
619 BOHUN.-The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, a Miscellaneous Writer and Licenser of the Press in the Reign of William and Mary, and subsequently Chief Justice of South Carolina, edited by S. W. Rix. 4to, pedigree & engs. PRIVATELY PRINTED, bds. 158 1853 Another copy. 4to, LARGE PAPER, beautifully printed, with engravings of arms, facsimiles, &c. a handsome volume, boards (not printed for sale). £1. 58



1853 This Autobiography is in the highest degree curious and interesting. MACAULAY'S England, vol. 4. 621 BOLINBROKE (Lord) Letters on the Study and Use of History. 2 vols. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, calf. 38 1752 BONAPARTE (Louis) Histoire du Parlement Anglaise, depuis son origine en l'an 1234, jusqu'en l'an VII. de la République Française, suivie de la Grande Chartre, avec des Notes, Autographes de Napoleon. Svo, sewed. 48 6d Paris, 1820 623 BONAMICI (Castruccii) Commentariorum de Bello Italico-De Rebus ad Velitras gestis. 5 vols. in 3, 8vo, map, cf. nt. 5s Lug. Bat. 1750-2 624 BONAVENTURE (P.) Histoires et Paraboles. 12mo, cf. 2s Paris, 1770 625 BONAFACII (Sancti, Archiep. et Martyris) Opera quæ extant omnia, edidit J. A. Giles. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 78 6d 1844 626 BONNELL (James, Accomptant-General of Ireland) Exemplary Life and Character of. By W. Hamilton, Archdeacon of Armagh. trait and plate of monument, calf. 28

627 BONNET (J. E.) sur l'Art de rendre Revolutions Utiles. 2

sewed. 38

8vo, por


vols. 8vo,


628 BOOTH (David) Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, exhibiting the Origin, History, and Modern Usage of the existing Vocabulary of the English Tongue. 4to, half calf. 18s


629 BOOK of Roxburghe Ballads. Edited by J. J. P. Collier. 4to, curious woodcuts, leather back, uncut. 10s 6d 1847

Nearly all the ballads contained in this very interesting collection are unique. They are printed from the extraordinary collection which belonged successively to the Duke of Roxburghe and Mr. Bright. At the sale of Mr. Bright's library in 1845 they prodnced £535.

630 BOOK of British Ballads, edited by S. C. Hall, Esq., every page richly embellished with very highly finished wood engravings after designs by Creswick, Gilbert, Franklin, Corbould, &c. 2 vols. in 1 splendid vol. imperial 8vo, richly bound in cloth, gt. edges. £1. 28 (pub. at £2. 28) It is scarcely possible to imagine a more attractive volume. The decorations are of the very highest class, the literary department is perfect, and the cheapness of the volume is a marvel.


631 BOONE (James Shergold) Essay on the Study of Modern History. 8vo, half morocco. 1821 632 BORDE (Andrew) The fyrst Booke of the Introduction of Knowledge, which doth teache a Man to speake part of all maner of Languages, and to know the usage and fashion of al maner of Countreys. 4to, BLACK LETTER, woodcuts, only 120 copies reprinted, 12s 6d 1814 633 BORGHINI (Raffaello) Il Riposo in cui della Pittura e della Scultura si favella, de' piu illustri Pittori e Scultori e delle piu famose opere si fa mentione e le cose principali appartenenti a dette arti s' insegnano. 8vo, vellum, very scarce. 108 6d Fiorenza, 1584

634 BORGIA (Stephano) De Cruce Veliterna Commentarius. 4to, plates, half calf. 68 Rom. 1780

635 BORN'S (Baron) Travels (chiefly Mineralogical) in Transylvania and Hungary. 8vo. boards. 38


636 BORREMANSII (Ant.) Dialogus Literarius de Poetis et Prophetis.

Small 8vo, calf.


