
Chamberlaine of Scotland: Lord high Steward to the Kings most excellent Maiesties most Honourable Houshold: Gentleman of his BedChamber: and one of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Councell for England and Scotland, &c. Who departed this transitory life at his Chamber in White-Hall, on Monday, being the sixteenth day of February, 1624, betwixt sixe and seauen of the clocke in the morning, to the great grief of many thousand people of sundry Nations.—H. B. Morocco.At London printed by Edw. AU-defor Nathaniel Butler, 1624.

Quarto, pp. 18. . . <£2. 125. 6d.

Dedicated "To the Illustriovs Prince Esme, Duke of Lenox &c. Earl of March and Darnley &c. Lord of Avbigny, Terboten and Methuen, Baron of Settrington &c. And to the learned Princesse Katherine his Gracious Dvchesse." Then follows a pyramidical inscription to the noble Duke, and another dedication "To the Gratiovs Princesse, Frances, Duchesse Dowager of Richmood and Lenox, &c." This, as well as the preceding, is subscribed A. Dan ie. Sixteen metrical lines addressed "To the Noble Friends of that lamented Prince the deceased Duke of Richmond and Lenox," conclude the prefatory matter.

466. Marston (John).—The Scovrge of Villanie. Corrected with the addition of newe Satyres. Three Books of Satyres. (By John Marston.)— Morocco.At London, printed by I. It. (James Roberts} Anno Dom. 1599.

Small octavo, pp. 120. . £5. 10s.

At the back of the title are these words: "To his most esteemed, and best beloued Selfe, Dat Dedicatqve," next follow four six-line stanzas "To Detraction I present my Poesie ;"—six pages of English verses entitled "In Lectures prorsus indignos;" and a prose address "To those that seeme iudiciall perusers," subscribed W. Kinsayder, a name assumed by Marston.—The present copy has four leaves supplied by manuscript.

In Charles Fitz Geoffry's "AflFanise," a collection of Latin Epigrams, printed at Oxford in 1601, Marston is not inelegantly complimented as the second English Satirist, or rather as dividing the palm of priority and excellence in English satire with Bishop Hall.

"There is a carelessness and laxity in Marston's versification, but there is a freedom and facility, which Hall has too frequently missed, by labouring to confine the sense to the couplet. Hall's meaning, among other reasons, is not always so soon apprehended, on account of his compression both in sentiment and diction. Marston is more perspicuous, as he thinks less and writes hastily. Hall often draws his materials from books and the diligent perusal of other satirists; Marston from real life."—Warton.

467. Marston (John). — Miscellaneous Pieces of Antient English Poesie. Viz. The Troublesome Raigne of King John, written by Shakespeare, extant in no Edition of his Writings. The Metamorphosis of Pigmalion's Image, and certain Satyres. By John Marston. The Scourge of Villanie. By the same. All printed before the Year 1600.—Extra.London, 1764.

Duodecimo, pp. 244 185.

The Rev. Mr. Bowie of Oriel College, Oxford, was the Editor of this volume: He was a man of great erudition, and much respected for his valuable researches in antiquity, and various other lucubrations in obscure literature. He communicated many illustrations and critiques to the Editors of Shakespeare and Milton.

468, Mill (Humphry).—A Nights Search. Discovering the Nature and Condition of all sorts of Night-Walkers; with their Associates. As also, the Life and Death of many of them. Together with divers fearfull and strange Accidents, occasioned by such ill livers. Digested into a Poeme by Humphry Mill.—London, printed by Richard Bishop for Laurence Blaicklock at the Sugar-loqfe next Temple-Barre, 1640.

Small octavo, pp. 334. . . £5. 5s.

Preceding the title, as above, is an engraved frontispiece., with emblematical designs in compartments, and a poetical illustration in thirty-two lines. The dedication is addressed "To the Right honourable, Robert Earle of Essex, Viscount Hereford, and Bouchier, Lord Ferrers of Chartely, Bouchier, and Lovaine;" this is followed by an epistle in prose "To the Reader," and the Imprimatur. The commendatory verses are numerous, subscribed as follow:—Tho: Mill (the author's brother)—Tho: Heywood.— Steph: Bradwell—Tho: Nabbs—Tho: Brewer—Tho: Goodere.— C. G. ex Oxon.—Dan: Fox. Graves-Inn.—Joan. Patridophilus.— Hob. Newton—Ro. T. hospitii Lincoln—Robert ChamberlainBar. Pigot.—Tho: Collett—Richard Broome—Jo. Wilson, Interioris Templi—Tho: N. (probably Nabbes again)—Eliah Palmer— Philip Champernowne, and Tho. Gittyns, Interioris Templi.

This very singular poem is divided into fifty-eight sections, and abounds in stories, the incidents of which are drawn from the occurrences of brothels, and the adventures of prostitutes and panders. The volume concludes with two more commendatory poems subscribed Tho: Philips, and C. G. Interioris Templi.

