


James Milne, from which the following is an extract :

and his subordinates, which has control of various matters of expenditure, and legal and judicial authority within the sovereign's bottle of rum!" You court-royal, "with power to correct all offen-instantly take up the other lines of the

ders, and to maintain the peace of the verge or jurisdiction of the court-royal, which extends every way two hundred yards from the gate of the palace." (Wharton, 'Law Lexicon.') The Board was so-called from

the green-covered table at which its business was originally transacted, and was first used in 1536, when Thomas Hatterlyf and Edwarde Weldon were clerks of the green-cloth. ARCHIBALD SPARKE.

The Lord Steward of His (or Her) Majesty's Household has his office in Buckingham Palace, known as the Board of Green Cloth. Other officers are Treasurer, Comptroller, Master of the Household, Clerk Comptroller and assistant Clerks, Porters, Cooks, etc. All matters relating to the expenses of the establishment, not covered by the Privy Purse, pass through the Clerk's hands. My father was commanded by King Edward VII. to submit certain furniture for one of the Palace Chapels for His Majesty's approval, and the command was issued by the

Clerk to the Board of Green Cloth.


ROYAL ITINERARIES, 1283-1350 (clv. 314). According to Hartshorn's 'Interary of Edward II.' (1861). Edward was at Woodstock on July 4-5, 1308; Apr. 29-30, 1310; May 1-16, 1310; Jan. 24-27, 1317; June 25-30, 1317; July 1, 1317; June 21-28, 1318; July 23-27, 1318.


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A. J. H.

ANCHOR CHANTY (clv. 261, 305).The Morning Post of Oct. 14, 1921, published an article by Mr. E. B. Osborn, which included the whole six verses of the ballad of

The Dead Man's Chest.' The author inci

dentally explained "that the Dead Man's

Chest was one of the Virgin Islands re-named by the buccaneers, a mention of which in Charles Kingsley's volume of travels in the West Indies was one of the seeds of Stevenson's story"; and added that the were given in the Book Monthly of November, 1914; they





said to have been copied from a musty scrapbook, in which the author's name was not given.'"

The ballad, with some slight verbal differences, was also published in The Graphic of 29 Oct., 1921, with a prefatory note by Mr.

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Yo-ho-ho and


quatrain in Stevenson's 'Treasure Island.' He, of course, wrote it to jingle with the “bluggy" deeds of Long John Silver and his merry comrades. But there is a whole pirate ballad, which sprang from Stevenson's text, and who wrote it? The great ballad was written

by an American, Mr. Young Ewing Allison, of Kentucky, under the title, The Dead Men's Song.' Its verses, as he first gave them form, were set to music in 1891 by Mr. Henry Waller, an adopted son of Mrs. Scott-Siddons. But the original draft did not become the amplified grisly song of Mr. Allison's final touches until 1897. No doubt this accounts for the "bowdlerised" versions which have

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blown about, sometimes as an old pirate chantey," sometimes as a thing "copied from a musty scrap book," always without mention of the author. The whole story is told in a privately printed volume by his friend, Mr.


Ingram, also of Louisville.

Mr. Milne's statement makes it clear that

the ballad is not a genuine example of the type of sea-song which figures in print indifferently as chanty," chantey" and shanty." With regard to the origin and spelling of this word the well-known musician, Sir Richard Terry (author of 'The Shanty Book'), wrote as follows in The Times of 5 Oct., 1918 :

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AUTHORS WANTED, (clv. 315).-(1) Sleep

thoughts.' This is the first

three verses set to music by John Dowland and printed in his 'First Booke of Songs or Ayres,' 1597. The book has been edited by Dr. E. H. Fellowes as part of his 'English School of Lutenist Song Writers.'

(2) Change thy mind.' The first of five verses written by Robert, Earl of Essex, and printed in Robert Dowland's 'Musical Banquet,' 1610, with music by Richard Martin. The song (words and music) was printed in the Musical Antiquary, October, 1909. The words are to be found in Bullen's 'Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-books, 1887.

G. E. P. A.

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affairs as is necessary to make Mary's life understood, and, focussed as a biography, it brings together the most telling pieces from Mary's letters and from contemporary authors. It is, however, in no sense an interpretation, either of Mary herself, or of the events and influences of the time, and, lacking that quality, is throughout a little flat and uninspired. Miss Waterson makes the following comment on that well-known passage in the


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Memoirs" in which she speaks of

the estrangement from Anne as a punishment

upon them for their conduct - unavoidable though it still appeared to her to have been - towards their father. "The sisters had gone 'against nature' at the Revolution, and this breach was to be regarded as their punish ment. To such a conclusion did Mary's quaint moralising lead her." This passage there are others akin to it shows that our author is not quite up to the height of her task, whether we consider merely its personal and human aspect or look also to its historical side. Miss Waterson, strange to say, has no remarks to make on Mary's maternal ancestry, no attempt at tracing the Hyde in her, or noting how it mingled with the Stuart. She handles, too, rather awkwardly, her life amid the Court and the terms her piety and her private tastes kept with the manners and fashionable pursuits - especially the gambling -of the day. The public services rendered by Mary are more adequately set out, though still with what we feel is an inadequate understanding of her a fault which counts heavily in a biography. We should guess that, far, Miss Waterson has more experience as a reader and researcher than as a writer and thinker, and we should expect her to do better later on.