Amst. 1778

637 BORRER'S (Dawson) Journey from Naples to Jerusalem. Thick 8vo, plates, cloth. 48 6d



638 BORRER'S (D.) Campaign against the Kabailes of Algeria, and Mission
to Abd-el-Kader. Post 8vo, new, boards. 48
639 BOSMAN (W.) New and accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea,
divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. 8vo, map
and plates, calf. 38

1706 640 BOSWELL (James) An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to that Island, & Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. 8vo, map, cf. nt. 38 6d 1768 1839 641 BOSWORTH'S History of Scandinavian Literature, with Chronological Specimens. Royal 8vo. 38

642 BOSWORTH'S Origin of the Dutch, with a Sketch of their Language and Literature, with a Map of European Languages, indicating that the Dutch were amongst the earliest tribes settled in Europe. Royal

8vo. 58

1846 643 BOTANICAL and Physiological Memoirs-Rejuvenescence in Nature -Animal Nature of the Diatomeæ-Natural History of the Protocussus Plurialis. Edited by Henfrey. Thick 8vo, coloured plates, Ray Society, 1853 cloth. 10s 6d 644 BOTELLO (Francisco) El Alphonso o la fundacion del reino de Portugal, asseguradi i perfecta en la Conquista de Lysboa, Poema Epico. Salamanca, 1731 4to, vellum. 645 BOTTA'S History of Italy during the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 8s 6d 646 BOUHOUR'S (Dominick) Life of St. Ignatius, Founder of the Society of Jesus. Translated into English by a Person of Quality (John Dryden ?). 8vo, calf, good copy, scarce.




1686 647 BOUILLART (Dom Jacques) Histoire de l'Abbaye Royale de Saint Germain des Prez, a Paris. Folio, many fine plates, good copy, in calf. Paris, 1742 £1. 48 647*BOURBON (Armand de, Prince of Conti) Works (Rules for the Government of his House; Treatise against Plays and Shows, Duties of the Great, &c.) 8vo, portrait, neat. 38



648 BOURKE'S (Thos.) History of the Moors in Spain. 4to, cf. gt. 68 1811 649 BOURNE (Vincent) Poemata, Latine partim reddita partim scripta. Pickering, 1840 12mo, cloth. 650 BOURRIENNE (M. de) Private Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte during the periods of the Directory, the Consulate, and the Empire. 1830 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. 188 6d-boards, uncut. 18s 651 BOURRIT, Description des Valles de Glace, dans les Alpes Pennines et Geneva, 1783 Rhetiennes. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, half calf. 4s 6d 1775 652 BOURRIT'S Journey to the Glaciers in Savoy. Translated by C. and F. Davy. 8vo, plates, boards. 28 6d 653 BOUTELL (Rev. Ch.) The Monumental Brasses of England, with Descriptive Notices. Royal 8vo, 150 plates, cloth. 10s 6d (pub. at £1.88)


654 BOUTELL'S (Rev. Chas.) Monumental Brasses of England. Folio, LARGEST PAPER, 150 fine woodcuts, cl. £1. 10s (pub. at £5. 5s) 1849 "The amount of information conveyed in moderate compass, in the above attractive work, renders this collection of examples of Costume, of Decorative Design, and of Heraldry, highly acceptable. They are marked by minute and faithful exactness, and their variety is striking."-Archæol. Journal.

655 BOUTERWEK'S (Fred.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature Translated from the German by Ross. 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 4s 6d 1823 656 BOWDICH (T. E.) The African Committee, 1819-British and French

Expedition to Teembo, map, Paris, 1821-Essay on the Geography of North-Western Africa, map, Paris, 1821. In 1 vol. 8vo, hf. cf. 4s 6d 657 BOWRING (John) and Van Dyk (H. S.) Batavian Anthology, or Specimens of the Dutch Poets. 12mo, boards. 38 6d

1824. 658 BOWYER'S (W., the learned Printer) Miscellaneous Tracts, by him and several of his learned Friends, with Letters on Literary Subjects. Edited by Nichols. Thick 4to, boards. 4s 6d


659 BOXHORNII (M. Z.) Originum Gallicarum, in quo Veteris et Nobilissimæ Gallorum gentis origines, antiquitates, mores, lingua et alia eruuntur et illustrantur, cui accedit Linguæ Britannica, Lexicon Britannico-Latinum ejusdem, Authoris Adagiis Britannicis. 4to, new, half calf, scarce. 158 Amst. 1654

660 BOYD'S (Zachary, Minister of Glasgow) Four Poems from "Zion's Flowers;" or, Christian Poems for Spiritual Edification. Printed from his MS. in the Library of the University of Glasgow, with Notices of his Life and Writings by Gab. Neil. Small 4to, portrait and facsimile, cloth. 10s 6d


The above forms a portion of the well-known "Zachary Boyd's Bible." A great many of his words and phrases are curious and amusing, and the book would repay a diligent perusal. Boyd was a contemporary of Shakespeare, and a great many phrases in his "Bible" are the same as to be found in the great southern Dramatist.

