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as can be seen. I am inclined to think that, just as many "Hill" names were on a track sighted over a hill, so many "Castle" names were on tracks sighted to an important earthwork of that name.

If seasonal alignments were a reality, they would give names to many places on them. Sunrising Hill in Warwickshire has through it an alignment at approximately midsummer sunrise angle (472°), which also passes through Middle Tysoe and Ratley Churches, and on to the Three Shire Stones.

In a 1 in. Ord. Map bought forty-five years ago for a tramp along Cornish cliffs, I found, 10 miles N.E. of Truro, a homestead called Sunrising, and through it at 47 degrees an alignment runs to two barrows.

More surprising, in the same map, N.N.W. from Truro, is a group of four homesteads, all within half a mile, arranged as below, where the dots represent the houses.

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From Fair Weather to Sunrising is exactly to equinoctial sunrise, and the line passes on through two barrows three miles distant. One, from Summer to Sunrising, is also confirmed by going to the vallum of Carvoza Camp. This connection between seasonal alignments and camps is referred to in a Welsh traditional idiom for sunset, “The sun has gone out below his cairns." Neither the

Summer nor the Winter lines are at right angles for the usual season fixing dates, but they are in the right direction, and indicate, I think, the approach of the seasons, being a memory of the earlier more exact alignments.

I am not claiming that all Summer and Winter place-names (as in the numerous Winterbournes) originate in seasonal alignments.

But some do.

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on a hill-ridge marked by Scotch firs aligning through Dartmouth and Kingswear Castles. And the three Maiden Castle earthworks are similar. The secondary meaning of the two Maiden Pap hill-points is evident, for the reference occurs again in a great rounded bosom of a hill in Radnorshire called Hopton Titterhill having a marked tumulus on its apex. This word "tit" for a mark point occurs again in the Titterstone Clee Hill, and in several Titterstones.

Other season names are not yet proved, but there should be noted the "Sun” names, as in Sunadale, Sunbury, and Sunton; also Sundon, Sundhope, Sundridge, where the d

is an evident intrusion. There are "Sol" names, too, inferred by a good mark-stone found at Solomon's Tump, Huntley, Glos., aligning exactly between May Hill and Robin Hood's Hill, and there is a Solsbury Camp near Bath.

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There are many Spring Hills with as yet no proved connection, and the old name of prime for the budding season may be the origin of the four Primrose Hills. To the London one, on which are barrows, an alignment comes from the Tower. A very plain allusion to season-fixing is found in Cronk yn Tree Laa, or "The Hill of the Rise of Day," in the Isle of Man, and a Sunset place near Kington catches the last rays of the sun at one season exactly down a narrow valley. ALFRED WATKINS.

A GLIMPSE OF TENNYSON.-Somebody of April 22, 1928, a paragraph which has interested me, and which may arrest the attention of 'N. & Q.' hunters. Here it is:

read to me from The Yorkshire Herald


It is not generally known that there is an intimate link between the parish church of St. Stephen, Acomb, and the Tennyson family. If visitors to the picturesque God's Acre which surrounds this church will search among the gravestones situated on the north-west side of the church they will notice one bearing the simple initials, "E. W." This is the last resting-place of a brother of Lord Tennyson, who died in the neighbourhood some years before the poet's death, and was brought to Acomb for burial. An old inhabitant once told the writer that he distinctly remembers the funeral procession passing by Acomb Green, and the impressive, heavily-bent figure of Tennyson, bareheaded, and with the familiar dark Inverness cape hung around his shoulders, walking behind the hearse. This is a literary association which Acomb should never allow to perish.


Readers' Queries.

ANTHONY FOSTER, OF TROTTON.-Is anything known of Anthony Foster of Trotton, co. Sussex? When did he die, and where was he buried? What children did he leave? Is there any will or administration extant? He was son of Thomas Foster of Worcestershire, by his wife Constance, daughter and co-heir of Sir Roger Lewknor of Trotton, knight, and was born after 1569. The Foster pedigree is given in the Harleian Society's v's 'Visita 'Visitation of Worcestershire,' 1569, p. 56, and 'Visitations of Sussex, p. 172. Lincoln's Inn MS. 150 contains five poems, parhaps transcribed in the fifteenth century. În the binding of this MS. is a large piece of a document relating to the hospital of St. John of Beverley, on which is written in Elizabethan or Jacobean handwriting-" Anthony Foster de Trotton Ar." and below between two indecipherable words.

