} Jane 13, 1902, Ear-trumpets, the Value of the Horns in Bighorn Wild Sheep as, George Wherry, 127 Earth Currents Derived from Distributing Systems, on, E. B. Wedmore, 303 Earth, the Face of the, Eduard Suess, 145 Earth's Beginning, the, Sir Robert S. Ball, F.R.S., 294 Earthquake Observations in Strassburg, Prof. John Milne, F.R.S., 438 Earthquake Shocks of April and May, 1901, near Rome, Dr. Cancani, 422 Earthquake in Transcaucasia, 370 Ebony, Green, the Colouring Matters of, A. G. Perkin and S. H. C. Briggs, 310 Echidna, Die Medulla Oblongata und die Vierhügelgegend von Ornithorhynchus und, A. Koelliker, 1 Eclipses: the Total Solar Eclipse of September 9, 1904, Dr. A M. W. Downing, F. R.S., 30; the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, November 10, 1901, 62; Observations in Lower Egypt of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun of November 11, 1901, A. de la Baume- Pluvinel, 215, 232; Magnetic Observations during Total Solar Eclipse, 210; the Total Solar Eclipse, May 18, 1901, 210, 283; Results of International Magnetic Observations made during the Total Solar Eclipse of May 17-18, 1901, Dr. L. A. Bauer, 246; Magnetic Observations during Total Solar Eclipse of May 18, 1901, Dr. W. van Bemmelen, 305; Simultaneous Visibility of Sun and Total Lunar Eclipse, Dr. C. Hillebrand, 305; Origin of Disturbance in Corona, May 17-18, 1901, 499; Total Eclipse of the Moon on April 22, 574 Ecuador: Discoveries in La Plata Islands, Dr. G. A. Dorsey, 231 Edinburgh Royal Society, 94, 143, 334, 407, 479, 550 Edridge Green (Dr.), on Colour-Vision, 114 Edser (E.), Optical Effect produced by Refraction of Air, 497 Education; School Board Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 21; Research in University Education, Prof. J. Macgregor, F.R.S., 69; Scope and Functions of Museums, Address at Ipswich Museum, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., 91; Technical Schools for Rural Districts, 106; A Country Reader for Use in Village Schools, H. B. M. Buchanan, 126: Meteorological Work for Science Schools, J V. H. Coates, 128; W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., 128; Foreign Competition and Technical Education, Arthur G. Green, 156; Chemical Instruction and Chemical Industries in Germany, Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 174; Elementary Medical Education, 203; Death of H. G. Madan, 206; The Teaching of Mathematics, 258; C. J. Forth, 272; J. W. Marshall, 297; John S. Yeo, 318; Prof John Perry, F.R.S.. 484; C. S. Jackson, 558; Frank L. Ward, 558; British Association Meeting at Glasgow, 1901: Discussion of the Teaching of Mathematics which took place on September 14 at a Joint Meeting of Two Sections, Section A, Mathematics and Physics, Section L., Education, 457; Conference of Science Teachers, A. T. Simmons, 259; Plans of the Carnegie Institution, 302; Fifty Years of Work in Canada, Scientific and Educational, Sir William Dawson, F. R. S., 339; Introductory Physics for Irish Intermediate Schools, R. A. Gregory and A. T. Simmons, 343; Domestic Economy for Scholarship and Certificate Students, Ethel Lush, 365; The Nature-Study Journal, 369; Confer ence on School Gardens, 380; Experimental Geometry, in Secondary Schools, C. A. Rumsey, 416; the Owens College Jubilee, 469; Celebration of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Johns Hopkins University, 470; Der Naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht in England, insbesondere in Thysik and Chemie, Dr. Karl T. Fischer, 481; Death and Obituary Notice of Sir John Donelly, K.C.B., 538; the Education Bill, the Editor, 562; Prof. Oliver Lodge, F. R.S., 562: Sir J. G. Fitch, 366; Prof. J. Wertheimer, 568; Sir J. G. Fitch, 384; Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F. R.S., 584; Rural Reader-Senior, V. T. Murché, 583; the Teacher's Manual of Object Lessons for Rural Schools-Senior, V. T. Murche, 583 egs, the Colours of Guillemots', R. J. Ussher, 5 R. laying Capacity of Fowls Fed on Meat and on Grain, Comparison of the, Frédéric Houssay, 408 Egypt: Berthelot and the Metals of Antiquity, Dr. J. H. Eiffel (M. G.), La Tour Eiffel en 1900, 290 Ekholm (Dr. Nils), on the Meteorological Conditions of the Elasticity for Engineers, Aug. Foppl, 505 Electricity: Voltameter for Small Currents, Dr. R. A. Lehfeldt, 46; Model imitating behaviour of Dielectrics, Dr. Buchanan, 46; Prof. J. A. Fleming, 47; Electrolysis of Ammonium Chloride in Solution in Liquefied Ammonia, Henri Moissan, 47; Effect of a Magnetic Field on Spectra of Helium and Mercury, Prof. Andrew Gray, F.R.S., and Dr. Walter Stewart, 54; the Hall Effect on Gases at Low Pressures, H. A. Wilson, 71; Problems in Electrical Convection, E. T. Walker, 71; Applications of Electricity to Railway Engineering, Mr. Langdon, 86; Wireless Telegraphy and English Channel Lightships, 109; Kites and Wireless Telegraphy. Dr. A. Lawrence Rotch, 198; Marconi's Transatlantic Wireless Telegraphic Experiments, 228; Position and Promise of Wireless Telegraphy, 394; Further Developments in Wireless Telegraphy, 416; Wireless Telegraphy. G. W. de Tunzelmann, Supp. November 14, 1901, x.; Telephony Without Wires, E. Ducretet, 287; a New Form of the Permeameter for Testing the Magnetic Qualities of Iron and Steel in Bulk. C. V. Drysdale, 110; Experimental Demonstration on the Pressure of Light, Prof. Lebedew, 110; on the Electrolytic Preparation of the Halogen Derivatives of Acetone, A. Richard, 119; the "Armorl" Electro-capillary Relay, 129; New form of Stereoscopic Fluoroscope, E. W. Caldwell, 135; the Spark of the Hertz Exciter, C. Tissot, 143; Ueber die Entdeckung der elektrischen Wellen durch H. Hertz und die weitere Entwicklung dieses Gebietes, 211; Hertzian Waves Emanating from the Sun, Charles Nordman, 359; Transparency of Liquid Conductors for Hertzian Oscillations, Charles Nordmann, 407; Explanation of Some Celestial Phenomena by Means of the Hertzian Waves, Charles Nordmann, 455; Hertzian Waves in Storms, Firmin Larroque, 528; Trattato Elementare di Fisica, Optics and Electricity, Oresti Murani, 151; Exhibition of Electrical Appliances at the Royal Aquarium, 158; Results of Some Recent Researches on the Properties of Various Rays, J. Reginald Ashworth, 180; on the Electrical Conductivity of Liquefied Gases, M. Centnerszwer, 181; the Dielectric Constant of Paraffin, W. G. Wormwell, 190; the Negative Radiation from Hot Platinum, O. W. Richardson, 191: on the Ions Produced by an Incandescent Platinum, Prof. J. J. Thomson, 191; the Action of High-frequency Currents upon Animals, H. Bordier, 239; M. Lecomte, 239; M. d'Arsonval, 239; Electrical Engineering Testing, G. D. Aspinall Parr, 242; Fusion of Quartz by Means of Electric Arc, R. S. Hutton, 263: "Skin" Effect in Electrical Oscillators, C. A. Chant, 263; Thermoelectricity of Steels and Nickel-steels, G. Belloc, 288; on the Influence of Electrical Phenomena in Cosmogony, I. Skvortzow, 303; on Earth Currents Derived from Distributing Systems, E. B. Wedmore, 303; Isenthal and Co.'s Protracted Rheostats, 304; Exhibition of Electric Automobiles in New York, 303; Progress in the design of Accumulators for Electric Automobiles, Sir H. P. Maxim, 572; the validity of the Ionisation Theory, Louis Kahlenberg, 305; Dr. H. M. Dawson, 414; Identity of Negative Ions Produced in Various Ways, John S. Townsend, 413; Influence of Diaphragms Separating Anode and Kathode Solutions on the Measured Values of the Transport Numbers of the Ions in