661 BOYLE'S (Roger, Earl of Orrery) Collection of State Letters, from the Restoration to the year 1668, with the Author's Life. By Rev. Thomas Morrice. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, scarce. 148 Dublin, 1743 662 BRACE (Charles Loring) Hungary in 1851, with an Experience of the Austrian Police. Post 8vo, cloth. 38 6d 1852 663 BRADY (Dr. Robert) Complete History of England, from the first entrance of the Romans under Julius Cæsar, unto the end of the reign of King Henry III. 2 vols. folio, portrait, calf neat. 148 1685 664 BRADY (John) Clavis Calendaria, or Compendious Analysis of the Calendar, with Anecdotes. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. 48 6d

1812 665 BRADDON (Walter) Bishop Burnet's late History charged with great Partiality and Misrepresentations in the case of Arthur, Earl of Essex. Svo, frontispiece, calf. 4s 6d


666 BRAGGE (Francis) Practical Treatise of the Regulation of the Passions. 8vo, calf neat. 38 1708 667 BRAITHWAITE'S (R.) Barnabæ Itinerarum; or, Barnabee's Journal, with Life of the Author, a Bibliographical Introduction to the Itinerary, and Catalogue of his Works. Edited from the first edition by Jos. Haslewood. (Latin and English.) 2 vols. square 12mo, portrait and plates, half morocco, uncut, scarce. £2.58

1820 668 BRATHWAIT (Rich.) Essays upon the Five Senses, revived by a new Supplement, with a pithy one upon Detraction. 4to,hf. mor. 4s 6d 1815 669 BRAMHALL (John, Bishop of London Derie). A Fair Warning to take heed of the Scottish Discipline, 1649-A Review to the above, by R. B. G., printed at Delph, 1649-and another Tract relating to the Prælaticall Faction to set up Popery, Profanity, and Tyranny in the Three Kingdoms. No title, in 1 vol. 4to, new, calf. 10s 6d 670 BRANDON'S (S.) Poems (appended to the Tragi-comœdie of Octavia). 12mo, blue morocco. 58



671 BRAND (John) Observations on Popular Antiquities, including the whole of Mr. Bourne's Antiquities Vulgares. 8vo (imperfect in the table of contents) calf neat. 28 6d 672 BREDOW (G. G.) Compendious View of Universal History and Literature, in a Series of Tables; to which is appended a Table of Painters, arranged in Schools and Ages, from the French Notes of Sir Matt. Van Brée. Translated, with Additions, by Major James Bell. Folio, half calf. 68 673 BREMNER (Robert) Excursions in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, including Notices of the State of Public Opinion in those Countries, and Anecdotes of their Courts. 2 vols. 8vo, 2 portraits, cloth. 58 1840 674 BRENTON (Captain Edward Pelham) Naval History of Great Britain, from the year 1783 to 1836. 2 vols. 8vo, portraits, plans, &c. new, calf gilt, marbled leaves. 158

1837 675 BRENTON (Capt. E. P.) Life and Correspondence of John Earl of St. Vincent, Admiral of the Fleet, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait and map, new, half calf. 88 6d


676 BRETON'S (Nicholas) Melancholike Humours, 1600; with Critical Preface by Sir Egerton Brydges. 4to, boards. 69 Lee Priory, 1815 677 BRETON (Nicholas) Characters upon Essays, Moral and Divine, from the edition of 1615; and the Good and the Bad, by the same Author. 4to, boards.



678 BRETON (Lieut.) Excersions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Diemen's Land. 8vo, front. & plate, new, hf. 58 1833 679 BRETT (Arthur) Threnodia on the Death of the Death of the High-born Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester. 4to, calf extra. 38 Oxf. 1660 680 BREWSTER (Rev. John) Secular Essay, containing a retrospective View of Events connected with the Ecclesiastical History of England during the 18th Century. 8vo, boards.



