"Edward Benlowes was a man of genteel accomplishments. He was a great patron of the poets and other writers of his time, upon whom he lavished a great part of his fortune. He was author of a considerable number of poems in Latin and English, the chief of which is his ' Theophila' (Latin and English), which gives us a higher idea of his piety than his poetical talents; though there are many uncommon and excellent thoughts in it.— His prayer at p. 19 of this work has been deservedly admired."— Granger. Prefixed are dedicatory verses by Jeremy Collier, Walter Montague, Th. Pestill, T. Benlowes, Arth. Wilson, T. Philipot, Jo. Gauden, P. de Cardonel, Pagne Fisher, W. Dennie, Bart. Will. D'Avenant, and some Anonymous. It is generally supposed, that no two copies of this curious production are alike in the quantity and nature of the prints, some variation being always discovered on comparing one with another. A portrait of the author was originally put opposite the title, but it is of very rare occurrence. Granger, in his remarks on dress during the Interregnum, has given a particular description of the print, p. 210, which he calls " a Man of Mode," and another of the " Lady in a Summer Dress," p. 206, which as well as the "Lady in a Winter Dress," he says is by Hollar. The full length figure seated, and writing at a table, is evidently a portrait of the author. This print is sometimes at p. 1, and occasionally placed as a frontispiece, in place of the one mentioned above. The three first stanzas are here given as a specimen of the •measure and composition, which are both worthy of notice. C i. Might Souls converse with Souls, by Angel-way, Enfranchis'd from their pris'ning Clay, n, But, Spirits, sublim'd too fast, evap'rate may, Without some interpos'd Allay; III. The Gold (Sol's Child) when in Earth's Womb it lay As precious was, though not so gay, 21. Barbour (John).—The Actes and life of the most Victorious Conquerour, Robert Bruce King of Scotland. Wherein also are contained the Martiall deeds of the valiant Princes, Edward Bruce, Syr lames Douglas, Erie Thomas Randel, Walter Stewart, and sundrie others.—Mark Uctttf.—Morocco.—Edinburgh, printed by Andro Hart, 1620. Octavo, pp. 444 £4. 4s. Warton prefaces his account of John Barbour and Henry the Minstrel, by the following remark. "Although this work is professedly confined to England, yet I cannot pass over two Scotch poets of this period, who have adorned the English language, by a strain of versification, expression, and poetical imagery, far superior to their age; and who consequently deserve to be mentioned in a general review of the progress of our national poetry."—In the Lives of the Scottish Poets, by Dr. Irvine, occurs the following animated eulogium. "Barbour seems to have been acquainted with those finer springs of the human heart which elude vulgar observation: he catches the shades of character with a delicate eye, and sometimes presents us with instances of nice discrimination. His work is not a mere narrative of events; it contains specimens of that minute and skilful delineation which marks the hand of a poet." 22. Brooke (Lord).—Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes of the Right Honorable Fulke Lord Brooke, written in his Youth, and familiar Exercise with Sir Philip Sidney.—London, printed by E. P. 1633. Folio, pp. 360 18s. 23. Brooke (Lord).—Another copy, with manuscript extracts and remarks.—London, 1633. Folio, pp. 360 £l. 5s. It is singular that all copies of this work begin at p. 23, and run to p. 82, with small signatures, and then commence with p. 1, signature capital D.—It is conjectured that the absent,pages consisted of a " Treatise on Religion," which, as Mr. Malone surmises in his " Historical Account of the English Stage," was cancelled by order of Archbishop Laud. 24. Buck (George).—The Great Plantagenet. Or a continvued succession of that Royall Name, from Henry the Second, to our Sacred Soveraigne King Charles. By Geo. Buck, Gent.—Calf ExTra.—London, printed by Nicholas and John Olces, 1635. Quarto, pp. 50. ... . £4>. 10s. This volume commences with commendatory Verses by O. Rourke, Robert Codrington, and George Bradley, after which a Dedication to Sir John Finch, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas: This is followed by " The Preface, or Argument of this Poesie," then comes the Poem, being "an Eclog betweene Damsetas a Woodman, and Silenus a Prophet of the Shepheards." 25. Beaumont (Sir John).—Bosworth-Field: with a Taste of the variety of other Poems, left by Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, deceased: Set forth by his sonne, Sir John Beaumont, Baronet; and dedicated to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.