the Passage of Electricity Through Electrolytic Solutions, W. Hittorf, 423; an Italian (Valtellina) Electric Railway, 308; Results of Trials of Secondary Batteries for Use on Branch Lines of Railways in Germany, 349; Electrical Traction on Railways, W. M. Mordey and B. M. Tenkin, 399; on Skin Currents, Part ii, Observations on Cats, Augustus D. Waller, F. R.S., 309; Electrification of Glass, F. Hodson, 319; Electromagnetic Properties of Convection Currents, Prof. A. Righi, 324; "Acker" Fusion Process for the Electrolytic Production of Caustic Alkali and Chlorine at Niagara Falls, 324 the Rhodin Cell Electrolytic Alkali Works at Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, B. E. F. Rhodin, 593; Apparatus for Automatically Registering Discharges in the Atmosphere, J. Fényi, 335; Instruments et Méthodes de Mesures Electriques Industrielles, II. Armagnat, 342; on the Possibility of Producing both kinds of Electrification in Sealing Wax by Rubbing it with Silk, J. D. T. Morris, 349; New Form of Electric Resistance Laboratory Furnace, Prof. Holborn, 350; Variation of the Electromotive force and the Temperature Coefficient of the Daniell Cell with the Concentration of the Zinc Sulphate Solution, J. Chaudier, 359; Primary Batteries, their Theory, Construction and Use, W. R. Cooper, 362; the Stratification of Hydrogen, Sir William Crookes, F.R S., at the Royal Society, 375; Note on Electric Charging and Discharging at a Distance, Hertha Ayrton, 390; Radio-activity and the Electron Theory, Sir William Crookes, F.R.S., at the Royal Society, 400; Electric Thermometer, George Meslin, 407; Conductivity of Liquid Dielectrics under the Influence of the Radium and Röntgen Rays, P. Curie, 408; Electrical Manufacture of Carbon Bisulphide, 420; Electrodes Manufactured by the Acheson Graphite Company (Niagara Falls), 420; Electric Shocks, Mr. Trotter, 420; the Laws of Electromagnetism for Bodies in Motion, R. Blondlot, 421; Application of Duddell's Singing Arc to the Measurement of Small Coefficients of Self Induction, Paul Janet, 431; Capillary Electrometer, Pierre Boley, 431; the Resistance of the Red Globules of the Blood Determined by its Electrical Conductivity, MM. Calugareanu and Victor Henri, 432; Electrical Lamp for Use with the Microscope, 443; an Elementary Treatise on Alternating Currents, W. G. Rhodes, 463; Temperature Variation of the Electrical Resistance of Pure Metals, W. Williams, 477; Suspected case of Electrical Resonance of Minute Metal Farticles for Light Waves, a New Type of Absorption, Frif R. W. Wood, 477; Experiments for Discovering whether Faraday's Law may be Considered as Applying 1 Gases. D. L. Chapman and F. A. Lidbury, 479; Electromagnetic Theory of the Aurora Borealis, Charles Nordmann, 479; the Describe one of Magnetism as Affected by Induced Currents in an ine Cylinder when Rotated in a Magnetic Fieis, Ernest Wisce 302; Method for Finding the Velocity of ndergrund Water, Prof. Slichter, 518; Leichtfasshche Vorlesungen der Elektrizitat und Licht, Prof. Dr. G. Jaumann, 352: American Institute of Electrical Engineers Commitee's Report and Resolation in Favour of the Metric System, 340 20 be Conductivity of the Vapours of the Akai Meras: Induced Radio-activity, Prof. J. J. Thomson. 50: a Se frecording Atmospheric Electroscope, G. Le Casen, $: Le Theines électriques de J. Clerk Maxwel, Erade Laneque et critique, M. P. Duhem, Prof. W. McF. Om, $55, Patines of Electrochemistry, H. C. Jones, 557. New Application of the Electric Furnace, C. B. lacts. 