Elwina. at the Haymarket, July 6 and 12, with an Percy' was first published in 1778 in Lon- A are not UTHOR WANTED (cliv. 461).-2. My bro- Mr. John Hodgkin, in his book, 'Proper (cliv. 461). -4. V. R. AUTHOR WANTED Dowty was the author of 'The Siliad.' He also wrote the play 'Edward Reform Club, Liverpool. The Library. Sheffield, Hallamshire: A Descriptive Cata- WE JE reviewed at cli. 197, the first volume of Now, It the British Museum, acquired in 1866. Part II, which constitutes the bulk of the a name of incurred fine of twenty shillings: the دو of one We rather wonder why the words Part III consists of a collection of charters The most interesting pages of the volume, Part V is concerned with water-mills and cutlers' wheels on the river Don at Sheffield, and gives the list, printed at Sheffield in 1794, of "all the works upon River Dunn from George Grayson's Tilt at Oughtey-Bridge down to Mr. Creswick's Paper Mill at Brightside and the Fall of Water at each Work the Number of Trows at each Wheel and the Hands employed." The steam grinding wheels employed the largest numbers of hands, 120 "at Messrs. Kenyon' and Co., Ponds" being the highest number given. The whole number of hands represented in the list is something short of 1500, most of them working on the Dunn and the Loxley. The volume is beautifully printed, and contains many good illustrations especially photographs of documents. We must not omit mention of Mr. W. F. Northend's cleverly written specimen of early Elizabethan court-hand. The Romance of the Apothecaries' Garden at Chelsea. By F. Dawtrey Drewitt. 3rd ed. (Cambridge University Press. 7s. 6d. net). R. Dawtrey Drewitt's charming account of Physic Garden of the Society of Apothecaries at Chelsea (first published in 1922), has evidently met with a happy reception among those interested in botany and history, for a third edition has now appeared. The Apothecaries' Garden has had a continuous career since 1673; it was said in the eighteenth century to rival the botanical gardens of Paris and Leyden. But in its life of more than two and a half centuries it has passed through many vicissitudes, which make a romantic tale in Dr. Drewitt's hands. There is a special appropriateness in his undertaking the task, since he is a descendant of William Jones, the entomologist, whose house in Chelsea, close to the Physic Garden, became in the late eighteenth century a centre for naturalists. perience had led the scientists of those days to fear the danger of acrimony-sometimes amounting to violence which was liable to be displayed at scientific discussions, and as a precaution, in the early years of the Linnean Society, no remarks were permitted upon the papers read at the meetings! Many half-forgotten botanical worthies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries live again in Dr. Drewitt's pages, which are as entertaining as they are learned. Occasionally completer references to the sources used would be a welcome addition. Dr. Drewitt alludes, for instance, to the well-known story that Sir Joseph Banks, as a boy, bore off a herbal from his mother's dressing-room, and carried it to Eton in order to identify plants; he suggests that this was either "Gerard's,' or the copy of the Herbarius Moguntinus of 1484, which Banks is known to have possessed in later life. The 'Dict. Nat. Biog.' definitely refers to the volume in question as Gerard's Herbal, and one would like to know if Dr. Drewitt has any evidence for the alternative he offers; it seems, on the face of it, improbable that the book was the Herbarius Moguntinus, which, interesting as it is from the historical standpoint, would have been of next to no value to a schoolboy who wanted to learn the names of plants. A word should be said as to the Frontispiece, showing the two Cedars of Lebanon which formerly stood sentinel at the gate of the garden; it is far more satisfactory than the smaller and rougher version of James Fuge's picture which appeared in the previous editions. We have received from the Cambridge University Press the new pocket edition (5s. net) of Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch's From a Cornish Window. The book was published first in May, 1906, and in the succeeding months had to be again and again re-printed. A second edition appeared in 1912. It is, we think, high praise to say that we have enjoyed it in its new guise. Few books about life and literature of that particular date still speak acceptablytwenty-two years away is both too near and too far. But this one is worked deep enough, beneath its surface ease and pleasantness, to touch, at more than one point, and in regard both to books and to men, what does not so soon change. CORRIGENDUM. We must apologize to our correspondent MR. ALFRED RANSFORD for something of a muddle which has been made at the top of col. 2 at cliv. 463. The passage should read-1. 3, et seq.: "for when I was a boy I was told that one of the Radbornes, related to the Radbornes of Aylworth Manor, was a famous wrestler..." An interesting feature of the present edition is the inclusion of some hitherto unpublished matter relating to the origin of the Linnean Society. Sir J. E. Smith, in letters to William Jones written in 1786-7, emphasizes the need for an association "for the cultivation of Natl: Histy: strictly," the Royal Society being then much occupied with mathematics. Ex-privately. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. We cannot undertake to answer queries Printed and Published by The Bucks Free Press, Ltd., at their Offices, 20, High Street, High Wycombe, in the County of Bucks. wanted, 65. REPLIES:-A mysterious plant, 65-Gold-mining in Wales-The Malady of the "stone" in the seventeenth century-No. 44 Fleet Street, 66-The Cock at Temple Bar-Confederate States' FlagEnglish Officers in Austrian service, 67-The sounding of the charge at Balaclava, 68-Agricultural and building customs: Témoins-Combination locks-Lancaster authors: Christopher Johnson, surgeon, 69 Folk-lore: the tigress crossing a river with her whelps-A neglected factor in place-names-Author wanted, 70. THE LIBRARY:-" A New English Dictionary." A Selection of Books published by the CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS SAMUEL BUTLER Satires and Miscellaneous Poetry and Edited by RENÉ LAMAR, M.A. (Cambridge English Classics Series) BEN JONSON: THE ALCHEMIST Edited, with an introduction and notes, by R. J. L. KINGSFORD, Μ.