


Published by E. Adams.

people of Stratford-upon-Avon; and if regular in their attendance at church on ordinary occasions, it will be easily supposed there would be a crowded auditory to hear such distinguished orators as the Archbishop of Dublin, and Dr. Wordsworth, the Lord Bishop of St. Andrew's, who were on this day to occupy the pulpit; and accordingly for some time previous to the commencement of the service the Holy Trinity Church was thronged to inconvenience.

There were full choral services at 11 a.m. and 3-30 p.m. Immediately before service in the morning the clergy and choir (about forty in number) passed out of the door in the north transept, and met the Bishops, and Mayor, and Corporation at the end of the avenue, whom they preceded into church-the organ (a fine instrument built by Hill, but lately much enlarged and improved by Mr. T. Hewin's, of Stratford-upon-Avon) playing the National Anthem.

The first part of the service (Tallis's) was chanted by the Rev. C. H. Rice, M.A., Vicar Choral of Armagh Cathedral, and the Rev. W. Morton, M.A., Sub-vicar, sung the Litany; the Rev. G. Granville, Vicar, reading the Lessons, Communion Service, and Gospel; the Bishop of St. Andrew's read the Epistle. The service, morning and afternoon, was Nare's in F. The Anthem in the morning_was, "O where shall wisdom be found?"-Boyce. The Introit, "Jesu, refuge of my soul," set to a beautiful tune composed by Mr. E. Flood, organist, London. The "Kyrie Eleeson," which was much admired, was set to music by Mr. E. A. Sydenham, assistant organist of Holy Trinity Church.

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In the afternoon the first part of the service was chanted by the Rev. W. Morton, the last part by the Rev. C. H. Rice; and the Lessons were read by the Rev. G. Granville. The Anthem, "It came even to pass,' was by Sir F. A. G. Ouseley, Bart.; and the Hymn before the sermon, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty," was set to an appropriate tune in the possession of the Rev. W. Morton.

After the sermon, during the collecting of the alms, the Hymn used in the morning as the Introit was again sung.

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