite laws governing debate, and that their mastery is within the reach of those who are willing to work. Some of the more important rules have been set forth somewhat in detail, and a study of the briefs which follow will give the essential information concerning the framework around which a debate is built. It should be understood that the debater is not to transfer bodily to his speech the arguments here presented. They merely illustrate the way in which various points may be grouped effectively."Preface.

-Central bank. E. C. Robbins. viii, 182p. (Debaters' handbook se-
ries.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00
a volume.
-Commission plan of municipal government. 3d edition, revised and
enlarged. E. C. Robbins. xxix, 180p. (Debaters' handbook series.)
White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. Price (cloth), $1.00 a volume.
-Open versus Closed shop. E. C. Robbins. 2d edition. xx, 194p.
(Debaters' handbook series.) White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co.
Price (cloth), $1.00.

-Reciprocity. E. C. Robbins. xxii, 222p.
White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co.

Rowton, Frederic. How to conduct a debate.

(Debaters' handbook series.) Price (cloth), $1.00.

A series of complete debates, outlines of debates, and questions for discussion; with references to the best sources of information on each particular topic. By Frederic Rowton. American edition, revised by W. Taylor. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald. 232p. Paper, $.50.

Contents: Introduction; Rules of debate; Complete debates-10 subjects; Outlines of debates-10 subjects; Questions for discussion-108 subjects.

St. Mary's College, Kansas. The Harbaugh Debate. Question: “Resolved,

That further restriction of immigration is undesirable." St. Mary's
College Bulletin. V. 4, No. 3, April, 1908. 20p.

-Question: "Resolved, That Federal guaranty of national bank deposits is undesirable.' St. Mary's College Bulletin. V. 5, No. 3, April, 1909. 22p.

Question: "Resolved, That a Federal income tax, in whatever manner levied, is undesirable." St. Mary's College Bulletin. V. 6, No. 3, April, 1910. 24p.

Question: "Resolved, That the initiative and referendum system of enacting legislation would be to the best interests of the several States." St. Mary's College Bulletin. V. 7, No. 3, April, 1911. 20p. Question: "Resolved, That the commission form of municipal government should supersede the present system in the government of our cities." St. Mary's College Bulletin. V. 8, No. 3, April, 1912. 23p.

Question: "Resolved, That the United States should give independence to the Filipinos." St. Mary's College Bulletin. V. 9, No. 3, April, 1913. 24p.

-Question: "Resolved, That primary elections should take the place of national conventions in selecting candidates for the presidency." St. Mary's College Bulletin. V. 10, No. 3, April, 1914. 22p. Shurter, Edwin Dubois, and Taylor, Carl Cleveland. Both sides of 100 public questions briefly debated, with affirmative and negative references. By Edwin Dubois Shurter, Professor of Public Speaking in the University of Texas, and Carl Cleveland Taylor, Instructor in Public Speaking at the University of Texas. New York. Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, c. 1913. 260p. $1.25.

Contents: Labor unions; Politics for laboring classes; The Progressive party; Chinese immigration; Marriage and divorce laws; Naturalization laws: Foreign immigration; Increased navy; Simplified spelling; Parcels post; Liquor problem; Prohibition versus High license; Employment system; Jury system; Capital punishment; Election frauds; Coeducation; Equal suffrage; Labor contract system; Civil service; Annexation of Cuba; Annexation of Canada; Annexation of Mexico; Retention of the Philippines; Monroe doctrine; Commission plan of city government: The eight-hour day; Intercollegiate foot-ball; High school fraternities; Municipal control of monopolies; Federal control of irrigation; Federal control of quarantine; Government ownership of railroads; A postoffice telegraph system; Government control of telegraph lines; Federal control of national elections; Federal control of natural resources; Federal injunction in labor disputes; Municipal housing of the poor; Federal tax upon immigrants; Popular election of senators; Popular election of president; Presidential electors; The United States pension policy; Municipal aid to the unemployed; Increase of power of Mayor; City ownership of street railways; The fifteenth amendment; Property Suffrage qualification; Educational suffrage qualification; The single tax; Guaranteed bank deposits; Proportional representation; Free sugar; Free wool: Free trade; The short ballot; Compulsory education; State control of education; Federal trust legislation; National railway arbitration board; Cabinet system of government; A shorter college course; Child labor: Christian Science; Caucus system; The direct primary; Presidential nomination system; Commercial reciprocity; International copyright law; State ownership of manufactories; Employers' accident liability; Socialism; State bank-note tax; The American Protective Association; Grant of sugar bounties; Assets currency; Free registry of foreign-built ships; Shipping subsidies; Restriction of Mormon practices; Pensioning of aged citizens; Old age insurance policy; International gold standard; Silver coinage; The closed shop; Reciprocity with Canada; House of Lords; The Aldrich currency plan; Federal income tax; Federal inheritance tax; Torrens' title registration; Railway pooling; Method of amendment; National charters for corporations; The initiative and referendum; The recall of judges; A central bank; International arbitration court; Disarmament of the nations; Fortification of Panama canal.

"This volume is intended as a handbook for school and college debaters, and for all those interested in literary or debating societies. Its main features may be briefly stated as follows:

"1. The one hundred questions for debate are all on present-day subjects, and, for the most part, have been tried out by the authors in class work.

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