
Graces,' we would wish him fortunate enough to have his goblet and tube fill'd by fome more fubftantial form, than the airy Being whom he has here invoked.

Art. 33. Shenjtone; or, the Force of Benevolence; a Poem. 4to. 25. Newbery, &c.

Celebrates the benevolence of the late Mr. Shenftone. The Au thor expreffes his apprehenfions left the ungentle critics (meaning us, no doubt) fhould accufe him to Apollo. We cannot think of taking fo long a journey, especially on fuch a frivolous errand Art. 34. Morning Thoughts; or, Poetical Meditations, moral, divine, and miscellaneous; together with feveral other Poems on various Subjects. By the late Jonathan Richardfon, Efq. With Notes by his Son lately deceased. 8vo. 3 s. fewed. Dodfley. Thofe who can difpenfe with indifferent poetry for the fake of piety, may not be difpleafed with this collection, which evinces great fimplicity of manners and purity of heart. Mr. Richardfon was a friend of Pope's; and the latter ufed to tell him that he made more verfes than he did.

Art. 35. Sylva; or, a Collection of Poems on feveral Occafions. By a young Gentleman of Chichester. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Hawes, &c. The Author's age under eighteen. We país no judgment on the productions of boys and girls, unless they claim our attention by fome peculiar merit.

Art. 36. A Defcription of the West Indies, a Poem in Four Books. By Mr. Singleton, during his Excurfions among thofe lands, 4to. 3 s. Becket.

This poem is not unfaithful to its title, but the defcriptions are fometimes too minute, and of course offend against the dignity of the verse in which they are conveyed; many inftances of which we might produce. The Author has fucceeded ftill worfe in epifode. There is iomething, however, entertaining in his geographical account of Cole's Cave, and the animal flower, which is, certainly, one of the most extraordinary phænomena in nature.

NOVELS and MEMOIR S. Art. 27. The Philofopher in Bristol. Small 8vo. 2 Vols. 55.


A Philofopher of the true fervum pecus breed, who apes Sterne as the Macedonian courtiers aped their mafier; and fo closely, that the traces of affectation are feen through every tiny page. As thefe volumes were published at two different times, the first half of the fecond part is occupied by difcourfing on the merits of the former volume, and in retorting contempt on those who dared to cenfure it. As we are indebted for this publication to the "request of friends," the Writer, doubtlefs, receives his reward of praise in his private circle; and we wish not to interfere.

Art. 38. The Story of Lady Juliana Harley. A Novel, in Let ters, by Mrs. Griffiths. 12mo. 2 Vols. 6 s. Cadell. We are given to understand from the Author "that the characters, as well as the narrative, are drawn from the fountain of reality," only dashed with "fome adventitious particles." Facts are proverbially called ftubborn things; but when a novel is faid to be


founded on facts, we must fuppofe them to be very pliable in the hands of a novel writer, or that when mis-used as a ground-work, they are totally buried under the fuperftructure. Without digging therefore to examine the found ion of this story, it may be characterized as a forrowful love tale, compounded of the ufual distressful incidents, difappointed inclinations, a forced marriage, dove like tenderness, a little blood, conjugal infidelity, with unbounded generofity and liberality. It would appear cynical to withhold a mite of tranfient approbation from the writers of fuch ephemeron productions, where the hour of perufal has not been spent in difguft: and this is in truth a very decent ftory, interfperfed with jutt and wholefome obfervations, which fufficiently evince the ingenious Writer's knowledge of human nature.


Art. 39. A Modern Syftem of Natural History. Containing ac curate Defcriptions, and faithful Hiftories of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals. Together with their Properties, and various Ufes in Medicine, Mechanics, &c. Illuftrated with Copper-plates, accurately drawn from Nature, and beautifully engraved. By the Rev. Samuel Ward, Vicar of Cotterstock cum Glapthorne, Northamptonshire; and others. Small 12mo. at 1 s. 6d. per Volume, fewed. Newbery.

We have now before us four volumes of a compilement which is published periodically. Thefe volumes contain the animals. The defcriptions are extracted from the writings of modern naturalifts, and the plates (of these four volumes) feem to be chiefly, if not wholly, copied from Buffon. This work cannot fail of being acceptable to young readers; for whofe ufe it is judiciously calculated. AMERICAN CONTROVERSY. Art. 40. Obfervations on Dr. Price's Theory and Principles of Civil Liberty and Government; preceded by a Letter to a Friend, &c. 8vo. 2 s. Dodfley.

