
of the first epistle of John. Gregory has quoted St. John's third epistle; and undoubtedly received the second like


13. Gregory has quoted the epistle of Jude.

14. The Revelation is often quoted by him, and1 as written by the apostle John.

15. Gregory, therefore, received all the same books of the New Testament, as of authority, which we do, and no other.


IV. I shall now put in the margin some passages, where the several general parts of the sacred scriptures are mentioned: Old and New Testament, consisting of the law and prophets, the gospels, and acts and words of the apostles; the law and the prophets, the gospel and apos


1. Gregory bestows high commendations on the scrip


2. He has strong expressions concerning the inspiration of the books of scripture: Whoever" was the writer, the Holy Spirit was the author.'

3. The doctrine of the scripture surpasseth, beyond comparison, all other learning and instruction whatever.'

Hunc pedem Johannes Caio formidabat, qui cum multa Diotrephis mala præmisisset, adjunxit: Carissime, noli imitare malum, sed quod bonum est.' [2 Joh. 11.] In Job. 1. 31. c. 11. p. 1003. D.


Judas minime dixisset: Secundo eos, qui non crediderunt, perdidit.' [ver. 5.] In Job. 1. 9. c. 45. p. 319. C. Conf. ib. 1. 18. c. 22. p. 512. A.

Et sicut Johannes apostolus dicit: Fecisti nos regnum et sacerdotes.' [Apoc. i. 6.] In Job. l. 25. c. 7. p. 794. C.


Quia scriptura sacra per utraque Testamenta in quatuor partibus est distincta. Vetus etenim Testamentum in lege et prophetis. Novum vero in evangeliis atque apostolorum actibus et dictis. In Ezech. 1. i. Hum. 6. n. 12. p. 1217. D. Una similitudo ipsarum est quatuor, quia quod prædicat lex, hoc etiam prophetæ : quod denuntiant prophetæ, hoc exhibet evangelium, quod exhibuit evangelium, hoc prædicaverunt apostoli per mundum. Ib. n. 14. p. 1218. C. Sed per quatuor partes euntes ibant,' quia scriptura sacra per legem ad corda hominum vadit, signando mysterium. Per prophetas vadit paulo apertius, prophetando Dominum. Per evangelium vadit exhibendo quem prophetavit. Per apostolos vadit prædicando eum, quem Pater pro nostrå redemptione exhibuit. Ib. n. 16. p. 1219. D. "Inter multos sæpe quæritur, qui libri beati Job scriptor habeatur. Et alii quidem Möysem, alii unum quemlibet ex prophetis scriptorem hujus operis fuisse suspicantur; cum tamen auctor libri Spiritus Sanctus fideliter dicatur. Ipse igitur scripsit, qui scribenda dictavit. Ipse scripsit, qui et in illius opere inspirator exstitit, et per scribentis vocem imitanda ad nos ejus facta transmisit. Cum ergo rem cognoscimus, ejusque rei Spiritum Sanctum auctorem tenemus, quia scriptorem quærimus, quid aliud agimus, nisi legentes literas de calamo percontemur? Præf. in libr. Job. c. 1. n. 1, 2. p. 7. vid. et n. 3. in.

• Quamvis omnem scientiam atque doctrinam scriptura sacra sine aliquâ comparatione transcendat, ut taceam quod vera prædicat, quod ad cœlestem

4. The divine oracles have in them a wonderful depth.' 5. Among many things in praise of the holy scriptures, he says; 'There are obscure and difficult parts to exercise more knowing, plain things to nourish weak minds.' 6. The scriptures, he says, are our meat and drink : het largely shows the benefit of reading the scriptures, and " he earnestly exhorts his hearers to meditate upon the words of God, and not to despise the letter of our Redeemer, which he has sent unto us. He assures them, that the more the scriptures are read and meditated upon, the more easy, pleasant, and delightful they will be.


7. James Basnage has referred to divers other proofs of Gregory's respect for the scriptures, which are not alleged by me.

V. I might conclude this chapter here: nevertheless, I shall add a few other observations, and select passages, for the sake of those to whom they may be acceptable.


