


Nature of the social forces and mode of controlling them. - The present
work devoted to the expansion of these two principles. Both aspects of the
subject psychological. - Mind popularly restricted to intellect and the feel-
ings ignored. Subjective and objective psychology.-Illogical classifi-
cations. - The causational factor ignored. Practical side of objective
psychology also ignored. An undiscovered faculty. - A new psychology.
-Theorems to be established.






Cosmology and psychology. - Leading cosmologies. Metaphysical
speculation. Twofold revolution in philosophy.

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the basis of sociology.

Modern psychology as




The most difficult problems the first to be attacked. — Laws of thought
studied before the senses.
Berkeley, Hume, Locke.
Reid and Stewart.

- Will and soul. — Epistemology. — Descartes,
Kant's division of mind into sense and intellect.
Connection between the departments of mind.

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Indifferent sensation. Perception. Subjective and objective psy-
chology. Specialization of the finger tips for perception. Sense of touch
more specialized objectively than other senses. - Taste and smell subjec-
tively specialized. - Prof. Clarke's theory of odors. - Sense of hearing. —
Sense of sight. — Material mediums of the senses.


Deals with sensations and their combinations. — Intensive sensations. —
Pain and pleasure senses. - Auditory and visual pleasure emotional. — The
emotional sense. - External and internal sensations. The sympathetic
system the seat of the emotions. Sensation and emotion distinguished.


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The motor apparatus of the nervous system. - Only responds to intensive
sensations.. Reflex action. The sensori-motor apparatus. Of the sym-
pathetic system. The nervous system a compound individual. — Supreme
and subordinate centers. - How connected. The ideo-motor apparatus.
Rational actions. Why often unsafe.. - Will. - Mental physics. — The
popular fallacy.

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The mission of science to dispel mystery. The origin of evil. — Pleas-
ure a greater mystery than pain. — Neither necessary. — Death not neces-

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Always made

capable of pleasure and pain. - Defined as the feelings taken collectively.
The full definition. Why not critically studied by philosophers. — Ten-
dency to degrade the feelings. — The change in philosophy from the reason
to the soul. The birth of the soul. Its development in geologic time.
The soul the great transforming agent in society.

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so far as these deal with the psychological aspect they either accept these principles and build upon them, or else they lay down new ones. In Outlines of Sociology these principles are used as postulates in Chapters V and VII, while considerable advance is made upon them in Chapter VIII. In Pure Sociology and Applied Sociology they form the solid basis upon which is constructed a complete system of sociology, but naturally in working out that system much has been done in the direction. of amplifying and expanding the psychological conceptions that underlie both spontaneous social evolution and conscious social improvement.

This work is therefore to be regarded as one of the stepsthe second taken by the writer-in the natural development of a system of social philosophy, and any extended revision or material alteration of it would throw it out of its natural position in that system and deprive it of its historical value as a phase in the normal growth both of the system and of the mind that conceived it.

WASHINGTON, February 20, 1906.

L. F. W.


What is writ is writ

Would it were worthier!


J'ay seulement faict icy un amas de fleurs estrangieres, n'y ayant fourny du mien que le filet à les lier. - MONTAIGNE: De la Physionomie, p. 47.

I have sought in this book to set forth two aspects of mind

-its cause and its use.

since its use is its cause.

But these two are really but one,


Since I put the finishing strokes, ten years ago, upon a system of social science which I called Dynamic Sociology my mind at least, if not my pen, has been at work along two lines suggested by the recognized imperfection of that scheme. have been prompted, on the one hand, to build the superstructure higher, and on the other, to lay the foundations deeper. In the first of these directions I have not only been impelled by my own inward sense, but I have been quite strongly urged by others who thought it was my duty to make a direct application of the principles of dynamic sociology to the living issues of the times, and who believed it better that this be done by one who had them in his grasp than left to others who might never fully feel their true significance.

In the opposite direction, that of strengthening the foundations, the pressure has been entirely from within, and yet it is to this that I have yielded, partly because it was much stronger, and partly because I realized that it properly belonged to me to do, while the other more properly belongs to that trained army of social economists, now so rapidly increasing, who are studying and teaching by the inductive method.

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