
ferable to the old one, by Savage and Brown; but this is not speaking highly in its praife; for the latter is, in truth, moft execrable, not a fpark of the genuine fpirit and pleafantry of the original being to be found in it.

Art. 62. A Ledure on Mimicry, as it was delivered with great
Applaufe, at the Theatres in Covent Garden and the Hay-market.
In the Courfe of which were introduced a great variety of Thea-
trical imitations, &c. by George Saville Carey. 12mo.
Bew. 1776.

It is faid the people who attended this production of the Smithfield muse were diverted. It may be fo; the bearers had the advantage of the Readers.

Art. 63. Remarks on the late Earl of Cheflerfield's Letters to bis Son. By William Crawford, M. A. 12mo. 2 s. Cadell.

A work fubverfive of every moral and religious principle, affords an eafy and a fruitful fubject for remarks.-But then, in fuch a cafe, the remarker ought not only to be armed with the fhining panoply of truth, but with thofe keen and fearching weapons that lay bare the very finews of vice and falfehood. This is a very decent performance.

Art. 64. ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΝΟΜΩΝ κ. τ. λ. A Treatile of Laws, from the Greek of Sylburgius's Edition of Theodoret, Bishop of Cyprus, his Therapeutica, &c. done at the Prefs of Commeline, in the Year 1592. Now published by Thomas Comber, LL. D. Rector of Buckworth and Morborne, Huntingdonshire, and Chaplain to the Countefs Dowager of Balcarras. 8vo. White.

Theodoret's Treatife of Laws, is a piece of admirable eloquence, and every attempt to give it popularity is meritorious. Art. 65. A comparative View of the feveral Methods of promoting Religious Inftruction, from the earlieft down to the prefent Time; from which the fuperior Excellence of that recommended in the Christian Inftitutes, particularly from the Illuftration of Scripture Hiftory and Characters, is evinced and demonftrated. By Duncan Shaw, D. D. Minifter at Rafford. 8vo. 2 Vols. 10s. Richardfon and Urquhart.

This work has the fame object with the celebrated treatise abovementioned, viz. the fuperiority of the evangelical laws. It contains an elegant fyftem of religious erudition; and we recommend it particularly to the attention of young Theologians.

Art. 66. An Effay on Nothing, a Difcourfe delivered in a Society. 12mo. Is. 6d. Murray.

A difcourfe worthy of the fubject, that is to fay, good for nothing. Art. 67. Additions to the Works of Alexander Pope, Efq; together. with many Original Poems and Letters of cotemporary Writers, never before published. 8vo. 2 Vols. 6s. Boards. Baldwin.


To collect the scattered remains of genius, though it has fometimes been cenfured as the effect of mercenary motives, and the mere induftry of book fellers, is certainly in itself an attempt that merits praise; and as these Volumes moft undoubtedly contain many origi


nal poems and letters of Mr. Pope, they are to be confidered as an eftimable addition to his works. They are affo valuable for the productions here preferved, of other celebrated writers :-Prior, Gay, Garth, Jenyns, Philips, Congreve, Lady M. W. Montague, Lord Hervey, &c. &c.

Art. 68. A Week at a Cottage, a Paftoral Tale. 12mo.

Hawes, &c.

Of gurgling Rills, whofe utmoft might maintains the Mill, that clacks her humble Honours.' There's language for you; and as to the fentimental part, take our word for it, it is not inferior! Art. 69. Letters and Differtations on various Subjects. By the Author of the Letter Analyfis, A. P. on the Disputes between Great Britain and America. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Dilly, &c.

Collected from the news-papers, from 1765, to 1776; probably all by the fame Author; and abounding with a great variety of hints, obfervations, plans, &c.

Art. 70. A Narrative of Facts leading to the Trials of Maha Rajah Nundocomar, and Thomas Fowke, for a Forgery and Confpirary, with fome extraordinary Anecdotes pending and fubfequent to thofe Profecutions: In which are introduced the Addreffes of the Grand Jury, European and American Inhabitants of Fort William, to the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature, with their Lordfhips' Anfwers: Alfo, fome pertinent Remarks on Trade in Bengal. By a Gentleman refident in Calcutta. 4to. 2s. Bew.

No improper introduction to a perufal of the trials above-mentioned; which are published, and will be more particularly noticed in our Review.

Art. 71. Authentic Anecdotes of the Life and Tranfactions of Mrs. Margaret Rudd. 12mo. 2 Vols. 5s. Bew.

