
-Pleasant hours; a present to my Christian friend. By Rev. John Bayley Second edition. Richmond, Va., Chas. H. Wynne, 1858.

132, 11 р. 161⁄2 cm.


Baylor, J. B. The oyster industry; a series of letters written for the Richmond Dispatch and Times during the winter of 1892-93. Richmond, Whittet & Shepperson, printers, 1893.

30 p. 22cm.

F220 23 B358.


Bayly, Thomas Henry. Speech on the bill to prevent citizens of New York from carrying slaves out of this commonwealth, and to prevent the escape of persons charged with the commission of any crime, and in reply to Mr. Scott of Fauquier, delivered in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the 25th and 26th of February, 1841. Pub. by members of the Senate and House of Delegates. Richmond, printed by Shepherd and Colin, 1841.

38 р. 25cm.

F218 53 B35.


Bayne, Howard Randolph.
A rebellion in the colony of Virginia, by
Howard R. Bayne, esq. (New York, 1904] F229 B361.


cover-title, 16 p. 22/1⁄2 cm. (Historical papers of the Society of colonial wars in the state of New York, no. 7, 1904)

Beach, E. L. The old French bronze guns at the Virginia Military Institute,
Lexington, Va., and at the U. S. Naval Academy.

[18] р. illus. 23cm.

F218 24 V81


Reprinted from the Proceedings of the U. S. Naval Institute. v. 23, no. 1. Whole no. 121.

Beale, Richard Lee Turberville. History of the Ninth Virginia cavalry, in the War between the States. By the late Brig. General R. L. T. Beale. Richmond, Va., B. F. Johnson publishing company, 1899. E581 6 19th.

192 p. front. (port.) 23cm.


Beall, John Yates. Trial of John Y. Beall as a spy and guerrillero, by Military Commission. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1865. C1 B366 T66.

[blocks in formation]

(In Battles and leaders of the civil war. v. 4. p. 195-205)

-The first battle of Bull Run. E468 B33.


(In Battles and leaders of the civil war. v. 1. p. 196-227)

-Four days of battle at Petersburg. E468 B33.


(In Battles and leaders of the civil war. v. 4. p. 540-544)

Beautiful Thornrose. Staunton, Va., Press of Valley printing corporation,

1911. F234 S798 R33.


unp. illus. 22cm.

Beautiful Thornrose cemetery, Staunton, Virginia. 1907. F234 S798 B3.


94 р. illus. 24cm.


The beautiful tree of life, being a collection of helpful hints and suggestions from the most eminent teachers and writers regarding the cultivation and production of the fruits of Christian living: charity, faith, hope, holiness, humility, joy, love, patience, temperance, truth, virtue, wisdom. Illustrated by a large number of beautiful full page engravings. Richmond, Va., B. F. Johnson & co., 1892.


560 р. front. (col.), illus. 194 cm. Beck, James Montgomery. The scholar in politics; an oration delivered at celebration of the one hundred and seventy-first anniversary of the birthday of Thomas Jefferson on Founders day, April 13, 1914, at the University of Virginia, by James M. Beck E332 B38. also C1 J45 B39.

[blocks in formation]

[New York? 1914] 329

Beckwourth, James P. The life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth, mountaineer, scout, and pioneer, and chief of the Crow nation of Indians. With illustrations. Written from his own dictation by T. D. Bonner. New York, Harper & bros., 1856. C1 B397 B51.

537 р. front. (port.) illus. 20cm.


J. P. Beckwourth was a Virginian, born in Fredericksburg, April 26, 1798.

Bedford county, Va. Early probate records of Bedford county, Va. From Putnams historical magazine for May, 1898.

3 p. 241⁄2 cm.


Bedford the richest in natural resources of the counties in Piedmont Virginia, offers homes to the grazers, the dairyman, the vinticulturist, the fruit-grower, the stock-raiser, the tobacco planter, and all others in search of cheap homes in an unsurpassed climate, with every natural advantage. Bedford indev print [no date]

1 1., 48 р. 221⁄2 cm.

Beer, George Lewis. The old colonial system, 1660-1754

The Macmillan company, 1912. JV1011 B4.


New York, 332

2v. 22cm.
Continues the author's The origins of the British colonial system,


Virginia and Maryland: v. 2, chap. 8.

-The origins of the British colonial system, 1578-1660

The Macmillan company, 1908. JV1015 B4.

viii p., 1 1., 438 p. 23cm.

New York,


"The early history of tobacco": p. 78-100. "The Stuart regulation of the tobacco industry": p. 117-175.

The beginning, progress, and conclusion of Bacon's rebellion in Virginia, in the years 1675 and 1676. [Rochester, G. P. Humphrey, 1897] E187 A51.

1 p. 1., 22, [2] p. 24cm.


(Added t.-p.: American colonial tracts monthly (v. 1] no. 8, December, 1897) Reprint, without acknowledgment, from Force tracts, v. 1 (1836) no. 8. Prefatory note signed: T. M.

