
per) and the fourth is now added. They are of a pious, moral, and prudential caft, and well calculated to produce good effects on the minds of young and well difpofed readers.

The firit is addreffed to Philetus, a young man, inclined to enter into the matrimonial flate: here good counfel is given, with refpec to the choice of a companion for life.

Letter II. contains prudential advice to Philetus, on entering into trade farther enforced by confiderations of a religious nature.

In the third Letter the grea duty of Family Religion is particularly infifted on; the dinerent motives to the regular practice of it urged, and the happy confequences of it deduced.

The fourth Letter is addreffed to Eloifa, a young woman, married to Philetus. In this Letter we have a concile exponition of the duty and conduct of a good wife The advice here offered by the judicious Author to is fair Readers, is fuch as can offend none, but may, if duly attended to, prove highly beneficial to many. Art. 37. The Transactions of the British Farmer Accomptant, adapted to the Four Seasons of the Year. Wherein the Gentlemen Farmers have a Plan of Books cut sely new, and fuitable to their Occupation. The Method here laid down is fo rational and ob. vious, that it may be practited b any one who understands the common Rules of Arithmetic. By following this Plan the Farmer can, with very little Trouble, know the State of his Affairs at any Seafon. Together with a Pian of a Sowing Book for the Spring Seafon; alfo a Calculation for the Harvest Seafon, with every other Occurrence in the farming Way. By John Rofe, Accomptant. Folio. 28. Williamfon at Edinburgh.

Every farmer muft keep fome kind of accounts, either with a plan or without; but in fo very active an occupation, he is probably forced to rely more on his head than his books. However, if the yarious objects that inceflantly claim his attention, will allow him to model his books in a mercantile form, he may derive fome afliftance from Mr. Rofe: we often collect knowledge by confidering what a writer proposes, whether we agree or d fagree with him; and may correct our own errors by the inftructions another, even though we do not, or cannot, conform to hole inftructions.

Art. 38. Letters from the Dutchefs de Crui, and others, on Subjes moral and entertaining; wherein the character of the Female Sex, with their Rank, Importance, and Confequence is stated, and their relative Daries in Life are enforced. By a Lady. 12mo. 5 Vols. 15 s. Robfon, &c 1726,

We are at a lofs to know whether thefe Letters fhould be claffed under the head of novels or moral clays A story is interwoven with the piece; but it makes fo fmall a part of the whole, that we are afraid, if we recommend it as one of the leaft lauity of our modern novels, thofe who turn over as blank paper all tuch matter as does not carry on the plot, will thin. they have a dear bargain. On the other hand, if we recommend it under the notion of a courfe of moral and prudential inftruction for young females, probably many povel readers will conclude it is not one of their books, and fo lofe the benefit of much wholetome advice.

We are no lefs at a lofs, what judgment to pass on the execution of the work. In fome parts the compofition is elegant, and the fen

timent important: in others, the ideas are exceedingly trite, and the language very incorrect. From this inequality of fentiment and ftyle, and from fome very clofe imitations which we have observed in the work, we have been ready to fufpect its originality.


But whether the work be an original or a compilation-whether be a fet of moral effays or a novel; we will venture to promise our young Readers that it will afford them fome entertainment, and, if it is not their own fault, much useful inftruction.

Art. 39. ΛΟΥΚΙΑΝΟΥ ΣΑΜΟΣΑΤΕΩΣ πως δει Ίσοριαν ovyypaper.-Lucian's Effay on the Manner of writing History, with Notes. By Francis Riollay, M. A. 8vo. 4 s. 6d. Oxford, at the Clarendon Prefs. Sold by Rivington in London.

A little after the middle of the fecond century of our era, when the Roman arms had reaped fo much glory in the Parthian wars, a fwarm of Greek hiftorians, of the lowest character, had, by the vileft adulation, and from lucrative motives, debased history to such a degree, that Lucian wrote the prefent treatife to rectify its conduct and redeem its credit. This tract is the more valuable, as it is the only work of the kind that antiquity affords us. The original, which is exceedingly pleasant and entertaining, being written in the true fpirit and humour of Lucian, is here accompanied with a Latin verfion, and with useful notes. The Editor has, moreover, added Lucian's two books of true hiftory, which fome have been fo filly as to take for a praxis on his foregoing treatife, but which were, in reality, nothing more than a pleasant burlesque on the ridiculous hiftories of his time. In fhort, his true Hiftory is a mere Greek Gulliver. The Hiftorian tells you, that in one of his voyages he met with an halcyon's neft with eggs as large as an Herefordshire hogshead; ἕκασον αυτων Χις πιθα περιπληθέτερον. Art. 40. The Virtues exhibited in hiftorical Facts, for the Inftruction and Entertainment of Youth. Tranflated from the French. 12mo. 3s. Johnson.

