Race for ObedienceXulon Press, 2005 - 540 pagina's If your prayer is for a higher plateau, "Race For Obedience" is a must read. It personifies the complete Christian walk in the Holiness of a living God. |
Master Of The Storm | 15 |
No God No Gold | 25 |
Going For Gold | 29 |
Run | 43 |
The Shepherds Voice | 45 |
The Christians Accountability | 49 |
The Christian A Peculiar People | 55 |
Hopelessness | 61 |
Gods Word | 293 |
He Is Risen | 301 |
Unto You A Saviour | 305 |
A Cause For Joy In The Service Of Our God | 309 |
Children of Light | 317 |
Living For Christ | 323 |
Mutual Responsibility For Building | 329 |
He Is Going Before You | 337 |
How Shall We Escape | 67 |
Living God That Hears | 81 |
On the Road To Hell | 83 |
The Seven Wonders Of Hell | 85 |
Loving Friends Farewell | 93 |
Praise From Incarceration | 95 |
Let God Love | 99 |
Random Thoughts | 103 |
The Mystery Mixture | 111 |
Attending To The Believers Work | 115 |
Confessions Of A Failure | 121 |
The Way | 125 |
The I Wills Of Jesus | 129 |
Mistaken Offering | 139 |
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like | 145 |
Is One Sin Greater Than Another? | 153 |
Appointed For That Great Day | 157 |
Walked A Smile | 163 |
Friend Of The Sinner | 165 |
No Confidence In The Flesh | 171 |
Foundation Of Dust | 177 |
But This Man Has Done Nothing Wrong | 181 |
Dead To Sin And Alive To God | 185 |
Old Forms New Faith | 191 |
Lord Lift Up Thy Light | 197 |
Fleeing From Gods Calling | 201 |
Can Religion Stop War | 207 |
Attitude of The Mind | 213 |
That I Might Gain | 215 |
The Highest Good | 221 |
The False Accusation Against Jesus | 227 |
Reaping The Harvest | 235 |
Eternal Fellowship | 241 |
Facing Real Life | 249 |
In The Service Of God | 255 |
Light Against Darkness | 261 |
Reality Of Change | 267 |
Dearly Beloved | 277 |
Favour With God | 281 |
Gods Morality | 287 |
Power For Living | 341 |
Pride And Lowliness | 345 |
Right Ambition | 351 |
Strengthen My Hands | 355 |
On The Road To Emmaus The Basic Truth | 361 |
The Grace Givers | 367 |
The Lord Has Need Of It | 375 |
The Wonder of The Christian Family | 381 |
To Be Involved | 387 |
Vision In Action | 393 |
What Think Ye Of Christ | 399 |
Son Of God | 405 |
The Four Soils | 411 |
Pathways | 417 |
Gods All Things | 419 |
Gods Guarantees | 425 |
Remembering The Assembling of Yourselves | 431 |
When The Angels Had Gone Away | 439 |
One Thing Christ Could Not Do | 445 |
New Creature For New Life | 451 |
The Homeless Saviour | 457 |
Love And Fulfillment | 463 |
Unbelief | 467 |
What Shall I Cry | 469 |
They Went Up To Pray | 475 |
Christian Giving | 481 |
What To Do With Another Gift | 485 |
Christs Hometown Visit | 489 |
How Are The Dead Raised Up | 495 |
They Crucified Him | 499 |
The Prodigal Son | 505 |
The Eighth Beatitude Persecuted | 507 |
Diversion From Christianity | 513 |
Areas Of Consideration | 517 |
In The Beginning The Gospel | 521 |
That I May Know Him | 525 |
Church Will Fail When Humans Run It Their Way | 529 |
Character Of The Saints | 533 |
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able accept action allow attempt attitude become believe bible blood body book of Mark book of Revelation build called Calvary Christian church commitment cross crown death double minded element eternal evil eyes fact faith Father fear fellowman fellowship follow forgiveness gift give given glory God the Father God's word gospel grace hand hath hear heart heaven hell Holy Spirit Jephthah Jesus Christ John kingdom of heaven lifestyle light living living God look Lord Jesus Christ lost Luke mind modern day Nehemiah never ourselves Paul peace person Pharisee plan of salvation pray prayer promise reach receive refuse resurrection righteousness salvation Satan saved saviour scripture seek servant simply sinner sins someone Son of God soul tell thee things thou tion truth unbelieving world ungodly unto verse walk wisdom witness worship