Though we do not think the pofitions and arguments contained in this production (which is afcribed to Henry Goodriche, Efq;) are altogether juft, we cannot but applaud the liberal, candid, and difpaffionate manner in which the writer treats his opponent; over whom he has gained the advantage in many particulars.

Unconnected, fays the Author, with any party of men or any political measures,-I am of opinion, that civil government can be confidered in no other light than as a TRUST, limited in its nature, by the purposes of the civil union, committed to a certain perfon or perfons by the fociety for the common benefit; in fo much that governors poffefs no power beyond the above limits, and that the only juft foundation of all civil authority is the confent of the community.'

It is upon this, in our opinion, folid foundation, that he proposes to examine Dr. Price's Principles of Liberty, &c. and if the Doctor really intended to have it understood as his opinion that the government of a flate may not be rightfully committed to any other perfons than to the whole collective body of the people, er to fuch reprefentatives as the majority of them thall chufe, and

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that for short terms, we think with our author, that he is mistaken; and that a community may inftitute and confent to other forms of government, and intruft the civil power in any hands where they fhall think it will be best employed for the purposes of civil union. But if th. power fo entrusted should be abused, and the exercife of it rendered oppreflive, the community will have an indefeafable right to recall and place it in other hands-For mankind cannot alienate their natural right to refiji oppreffion.-But though we fuppofe that a people may justly delegate the whole powers of government to one or a few individuals, we are yet far from thinking that it is prudent and wife for them fo to do on the contrary we believe that where they do not referve a fhare at leaft of the legislative power, they have no fecurity against abufes of it: Happily for us fuch a share of power is referved to the people living under the English constitution of government, and it is upon this foundation that Dr. Price has, we think, rightly, chofen to fupport the claims of the Colonies -Our Author has indeed ventured to affert that the legal authority of parliament over perfons and their concerns for the purposes of government, depends not on their participating that authority either in perfon or by reprefentatives of their own choice.' This affertion is, however, directly contrary to the fpirit and principles of English government, as we could prove by a multitude of facts and authorities. Let it, however, fuffice for us to recommend to the Author's confideration the preamble of the Statute ft of James I. cap. i. and the Statute ift of William and Mary (Seff. fecund.) cap. ii. in which it is declared, that the whole body of the realm, and every particular member thereof, either in perfon or by reprefentation upon their own free elections, are by the laws of the realm deemed to be perfonally prefent in the high court of parliament;' and it is upon this foundation, that the parliament themselves in these acts have evidently rested their whole authority.

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Every form of government has fome difadvantages; thofe of de mocracy are carefully ftated, perhaps magnified, by our Author; and he concludes with preferring that mixture of the different forms of it, which compofe the British government.

Art. 41. An Fay on the Origin, Progress, and Eftablishment of National Socery; in which the Principles of Government, &c. contained in Dr Price's Obfervations, &c. are fairly examined and refuted. by J. Shebbeare, M. D. >vo. 35. fewed. Bew.

Dr. Shebbeare certainly poffeffes abilities well fuited to literary controverfy, but we fhall probably never have an opportunity of ap plauding either the caufe or manner in which they may be employed. To his title page is prefixed the following injunction of that good apoftle but wretched politician St. Peter, viz. "Submit yourfelves unto every ordinance of man for the Lord's fake; whether it be to the king as fupreme, or unto governors as unto them that are fent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well," &c. An injunction which has often been cited to fupport the doctrine of pallive-obedience and non-refiftance, though St. Peter evidently intended no more by it than to advife his Chriftian converts not to attempt any disturbance to the established governments under which they were thinly difperfed.


But from what Dr. Shebbeare has formerly written, our Readers will not be surprised when we declare that his prefent performance contains many tenets repugnant to the principles of all free governments; that his reafoning is often founded on mifrepresentations and untruths; that his language is frequently intemperate, foul, and opprobrious; and that his humour is often coarfe, low, and indelicate Art. 42. Juftification de la Refiftance des Colonies Americaines, &c. A Juftification of the Refiftance of the American Colonies to the Oppreffions of the British Government: in a Letter written from Holland to a Gentleman in London. 8vo. 30 Pages. Leyden, Haak, &c. 1776.