2: Elenic Heating Apparatus, Dr. R. A. Lehfeist, gro: Use of Ka node Kays in Alternate Current Work, J. 7. Morra, Grown of Electric Currents in an Inductive Curcury, 7. Mora, 579: the Uses of Electricity in Stimulating he Lemstrom, 593: the Crawlord-Voelker Electric Lamp, J. R. Crawford, 503; Increase of Evernica Jessting Caused by Alloying Iron with Various Element The Sorc Sic Heat of those Elements, Prof. W. F. Barrett, 1 3 S., 601; Electromotive Forces, M. Bertheint, 503 Pants, Dr. Selim Elementary School Mathematics, od S. Yes, 318 149 Encyclopedie Scientifique des Aide-Memoire, Le Vin, Henri Astruc, 245 "Energetic View of Existence, An, Wilhelm Ostwald, 265 Energy, the Thermal Measurement of, E. H. Griffiths, F.R S., 342 Engineering: on Explosions of Steam-pipes due to "Waterhammer," C. E. Siromeyer, 23, 497; Magnetic Iron Ore as a Material for Concrete Blocks, Dr. H. Warth, 31; the Mechanical Triumphs of the Ancient Egyptians, Commander F. M. Barber, 78; the Use of the Wire Saw for Quarrying, 84; Applications of Electricity to Railways, Mr. Langdon, 86; Electrical Traction on Railways, W. M. Mordey and B. M. Jenkin, 399; Remarkable Motor Car Performance of M. Fournier, 86; a New Form of Permeameter for Testing the Magnetic Qualities of Iron and Steel in Bulk, C. V. Drysdale, 110; Roads: their Construction and Maintenance, A. Greenwell and J. V. Elsden, 149; Roads and National Welfare, Prof. J. P. O'Reilly, 222; Guide Pratique pour les Calculs de Résistance des Chaudières à Vapeur et l'Essai des Matériaux Employés, G. Huin and E. Maire, 150; Motive Power from Blast Furnace Gases, Bryan Donkin, 179; Electrical Engineering Testing, G. D. Aspinall Parr, 242; Failure of Certain Cast-Steel Dies used in the Manufacture of Drawn Tubes, Dr. George Wilson, 263; the Reclamation of the Zuiderzee, W. H. Wheeler, 275; Modern Machine Methods, H. F. L. Orcutt, 279; La Tour Eiffel en 1900, M.G Eiffel, 290; A Treatise of Hydraulics, Henry T. Bovey, 315: Instruments et Méthodes de Mesures Electriques Industrielles, H. Armasnat, 342; a New Italian Engineering Journal, La nuova Ressegna tecnica internazionale, 349; Microscopical Examination of Alloys of Copper and Tin, William Campbell, at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 354; a Doubtful Development of Locomotive Engineering, 370; Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, 396; Vessels with Turbine Machinery, 403; Death of Bryan Donkin, 442; Obituary Notice of, 495; Experimental Locomotive with Water-tube Boiler, Dugald Drummond, 473: Resistance des Matériaux et Elements de la Theorie Mathematique de l'Elasticité, Aug. Foppl, 505; Method for finding the Velocity of Underground Water, Prof. Slichter, 518: American Institute of Electrical Engineers' Committee's Report and Resolution in Favour of the Metric System, 540; the Balancing of Engines, W. E. Dalby, 556: Civil Engineering as applied in Construction, Leveson F. Vernon Harcourt, 582; the Sea-coast, (1) Destruction, (2) Littoral Drift, (3) Protection, W. H. Wheeler, Supp. April 24, 1902, iv England: the Coal-tar Colour Industry in Germany and England, 138; Marconi's Signalling from England to America by Wireless Telegraphy, 158; the Scenery of Eng land and the Causes to which it is Due, Right Hon. Lord Avebury, 490; the Sea-coast of England, W. H. Wheeler, Supp. April 24, 1902, iv English (D.), Photography for Naturalists, 33 Engravings of the Stone Age, a Gallery of, 299 Entomology: the Red Spruce Pest Dintroctonus pileaperda, Dr. A. D. Hopkins, 13; Entomological Society, 22, 118, 141, 191, 311, 405, 503, 549; Violet Pests, F. H. Chittender, 60; Experimentelle entomologische Studien vom physikalischchemischen Standpunkt aus, Prof. P. Bachmetjew, 101: on a specimen of Trachypholus myrmecophilus, Seidl, with False Mandibles, F. B. Jennings, 118; on a Collection of Trinidad Butterflies including several New Species, W. J. Kaye, 118; on Specimens of Parnassius App taken in