1. Gregory follows the Latin translation of the Old

patriam vocat, quod a terrenis desideriis ad suprema amplectenda cor legentis immutat, quod dictis obscurioribus exercet fortes, et parvulis humili sermone blanditur; quod nec sic clausa est, ut pavesci debeat: nec sic patet, ut vilescat; quod usu fastidium tollat, et tanto amplius diligitur, quanto amplius meditatur. In Job. 1. 20. c. 1. p. 635. A.

1205. D.


PO quam mira profunditas eloquiorum Dei! In Ezech. 1. i. Hom. 5. in. p. Vid in Ezech. 1. i. Hom. 9. p. 1260-1264. Quia in sacro eloquio et dictis occultioribus atque sublimioribus satiantur fortes, et præceptis apertioribus nos parvuli nutrimur. Ib. Hom. 9. n. 31. p. 1261. A. • Scriptura sacra cibus noster et potus est. Ib. Hom. 10. n. 3. p. 1263. E. Ib. Hom. 10. n. 12. p. 1267. B. C. "Studete, quæso, fratres carissimi, Dei verba meditari. Nolite despicere scripta nostri Redemptoris, quæ ad nos missa sunt, &c. In Ezech. 1. 2. Hom. 3. n. 18. p. 1337. C. ▾ Vid. supra, not. o.

"Hist. de l'Eglise, 1. 9. ch. 3. n. 10. p. 465.

* Novam vero translationem dissero. Sed cum probationis causa exigit, nunc novam, nunc vcterem, per testimonia assumo. Ut, quia sedes apostolica, cui Deo auctore præsideo, utrâque utitur, mei quoque labor studii ex utrâque fulciatur. Gregor. Ep. de Moral. seu Exp. in Job. T. i. p. 6. E.- Tigris periit, eo quod non haberet prædam.' [Job. iv. 11.] Translatione autem Septuaginta Interpretum_nequâquam tigris dicitur, sed myrmicoleon periit. Ib. 1. 5. c, 20. p. 156. D. Longe ab hac sententiâ vetus translatio dissonat. Sed tamen quia hæc nova translatio ex Hebræo nobis Arabicoque eloquio cunota verius transfudisse perhibetur, credendum est quidquid in eâ dicitur; et oportet, ut verba illius nostra expositio subtiliter rimetur. Ib. 1. 20. c. 32. p. 665. D. Conf. 1. 4. c. 9. p. 110. C.- Militia est vita hominis super terram. [Job. vii. 1.] Hoc in loco translatione vetere nequaquam militia vita hominis, sed tentatio vocatur. Ib. 1. 8. c. 6. p. 244. A. Et alterum similiter velabatur.' [Ezech. i. 23.] Translationem autem Septuaginta Interpretum, Aquila, Theodotionis, et Symmachi, solicite perscrutantes, nihil ex his invenimus. Sed beati Hieronymi scripta relegentes agnovimus, quia hanc sententiam in Hebræà veritate ita positam, non quidem juxta verbum, sed juxta sensum, invenerit. In Ezech. 1. i. Hom. 7. n. 23. p. 1233. E.

Testament, which had been made by Jerom from the Hebrew; but he often compares it with the older translation, which had been made from the Greek of the Seventy.

2. Gregory deals much in mystical interpretations, still maintaining the truth of the history, or literal sense. Hey frequently observes an allegorical, and a moral interpretation, besides the historical, or literal.

3. He believed original sin; and, by way of proof, alleges Ps. li. 8.

4. Gregory supposed, the woman that was a sinner, mentioned Luke vii. 36-50, and Mary Magdalene, and Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, to be one and the same person.

5. Explaining the parable of the labourers hired into the vineyard at several hours of the day, Matth. xx. 1, 16, he applies it, first, to the several people and ages of the world; afterwards, to the several ages of men.


