
uses in themselves otherwise, and serve exceeding aptly to this purpose. Whereunto I add one expedient more, stronger than all the rest; and, for my own confident opinion, void of any prejudice or danger of diminution of your greatness; and that is, the bringing in of some martial man to be of the council; dealing directly with her majesty in it, as for her service, and your better assistance; choosing nevertheless some person that may be known, not to come in against you, by any former division. I judge the fittest to be my lord Mountjoy, or my lord Willoughby. And if your lordship see deeplier into it than I do, that you would not have it done in effect; yet in my opinion, you may serve your turn by the pretence of it, and stay it nevertheless.

The third impression is of a popular reputation; which, because it is a thing good in itself, being obtained as your lordship obtaineth it, that is, bonis artibus; and besides, well governed, is one of the best flowers of your greatness both present and to come; it would be handled tenderly. The only way is to quench it verbis and not rebus. And therefore to take all occasions to the queen, to speak against popularity and popular courses vehemently; and to tax it in all others: but, nevertheless, to go on in your honourable commonwealth courses as you do. And therefore, I will not advise you to cure this, by dealing in monopolies, or any oppressions: only, if in parliament your lordship be forward for treasure in respect of the wars, it becometh your person well; and if her majesty object popularity to you at any time, I would say to her, a parliament will shew that; and so feed her with expectation.

The fourth impression, of the inequality between your estate of means, and your greatness of respects, is not to be neglected. For believe it, my lord, that till her majesty find you careful of your estate, she will not only think you more like to continue chargeable to her, but also have a conceit that you have higher imaginations. The remedies are, first, to profess it in all speeches to her: next, in such suits wherein both honour, gift, and profit may be taken, to communicate freely with her majesty, by way of inducing her to

grant, that it will be this benefit to you.

Lastly, to be plain with your lordship, for the gentlemen are such as I am beholden to, nothing can make the queen, or the world think so much that you are come to a provident care of your estate, as the altering of some of your officers; who though they be as true to you as one hand to the other; yet opinio veritate major; but if, in respect of the bonds they may be entered into for your lordship, you cannot so well dismiss yourself of them, this cannot be done but with time.

For the fifth and last, which is of the advantage of a favourite; as sever'd from the rest, it cannot hurt; so joined with them, it maketh her majesty more fearful and shadowy, as not knowing her own strength. The only remedy to this, is to give way to some other favourite, as in particular you shall find her majesty inclined; so as the subject hath no ill, nor dangerous aspect towards yourself. For otherwise, whosoever shall tell me, that you may not. have singular use of a favourite at your devotion, I will say he understandeth not the queen's affection, nor your lordship's condition. And so I rest,

October 4, 1596.

XXXIII. To my Lord of ESSEX.
It may please your good Lordship,

I PRAY God her majesty's weighing be not like the weight of a balance; gravia deorsum, levia sursum. But I am as far from being altered in devotion towards her, as I am from distrust that she will be altered in opinion towards me, when she knoweth me better. For myself, I have lost some opinion, some time, and some means; this is my account: but then for opinion, it is a blast that goeth and cometh; for time, it is true, goeth and cometh not; but yet I have learned that it may be redeemed.

For means, I value that most; and the rather, because I am purposed, not to follow the practice of the law, if her majesty command me in any particular, I shall be ready to do her willing service; and my reason

} Rawley's




is only, because it drinketh too much time, which I have dedicated to better purposes. But even for that point of estate and means, I partly lean to Thales's opinion, That a philosopher may be rich if he will. Thus your lordship seeth how I comfort myself; to the increase whereof I would fain please myself to believe that to be true which my lord treasurer writeth; which is, that it is more than a philosopher can morally digest. But without any such high conceit, I esteem it like the pulling out of an aking tooth, which, I remember, when I was a child, and had little philosophy, I was glad of when it was done. For your lordship, I do think myself more beholden to you than to any man: and I say, I reckon myself as a common, not popular, but common; and as much as is lawful to be inclosed of a common, so much your lordship shall be sure to have.