"From internal evidence, Fiske (Old Virginia and her neighbors, 1897, v. 2. p. 66) ascribes the authorship to Thomas Matthews, son of Gov. Samuel Matthews." Library of Congress note.

The beginning, progress, and conclusion of Bacon's rebellion in Virginia in the years 1675 and 1676. Washington, Printed by P. Force, 1835. E187


26 р. 231⁄2 cm.

Washington, 1836-46. v. 1, no. 8)


(In Force, Peter. Tracts Prefatory note signed: "Т. М.," 13 July 1705. "The author was undoubtedly Thomas Matthew of Cherry Point, Northumberland, and there is apparently no ground for the conjecture of the historians Campbell and Fiske that it was Thomas, son of Gov. Samuel Matthews. cf. Va. magazine of history and biography, Oct., 1893, v. 1, p. 201."

"The original ms. was purchased from a London bookseller in 1803 by Rufus King, minister to Great Britain. He sent it to Thomas Jefferson who returned it after making a copy (cf. Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 1853-54, ν. 4, p. 528) The tract was first printed in the Richmond (Va.) enquirer of the 1st, 5th and 8th of Sept. 1804, from a transcript sent to Jefferson's friend, Mr. Wyeth. Force reprinted this."

"Another copy of the original, made by Jefferson himself, and with a somewhat different introduction, was printed in the Virginia evangelical and literary mazagine, Richmond, 1820, v. 3, p. 128-149; reprinted in Virginia historical register and literary note book, 1850, v. 3, p. 61-75, 121-136." Library of Congress note.

Behn, Mrs. Aphra. The widow ranter; or, The history of Bacon in Virginia. PR3317 A1 1871.

(In her Plays, histories, and novels


London, J. Pearson, 1871.

v.4. p. 106-188)

Bell, Alden. In Havana before the war. T1791 B43.


(From the Anglo-American magazine. Aug., 1899. p. 158-162)

-Shall the ballot be given to women.

HQ1238 B43.

(From Gunton's magazine. v. 17. Dec. 1899. р. 474-484)

-A visit to Brazil. F2515 B43.

-What I saw in Africa. DT11 B43.

(From The Anglo-American magazine Oct. 1899. p. 370-375)




(From The Anglo-American magazine. June, 1899; July, 1899. p. 608611; 64-71)

Bell, James Pinkney. Our Quaker friends of ye olden time being in part a transcript of the minute books of Cedar Creek meeting, Hanover county, and the South River meeting, Campbell county, Va. J. P. Bell company, publishers, Lynchburg, Va. 1905.

v, 287 p. front. plates, ports. 24cm.


Bell, John W. Memoirs of Governor William Smith, of Virginia. His political, military, and personal history. By John W. Bell, private in the Culpeper minute-men, and thirteenth Virginia regiment, [etc., etc.] New York, Moss engraving co., 1891. C1 S664 B15.


xvi, 2 1., 461 p. front. (port.) plates. facsim. 24cm.

Belle Haven institute, Alexandria, Va. Catalog.


Library has 1879, 1880.

Bellevue high school, Bedford County, Va. Announcements.

[blocks in formation]

Library has 1878, 1883, 1884, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1895.

Belmont seminary, Bedford City, Va. Catalog.


Library has 1895.

Benedict, Mary K. The higher education of women in the Southern states

[with bibliography]


(In The South in the building of the nation. v. 10. p. 258-271)

Benedictine military college, Richmond, Va. Catalogue.

Library has 1913.


Benjamin, Charles F. Hooker's appointment and removal.

E468 B33.


(In Battles and leaders of the civil war. v. 3. p. 239-243) Bennett, Frank. Soil survey of Chesterfield county, Virginia, by Frank Bennett, R. A. Winston, W. J. Geib and C. W. Mann.


(In U. S. Bureau of soils. Report, 1906. p. 195-222. map) Bennett, Hugh Hammond. Soil survey of Hanover County, Virginia, by Hugh H. Bennett and W. E. McLendon.


(In U. S. Bureau of soils. Report, 1905. p. 213-245 map) -Soil survey of Louisa County, Virginia, by Hugh H. Bennett and W. E. McLendon.

(In U. S. Bureau of soils. Report, 1905. p. 191-212. map)


S591 U5 A5.

Soils of the Shenandoah River Terrace: a revision of certain soils in the Albemarle area of Virginia. Washington, Government printing office, 1912.


16 p. 23cm.

(U. S. Bureau of soils. Circular no 53)

Bennett, Mrs. Martha Haines Butt. Antifanaticism: a tale of the South. By Miss Martha Haines Butt. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo, & Co., 1853. B B988 A8.


268 р. 20cm.

Preface dated Norfolk, Va.

Bennett, William W. Memorials of Methodism in Virginia, from its introduction into the state, in the year 1772, to the year 1829. By the Rev. William W. Bennett

Richmond, The author, 1871. F218




x. [9]-741 p. front. (port.) 20cm.