Notwithstanding Mrs. Rudd has reprobated this account of her adventures, by a public advertisement, it appears to us, that the Author hath really obtained poffeffion of fome authentic anecdotes' of this noted Gentlewoman; but his manner of reciting them is tedious and uninterefting. He is, for ever, in the invective, or the moralizing train :-alternately preaching and fcolding, till the difgufted Reader (if we may judge of others by ourselves) is ready to wish, that both the writer and the fubject had gone with the two Perreaus. The world had then been well rid of a perfon, who, according to this account, is unworthy to live in it, and we had been faved the trouble of perufing a very difagreeable performance. Art. 72. On the Legiflation and the Commerce of Corn; wherein the Questions relating to Exportation, Importation, Bounties, Prohibitions, Provifions of Corn by Public Authority, &c. are fully difcuffed. Tranflated from the French. To which fome Notes are added. 8vo. 6s. Longman. 1776. ·

Whatever may be thought of this performance in France, the fubject is not treated with that clofe direct reafoning which will intereft the attention, and gain the approbation of an English Reader. It contains abundantly more words than matter; much of the matter is short of, or befide, the mark, by commencing with too remote and general principles of political economy; for no one, furely, in tak

ing up a treatise on the corn-trade, would expect to find, for inftance, a chapter intitled, The Relation which Riches bear to Happiness,' The Writer, nevertheless, makes pertinent obfervations, with reference to the corn-trade of France; but whether his principles admit of more general application, is an inquiry into which the limits of our work will not permit us to enter. He difapproves the English bounty, as producing only an effect which would naturally take place without it, at fuch prices as the bounty reduces it to; and he confiders the corn-trade as too clofely connected with the immediate fubfiftence of the people, to be left to the fame free courfe as that of other commodities: he, therefore, propofes certain reftrictions over it, to take place according to temporary circumftances.

RELIGIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL. Art. 73. Death, a Vifion; or, the Departure of Saints and Sinners, reprefented under the Similitude of a Dream. By John Macgowan. The Third Edition. Corrected and much enlarged. 12mo. 2 s. fewed. Keith, &c,..

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We gave our opinion of the first edition of this work, a few years ago It was then but a twelve-penny pamphlet. The pious Author informs us, in his Preface to this new impreffion, that the, favourable reception which this vifion has met with, and the frequent accounts which he has received of its ufefulness, efpecially to the weary and heavy laden-Chriftian,' have induced him to endeavour to make it, as much as poffible, ftill more acceptable, and to print it in a more fuitable form for a family book, or a pocket companion, as well as greatly to enlarge upon feveral circumftances.'-The fubject is undoubtedly, as Mr. M. obferves, of the highest importance; and there is the greatest reafon to conclude, that thofe who can be brought to reflect, frequently and duly, upon death, will by that means, be induced to lead the better lives.

Art. 74. Chriflian Worship: or Three Difcourfes on profitably hearing the word; joining in public prayer, and in finging the Praises of God. By Job Orton. 12mo. 9 d. Buckland. 1775. This benevolent writer difcovers a fervent defire to advance real religion among his fellow Chriftians. With this view he publishes this very little volume, which, on account of its fmallness and cheap. nefs, is likely to be more generally purchafed and perufed. The difcourfes are plain and convincing, fenfible and ferious; fitted to awaken and promote that fpirit of piety, which every humane mind would wish to prevail, and which is peculiarly requifite in the exercifes of religious worship. May the good ends propofed by the worthy Author, be answered by his publication!

Art. 75. Diotrephes Reproved: or, Remarks on a Pamphlet intitled "The pernicious Effects of Religious Contentions and Bigotry." 4to. 1. Dilly.

States feveral of the facts and circumstances which occurred in the late Northampton difpute †, in a manner effentially different from the reprefentations given in the "Pernicious Effects;" and

* Rev. vol. xxxv. p. 485.

See Rev. lalt vol. p. 92.


throws the whole blame of the quarrel on Mr. Hextal, and his friends. Some of the writer's affertions, however, feem, (in the news paper flyle) to merit confirmation.

Art. 76. A new Tranflation of Ifaiah vii. 13. to the End of lifi. From the original Hebrew, with Notes critical and explanatory. By William Green, M. A. Rector of Hardingham, Norfolk. 4to. 1 s. Cadell, &c. 1776.