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Quite an erroneous reading is given in the Introduction to 'The Seege or Batayle of Troye,' recently published by the Early English Text Society-" Anthony Foster de Trofford," instead of "de Trotton Ar." And there is a long disquisition, making him to be a Staffordshire man, and the godson of Anthony Foster of Cumnor. But the words are plainly "de Trotton Ar." The arms of the two families are quite different, and there is no proof whatever of any relationship between the Sussex and the Shropshire Fosters.


Oxon Vicarage, Shrewsbury.

THOMAS BURBAGE. Cator to Henry Lord Berkeley, 1598: Can he be identified as a relation of James and Richard Burbage, the actors-father and son?

Thomas was in the train of Lord Berkeley on his return journey from London to Callowder, Warwickshire, in August September, 1598. As "Cator" he was paid: August 12, 1588... for Acates for ended the 12th of August Sept 2... for one weeke ended Sept. 9... Deliverd to the Cator for the house


enment as to the regulations regarding the sounding of the Charge at the time of Balaclava.

From time to time in the past similar claims have been made on behalf of othersamongst them Trumpeter Landale, of the 11th Hussars, whom I remember riding in the procession on Lord Mayor's Day, a good many years ago now, when some of the survivors of the charge were a feature in the pageant. But is the statement itself correct?

Colonel F. E. Whitton, the well-known military author, writing in the Nineteenth Century of November, 1926, says: "Actually, and contrary to the accepted legend on the subject, the Charge' was never sounded. Nor did Lord Cardigan, once his brigade was in motion, by trumpet, voice or signal, issue any command."

Kingslake, in his 'Invasion of the Crimea,' writes in his vivid account of what happened when the Commander of the Light Brigade gave the fateful order. "Without further question or parley, Lord Cardigan tacitly signified his respectful submission to orders, and began that great act of military obedience which is enshrined in the memory of his fellow countrymen. He turned quietly to his people, and said: 'The brigade will advance.' "

Sir W. Howard Russell ('British Expedition to the Crimea'), the famous Times correspondent, is silent on the matter.

All those who rode in the charge are now dead, and very likely few, even of those, could have made a certain statement on the subject. Perhaps some old Cavalry officer, trained under the conditions prevailing in those days, or your correspondent COL. J. H. LESLIE, with his marvellous military knowledge, could inform us what, apart from the statements recorded above, would have happened, as a matter of regulation, in ordering such charge.


The point is not really important, but with the memory of those glorious, if disastrous one weeke days, now fast fading away, it may be well to 8.2.10 preserve, if possible, a record of what actually 6.9.8 happened.

1.18. 8

His wages were £2. 13.4 a year.

G. O'F.

THE SOUNDING OF THE CHARGE AT BALACLAVA (See ante p. 351). - As one of your readers "interested in Balaclava," I would ask in regard to the paragraph quoted from the Manchester City News, some enlight

G. H. D.

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THE TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT OF FOOT. This regiment was stationed in Ireland in the early part of 1775, and embarked for America in May. The following information is asked for:-(a) Where was it stationed in Ireland prior to embarkation? (b) What was the date of embarkation? (c) What were the names of the transports in which it was conveyed to America? (d) On what date did it reach Boston, to join General Gage's army? (e) On what date did it disembark?

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MASKS IN ANCIENT EGYPT.-I should be grateful to have indicated references, or pictorial and sculptural evidences, of maskwearing in religious ceremonial or the secular dance in ancient Egypt. I do not refer to the maskoids placed on mummies.

Among the Egyptian antiquities in the Louvre is a wooden jackal head; decorated in painted gesso, hollow, its eyes pierced and its lower jaw articulated. In the ears and the neck are holes from which may have depended raffia to cloak the wearer, as in the case of certain Oceaniac masks. Was this worn by some priest of Anubis? Do similar masks survive?

Winnetka, Illinois.