469. Mill (Humphry).—The second part of the night search with the proiects of these times in a poem by H. Mill.—London printed for H. Shepard and W, Ley, sould in Tower street 8$ Paules Chaine, 1646.

Small octavo, pp. 180. . <£s. 10s.

The above title is in the centre of a print surrounded by eight compartments, one of which contains the portrait of the author, the others are emblematical subjects: Opposite this frontispiece are twenty-eight metrical lines in explanation. It is evident from Granger's manner of alluding to this head of Mill, that he had neither seen it, or knew of the book itself, except from its occurrence in the Bodleian Catalogue. Besides the engraved title there is another of Letter-press, with some additions.—" The second part of the Night Search: discovering the condition of the various Fowles of Night. Or, the second great Mystery of Iniquity exactly revealed: With the Projects of these Times. In a Poem, % Humphrey Mill, Author of the Nights Search," &c.—The dedicatory epistle is addressed "To the much Honoured, and thrice Noble Lord, Robert, Earle of Warwick, Baron of Lees," &c. a prose address "To the intelligent Reader," with two poems addressed "To the degenerate Nobility, and new found Gentry," and " To all Judges, Justices, Church-wardens, Constables, &c." succeed. Commendatory verses by Edw. Peyton, Knight and Baronet—Tho. Perrin, Knight—William Scot Gent.—and Hen. Limbruke Mr. of Arts Cam. conclude the prefatory matter.

470. Poems occasioned by a

melancholy vision vpon diuers Theames Enlarged

which by seuerall arguments ensuinge is showed.

By H. M. (Humphrey Mill).—London printed by

I. D. (John DawsonJ for Lawrance Blaikelocke and are to be sould at his shopp at the suger loofe next Temple barr in Fleet street, 1639.

Small octavo, pp. 268. . . ,£3. 6s.

This title is in the centre of a well executed frontispiece, engraved by John Droeshout, opposite to which are twelve metrical lines explanatory of " The Minde of the Frontispiece." A dedicatory epistle is addressed "To the Right Honovrable my very good Lord, Thomas Earle of Winchelsee, &c." and is followed by a prose address "To the Reader," as well as one in rhyme to the same, subscribed P. H. There are also commendatory verses subscribed I. A. and Tho: Collet.—This volume is without paging, but the signatures run on. Signature I i. contains a new title— "Poems, Pleasant and Profitable. The Arraignment, together with the condemnation of Sinne, and Death. Or, a Discovery of the alluring sleights of Sinne. And then Tormenting. For which he is accused, and legally condemned. So likewise Death being unsatiable, he's accus'd and condemned. A Reprieve beg'd by Sathan for them; granted by the Lord, upon condition. Whereunto are added sundry Directions and Instructions, for our conversations touching Sinne and Death. By H. M. London Printed by John Dawson, 1639." Another title occurs on sig. M 3—" Poems, Concerning Death. An Indightment against Death by Life, being Plaintifle. With the Event and Issue thereof. London, 1639."

471. May (Thomas).—The Victorious Reigne of King Edward the Third. Written in seven Bookes. By his Majesties Command. (By Thomas May.)—London: printed for T. Walkky, andB. FisJier, and are to bee sold at the signe of the Talbot, without Aldersgate, 1635.

Octavo, pp. 202 £2. 5s.

This work is dedicated "To the most High and Mighty Monarch, Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c." Then follows the Imprimatur, " I have perused this Booke, and conceive it very worthy to be published: lo. Cooke, Knight, Principal! Secretary of State."—Prefixed to the title is a portrait of Edward, well executed, but without the engraver's name.

472. Virgil's Georgicks Englished.

By Tho: May Esq.—Lo: printed for Tho: Walkley in Brittains Burse, 1628.

Sixteenmo, pp. 154. . . £2. 18s.

This title forms part of a frontispiece engraved by R. Vaughan, at the top of which, in an oval, is a portrait of Virgil. A dedicatory epistle is addressed "To my truely judicious Friend, Christopher Gardiner of Haleng, Esquire."


473. May (Thomas).—Lvcans Pharsalia: or, the Civil Warres of Rome, between Pompey the great and lulius Csesar. The whole Ten Bookes, Englished by Thomas May, Esquire. The Third Edition, Corrected by the Author.—Extra.London, printed by A. M. and are to be sold by Will: Sheares at his Shop, inBritainesBursse, and neere Yorke House, 1635.

Small octavo, pp. 450. . . £2. 2s.

Preceding the above title, a printed one, is another in the centre of an engraved frontispiece, with twelve explanatory lines opposite. The volume is dedicated "To the Right Honourable William, Earle of Devonshiere, &c." which is followed by a Life of Lucan, and commendatory Verses by Ben Jonson, and I. Vaughan. That part of the volume which corresponds with the title consists of 308 unnumbered pages, and is succeeded by another part containing 142 numbered pages, with distinct signatures, entitled " A Continuation of the Subiect of Lucans Historicall Poem, till the death of lulius Csesar. London, Printed for William Shears, at the signe at the blew Bible, in Coven-garden, 1657." This is also dedicated

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