The New World Book List


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Populaire passages

Pagina 47 - A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities and of the nature and manners of the naturall inhabitants.
Pagina 23 - Cockburn (John). A Journey over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea. Performed by John Cockburn and Five other Englishmen, who were taken by a Spanish Guarda Costa in the John and Jane...
Pagina 30 - Farmer] on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America: with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their instructions to their Representatives in Assembly.
Pagina 64 - Monumental Inscriptions of the West Indies, from the Earliest Date, with Genealogical and Historical Annotations, &c., from Original, Local, and other Sources. Illustrative of the Histories and Genealogies of the Seventeenth Century, the Calendars of State Papers, Peerages, and Baronetages. With Engravings of the Arms of the principal Families. Chiefly collected on the spot by the Author, Capt.
Pagina 57 - THOMAS. The American Atlas: or, A Geographical Description of the Whole Continent of America: wherein are delineated at large, its several Regions, Countries, States, and Islands; and chiefly the British Colonies, composed from numerous Surveys, several of which were made by Order of Government.
Pagina 63 - New Voyages to North- America. Containing an Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent; their Customs, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers...
Pagina 8 - An Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America.
Pagina 26 - The History of North America containing A Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants...
Pagina 105 - The Atrocities of the Pirates; being a Faithful Narrative of the Unparalleled Sufferings endured by the author during his captivity among the Pirates of the Island of Cuba; with an Account of the Excesses and Barbarities of those Inhuman Freebooters.
Pagina 111 - Restoration, 1660, Fled to America ; and were secreted and concealed, in Massachusetts and Connecticut, for near thirty years. With an Account of Mr. Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, Supposed to have been also one of the Judges.

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