The prophecy recorded in thefe verfes is one of the most explicit and characteristic in the Old Testament: There have been few, who have difputed its direct and immediate reference to Chrift. However, though the general meaning and application of it are obvious, there are fome particular paffages, which critics have not been able fatisfactorily to explain. Mr. G-has here given us a new tranflation of the whole; and, on the authority of the Septuagint, introduced two or three material alterations. Chap. lii. 15. He ball Sprinkle many nations, our Author renders; So many nations fhall furwey bim with wonder. "Now (fays he) if the learned will confult 16. xiv. 25. they may perhaps be convinced, that the LXX found in their copy jaribu here, as well as there; because they tranflate here by the fame word as there, and the fenfe of it exactly faits the place. Chap. liii. 9. Our Author's tranflation-But he shall avenge his grave upon the wicked, and his death upon the rich. "Two very learned men, Le Cierc and Dr. Kennicot, were fo fenfible, that the words cannot be applied to Jefus,, as they fland at prefent, that they have propofed a tranfpofition of the words grave and death. But fuppofe we were to allow the tranfpofition, what are we to do with the prepofition both, in, which is prefixed to moto, bis death; and with the plural termination jod at the end of it, which, if properly tranflated, ought to be rendered in his deaths? But this can never be the true reading; for we are certain that Jefus died but once. If then the collated MSS. will not help us out of this difficulty, let us apply once more to the LXX. In the copy they tranflated, it is evident they found neither the beth nor the jød in this word. The two claufes in their copy ftood thus, vaijitten et rejayim kibro, veet vajirim moto; and thus difencumbered they give us a clear fenie, fuch as we might reafonably expect in this place. Kibro is equivalent to moto, and et rejayim to et afirim, and the vau before the fecond et fhews that they are governed by the fame verb. And now it is eafy to fee, where the tranfcribers of the prefent text have blundered. They have changed the mem final in yajirim into beth, and prefixed it to moto; and jod, the plural termination of yajirim, they have inferted at the end of the fame word, and thus have fcarcely made fenfe of what in the LXX is plain fenfe."

Art. 77. A Seafonable and Salutary Word, humbly offered to the Wife in Heart, through the Republication of a late Traft, intitled the Love Conqueft, on the little Strength of Philadelphia: together with a few other choice Extracts from different Pieces of the fame and two other Authors. 8vo. is 6d. Lewis. Mystical jargon, about chriftian love, extraordinary operations of the fpirit, and inward light; 'oppofed to the vifible forms of religion, and to antichrift, who is here faid to be intrenched in all of them.


Art. 78. An Introduction to the Reading of the Holy Bible. By a Lady. 12mo. I S. Caflon, &c.


We think this little book likely to be useful, particularly to children, for whofe benefit it is principally defigned. The ftyle is brought down to their capacities, and the Writer offers fome very proper remarks. But her work is capable of improvement. would juft afk this good lady whether, in the account of Jacob's obtaining the bleffing from Ifaac, it would not be better to confefs, at once, that, in this inftance, he acted deceitfully, and wrong, than to endeavour to palliate the matter, which cannot be done to perfect fatisfaction? May not children be told that Jacob ought to have waited patiently in an honeft way, for the accomplishment of his expectations, rather than have had recourfe to artifice and fraud? against which young minds cannot be too much cautioned. The Authorefs tells us that the only merit the work pretends to, is the fimplicity of the diction, and that he has had the fatisfaction of feeing its intention anfwered by repeated trials. It was originally defigned for the ufe of the proteftant charity schools in Ireland, and contains fome antidotes against the doctrines of popery. It may be confidered as a proof of its having met with fome efteem and fuccefs, when we are told, that fince the former publication, a fpurious edition has been printed by a clergyman, in his own name, with a few alterations and additions; in which mutilated ftate, the Writer adds, I can have no objection, to the reverend gentleman's taking the honor of it to himself, fince he finds it convenient.'


1. Preached in the Parish Church of St. Ann, Soho, May 12th 1776, for the Benefit of the Weftminster General Difpenfary. By Benjamin Choyce Sowden, Morning Preacher of All Hallows, London-Wall. 4to. 1 s. Printed for the Weftminster General Difpenfary.

A rational and pathetic recommendation of a very benevolent inftitution ;-by which, fince Auguft 1774, no less than 3123 patients have received the benefit of medical affittance.

II. The Principles of the Revolution vindicated,-before the Univerfity of Cambridge, May 29th 1776. By Richard Watson, D. D. F.R. S. Regius Profeffor of Divinity in that University. 4to. 13. White, &c.

It is not furprising, that a fermon which treats of the principles of government, and of the errors of its administration, fo freely as to afford a latitude of application to the Auditors, fhould prove less palatable to an accademical body, than doctrines of a more foothing complexion: accordingly we find by the dedication to the duke of Grafton, chancellor of the univerfity, that Dr. Watson did not escape cenfure. He has now appealed to the public at large, deftitute of the ufual imprimatur; and will in all probability give rather more fatisfaction to many readers, than he might do to his hearers.

The account of Letters from Italy, in 1770, and 1771; by an Englishwoman,' will be given in our next.

The Author of the Letter from Aylsham has not, we conceive, fufficient reafon for complaint.

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