681 BRIDGES (M.) Roman Empire under Constantine the Great. Thick 8vo, boards. 48


682 BRIEF Disquisition of the Law of Nature, and Confutation of Hobbes's Principles. 8vo, pp. 400, neat. 38 1692

683 BRIEF History of the Voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers (two Quakeresses) to the Island of Malta, and their cruel Sufferings in the Inquisition there, for near four years, by the malice of the Monks and Friars; and Relation of Geo. Robinson, of his Sufferings in his Journey to Jerusalem. 12mo, calf, rare. 10s 6d 1715 684 BRIFFAULT (Eugène) Paris à Table. 8vo, numerous humorous woodcut illustrations by Bertall, half calf. 38 1846 685 BRIGANT (M. Le) Elemens de la Langue des Celtes Gomerites, ou Breton; Introduction à cette Langue, et par elle à celles de tous les Peuples connus. Small 8vo, sewed, scarce. 38 6d Strasbourg, 1779 686 BRINSLEY (Jo.) Ludus Literarius, or the Grammar Schoole, shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning to the highest perfection required in the Grammar Schools. 4to, neat, a very curious book. 58


687 BRIQUET (Mme. Fortunée B.) Dictionnaire Historique, Litteraire et Bibliographique des Femmes Célèbres. 8vo, port. sewed. 38 Par. 1804 688 BRITANNIA after the Romans. By the Hon. Algernon Herbert. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. £1.48


689 BRITANNIA Depicta; or, Ogilby Improved: a Survey of the direct and principal Cross Roads in England and Wales. 4to, maps, including many hundred arms of the Nobility, Corporate Bodies, &c. engraved by Bowen, old calf. 58


690 BRITANNIA Antiqua, or Ancient Britain brought within the Limits of authentic History. By Beale Poste. 8vo, map, cloth. 148 1857

Comprises a collection of numerous materials, ethnological, geographical, and historical, relating to the ancient state of Britain; illustrating the former political and social condition of the island, and its history, as divested of the disguise of romance; in reference more particularly to Britain in the sixth century period, and to Roman Britain.

691 BRITANNIC Researches, or New Facts and Rectifications of Ancient British History. By the Rev. Beale Poste. 8vo, pp. 445, with engravings, cloth. 158


Intended to establish the early history of this country in a correct form and on an extended basis, and to remove much of the uncertainty which has hitherto hung over its first period. It contains very numerous details essential for an accurate knowledge of the ancient state of the island, regarding its history, geography, civilization, and other particulars; and a correction of very multiplied errors and misconceptions usually entertained respecting Ancient Britain, for the removal of which no means are supplied in other works.


692 BRITISH MUSEUM.-Acts of Parliament establishing the B. Museum, 1747, &c.; Statutes and Rules relating to the Inspection and Use of the Museum, by order of the Trustees. 8vo, calf. 78 6d 1768 693 BRITISH MUSEUM.-Antiquities and Natural Curiosities in the British Museum, drawn from the Originals by J. and A. Van Rymsdyk. Folio, 32 coloured plates, half calf. 58 694 BRITISH MUSEUM.-Handbook to the Library of the British Museum, containing a brief History of its Formation, and of the various Collections of which it is composed; Descriptions of the Catalogues in present use; Classed Lists of the Manuscripts, &c.; and a variety of Information indispensable for Literary Persons, with some Account of the principal Public Liberies in London, by Richard Sims, of the Department of Manuscripts, Compiler of the "Index to the Heralds' Visitations." Small 8vo, pp. 438, with map and plan, cloth. 58 1854


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It will be found a very useful work to every literary person or public institution in all parts of the world.

"His Hand-book to the Library of the British Museum is a very comprehensive and instructive volume. I have the sixtieth edition of 'Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum' before me--I cannot expect to see a sixtieth edition of the HAND-BOOK, but it deserves to be placed at the side of the Synopsis, and I venture to predict for it a wide circulation."-Mr. Bolton Corney, in Notes and Queries, No. 213.

For the Catalogues of the Literary and other Collections in the British Museum, vide Art "Catalogues."

696 BRITISH Almanac and Companion, published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1828 to 1847. 20 vols. the first three years half bound in one vol., the remainder in cloth. 188 1828-47 697 BRITISH Cicero (The), or a Selection of the most Admired Speeches in the English Language, with Historical Illustrations by Thomas Browne, LL.D. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. 138 6d

1813 698 BRITISH Curiosities in Nature and Art, exhibiting an Account of Natural and Artificial Rarities, Ancient and Modern. 12mo, calf. 28 6d 1713 699 BRITISH Galleries of Art (Hampton Court, Petworth, Fonthill, Knole, Dulwich, &c.) by Patmore. Post 8vo, boards. 700 BRITTON'S (John) Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated. Royal Svo, portraits of Dunning, Barré, and Shelburne, after Sir Joshua Reynolds's picture, cloth. 4s 6d

28 6d



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