Spain, Switzerland, France and Italy, Dr. Chapman, 118; Butter flies from the Sierra Albarracin, Spain, Dr. Chaptian and G. C. Champion, 141; on the Earwigs, Cockroaches, Mantids and Stick-insects collected by Dr. Donaidson Smith in North-east Africa, J. A. G. Rehn, 180; on Fupa-cases of Saturnia pavonia with more than one opening, C. P. Picket, 191; on a number of Celias krale bred from Ova, J. H. Carpenter, 191; Colours of Butterflies not due to Djfraction, W. B. Croft, 198; the Colours of Wing Butterflies, 344; W. B. Croft, 391; Mimicry an.cogst Bornean Insects and Spiders, R. Shelford, 211; a Laminoss Centipede, Rose Haig Thomas, 223; 1. E. Barnard, 299: Birds capturing Butterflies and Moths in Flight Annie E. Mackay, 247, 486; Oswald H. Latter, 273: Lijian J. Veley, 249, 392; A. H. Hamm, 300 ; C, G. Seligman, zon, Howard, Fox, 366: John Hartley Derrant. 392; F. Find, 415; a Correction, 587: Dr. Ad. Nicolas, 415; Pel. Edward B. Poulton, F.R.S., 465; Insect Lite : Siavenire of a Naturalist, I. H. Faber, 250; Instrument which Silk-producing Moths of Australian Gerus An Serxa Ce their Way out of their Hard Cocoons, F. K. Dad, 257 Monograph of the Coccide of the Ennish Isles, Robert Newstead, 295; Mimicry in the Cole, c. Res. Canon Fowler, 311; Dragon-Fies taken Lucas, 372; Can Bees Hear? F. W. Diminution of the Habitat in Britain of the Swal Tailed Butterfly, 372; the Psychic Faculties of Insects, Prof. A Forel, 399; on the so-called "Ant-rice," Prof. W. M Wheeler, 422; Fruit Pest Treatment in Georgia, 445; the Life-History of the Codling-Moth, G. P. Gillette, 498; Cocoons of a Limacodid Moth from La Plata with Pupa-Cases of a Systropus, Dr. T. A. Chapman, 503; Resting Habit of Hybernia leucophearia, Prof. E. B Poulton, F. R.S., 549; Seasonal Dimorphism in Butterflies, Dr. Frederick A. Dixey, Guy A. K. Marshall, 549; Curious Apparatus at the Base of the Wings of the Mosquito Anopheles maculipennis, A. E. Shipley and Edwin Wilson, 551; a Gall-making Cynipid Fly in Jamaica, Prof. T. D. A Cockerell, 561 Epidemiological Society, the Transactions of the, 373 Epilepsy: Presence of a Parasite in the Blood of Epileptics, M. Bra, 263 Equations, the Theory of, with an Introduction to the Theory Equus fossilis, on a Skull of, from Keswick, Prof. H. G. Erde, Das Antlitz der, Eduard Suess, 145 Ergot of Rye, on, Marcel Guedras, 239 Erlebtes und Erstrebtes, Carl Gegenbaur, 316 Ererra (Carlo), L'Epoca delle Grandi Scoperte Geografiche, 124 Eskimo, Man, Brain of an, Dr. A. Hrdlicka, 256 Exploration of the Atmosphere over the Ocean, the, Dr. A. Exploration of the Atmosphere at Sea by Means of Kites, A. Exploration of the Maldives, Prof. A. Agassiz, 398 Explosives on the Measurement of High Explosive Pressures, Extensometer, New, H. T. Bovey, 60 Extremes of Climate in the British Empire, Chas. A. Silberrad, Eycleshymer (A. C.), the Nesting and other Habits of one of Eskimo Invention? Is the Screw an, Herr Krause, 281; Dr. Ethnology, Fundamental Principles of the Old and New World Eucalyptus Oils, on the Constituent of Peppermint Odour in Eucalyptus Oils, Notes on the Sesquiterpene of, Henry G. Euclid I. 5. Proofs of, Prof. G. H. Bryan, F.R.S., 438, 487; Eurolyopsis gayoni, on the Assimilation of Sugar and of Alcohol Fringe Eusthenopteron, on the Pelvic Girdle and Fins of the " Evans (Arthur T.), Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult and its Evolution: Truth and Error in Von Kölliker. A. von Kölliker's Fabre (J. II.), Insect-Life, Souvenirs of a Naturalist, 250 Fairies, Apparitions, Visions and Hallucinations, Sir Lauder Farm and its Management, the Small, James Long, 271 Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archi- Fawcett (F.), Ethnography of Nayars of Malabar, 37 