This writer is a fenfible advocate for the Colonists, and appears to be well acquainted with the principal objects of the American controverfy; though he has delivered but little which can appear new to thofe who have read the numerous productions of our own country on this fubject,


Art. 43. An Efay on the Peftilential Fever of Sydenham, commonly called the Gaol, Hofpital, Ship, and Camp-Fever. By William Grant, M. D. Author of the Obfervations on Fevers. 8vo. 3 s. fewed. Cadell.

Admitting the peftilential fever of Sydenham to be that which is commonly called the gaol, hofpital-fhip, and camp-fever, yet, as it is neither generally known, nor accurately defcribed, under that name, we do not fee any good reason for adopting Sydenham's appellation.

After a fhort introduction, and fome general obfervations on this fever, the Author confiders it firft as fingle, and then as complicated with inflammation, putridity, bile, &c.-His defcription of it with ⚫ thofe alterations which may arife from bad treatment, or bad habit of body is taken, chiefly, from Huxham's account of the putrid and malignant fever.

Indeed, fays he, Huxham's obfervations, both on the nature and treatment of this peftilential fever, coincide fo well with what I have seen, that, had he divided the fubject according to the variety of temperaments and epidemic conftitutions, with which he muft have feen it complicated, he would have left lefs room for addition to, or alteration in what he has written. But endeavouring to com-` prehend the whole fubject in one fhort chapter, he has given a lift of fymptoms not to be met with in any one feafon of the year, period of the disease, or united in the fame perfon; although he was very fenfible of the propriety of diftinguishing how far the wholefever, arifing from one and the fame contagion, might be varied according to the variety of temperaments, as appears from the following caution in page 117: But as perfons of very different conftitutions, both as to their folids and fluids, may be attacked by the fame contageous difeafes, very different methods of cure will be neceffary in their refpective cafes, &c."

Upon the whole, however, Huxham is the beft author on the fever, under our prefent confideration: I will therefore give his lift

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ift of fymptoms, in his own words; and fhall add fome fhort explanations, and observations of my own, where I think them neceffary; which I fhall mix with his text, that I may preferve the subject unbroken; thefe I fhall diftinguifh by Italics.

We obferve that this Author is, in general, extremely fond of multiplying distinctions. He will not even allow the putrid, and gaol-fever to be of the fame fpecies, because the former often hap-pens, he fays, without "the peculiar fymptoms of malignity" which accompany the latter, and, because, (the Reader will attend to the cogency of this argument), A man quite exhaufted by the feafcurvy is in the most putrid ftate that life admits of; give him land air, good water, and fresh vegetables, you fhall fee him recover perfectly without having had the fymptoms of this malignant fever.'

That the fevers abovementioned are not of the fame kind, as hath been generally supposed, is, we prefume, one of those discoveries which will make no great addition to the reputation acquired by this writer, (and, we believe, very justly acquired) as a skilful and fuccefsful practitioner.

Art. 44. A Short Account of the prefent Epidemic Cough and Fever. In a Letter to Dr. De La Cour at Bath. By William Grant, M. D. 8vo. 6d. Cadell.

The Author of this account informs Dr. De La Cour that the prefent epidemic fever and cough' is fo completely difcuffed by Sydenham, that nothing remains to be added either in the diagnof tics, prognoftics, or method of cure.'

I will therefore, continues he, draw together in one continued feries, and in bis own words, all that Sydenham has faid on this fubject; by which you will fee every thing regarding the nature, origin, progrefs, termination, and cure of this difeafe, in as masterly a manner as the fubject does admit of. In my opinion, the explaining, correcting, and confirming the obfervations of our predeceffors is more useful and as honourable as hunting after new discoveries, of which the truly learned will find but very few, whatever the ignorant may imagine.'

The learned Doctor does not, we observe, always attend to the utmoft exactness and purity of language. It is rather inaccurate to talk of giving Sydenham's own words-as he found them in Dr. Swan's tranflation. They are, however, as Parfon Evans fays goet worts; and they ferve to fill nineteen out of the thirty pages, of which this pamphlet confifts.

Art. 45. Every Woman her own Phyfician; or the Lady's Medical Affiftant. Containing the History and Cure of the various Difeafes incident to Women and Children. By A. Hume. M. D. 12mo. 2s. Richardfon and Urquhart.

Far better calculated to fupply a deficiency in the Author's pocket, than to answer the purpofe expreffed in the title page.

December 1775.


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