-A narrative of the great revival which prevailed in the Southern armies during the late civil war between the States of the federal union. By William W. Bennett Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen and Haffelfinger, 1877.

E635 B472.

vi, [7]-427 p. front., plates, ports. 191⁄2 cm.


Benson, Cornelius Henry. "Yank" and "Reb"; a history of a fraternal visit paid by Lincoln post, no. 11 G. A. R., of Newark, N. J. to Robert E. Lee camp, no. 1, Confederate veterans, and Phil. Kearney post, no. 10, G. A R. of Richmond, Va., October 15th, to October 18th, inclusive. Newark, N. J., M. H. Neuhut, printer, 1884. E641 B47.


124 р. 1911⁄2 cm.

Benton, Edward R. Notes on the samples of iron ore collected in Virginia. HA201 1880 B1 v. 15.


(In U. S. Census, 10th, 1880; v. 15, p. 261-288)

Benton, Joel. In the Poe circle. With some account of the Poe-Chivers

controversy, and other Poe memorabilia
field & A. Wessels, [c1899] C1 P743 B14.

New York, M. F. Mans


7 pl., 7-87 p. front. (port.), plates. 20cm.

Berkley military institute, Berkley, Va. Announcement.

Library has 1897.


Library has 1896.



Berkeley, Sir William. A discourse and view of Virginia. By Sir William Berkeley (governor of Virginia) London, 1663 [reprinted, Norwalk, Conn., W. H. Smith, jr., 1914] F229 B5.


8, 12 р. 231⁄2 cm.

-A list of those that have been executed for the late rebellion in Virginia, by Sir William Berkeley, governor of the colony. Copied from the original manuscript, (Harleian collection, codex 6845, page 54.) in the library of the British museum, London, by Robert Greenhow, esq., of Virginia. Washington, Printed by P. Force, 1835.

[blocks in formation]

E187 F69.


-A list of those that have been executed for the late rebellion in Virginia, by Sir William Berkeley, governor of the colony. Copied from the original manuscript (Harleian collection, codex 6845, page 54) in the library of the British museum, London, by Robert Greenhow, esq. of Virginia. [Rochester, G. P. Humphrey, 1898] E187 F69. also E187 A51.

[2] p.


[ocr errors]


(In American colonial tracts monthly (v. 1) no. 9. January, 1898. p. [13-14]) PR1623 D6. 367

-The lost lady: a tragi-comedy. By Sir Wm. Barclay.

(In Dodsley, Robert. A select collection of old plays. London, R. Dodsley, 1744. v. 10. p. [89]-162) "I can give no more account of this play, than that it was written by Sir William Barclay, and printed in the year 1639; but whether it was ever acted or not, the title-page does not inform us" p. 90.

See Dictionary of national biography. v. 4. p. 368.

-Speech of Sir Wm. Berkeley, and Declaration of the Assembly, March, 1651. [1893] F229 B512.


Reprint from Va. magazine of history and biography. v. 1. p. 75 et seq. A transcript from a pamphlet copy preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. A manuscript copy of the pamphlet is in the Virginia state library.


Bernard, George S. The battle of the Crater, in front of Petersburg, July 30, An address delivered before the A. P. Hill camp of Confederate veterans, Petersburg, Va., in that city, on the 24th of June, 1890, by comrade Geo. S. Bernard. Published by A. P. Hill Camp, C. V., the proceeds to be applied towards the erection of a monument to Gen. A. P. Hill. Petersburg index-appeal press, [1890] E481 C8 B5


18 р. 221⁄2 cm.

-Civil Service reform versus the spoils system. The merit plan for the filling of public offices advocated in a series of articles originally published in a Virginia journal. New York, J. B. Alden, 1885. JK691 B52.


x, [11]-128 p. 18cm.

(Elzevir library, v. 4, no. 173)
Originally printed in the Index-appeal, Petersburg, Va., signed Zero.


federate Veterans of Petersburg, Va., with addenda Fenn & Owen, 1892. E487 B51.

-War talks of Confederate veterans. Compiled and edited by Geo. S.

Addresses delivered before A. P. Hill Camp of Con



xxiii, 335, [1] p., 1 1., front., pl., port., fold. maps, diagr. 231⁄2 cm. Bernard, John. Retrospections of America, 1797-1811. Edited from the manuscript by Mrs. Bayle Bernard, with an introduction, notes and index by Laurence Hutton and Brander Matthews. New York, Harper & brothers, 1887.

E164 B51. xiii, 1 1., 380 p. front. (port.) Life in Virginia

Chapter 7.



Bernard, R. S. Directory of the counties of Hanover, Chesterfield, Amelia, Dinwiddie, Greensville and Brunswick. Comp.. by R. S. Bernard, Madison Run, Orange County, Va. 1896. Richmond, Ware & Duke, printers, 1896.

287 р.



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