6. He had, in his copies, the latter part of the sixteenth chapter of St. Mark's gospel; for he has quoted Mark xvi.

y Hoc itaque sub intellectu triplici diximus, ut fastidienti animæ varia alimenta proponentes, aliquid, quod eligendo sumat, offeramus. Hoc tamen magnopere petimus, ut qui ad spiritalem intelligentiam mentem sublevat, a veneratione historiæ non recedat. In Job. 1. 1. c. ult. p. 38. B.-Hæc juxta historiam breviter tractata percurrimus. Nunc ad allegoriarum mysterium verba vertamus. Ib. 1. 3. c. 13. p. 83. C.-Igitur quia allegoriæ mysteria membratim enodantes explevimus, nunc moralitatis intelligentiam raptim tangentes exsequamur. In Job. 1. 3. c. 28. p. 95. D. Vid. et l. 4. c. 12. p. 114. C.-Servatâ historiæ veritate, beati Job dicta, amicorumque illius, mysticâ proposui interpretatione discutere. Ib. 1. 6. c. 1. in p. 181. A.

Nam quia unusquisque cum primi parentis culpâ concipitur, propheta testatur, dicens: Ecce in iniquitatibus conceptus fui.' Et quia is, quem salutaris unda non diluit, originalis culpæ supplicia non amittit, aperte per semetipsam veritas perhibet, dicens: Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aquâ,' &c. [Joh. iii. 5.] Exp. in Job. 1. 4. c. 3. p. 132. D.

a Maria Magdalene, quæ fuerat in civitate peccatrix, amando veritatem, lavit lacrymis maculas criminis, &c. In Evangelia, 1. 2. Hom. 25. in T. i. p. 1544. E.-Hanc vero, quam Lucas peccatricem mulierem, Johannes Mariam nominat, illam esse Mariam credimus, de quà Marcus [xvi. 9.] septem dæmonia ejecta fuisse testatur. In Evang. 1. 2. Hom. 33. in. p. 1593. De. E.

Mane etenim mundi fuit ab Adam usque ad Noë. Hora vero tertia a Noë usque ad Abraham. Sexta quoque ab Abraham usque ad Möysen. Nona autem a Möyse usque ad adventum Domini. Undecima vero ab adventu Domini usque ad finem mundi.-Operator ergo mane, horâ tertiâ, sextâ et nonâ, antiquus ille Hebraïcus populus designatur.-Ad undecimam vero Gentiles vocantur, quibus et dicitur: Quid hic statis totâ die otiosi?' In Evang. 1. 1. Hom 19. n. 1. 1510, 1511.

c Possumus vero et easdem diversitates horarum etiam ad unumquemque hominem per ætatem momenta distinguere. Ib. n. 2.

Unde et discipulis veritas dicit: Euntes in mundum universum, prædicate evangelium omni creaturæ.' In Job. l. 6. c. 16. p. 190. Vid. et ib. l. 33. c. 17. p. 1096. E.

15, and there is an homily of his upon ver. 14-20, of that chapter.

7. He speaks distinctly of the ordinary and extraordinary gifts of the Spirit; one sort, necessary to men's own salvation; the other bestowed for the benefit of others.

8. Gregory celebrates the progress of the christian religion, as prevailing in the East and the West, particularly in Britain.

9. He seems to acknowledge, though somewhat unwil lingly, thath miraculous powers had ceased in the church; and that they were not necessary among believers, especially in a time of ease and prosperity; whereas, in times of persecution, and when heathenism prevailed, they were expedient; and God, wisely and graciously, vouchsafed them; and he can bestow them, whenever the exigence of things requires.

* In Evangel. 1. 2. Hom. 29. p. 1568, &c.

f-Mansuetudo namque, humilitas, patientia, fides, spes, caritas, dona ejus sunt: sed ea, sine quibus ad vitam homines pervenire nequâquam possunt. Prophetiæ autem, virtus curationum, genera linguarum, interpretatio sermonum, dona ejus sunt. Sed quæ virtutis ejus præsentiam pro correctione intuentium ostendunt, &c. In Job. 1. 2. c. 56. p. 73. A. B.

8 Ecce enim pene cunctarum jam gentium corda penetravit. Ecce in unâ fide Orientis limitem, Occidentisque conjunxit. Ecce lingua Britanniæ, quæ nil aliud noverat, quam Barbarum frendere, jamdudum in divinis laudibus Hebræum cœpit Alleluja resonare. In Job. 1. 27. c. 11. p. 862. C.

