
The crime of fornication. What did our Lord further add? "And whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." What is adultery? See v. 27. Why would it be a crime to marry a woman that is put away or divorced? See v. 32.

10. Did the Pharisees make any further reply? No. How do you account for their silence? They may not have been able to reply; or probably, as on another occasion, they were convicted by their own conscience.* What is conscience? See vi. 21. Did the conversation end here? Yes, for that time. Who had been present and listened to our Lord's discourse with the Pharisees? "The disciples." Did they say any thing? Not before the Pharisees. When did they resume the subject? In the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter.+ Of what matter? Concerning divorce. What did they then say? "His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry." What did they mean by, "If the case be so"? If the case be so, that a man may not put away his wife whenever he pleases. Were the disciples mortified when they heard of the strict and binding nature of marriage? Yes. What hasty conclusion did they draw from our Lord's doctrine? "It is not good to marry." Is that, in some cases, true? What does the New


John viii. 9.

+ Mark_x. 10.

+ 1 Cor. vii. 8.

Testament represent as the great advantage of a single life? The better opportunity of caring for the things that belong to the Lord, how we may please the Lord.* What instructive lesson does this teach us? That every condition in life has some advantage peculiar to itself.

What is

11. What reply did our Lord make, when his disciples drew the conclusion, that it was not good to marry? "He said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given." the saying, that all men cannot receive? The saying, "It is not good to marry." Why can they not receive it? Because some have a strong preference for the married state. Who, then, are able to receive that saying? "They to whom it is given." To whom what is given? The inclination to remain single.

12. How many causes does our Lord assign, why some men do not marry? Three causes. What is the first? That some are constitutionally indisposed to it. What is the next cause? That some are unfit for it. What is the third cause? That some deny themselves, in order to their greater usefulness in the church. How did our Lord conclude this subject? By saying, "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." Receive what? The saying of the disciples in favour of a single life. Who did our Lord say should receive that What is the mean

saying? "He that is able."

* 1 Cor. vii. 32-34.


ing of "he that is able"? Whoever has a sufficient degree of self-control.

13. What circumstance took place at this time? "Then were brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray.” Who brought these little children to the Saviour? Their parents, guardians, or nurses. What benefit did they hope for, by bringing their little ones to Jesus? The benefit of his prayers and benedictions. Whose office is it, now, to bring young children to Christ? That of parents and teachers. Do pious parents always endeavour to bring their children to the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes. How do they bring them? The most part by baptism ; and all by instruction, example, and prayer. What should be the great aim of Sabbath School teachers? To bring the little ones, whom they teach, to know and love the Saviour. How, by the blessing of God, may that end be effected? By explaining divine things, and talking to them about the love of God in Christ Jesus. Are children capable, at a very early age, of understanding and loving the truth? Yes; when they are taught by the Spirit of God.

Who saw these little children


brought to our Lord? "The disciples." they seem pleased? No; they "rebuked them that brought the children. Why did they rebuke them? Perhaps they did not like the interruption of their private converse with the Saviour. Is it not right to be jealous of every thing that would interrupt our communion with Christ? Yes; but

we should never be unwilling to forego personal enjoyment for the good of others.

What did our "Suffer little

14. Did our Lord approve of his disciples rebuking those who brought the little children to him? No; he was much displeased at their doing so.* What excited our Lord's displeasure? Their want of love to the souls of dear little children. Lord then say to his disciples? children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." What is the meaning of these words: "Of such is the kingdom of heaven" ? That little children will form a great proportion of the redeemed family in heaDo multitudes of children die in inYes. Did those chiidren who died in



infancy ever commit actual sin? you account for .death having They died-for Adam sinned.

No. How then do

passed upon them? Were they capable

of believing and obeying the gospel? No. How then do they obtain entrance into the kingdom of glory? They live-for Jesus died.

15. When our Lord had thus spoken, what did he do? "He laid his hands on them." On whom? On the little children. Did our Saviour always manifest a particular regard for children? Yes; he shewed his love to little children by taking them up in his arms.† Why did he lay his hands upon them? As a token of his blessing imparted to them. When our Lord had blessed

[blocks in formation]

these little ones, what did he do? "He departed thence." From what place did he depart? From Bethabara, beyond Jordan.* What is the Jordan? See iii. 5. Whither was our 'Lord going? Into . Judea again.† For what purpose was he going

thither? To raise Lazarus from the dead.

16. What remarkable account does the Evangelist here relate? The account of a young man who bid fair for heaven, and yet came short of it, What was this young man? He was a ruler.‡ What is a ruler? See ix. 18. For what was this young

rank, his riches, and How did he come

ruler distinguished? For his his many estimable qualities. to Jesus? Running, with the greatest eagerness.§ Where did he overtake our Lord? Soon after he had got into the high road.§ How did the young man show his reverential regard for the character of Christ? He kneeled to him.§ And how did he accost our Lord? He called him "Good Master." What is the meaning of "Master"? See xii. 38. What interesting question did he put to our Lord? “What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" Was this question put with the captious spirit of the Pharisees? No; the inquirer wished to know, whether he might make sure of being happy in the world to come, In what state of mind was he? In a restless state, between hope and fear. What made him hope? His good character, and outward attention to religion. What

• See ver. 1.

+ John xi. 7.
§ Mark x. 17.

Luke xviii. 18.

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