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DICKEY: DICKIE. I have been in correspondence with several prominent librarians of Scotland re the origin of the name Dickey or Dickie, and they very kindly referred me to 'N. & Q.' I have heard that the Dickeys or Dickies were descended from Richard Keith, a descendant of the Earl Marischall of Scotland, but I can find no proof, neither can I find any for the belief that the name came from the dickeyseat of the Kings of Scotland's carriages. But in the Appendix of 'The Sham Squire, a tale of '98,' by W. J. Fitzpatrick, of Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, on p. 351, I find that Dicky (so a Mr. Adam Dickey of Cullybackey, Co. Antrim, in 1865, informs Fitzpatrick) was a transition stage of the name Dickey towards Saxonisation, and so spelled in 1596 and 1660, in common with Dické, by Mr. A. Dickey's ancestors in deeds and documents; Dickie since 1750 being spelled Dickey. In a footnote on same page appears the following: Previously the priests latinized us in Charters as De Dic and De Dyk. Being on the border we were constantly killed off by the English, and held as feudal tenants for its defence until 1607-8,

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when James I, to please the English, confiscated our lands and transported us to Derry and co. Antrim in 1607-8."

At the battle of Flodden Mr. A. Dickey's ancestor took the standard of a Lord Constable, and is mentioned by the English poet who celebrates it in an old ballad

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McDawkey with his servaunds Bolde," etc. "The Saxon son was sometimes affixed to our names, making us from son of D. into Diekiesoun, from whom one sept of the name. we are growing Saxon by degrees you see. An authority on the Plantation of Ulster assures me that they could not have been in Derry, although they may have been in Antrim at that date, 1607-8. He says Derry was planted by the London Companies.

THE REVEREND NICHOLAS DOYLE.The Rev. Nicholas Milley Doyle, father of Major-General Sir John Milley Doyle, K.C.B. (born 1781; died 1856, without issue), and of the Rev. Charles Milley Doyle, B.A., rector of Castle Blakeney (died 1851), is stated by Foster's 'Peerage and Baronetage to have had also two daughters. Are their names and dates of birth known? Their father was prebendary and rector of New- the battle of Rullion Green, and I expect


Most Dickeys or Dickies in Ireland inform me they came from Ayrshire in 1666, after

the result of this battle had something to do with their arrival in Ireland. On the other hand, James I, when quelling the borders, taxed the county of Cumberland to transport the whole clan of border Grahams to Ireland, so there may be something in the transportation legend. He mentions the Diekiesouns, which I take to be Dickiesons; and Veitch, in 'Border Tales and Ballads,' says that the Dickiesons, always lawless and aggressive, small and poor lairds, had, strange to say, a town house in Edinburgh. These Dickiesons were in Peebleshire (near the border); but again I am informed that these Dickiesons had no connection with Dickie. A few families in Ireland say they came from Dumfries neighbourhood, for instance, those of the Clogher Valley, co. Tyrone, of the name Dickey, but most say Ayrshire, and even at the present day that locality is where the majority of the name in Scotland reside. I wonder, did the Ayrshire families come from the border ?

I am informed that Dickey and Dickes are very old names in Cumberland. This would also point to the border. And again, there may be English Dickeys, having no connection with Scotland; although I have heard that most English Dickeys claim Scots descent, in fact an English Dickey coat of arms is exactly the same as the Dickies' of Louth, who claim descent from Robert the Scot, as he was called in the Plantation papers, who came from Ayrshire, settling first in Co. Down, 1613, although the crest is not the same the Co. Louth or Co. Down Dickies' being an alder-tree on a rock, the same as the Scottish, and the English being a ferret; but coat-of-arms would be of more ancient origin than the crest.


I have an old obituary in which the first of the Co. Antrim Dickeys is mentioned as John Dicke, without the accent on the e, in which it appears that he came from Ayrshire about 1666, and this same John Dicke is shown by the obituary to be the ancestor of Adam Dickey, who wrote to 'The Sham Squire,' speaking of 1607-8 and the border which is strange unless they went back to Ayrshire and came back in the person of this same John Dicke.

A connection of Mr. Adam Dickey says he thinks the name should be Dick. He thinks the name was changed to Dickey when they

fore the co. Antrim Dickeys must have assumed the crest from the name being Dicke, not knowing there was an accent on the e.