The book has a somewhat larger proportion of misprints than, we think, ought to be tolerated.

Excavations in New Forest Roman Pottery Sites. By Heywood Sumner. (London, The Chiswick Press. 12s. 6d. net.)

EAUTIFULLY printed, beautifully illus

maps with its abundant material lucidly arranged and most readably set out, this book cannot but be a joy to all archæologists interested

in what remains of the Roman occupation The soil of the New Forest, of little use for tillage, and not attractive for residence, contained in plenty the clays and the sand required for production of pottery. The potteries set up in the forest came in the later Roman years to distribute their over most of Roman Britain, turning up, as excavation has shown, in all directions, and our


author takes that the industry, ed out gradually rather than suddenly, and principally because of the Saxons' preference for wooden, rather than earthenware, bowls and platters. The book describes first the Roman pottery made at Ashley Rails, and then in the second chapter gives account of the excavations in kilns at Sloden and Linwood. The essays are reprints, with additions and revision, of papers published in 1919 and 1921 respectively, and the discoveries since made are dealt with in a supplement. Description of two new kilns at Linwood, and of a potter's hut near Islands Thorns are the best part of this. The hut was cleverly

located the existence of a spring having furnished the clue. The "ovalish depression," which betrayed the site, upon being opened up, revealed a clay floor, and six post-holes, the position of which make a pentagon ground-plan.

The floor level of the northern side of the hut (Mr. Sumner supposes this to have been made of wattle-work) was raised six inches above the level of the southern side, forming a platform which may have been used as a sleepingplace. At the eastern end was a fireplace, and without, not far off, a cooking-place. The clay floor, resting on undisturbed gravel soil, measured, apart from the platform, about 4 in. thick. Our author's discoveries have added one important touch to the picture we may make of the potters' life in such a hut as this, the spindle-whorl, that is, of Kimmeridge shale, found in the Black Heath Meadow kiln at Linwood, which seems to show that women bore their part in it.

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Press, Ltd., at their Offices, 20, High Street,

Printed and Published by The Bucks Free
High Wycombe, in the County of Bucks.

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IRST STEPS IN FAMILY RECORD," 2s. 6d. Revd. WOOLWARD. Ewen, Cirencester, Glos. Interesting to all, even in old Families.


JAMES TREGASKIS & SON, 66, Great Russell Street, London, W.C.1. No. 959. English Eighteenth Century Books. (November). 424 items.

BERNARD HALLIDAY, 1, King Richard's Road, Leicester, England. No. 103. Books and Manuscripts. 779 items.

JAMES F. DRAKE, 14, West 40th Street, New York. No. 200. Rare books and first editions. 261 items.

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4. Bulletin No. LXI. October, 1928.

LONGMANS, GREEN & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.4. Monthly list, November, 1928. MARTINUS NIJHOFF, Uitgever, 's-Gravenhagen, Holland. Bibliographie, Taal- en Letterkunde, etc.

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per line.






The line is of about 7 words.

CONTENTS. - No. 21.


NOTES:-Changing London: Charing Cross and Spring Gardens, 363 - The History of the Financial Year, 364-Five Generations-' Nicholas Nickleby': a strange misprint, 365.

QUERIES: -Almshouses at Hoxton and Stansted Mountfitchet, 365-Limited Editions-Dobney's Pleasure-gardens, 366-John Dyer-Watts and Constable Portrait statues and pictures of cows-Cob Hall-Finkle Lane or Street-A. T. Elwes-Verses on Harwich attributed to Theodore Hook, 367-" Idées nationales "-Locking of pews-The rook in heraldry-The Duc de Reichstadt and the Emperor Franz Josef-Telegraphs from the Admiralty to the Coast Queries, 368-Surname Odlum-Pictures of Christ as Orpheus-Sea-sickness, 369.