This volume appears to contain a very agreeable and useful collection of anecdotes and events, illuftrating a variety of virtues, and recommending them to our practice. Mr. De Linat fpeaks very modeftly of the tranflation, in which, nevertheless, confidering him as a foreigner, he cannot be faid to have acquitted himself ill. The book is well calculated for the fervice of youth.

Art. 41. The Hiftory of Vandalia. Containing the ancient and prefent State of the Country of Mecklenburg; its Revolutions under the Vandals, the Venedi, and the Saxons; with the Succeffion and memorable Actions of its Sovereigns. By Thomas Nugent, LL. D. &c. 4to. 11. 1s. Nourfe, &c. 1773.

An account of this Hiftory, with ample fpecimens, was given in our Review of the two preceding volumes: fee Art. I. in our No. for Sept. 1766. This concluding volume brings the work down to the marriage of his prefent majefty, the king of Great Britain, with a princefs of the houfe of Mecklenburg.

RELIGIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL. Art. 42. A Letter to Soame Fenyns, Efq; occafioned by an Affertion contained in his View of the internal Evidence of the Chriftian Religion. By G. U. 12mo. Is. 6d. Davies,


The corruption of Christianity, were the fact admiffible to the degree which Mr. Jenyns feems willing to allow, would furnish a very formidable objection against its truth and divine origin. The writer of this letter, profeffing himself a believer, and, on the whole, an admirer of his late publication, urges against him this difficulty and endeavours to fhew à priori, by an induction of prophecies and declarations, both from the Old and New Teftament, that this notion is abfurd and groundless. But many of the prophecies which he cites, though explained by his own comment, are hardly capable of the application which he gives them; and it is difficult to determine, for he has treated the fubject in a manner fo lax and fuperficial, whether he means to vindicate the records of Chriftianity from corruption, or the fentiments of profeffed Chriftians from any fundamenIt is furely no difparagement to Chriftianity, that it has been variously interpreted and understood: uniformity of opinion was not the object of its promulgation: nor can the diverfity which has prevailed in this refpect among Chriftians be fairly urged against revelation, till it can be fhewn that unenlightened reafon is a more fure, infallible, and uniform guide both in matters of judgment and practice; a fact against which the experience of ages ftrongly militates. It is fufficient, that the Chriftian code of doctrine and duty has undergone no material mutilation and corruption; and that the information which well-difpofed minds may derive from it is adapted to every neceffary purpose of virtue and happiness. Art. 43. Short Strictures on certain Paffages in a View of the internal Evidence of the Chriftian Religion, by S. Jenyns, Efq; Written by a Layman. 12mo. 6d. White.

The Author of these ftrictures very juftly obferves, that there is an ambiguity in the ftyle of Mr. J's View, &c. which is very ill adapted to the ferious 'province he has there undertaken. But his chief defign is to fhew, that by improper definitions of valour, patriotifm, and friendship, he has excluded them from the rank of virtues: he accordingly charges the Author with " " perverting known terms from their meaning hitherto received;" and adds, that if the words, valour, patriotism, and friendship are reftored to their ufual fignification, the qualities denoted by them will appear real virtues, and confequently not incompatible with the genius and fpirit of the Chriftian inftitution, but actually recommended in the gofpel."

Art. 44. Mifguided religious Zeal, trampling on Humanity, Candour, and Benevolence, reproved and condemned. Containing RE MARKS on a late Pamphlet called Diotrephes reproved *. In which the falfe Facts, the illiberal Reflections, the mean Quibbles, the unmerited Reproaches, the uncharitable Conclufions, the unjust Cenfures and Afperfions, contained in that Performance, are pointed out, and fet in their true Light. By Jeremiah Rudfdell f. With a Preface, by the Rev. Mr. Hextal. 4to. Is. Back land, &c.

See Rev. for July 1776, p. 78. Art. 75.

Author of the "Pernicious Effects of Religious Contention and Bigotry;" the leading publication in this controversy for an ac count of which fee Rev. for July 1775, P. 92. Art. 57.


Mr. Hextal and his friends feem (as far as by-ftanders, at fuch a distance as we are, can judge) to maintain a manifelt fuperiority over their antagonists, with respect to the merits of the controversy; but the latter, we find, have gained fome advantage in a law fuit, and have driven their late worthy paitor, and his adherents, (the principal and more liberal part of the cong egation) from th ir accustomed place of worship. The excommunicated gentlemen are, therefore, under a neceffity of building for themselves a new meeting house; but as the expence is found to be too confiderable for a fmall number of perfons, they have refolved to ask ASSISTANCE. On this occafion, we cannot help obferving, that the caufe of the aged and good Mr. Hextal, is the cause of every rational and candid diffenting minister in the kingdom; and that every gentleman comprehended under this defcription will perhaps, think it incumbent on him, not only to read and circulate this pamphlet, but to endeavour, as opportunity may permit, to collect fomewhat toward defraying the expences of a new building, in which Mr. H. and his friends may henceforth affemble, in order to worship God, according to the dictates of their confciences, and in the genuine fpirit of Christian liberty, love, and charity undisturbed by the dæmons of fuperftition, fanaticifin, and perfecution.