In 'Patronymica Britannica' (1860) Lower mentions Dickie as being from the Dyke, Hadrian's Wall or Dyke (also as a nurse name for Richard). The Cumberland Dickeys' name may have been taken from the Roman Wall or Dyke, but Lower goes on to state that Mr. A. McN. Dickey (no address given by Lower) strongly objects to the suggestion, and states that according to his own family pedigree they are descended from a Celtic chieftain named Diagha or Dega, who founded Clanna Dega (an Ulster clan expelled to Munster); this family came to Ireland from Scotland, 1660.

I suppose Dega at the expulsion of the clan went to Scotland and founded a sort of border clan, who afterwards became known as Dickies, and I take it that McDawkey was the English poet's translation of Diagha or Dega, "divine" or "holy."

It would possibly help if I could find this old ballad re McDawkey," etc.

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There were Dickeys in Co. Antrim-William Dicky and James Dicky - in 1631 (Muster Rolls for the Barony of Dunluce, Co. Antrim, and tenants of Earl of Antrim), SO the figures 1666 either must refer to another family of the same name, or else they went back to Scotland during the Rebellion of 1641, returning in 1666.

I believe that the Dickies are mentioned in an old version of 'The Blue Bonnets over the Border.' Can this be traced?

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CHILDREN OF COL. THE HON. WILThe following is quoted from an old manuscript, somewhat illegible. Is anything known of the circumstances? The parish appears to be Islington (? Norfolk or Middlesex):

came to Ireland in 1666, after Rullion
Green. He says that the crest of Co. Antrim
Dickeys is a ship in distress (Motto: Spes
Infracta), which is the same as Dick of
Prestonfield. I am told that Dick and
Dickey or Dickie are not connected. There-registered to have been christened as the

Memorandum-Whereas in the Register the 12th June, 1740, page 63, Catherine Browne, and 24th August, 1741, page 64, Henry Browne, and also 28th May, 1743, Charles Browne are


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children of William Browne of this Parish, now it appeareth unto me by the fullest proof, as well as my own knowledge, that the three children above mentioned are the children of the Honble. Colonel William Herbert, brother to Henry Earl of Pembroke, and Catherine his wife, who thought fit to go by the name of Browne at those times in this parish. Given under my hand this third day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-six. Signed G. Williams, Vicar of (?) Islington.

Henry Browne, baptized 24 Aug., 1741, may be Henry, 1st Earl of Carnarvon, who was a

son of Maj.-Gen William Herbert, and born

in 1741.

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N answer to MR. KENNETH STRUGNELL'S we have no documentary evidence that Donatello's famous statue of St. George ever had in its right hand a short Roman sword. Reproductions of the statue with a sword are absurd and fantastic, and destroy the poise of the figure, as Mr. KENNETH STRUGNELL rightly says. The left hand is over the shield, and the natural position of the right arm alongside of the figure, with the right hand in repose, excludes the possibility of an object being grasped by the hand


It is true that there is in the Victoria and Albert Museum a Cafaggiolo plate (first half of sixteenth century) with a figure of St. George reminiscent of Donatello's statue. It is reproduced in figure 24 of the following book, A History and Description of Italian Majolica,' by M. L. Solon, London, 1908. In the plate the left hand is over the shield, and behind this leans a sword; the right arm is extended sharply downwards and the hand grasps a dagger. All this is in con

trast with the pose of the actual statue, and represents a liberty taken by the artist who made the plate.

ODOARDO H. GIGLIOLI. Inspector of the Royal Galleries and Museums, Florence.

CATER FAMILY (cliv. 299, 337, 392, 429). The early form of the name Cater, with the implied derivation, given at the last reference, is interesting, but would seem to be peculiar to Devonshire. The majority of earliest references are to Midland and


Southern localities, and there seems no reason for doubting that the name is from the O. Fr. Acateur (L.M.E. Achatour, of. Chaucer, 'Cant. Tales,' A.567-9), meaning purveyor or buyer for an establishment community (cf. Archæologica, xiii. 339; Gasquet's 'English Monastic Life,' 1904, p. 202). The Durham Account Rolls, 1449-54, vol. iii, Surtees Soc., gives Cator, Provisor, Emptor, a Cater, i.e., one who provided Cates (Acates, purchases), also Bygate's 'Durham,' 97, says that under the new foundation there was to be "a Cator to bye there dyetes." Mr. Rye ('Norfolk Families') is of the opinion that the surname is

derived from Acatur, needle maker, which I think is open to doubt. With the eхсер

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