—■ Very Neat.—London, printed by Felix Kyngston, 1629. Small octavo, pp. 230. . . £2. 6s. After the dedication to the king (Charles I.), follows " An Elegy to the liuing memory of his deceased Friend, Sir J. B." by Thomas Nevill; "An Elegy, dedicated to the memory of his much honoured friend, Sir J. B." by Thomas Hawkins; Verses *' To the worthy Muse of his Noble Fried Sir J. B." by the same; and "A Congratulation to the Muses, for the immortalizing of his deare Father, by the Sacred Vertue of Poetry," by his Son John Beaumont.—Then follow commendatory Verses by Francis Beau. (the great Dramatist), George Fortescue, Ben. Jonson, Mi. Drayton, Ph. Kin. and Ja. Cl. Dr. Kippis in an elaborate critique upon this author's poems, says: "It is plain that there was great harmony in his versification, and that it was much above the general cast of the age. He had right notions, likewise, with regard to the accuracy of rhyme." —Biog. Brit. Vol. 2, p. 88. 26. Baker (Sir R.). — Cato Variegatus or Catoes Morall Distichs: Translated and Paraphras'd, with variations of Expressing, in English Verse. By Sr. Richard Baker, Knight. — Neat In Calf. — London, printed by Anne Griffin, 1636. Quarto, pp. 108. . . . .£l. 18s. 27. Berners (Juliana). — The booke of hauking hunting and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. (This is the first title over a rude engraving on wood; at the end of this portion, no colophon.) — Here beginneth the booke of Hunting whereunto is added the measures of blowing (second title over a wood cut; no colophon at end). — Here beginneth a tretyse of fysshynge wyth an Angle (over a wood engraving of a man angling). All the three parts 35lacft ILcttet. — Imprynted at London in Fletestreate at the Sygne of the Rose Garlande, by Wyttiam Coplande (no date}. Quarto, pp. 96 ...... £35. This rare volume finds a place in this Catalogue on account of the second tract, viz. that on Hunting, being written in rhyme.— The present is an edition which does not occur in Ames or Herbert, and is illustrated by many curious manuscript observations on the bibliography of the work, the biography of its authoress, as well as extracts from rare volumes of poetry. 28. Baldwin (William). — The Funeralles of King Edward the sixt. Wherin are declared the causers and causes of his death. — -Ulrtdt ILetttr. — Russia. — Imprinted at London in Flete-strete nere to saynct Dunstan' s Church by Thomas Mar she, 156O. Quarto, pp. 24 ...... <£'25. On the title is the portrait of the King in an ornamented Oval, which is repeated on the recto of the last leaf. The colophon is under a representation of a man in the middle of a labyrinth. This rare volume consists of three poems, the first bearing the above title; the second " An exhortation to the repentaunce of sinnes, and amendment of life, which were the cause of the Kinges death, & wil be the destruction of the Realme if God be not the more mercifull vnto vs."—The third is thus entitled, " An Epitaph. K?- The Death playnt or life prayse of the most noble and vertuous Prince King Edward the syxt." An able account of this, the rarest of Baldwin's works, may be seen in the British Bibliographer, vol. 2, p. 97-—It should however be observed, that a great error concludes the description, viz. "The subject of this article escaped the researches of Ritson."— A reference to Ritson's Bibliographia Poetica, p. 122, will shew that he has given the accurate title, date, and printer's name. 29. Bald Win (William).—The Canticles or Balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in English Metres, by William Baldwin.—(Signature Ni. wanting.) Imprinted at London by William Baldwin, seruaunticith Edward Whitchurche, 1549. Quarto, pp. 112. ... £10. 10s. William Baldwin was one of the authors of the " Mirror for Magistrates," and as will appear by the colophon to the present volume was at one time a printer. 30. Bancroft (Thomas).—Two Bookes of Epigrammes and Epitaphs. Dedicated to two topbranches of Gentry. Sir Charles Shirley, Baronet, and William Davenport, Esquire.—Half Bound, Russia.—London, printed by I. Okes, 1639. Quarto, pp. 86 <£2OV This rare volume contains 481 Epigrams and Epitaphs. The writer was a contributer to "Lachrymse Musarum," 1650, in which his poem is thus inscribed :—" To the never dying Memory of the noble Lord Hastings, &c. the meanest son of the Muses consecrates this Elegie." In the first Book occur two Epigrams on Shakspeare:—" shooke thy Speare," seems to allude to his Crest, which was a Falcon supporting a Spear. 118. To Shakespeare. |