222 Fearon (D. R., C.B.), Histrionic Capacity of Grey Parrots, Fejer (Leopold), on the Differentiation of Fourier's Series, 579 Fenyi (F.), Apparatus for Automatically Registering Discharges Ferments and their Actions, Carl Oppenheimer, Dr. A. C. Ferromagnetic Substances, Magnetostriction of some, H. Fever with Parasite Resembling that of Tsetse Fly Disease, 4II Field, Flowers of the, the late Rev. C. A. Johns, G. S. Boulger, 29 Findlay (Alexander), Method of Calculating Solubilities and the Equilibrium Constants of Chemical Reactions, and on a Formula for the Latent Heats of Vaporisation, 547 Finishing the Negative, 437 Finn (Frank), Variation in Fowls, 297; Progressive Variation Fire Prevention Committee, Publications of the British, 169 Fisher (O.), King Og's Bed, 392 Fisher (Prof. W. R.), Humus as a Preservative against Frost, 152; Botany by Indian Foresters, 413 Fisheries Report for 1901 on the Lancashire Sea-fisheries Laboratory, Prof. W. A. Herdman, 373; Lancashire SeaFisheries Memoirs, Prof. W. A. Herdman, F. R.S., and Robert A. Dawson, 508 Fishes: The Story of Fish Life, W. P. Pycraft, 219; Food-Fishes in Northumberland, 1901, 324; Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History), Arthur Smith Woodward, F. R.S, 388; Habits of the Gar-fish and Mackerel, J. T. Cunningham, 586 Fish Morphology; Pleuronectes, Liverpool Marine Biology Fitch (Sir J. G., F. R.S.), The Education Bill, 566, 584 343 Flame, a Curious, Prof. Arthur Smithells, F.R.S., 4; Herbert King, 4; Douglas Carnegie, 54 Flammarion (C.), Heights of Shooting Stars in August, 1901, 167 Flechsig (Prof.), the Myclinisation of Nerve-Fibres of Human Brain, 65 Fleming (Prof. J. A.), Model Imitating Behaviour of Dielectrics, 47 Fletcher (W. C.), Rearrangement of Euclid, Book I., Part i., 559 Flight, Birds Capturing Butterflies in, Lilian J. Veley, 299, 392; John Hartley Durrant, 392 Flint Implements at Chelsea, A. B. Marshall, 586 Flora of Guernsey and the Lesser Channel Islands, Ernest David Marquand, 101 Flowers of the Field, the late Rev. C. A. Johns, G. S. Boulger, 29 Flying Machine, Novel Form of, Henri Villard, 518 Fogs, the Reduction of Town, Hon. Rollo Russell, 302 Folklore Folklore about Stonehenge, R. Ashington Bullen, 102; Folklore of the North American Indians. from the Jesuit Relations (1611 to 1637), J. E. King, 406; Funeral Rites of the North American Indians, J. E. King, 527 Fonzes-Diacon (M.), on Some Physical Properties of Hydrogen Selenide, 311; Vapour Pressures of Hydrogen Selenide and the Dissociation of its Hydrate, 335; Comparison between the Properties of Hydrogen Selenide and those of Hydrogen Sulphide, 359 Food of Grass Snakes, C. M. Rogers, 31 Food, Preservatives and Colouring Matters in, 102 Foot and Mouth Disease, Prof. Baccelli's New Treatment, 59 Föppl (Aug.), Résistance des Matériaux et Éléments de la Théorie Mathématique de l'Elasticité, 505 Forbes (Prof. George, F.R.S.), a New Range-finder, Paper Read at the Society of Arts, 261 Forcrand (M. de), the Heat of Formation of the Hydrate of Chlorine, 239; on Some Physical Properties of Hydrogen Selenide, 311; Vapour Pressures of Hydrogen Selenide and the Dissociation of its Hydrate, 335; Comparison between the Properties of Hydrogen Selenide and those of Hydrogen Sulphide, 359; Action of Hydrogen Peroxide on Oxide of Zinc, 480; on the Relation L+S/T=Q/T=K, 579; Composition of Gaseous Hydrates, 603 Foreign Industrial Competition and Technical Education, Arthur G. Green, 156 Forel (Prof. A.), the Psychic Faculties of Insects, 399; Displacements of the Horizons, due to Refraction, on the Lake of Geneva, 280 Forestry: the Red Spruce Pest, Dentroctonus piceaperda, Dr. A. D. Hopkins, 13; the Use of Anatomical Characters in the Identification