Art. 45. The moral and religious Mifcel any: Or, Sixty-one aphoretical Effays on fome of the most important Christian Doctrines and Virtues. By Hugh Knox, D. D. in St. Croix. NewYork printed. 17:5 8vo.

The Author informs us, that " the primitive defign of these Essays was to convey the most ample, general inftructions to the mind on every fubject treated of; yet fo as that inftruction might exhaust the fubject in miniature, as it were, or, in the narrowest compass confiftent with perfpicuity, and that the method of explaining the fubjects fhould be calculated, as much as poffible, for affecting the heart by proper motives, and ftirring up men to the diligent practice of the virtues and duties explained." Had they been lefs doctrinal, they would have been more generally acceptable and useful: they are, however, for the most part plain and practical, and confirm the account which hath already been given of Dr. Knox. See Rev. vol. xlvi. p. 261. In feveral of the Effays on the moral and Chrif tian virtues, the author is much indebted to Dr. Evans's Difcourfes on the Chriftian Temper. Upon comparing them, we find numerous and striking traces of refemblance, which plainly fhew, that they could not have been mere accidental coincidences.

Art. 46. Sermons on the following Subjects; viz. the Divine Omniprefence; the Afcenfion of Chrift; the Obligation to fearch the Scriptures; the Bleffednefs of thofe to whom to live is Christ, and to die is Gain; our Times in the Hand of God; the Shortnefs and Frailty of Human Life; the Character of the habitually Religious; God's crowning the Year with his Goodnefs. By Thomas Amory, D D. 8vo. 5 s. boards. Buckland. 1775The Author of thefe Difcourfes is well known by his former publications, as a man of fenfe, learning, and piety, a character that will be confirmed by the prefent volume, which confifts of twenty fermons. Thirteen of these were tranfcribed for the prefs by the late Dr. Amory himself; and as no more were thus prepared, the re


maining fermons are fuch as were printed feparately, fome years ago, but are now collected together and preferved in this volume. Eight of the difcourfes which have never before been printed are on the subject of reading the Holy Scriptures; and are well calculated to inftruct and edify the reader. They all have this to recommend them, (as is remarked in the advertisement) that they contain not matters of angry controverfy, or doubtful fpeculation, but important principles of religion, and fentiments in which the generality of judicious Chriftians agree.


I. The Day of Slaughter.-A Vifitation Sermon, intended to have been preached at the Cathedral Church of -, on the Subject of Non-Refidence. By the Rev. W. Hammond, A. M. 12mo. Wilkie.

12mo. 6 d.

The criminality and pernicious effects of non-refidence are here exhibited in striking characters: much hath already been spoken and written on this fubject to little purpofe; and we apprehend, the time is not yet come for the establishment of any Jelf-denying ordinances. The preacher clofes his fubject with, a serious exhortation to all thofe whom it concerns to confider, "Whether they are not bound, by every tie of reafon and confcience, to refide among, and to watch over their respective flocks?" And whether thofe who negle& their duty in thefe refpects," when the chief fhepherd fhall appear," have any reafon to expect from him " that crown of glory which fadeth not away?"


Whether it be not great injustice to their flocks, to receive the tythes at their hands, and defraud them of that perfonal attendance and paftoral care which are infeparably annexed there:o? Whether the doing part of their duty by proxy can fave their confciences from the guilt of fin, after they have lifted up their hands unto the Lord, the most high God, the poffeffor of heaven and earth," that they would do the whole of it themfelves? Whether any human authority can abfolve one from the performance of vows made to God? Whether they be not the caufe of the contempt in which the clergy are held by all ranks of men among us; both by the indolence and voluptuousness of their own lives, and the extreme poverty of the curates who officiate for them? And as a confequence thereof, whether the cause of religion is not greatly hurt through them, and many.. fouls loft, for whom Chrift died? And whether, through their default, that facred fyftem, which was ordained unto life, be not unto many perverted unto death? Whether that increase of infidelity among us which is too vifible to be denied, be not justly chargeable upon them? And lastly, how they will answer for thefe things at the great and awful day of judgment?"

These are hard fayings, who can hear them?

II. Before the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign Parts, at St. Mary le Bow, Feb. 16, 1776. By John Lord Bishop of Peterborough. 4to. Is. Harrifon.

Recommends, in the most perfuafive manner, the proper methods to be used in endeavouring to promote and extend the Chriftian religion. An abstract of the Society's proceedings is annexed; in

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