Α. Fcap 8vo. 2s 6d (English Literature for Schools Series) ASPECTS OF DR JOHNson By E. S. ROSCOE THE SOURCES OF ENGLISH A Guide for Students THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS A Comedy by CARLO GOLDONI Translated, with an introduction, by E. J. DENT Fcap 8vo. 3s 6d net (Performed by the A.D.C., Cambridge, June 5-12) PHILOSOPHICAL Volume 1. The Soul and its Faculties By F. R. TENNANT, D.D., B.Sc. Royal 8vo. 21s net FROM A cornish WINDOW By SIR ARTHUR QUILLER-COUCH. Foolscap 8vo. 5s net AN ENGLISH PROSODY ON INDUCTIVE LINES By SIR GEORGE YOUNG, BT, М.А. (Cantab), Hon. LL.D. (St Andrews) Demy 8vo. 15s net THE NEW SHAKESPEARE Edited by SIR ARTHUR QUILLER-COUCH and JOHN DOVER WILSON Eleventh Volume now ready. TAMING OF THE SHREW Each volume contains an introduction, notes, a glossary, a stage history, and a frontispiece in photogravure. Fcap 8vo. Cloth, 6s net each. Leather, 10s 6d net each. THE ROMANCE OF THE APOTHECARIES' GARDEN AT CHELSEA With a frontispiece and 14 illustrations. Crown 8vo. 7s 6d net FOUNDATIONS OF ENGLISH OPERA A Study of Musical Drama in England during the Seventeenth Century By E. J. DENT Demy 8vo. 12s 6d net ENGLISH CONSTITUTIONAL CONFLICTS OF THE 17TH CENTURY, 1603-1689 By J. R. TANNER, Litt. D. Demy 8vo. FETTER LANE, LONDON, E.C.4 15s net 2 NOTES AND 20 HERI, High Wycombe Bucks (Telephone: Wycombe 306). Subscriptions (£2 2s. a year, U.S.A. $10.50, including postage, two half-yearly indexes and two cloth binding cases, or £1 15s. 4d. a year, U.S.A. $9, without binding cases) should be sent to the Manager. The London Office is at 14, Burleigh Street, W.C.2 (Telephone: Chancery 8766), where the current issue is on sale. Orders for back NOTES AND QUERIES is published every numbers, indexes and bound volumes should be sent either to London or to Wycombe; letters for the Editor to the London Office. Memorabilia. WE have all been reading affectionate and admiring praise of Dame Ellen Terry, but the writer of these words has not found, amid so much that has been said of her charm, enough insistence on the degree to which that charm was served by her voice. The author of the Memoir in the Morning Post speaks of her "rather thin, tremulous tones"-truly, something of an injustice. Those who saw her play the Nurse to Miss Doris Keane's Juliet at the Lyric in 1919 will assuredly never forget how those tones-so clear and magical and easy-satisfied and rejoiced the ear in contrast to the rather strained and slightly harsh voice of Juliet. Dame Ellen had, what is given to few, a voice that carried her soul, and perhaps it has missed its due praise from the very fact that it was so perfect a vehicle. No doubt, for some little time, the Press will be full of people's reminiscences of her. A friend has sent us an account of her, when studying for Mme Sans-Gêne, going down to the kitchen in the house of a well-known oculist, a great friend of hers, to learn from his housekeeper the proper way to wring cloths. "No, little Doctor," she said, "I am not going to have gallery shouts, 'That i'nt the wy to wring things." So she carefully learned how they should be wrung. WE have received the January-June num ber for this year of the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archæological Society. Among many things to which we might equally well draw attention there is a good deal in it on the subject of Fermoy. The Ven. T. C. Abbott gives a short account of the sudden rise of the modern town. In was a the seventeen-nineties it presented the meanest and most miserable collection of squalid cabins, whose inhabitants were noted for idleness and dissoluteness; in 1809 it was a prosperous town of well over four thousand inhabitants besides the military. The magician who performed this miracle Scotchman, John Anderson, who purchased the Fermoy estate in 1791; and had the wit to see that Fermoy was a place exactly suited for the Government purpose of es new military centres in the South of Ireland, for it commanded an important pass on the Blackwater, and stood at the confluence of several roads. Accordingly, he offered the Government unlimited choice of building sites; offered to build temporary barracks for troops until permanent quarters could be constructed, and, above all, set himself to erect a town to meet the requirements of establishing ،، a garrison. The barracks having been constructed, there came the question of the church. Fermoy parish had been appropriate to the Cistercian Abbey of Fermoy; upon the suppression of the Abbey in 1560, the tithes passed into lay hands and the parish remained derelict. By the purchase of the Fermoy estate Anderson had become impropriator of the tithes, and to him accordingly the Government looked to provide for the religious requirements of the new town. The article gives a hitherto unpublished minute of the proceedings of a meeting summoned to consider what first steps should be taken. It was decided to erect a new church, the church of the said parish having been in a state of ruin since the Reformation"; Anderson offered gratis and for ever" the necessary ground, and a site was fixed upon, ،، the eastern corner of the orchard fronting the bridge of Fermoy, and on the north side of it." The first incumbent was a friend of Anderson's, William Adair, who served the cure for twelve years and drew up an Account of Fermoy as it stood in May, 1809." All that remained of the old Abbey, with its church and graveyard (they had been situated on the south bank of the river, west of the bridge) was completely cleared awayprobably about 1804. The site for the new church was admirably chosen, and great advantage accrued from the church having been built first and the town planned with reference to it for all now admire its commanding position with the streets converging towards it, yet not crowding it. One only survival of the thirteenth century Abbey yet remains, the font, so it would appear, of the church, which was also the parish church. |