of Wood, Herbert Stone, Paper Read at the Society of Arts, 379; Botany by Indian Foresters, Prof. W. R. Fisher, 413 Formation of Oceanic Salt Deposits, Conditions of, J. H. van 't Hoff, 304 Formic Acid, New Synthesis of, Henri Moissan, 359 Forster (Dr. M. O.), Stereoisomeric Halogen Derivatives of a-benzoylcamphor, 238; Conversion of 1 hydroxycamphene into B-halogen Compounds of Camphor, 383; m-Nitrobenzoyl June 12, 1902 Fortescue (W. Irvine), Birds Attacking Butterflies, 344 Forth (C. J.), the Teaching of Mathematics, 272 Fosse (R.), the Supposed Binaphthalene-glycol, 504 Fossils Vertebrate Fossils from Egypt, 287; Fossiliferous Silurian Beds and Associated Igneous Rocks of the Clogher Head District, Prof. S. H. Reynolds and C. I. Gardiner, 358; Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History), Arthur Smith Woodward, F.R.S., 388 Foster (Dr. Le Neve), Mineral Output of United Kingdom for 1900, 12 Foster (Sir Michael, K.C.B., F.R.S.), the Regina Margherita Observatory, 568; Correction, 595 Foucault's Pendulum, 499 Fountain (Paul), the Great Deserts and Forests of North America, 57 Fourier's Series, on the Differentiation of, Leopold Fejer, 579 Fournier (M.), Remarkable Motor-car Performance by, 86 Fowler (A.), Spectra of Bright Southern Stars, Photographed with the 13-inch Boyden Telescope, as a Part of the Henry Draper Memorial, Annie J. Cannon, 155 Fowler (Dr.), Experiments in Examination of the Asserted Fowler (Rev. Canon). Mimicry in the Coleoptera, 311 Fox (Howard), Birds Attacking Butterflies and Moths, 366 Frankland (Mrs. Percy), the Life of Pasteur, René ValleryRadot, 97 Franklin (Prof. W. S.), Diffraction Effect, 444 Fraser (F.), Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Ether, 335 Freeman (R.), Change of Pitch of Sound with Distance, 317 Freshwater Algae of the North of Ireland, W. West and Prof. G. S. West, 358 Fresnel's Polarisation-Vector, The Differential Equations of, James Walker, 502 Freycinet (C. de), Essais sur la Philosophie des Sciences, Analyse, Mécanique, 341 Frost of February last, the, D. H. R. Mill, 517 Frost, Humus as a Preservative against, Prof. W. R. Fisher, 152 Frost Patterns in Mud, Dr. Catherine A. Raisin, 199; Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., 222 Fruit Pest Treatment in Georgia, 445 Fry (Sir Edward, F R.S.), Fall of Mud or Dust, 317 Fuller (Caleb A.), Oysters and Sewage in Narragansett Bay, 519 Fuller (Thomas), an Unusual Rainbow, 273 Functions of Museums, Scope and, Address at Ipswich Museum, Fungi, on the Bluing of Certain, Gabriel Bertrand, 216 Furness (Sir Christopher), Development of Water-power for Fused Lime, on Some Properties of, Henri Moissan, 311 Fusion of Quartz by Means of Electric Arc, R. S. Hutton, 263 Future, the Discovery of the, Discourse at the Royal Institution, H. G. Wells, 326 Gadow (Dr. H., F.R.S.), Evolution of Horns and Antlers, 549 Gaillard (M.), the Mummified Birds of Ancient Egypt, 119 Galatzin (Prince B), Coefficient of Refraction of Ethyl Ether in the Vicinity of the Critical Point, 546 Gales on the Coasts of the British Islands 1871-1900, F. J. Brodie, 550 Gall-making Cynipid Fly in Jamaica, a, Prof. T. D. A. Galls, British Vegetable, an Introduction to their Study, E. T. Connold, Supp. April 24, 1902, viii Gallenkamp's (Messrs.), Instruments for Obtaining the Dewpoint and Humidity of the Atmosphere, 592 Gallois (L.), Les Andes de Patagonie, Supp. November 14, 1901, ix Galton (Dr. Francis, F.R.S.), on the Probability that the Son of a very highly-gifted Father will be no less Gifted, 79 Galton's Whistle, on Observations made with, upon the Hearing of the Murray Islanders and some Inhabitants of Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Dr. C. S. Myers, 116 