Your Lordship's, to obey your honourable commands,
more settled than ever.

XXXIV. To my Lord of ESSEX.
My singular good Lord,

YOUR lordship's so honourable minding my poor fortune the last year, in the very entrance into that great action, which is a time of less leisure, and in so liberal an allowance of your care, as to write three letters to stir me up friends in your absence, doth, after a sort, warrant me not to object to myself your present quantity of affairs, whereby to silence myself from petition of the like favour. I brake with your lordship myself at the Tower; and I take it my brother hath since renewed the same motion, touching a fortune I was in thought to attempt, in genere economico. In genere politico, certain cross winds have blown contrary. My suit to your lordship is for your several letters to be left with me dormant, to the gentlewoman, and either of her parents: wherein I do not doubt, but as the beams of your favour have often dissolved the coldness of my fortune; so in this argument your lordship will do the like with your pen. My desire is also,

that your lordship would vouchsafe unto me, as out of your care, a general letter to my lord keeper, for his lordship's holding me from you recommended; both in the course of my practice, and in the course of my employment in her majesty's service: wherein, if your lordship shall in any antithesis or relation affirm, that his lordship shall have no less fruit of me than of any other whom he may cherish, I hope your lordship shall engage yourself for no impossibility. Lastly and chiefly, I know not whether I shall attain to see your lordship before your noble journey; for ceremonies are things infinitely inferior to my love and to my zeal. This let me, with your allowance, say unto you by pen. It is true, that in my well-meaning advices, out of my love to your lordship, and perhaps out of the state of mine own mind, I have sometimes persuaded a course differing; ac tibi pro tutis insignia facta placebunt: be it so, yet remember, that the signing of your name is nothing, unless it be to some good patent or charter, whereby your country may be endowed with good and benefit. Which I speak, both to move you to preserve your person for farther merit and service of her majesty and your country, and likewise to refer this action to the same end. And so, in most true and fervent prayers, I commend your lordship, and your work in hand, to the preservation and conduct of the divine Majesty; so much the more watchful, as these actions do more manifestly in shew, though alike in truth, depend upon his divine providence.


YOUR good promises sleep, which it may seem now no time to awake. But that I do not find that any general kalendar of observation of time serveth for the court and besides, if that be done, which I hope by this time is done; and that other matters shall be done, which we wish may be done, I hope to my poor matter, the one of these great matters may clear the way, and the other give the occasion. And though my lord






treasurer be absent, whose health nevertheless will cnable him to be sooner at court than is expected; especially if this hard weather, too hard to continue, shall relent; yet we abroad say, his lordship's spirit may be there, though his person be away. Once I take for a good ground, that her majesty's business ought to keep neither vacation nor holy-day, either in the execution, or in the care and preparation of those whom her majesty calleth and useth: and therefore I would think no time barred from remembering that, with such discretion and respect as appertaineth. The conclusion shall be, to put you in mind to maintain that which you have kindly begun, according to the reliance I have upon the sincerity of your affection, and the soundness of your judgment. And so I commend you to God's preservation.

XXXVI. To my Lord of ESSEX.

My singular good Lord,

THE message it pleased your lordship to send me, was to me delivered doubtfully. Whether your lordship said you would speak with me at the Star-chamber, or with Mr. Philip. If with me, it is needless; for gratitude imposeth upon me satisfaction: if with Mr. Philip, it will be too late; because somewhat must, perchance, be done that day. This doubt not solved, maketh me write again the rather, because I did liberally, but yet privately, affirm your lordship would write; which if I make not good, it may be a discouragement. Your lordship's letter, though it have the subject of honour and justice, yet it shall have the secrecy of a thing done upon affection. I shall ever in a firm duty submit my occasions, though great, to your lordship's respects, though small: and this is my resolution, that when your lordship doth for me, you shall increase my obligation; when you refuse to do for me, you shall increase my merit. So leaving the matter wholly to your lordship's pleasure, I commend your lordship to the preservation of the divine Majesty.

Your Lordship's ever most humbly bounden, From Gray's-Inn.

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