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1914. 29 р. $10.

1913. 414 р. $10.

The titles marked with an asterisk can no longer be supplied.
Journals of the House of Burgesses, 1619-1658. Ed. by H. R. McIlwaine.
In press.
Journals of the House of Burgesses, 1659-60-1693. Ed. by H. R. McIlwaine.

Journals of the House of Burgesses, 1695-1702. Ed. by H. R. McIlwaine.

Journals of the House of Burgesses, 1702-1712.

Ed. by H. R. McIlwaine.

1912. 369 р. $10.

[blocks in formation]

1905. 201 p. $10.

1904. 106 р.

1905. 134 р.

First annual report of the Library Board for year ending June 30, 1904. Second annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1905. Third annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1906. *Fourth annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1907. 1907. 134 р. Appendix C. List of manuscripts exhibited by the Library at the Jamestown Exposition. Appendix D. Provisional list of works on genealogy in the State Library.

1906. 152 р.

Fifth annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1908 1908, 132, 302, 154 p. Special report: A calendar of legislative petitions, Accomac to Bedford, by H. J. Eckenrode, 302 р. $1.00. Special report: A trial bibliography of colonial Virginia. 1608-1754, by W. C Torrence. 154 р. $.50.

Sixth annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1909 1909. 96, 164, 94 p. Special report: Separation of church and state in Virginia, by H. J. Eckenrode. 164 p. $1.00. Special report: A trial bibliography of colonial Virginia, 1754-1776, by W. C. Torrence 94 р. $.50.

Seventh annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 19101911. 142, 52, 47 р. A record of Virginia copyright entries, 17901844. Introduction by J. H. Whitty, 52 p. The seal of Virginia, by E. S. Evans, 47 p.

*Eighth annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1911 containing a list of Revolutionary soldiers of Virginia, compiled by H. J. Eckenrode. 1912. Price, $2.50.

Ninth annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1912
with supplementary list of Revolutionary soldiers of Virginia, br
H. J. Eckenrode. 1913. Price, $1.50.

Tenth annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1913-
48 р.
Eleventh annual report of the Library Board for year ending October 31, 1914.

52 р.

(Continued on p. 3 of Cover.)

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Containing the Titles of Books in the Virginia State Library Which Relate to Virginia and Virginians, the Titles of Those Books Written by Virginians, and of Those Printed in Virginia

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