REPLIES:- Nursery rhyme: 'Jim Crow,' 369 American Society in 1833-Cow-bells and Irish Saints Five guinea bank-notes Maltby, 370 - Cheyne of Dorset and Wilts French slang: nègre-Englefield-Robert Dalby - National cheers, 371 Drinks and tobacco Folk-customs of St. Martin's Day-Kirwee prize money "Mustmill"="crabmill" - A Dickens character wanted Monogram on half-crowns, 372-Izaak Walton-The Malady of the stone in the seventeenth century-Pseudonyms-A Yorkshire wich: Pennell-Addison, 373-Orme Family -Swallowing the moon-" Stafful," Cumberland -Mrs. Browning's Sonnet to Wordsworth-The Thieves' Alphabet-Eighteenth Century English, 374 Old Chapel Row, Kentish Town: Cooke: Mann-Halley Families in America-" Poisee and "goshee "-Natural children of Charles II and James II-The Plague at Marseille, 375Neglected Factor in Place-names: alignmentsBoy actors playing women's parts Modern popular songs in the United States Henry Pownall: Pownall Road-Fraudulent entries in parish registers Disinfection of money in seventeenth century Scotch song wanted Author wanted, 376.

THE LIBRARY:-'The Place-Names of the North Riding of Yorkshire '-' Principles of Emendation in Shakespeare '-Booksellers' Catalogues.

Sixpence Weekly.

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FIRST SERIES (1849-1855), 12 Volumes and General Index, bound cloth, (2 volumes and General Index in Publisher's cloth), second hand, clean and sound, £3 3s.

SECOND SERIES (1856-1861), 12 volumes, uniformly bound in cloth, second hand, clean and sound, £2 2s.

THIRD SERIES (1862-1867), 12 volumes, uniformly bound in cloth, second hand, clean and sound, £2 2s.

THIRD SERIES (1862-1867), bound half leather, marbled boards, in new condition. £10 10s.




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NOTES AND QUERIES is published every
Friday, at 20, High Street, High Wycombe,

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tions (£2 2s. a year, U.S.A. $10.67, including postage, two half-yearly indexes and two cloth

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sent either to London or to Wycombe; letters for the Editor to the London Office.


WE are glad to put before our readers particulars we have received of an Exhibition of Ecclesiastical Textile Art projected for 5-27 Jan., 1929, by the Swedish State Historical Museum, in the Art Hall of Stockholm. The exhibition, which is both historical and modern, is put together partly from the collections of the Museum and partly from loans by churches, public and private collections, and -as regards present-day objects-from the foremost Swedish ecclesiastical art studios. The cathedrals of the country have readily opened their often extraordinarily rich, though but little known, sacristies; above all may be mentioned Uppsala Cathedral with its collection of church vestments complete from the thirteenth century.

On the whole-thanks to certain favourable circumstances-Sweden has been fortunate in having preserved from the early Middle Ages and all the succeeding centuries an astonish- ingly great number of old, precious textiles. Those from the Middle Ages-copes, chasubles, dalmatics, episcopal shoes, antependia, hangings, canopies, etc. are divided into, firstly, those which were made in the country, and secondly, those which have been introduced from abroad. Among the former are pictorial tapestries with fig figure compositions dating from the eleventh and twelfth centuries; other woven fabrics from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries; Gothic hangings with - heraldic motives with an intarsiatura-like technique; and embroidered work of all kinds, often associated with certain studios, such as the magnificent pall of Saint Holmger, associated with the Cistercian nuns at Sko, and a number of altar frontals, trimmings, etc.,


Of the foreign objects of ecclesiastical art from the Middle Ages a number of them date back as far as Roman times; others represent the Gothic in practically all its phases. There are embroideries coming from French workshops, often of great informative value for a knowledge of the history of textiles in Europe. Then, the great set of round pieces of trimming with biblical subjects from cope from Biskopskulla (about 1200), and the oldest cope from Uppsala Cathedral, carried out in exquisite opus anglicanum technique (end of the thirteenth century) are among the most celebrated of their kind that have been preserved in Europe. The materials on which these embroideries are mounted, or which have been used without adornment for vestments of some kind, also originate from some of the most celebrated centres of weaving on the continent: Regensburg, Lucca, Florence, etc.

The memorials from later centuries are also

of considerable value, above all those from the Baroque period, an epoch during which, thanks to her successful wars, Sweden attained a position of power and her great men devoted a considerable proportion of the riches they had acquired to the decoration of the churches. The works were executed both within and without the country; for the most part the materials are Italian, Spanish, and French. Of special interest are numerous pieces of work from Eastern Europe, mementoes of the Swedish campaigns in Russia, Poland, and other countries, and of the connections which were established thereby: Turkish brocades, Turkish and Polish embroideries, etc.

The artistic level of ecclesiastical art sank in Sweden, as in other countries, during the nineteenth century. However, the Renaissance movement in this sphere, which characterised the last few decades of the century found expression remarkably early in Sweden -as early even as about 1880-and with unusual consciousness of its object. During the last twenty-five years Swedish artistic handicraft has produced number of notable works, which will be represented at the exhibition by Handarbetets Vänner, Licium, Libraria, etc., and by individual artists.


THE Italian Mail and Tribune for Nov. 17 tells us of the progress of the projected Medici Museum for Florence. The suggestion was mooted last year that this should be

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