Sunt namque nonnulli, qui cum mira apostolorum opera audiunt, quod, accepto Spiritu Sancto, mortuos verbo suscitarent, ab obsessis dæmonia pellerent, umbrâ infirmitates amoverent, ventura quæque prophetando prædicerent : -quia has virtutes nunc in ecclesiâ non vident, subtractam jam ecclesiâ supernam gratiam suspicantur, nescientes pensare quod scriptum est: Adjutor in opportunitatibus, in tribulatione.' [Ps. ix. 10.] Tunc quippe sancta ecclesia miraculorum adjutoriis indiguit, cum eam tribulatio persecutionis pressit. Nam postquam superbiam infidelitatis edomuit, non jam virtutum signa, sed sola merita operum requirit, quamvis et illa per multos, cum opportunitas exigit, ostendat.-Ubi ergo omnes fideles sunt, quæ causa est, ut signa monstrentur ? Exp. in Job. 1. 27. c. 18. p. 869. E.



I. His time and works. II. Three or four catalogues of the books of scripture. III. Remarks upon them. IV. Respect for the scriptures. V. Select passages.


1. ISIDORE was bishop of Seville, in Spain, forty years; from the year of Christ 595, or 596, to 636. He was the author of many works, some of which are these: A Chronicle, from the beginning of the world, to the year of Christ 626; a book of Ecclesiastical Writers, or Illustrious Men, in 33 chapters; Sentences, in three books; Commentaries upon the historical books of the Old Testament; Allegories in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament; Of Ecclesiastical Offices, in two books; A book of Proëms, or Prolegomena, to the scriptures of the Old and New Testament; Origines, or Etymologies, in 20 books, left unfinished, and published after his death by Braulio, bishop of Saragossa: and, in the three last-mentioned works are catalogues of the books of the Old and New Testament; of all which I shall take some notice.

II. 1. The twelfth chapter of the first book of Ecclesiastical Offices, is entitled, of the Writers of the sacred volumes; where, after having spoken of the writers of the books of the Old Testament, he says: In the New Testa

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* Vid. Ph. Labbé de Scriptor. Ecc. T. i. p. 642–650. Cav. H. L. T. i. p. 547. Du Pin, Bib. des Aut. Ec. T. vi. p. 1, &c. Pagi an. 625. 18. 633. 29. 636. 6. Testimonia de Isidoro ap. Fabric. Bib. Ec. P. ii. p. 47, 48. b De scriptoribus sacrorum voluminum.

In Novo autem Testamento quatuor libros evangeliorum quatuor evangelistæ singuli scripserunt: quorum solus Matthæus Hebræo scripsisse perhibetur eloquio, cæteri Græco. Paulus apostolus suas scripsit epistolas, ex quibus novem septem ecclesiis destinavit, reliquas discipulis suis misit, Timotheo, Tito, et Philemoni. Ad Hebræos autem epistola plerisque Latinis ejus incerta est, propter dissonantiam sermonis: camdemque alii Barnabam conscripsisse, alii a Clemente scriptam fuisse suspicantur. Petrus scripsit duas nomine suo epistolas, quæ catholicæ nominantur: quarum secunda a quibusdam ejus esse non creditur, propter styli sermonisque distantiam. Jacobus suam scripsit epistolam, quæ et ipsa a nonnullis ejus esse negatur, sed sub nomine ejus ab alio dictata existimatur. Joannes epistolas tres edidit, quarum tantum prima a quibusdam ejus esse asseritur, reliquæ duæ Joannis cujusdam presbyteri existimantur; cujus juxta Hieronymi sententiam alterum sepulchrum apud Ephesum demonstratur. Judas suam scripsit epistolam. Actus apostolorum Lucas composuit, sicut audivit vel vidit. Apocalypsin Joannes evangelista scripsit, eodem tempore, quo ob evangelii prædicationem in insulam Pathmos traditur relegatus. Hi sunt scriptores sacrorum librorum, divinâ inspiratione

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