
LEROUX DE LINCY. Recueil de Chants Historiques Français depuis le XII. jusqu'au XVIII. siècle, avec des notices et une introduction. Vols. 1-2 (XII. à XVI. siècle.) 12° Paris, 1841-2.

L'ESTRANGE (Sir Roger). The Observator, in Dialogue. 3 vols. in 2. folio. London, 1684-7.

LONDON, pictorially illustrated, edited by Charles Knight. 6 vols. in 3. Royal 8° London, 1841-44.

LONG (George) and George R. PORTER.

The Geography of Great Britain: Part I., England and Wales, with a supplementary body of Statistics to 1850, by Hyde Clarke. 8° London, 1850.

LUMPER (Gottfridus). Historia Theologico-critica de Vita, Scriptis, atque Doctrina Sanctorum Patrum, aliorumque Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum trium primorum sæculorum. 13 vols. 8° Augustæ Vindelicorum, 1783-99.

MABILLON (Joannes).

Tractatus de Studiis Monasticis, Latine vertit

Josephus Porta. 4° Venetiis, 1770.

MALLINKROT (Bernardus a). De ortu ac progressu Artis Typographicæ, pro Moguntinis contra Harlemenses. 4° Colon. Agripp., 1640.

MARCHESE (L. Vincenzo). Memorie dei più insigni Pittori, Scultori e Architetti Domenicani, con aggiunta di alcuni scritti intorno le Belle Arti. 2 vols. 8° Firenze, 1845.

MARRYAT (Joseph). Collections towards a History of Pottery and
Porcelain in the 15th to the 18th centuries, with a Description of the
Manufacture, a Glossary, and a List of Monograms. 8° London,

MARSDEN (William). Miscellaneous Works. 4° London, 1834.
CONTENTS:-1. On the Polynesian, or East Insular Languages.

2. On a Conventional Roman Alphabet, applicable to Oriental

3. Thoughts on the Composition of a National English Dictionary. MEIBOMIUS (Henricus). Rerum Germanicarum tomi III. 3 vols. in 1. folio. Helmæstadii, 1688.

MERCATUS (Michael). Metallotheca, opera et studio J. M. Lancisii, cum appendice. folio. Romæ, 1719.

MÜLLER (Max). Rig-veda-sanhita: the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, together with the Commentary of Sayanacharya. Vol. 1. 4° London, 1849.

MURE (William). Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece. 3 vols. 8° London, 1850.

NARDINI (Famiano). Roma Antica, edizione riscontrata ed accresciuta delle ultime scoperte, con note ed Osservazioni di Antonio Nibby, e con Disegni di Antonio de Romanis. 4 vols. 8° Roma, 1818. NELSON (Lord). Letters to Lady Hamilton, with a Supplement of Letters by distinguished characters. 2 vols. 8° London, 1814.

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OPTATUS (Sanctus) Afrus Milevitani Episcopus. De Schismate Donatistarum ad MSS. Codices, etc., emendati, opera Lud. E. Dupin. folio. Antverpiæ, 1702.

PELLATT (Apsley). Curiosities of Glass Making, with details of the processes and productions of Ancient and Modern Ornamental Glass Manufacture. 4° London, 1849.

PLACCIUS (Vincentius). Theatrum Anonymorum et Pseudonymorum cum vita auctoris a J. Á. Fabricio. folio. Hamburgi, 1708.

PORTER (G. R.)—see Long.

PUSEY (E. B). The Royal Supremacy not an Arbitrary Authority, but limited by the Laws of the Church, of which Kings are Members. Part 1, Ancient Precedents. 8° Oxford, 1850.


La France Littéraire. Ouvrages Polyonymes et Anonymes, 1700-1845. 8° Paris, 1846.


Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniæ sub Regibus Angliæ; opera Thomæ Stapleton. (Soc. Antiq. Lond.) 2 vols. 8° Londini, 1840.

REICHENBACH (Karl, Baron von). Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemical Attraction, in their relations to the Vital Force, translated by William Gregory. 8° don, 1850.

REMBRANDT. Catalogue of his Works.-see Daulby.

RIG-VEDA-SANHITA.-see Müller; Wilson.


S. (M.). Exposé des cures operées en France par le Magnetisme Animal, depuis Mesmer jusqu'à nos jours (1774-1826). 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1826.

SCIENCE Popular Treatises on Science, written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English, edited from the original MSS., by Thomas Wright. 8° London, 1841.

SHAKESPEAR (John). Dictionary, Hindustani and English, with a copious Index, English and Hindustani. 4° London, 1834.

SHAKESPEARE (William).—see Coleridge; Simrock; Ulrici.

SIMROCK (Karl). Remarks on the Plots of Shakspeare's plays, with Notes and Additions by J. O. Halliwell. (Shakespeare Society.) 8° London,


SPILSBURY (William Holden). Lincoln's Inn; its Ancient and Modern Buildings, with an account of the Library. 12° London, 1850. STAPLETON (T.)-see Records.

STAUNTON (Sir George Thomas). Miscellaneous Notices relating to China, and our Commercial Intercourse with that Country, including a few Translations from the Chinese. 8° London, 1822-1850.

STEPHENSON (R.)—see Clark.

STERNE (L.). Illustrations of.-see Ferriar.

STRUVIUS (B. Burc. Gotthelfius). Bibliotheca Historica selecta, in suas classes distributa, emendavit et copiose locupletavit Christianus Gottlieb Buder. 2 vols. 8° Jenæ, 1740.

TAYLOR (T.)-see Apuleius.

ULRICI (Hermann).

Shakspeare's Dramatic Art, and its relation to Calderon and Goethe, translated from the German. 8° London, 1846.

WILBERFORCE (Robert Isaac). Sermons on the New Birth of Man's Nature. 8° London, 1850.

WILKIE (Sir David)-Life, with his Journals, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art, and a Selection from his Correspondence, by Allan Cunningham. 3 vols. 8° London, 1843.

WILSON (H. H.). Rig-veda-sanhita, a Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns, constituting the First Ashtaka, or Book of the Rig-Veda. 8° London, 1850.

WRIGHT (Thomas).-see Heywood; Science.




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