[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]


FAs, important narrative of, 474.
Fairy tales, 471.
Fashionable infidelity, 228.
Foreign communication, 384.
Foreign intelligence, 62, 144, 222, 302,

Foreign fcientific publications, fummary
of, 64, 378.

French year, the, 460.

Free thoughts on his majefty's recovery,

Froft, the, a poem, 388.


Gabriel's facts, 465.

Gallic liberty, 472%

Generous attachment, 146.


LEture on the atmosphere, 361.
Letters, a feries of, addreffed to Sit
William Fordyce, 30.

Letter to the Jews, 71.

Letter from a lady to her daughter, 71.
Letter to the trustees of charity fchools, 72.
Letter (an undergraduate's) to Priestley,


Letter from a gentleman on board an In-
diaman, 147.

Letter to James Tobbin, efq. 147.
Letters to a prince, 148.

Letter to the most insolent man alive, ob-
fervations on the, 149.

Letter to a member of parliament, 231.
Letter to the most infolent man alive, 232.
Letter to Gabriel in answer to facts, 466.

Gentleman farmer's pocket companion, Letter to the earl of Stanhope, 476.


Gibbon's Roman empire, 9.

Gilbank's day of Pentecoft, 28.

Gillies's reign of Frederick II. of Pruffia,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Levi's difcourfe to the Jews, 476.
Life of Frederick the fecond, king of
Pruffia, 169, 275.

Life of the late Dr. Monfey, sketch of
the, 148.

Life and adventures of Anthony Leger,
efq. 228.

London companion, 308.
Louis and Nina, 468.

Lave the feftival of, 227.

Lucas's folution of the quadrature, 391.


MAn capable of fpiritual fervour, 234.
Mammuth, 189.

Marfball's rural economy of Gloucefter-
fhire, 101.

Memorial in favour of the commonalty of
France, 61.

Miscellanies, rural and instructive, 470.
Monro's treatife on medical chemistry, ap-
pendix to, 233.


Arrative of the fhipwreck of the Aa-
telope, 297.

Nation's dramatic pieces, 305.

New Robinson Crusoe, 66.

Northeot's tracts on conftitutional fubjects,


OBbfervations on the liturgy, 475.
Obfervations on the writings of Vol-
taire, 321.


[blocks in formation]

Retired pleafures, 67.

Retort smart on Pindar's epiftle to a falling
minister, 466.

Reveries, philofophical, political, &c. 68.
Review, fhort, of the recent affair of ho
nour, 148.

Sentimental mother, a comedy, 385.
Sheridan's comparative statement of the
two India bills, 48.

Sheridan's dictionary, caution to gentle-
men who ufe, 310.

Shipwreck of the Antelope, 227.
Slavery, doubts concerning the legality of,

Slavery no oppreffion, 311.
Spectator, the felect, 67.
Statement of the difputes between the
board of control, 390.
Stebbing's fermons, 392.
Stock's fermons, 394.

Sure guide against waste in dress, 387.
Swift's letter to Sir William Auguftus
Brown, bart. 147.

Swift's letter to the king, 232.

Swift's letter to the king, answer to,


[blocks in formation]

Richardfon's effay on the character of Sir Nderwood on difeafes of children,

John Falstaff, 96.

Royal aftronomer, 467.

Rout, the, or, fketch of modern life, 468.
Rudiments of ancient architecture, 118.


Sable victim, the, 308.

Scott's obfervations on Sheridan's
comparative Statement of the two India
bills, 58.

Scott's fecond letter to Mr. Fox, 70.
Scott's (major) third letter to Mr. Fox, 330.
Senilia, 359



[blocks in formation]
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France, revolution in, 74. The man

ner in which it was obtained, ibid.
Conduct of the people, 75. Their
unanimity, ibid. Conduct of the king,
ibid. Comparifon betwixt him and
Charles I. and James II. ibid. Quick
tranfition of French government, ibid.
Her defpotifm fubverted, 76. Firm-
nefs of the people, ibid. Treachery of
M. de Launay, 77. Leaders of the
people, ibid. Her Situation, 78.
Change of government, ibid. The
people open the Baftile, ibid. Na-
tional affembly of France, 153. Her
patriots, ibid. New conftitution, ibid.
Danger of delay, ibid. Levity of the
people, ibid. Their expectations, ibid.
Future predictions, ibid.. Declaration
of the general affembly, 154. Motion
in the national affembly, ibid. New
police of Paris, ibid. Measures of the
national affembly, ibid. Behaviour of
the nation, 236. Fate of fome indi-
viduals, 237. Difcuffion of her af-
fairs, ibid. Temper of the king, ibid.
Abolition of tithes, ibid. Improve-
ment made by the king, ibid.
conduct compared with the minifters of
England, ibid. National affembly of
France, 238. Ecclefiaftical reforma-
tion, ibid. Progrefs of the national
affembly, 239. Royal veto, ibid. Ob-
fervations on the veto, ibid. Com-
pared with the king's authority in Eng-
land, 240. Its spirit and confequences,
ibid. Unfettled ftate of France, 314.
Extenfion of liberty, ibid. Eftablish-
ment of Freedom, ibid. Character of
the nation, 313. Their long conti
nuance under tyranny, ibid. Thoughts
on their commotions, 315. New con⚫
ftitution, ibid. Monarchical spirit, ibid.
Conduct of the national affembly, 316.
Patriots of France, ibid. Voluntary
contributions, ibid. Enthufiasm of the
French ladies, ibid. Contribution of
the clergy, ibid. Surrender of their
plate, ibid. Attempt of the officers at


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