Gamble (William), the Process Year Book 1901-2, 296 Ganong (W. F.), a Laboratory Course in Plant Physiology, 75 Gardens, School, Conference on, 380 Gardiner (C. I.), Fossiliferous Silurian Beds and Associated Igneous Rocks of the Clogher Head District, 358 Gardiner (J. Stanley), the Dangers of Coral Reefs to Navigation), 585 Gardner (Walter M.), a Dictionary of Dyes, Mordants and Gas-Thermometry, ii., Dr. P. Chappuis, 93 Gases of the Blood at Different Altitudes during a Balloon Ascent, J. Tissot and M. Halleon, 168 Gases: on the Electrical Conductivity of Liquefied Gases, M. Centnerszwer, 181; the Experimental Study of Gases, Morris W. Travers, 461; Hall Effect in Gases at Low Pressures, H. A. Wilson, 550 Gatty (Rev. R. A.), Pigmy Flints from Lincolnshire, 372 Gautier (Armand), Sodium Methylarsenate as a Cure for Malarial Fever, 374, 383 Gautier (Henri), Preparation and Properties of Strontium Hydride, 288 Gautrelet (Jean). Phosphorus in the Invertebrates, 312 Gawler (Mr.), Existence of Polyiodides in Nitrobenzene Solution, 527 Gaythorpe (S. B.), the New Planetoid, 223 Gee (Wm.), Beechen Hedges on Elevated Ground, 535 Geikie (Sir Archibald, F. R.S.), Geological Map of Iceland, Geitler (Dr. Josef von), Action of Kathode Rays on a Magnetic Geneva, Displacements of the Horizons, Due to Refraction, on the Lake of, Prof. F. R Forel, 280 Genus Lichas, Notes on the, F. R. C. Reed, 140 Geodetical Instruments, some New Forms of, Sir Howard Geography: Death of Ex-Governor Eyre, 109; the Artesian Waters of Australia, J. P. Thomson, 111; L'Epoca delle Grandi Scoperte Geografiche, Carlo Errera, 124; a Commercial Geography of Foreign Nations, F. C. Boon, 245; Formation of the Colorado Desert, Dr. R. E. C. Stearns, 282; a Geography of Wales, A. E. L. Hudson, 317; the Indian Borderland, 1880-1900, Colonel Sir T. Hungerford Holdich, C. B., F.S.A., 319; Indian Surveys, 424; Britain and the British Seas, H. J. Mackinder, 385; Death and Obituary Notice of Dr. Emil Holub, 396; Exploration of the Maldives, Prof. A. Agassiz, 398; the Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, 514; Medal Awards of the Royal Geographical Society, 471; Proposed Exploring Expedition to the Magnetic North Pole, Captain K. Amundsen, 497; Central and South America, A. H. Keane, Colonel George Earl Church, 512; Death of General Mikhail Vasilievich Pyevtsoff, 517; the Kozloff Expedition to Tibet, 521; Voyage Southward of the Discovery, Sir Clements Markham, 592; Death and Obituary Notice of Prof. 1. V. Mushketoff, 395; les Andes de Patagonie, L Gallois, Supp. November 14, 1901, ix; Tarr and McMurry's Geographies, R. S. Tarr and Frank M. McMurry, Supp. March 13, x Geology: Death and Obituary Notice of Prof. Ralph Tate, 11; Slaty Cleavage, T. M. Reade and P. Holland, 13; Correlation Tables of British Strata, Bernard Hobson, 29; Geology and Meteorology, 32; Miocene Fauna of Burma, Dr. Fritz Noetling, 37; on a Late Pleistocene Deposit containing Mammoth, Prof. T. McKenny Hughes, F.R.S., 67; on the Meteorological Conditions of the Pleistocene Epoch, Dr. Nils Ekholm, 141; Geological Society, 94, 140, 190, 238, 310, 358, 405, 478, 503; Submerged Glaciated Rock-valley in Carmarthenshire, Thomas Codrington, 94; les Variations de Longueur des Glaciers, Charles Rabot, 172; Suggestion as to the Cause of the Low Temperature of a Glacial Period being Due to the Obscuration of the Sun's Rays by Floating Dust Particles, P. and L. Sarasin, 180; the Ancient Glaciers of Skye, Alfred Harker, 189; Temperature and Glacial Periods, H. N. Dickson, 229; Glacier-lakes in the Cleveland Hills, P. F. Kendall, 310; the Glaciation of Teesdale, A. R. Dwerryhouse, 310; Clarke Collection of New South Wales Fossil Plants, E. A. N. Arber, 94; Death of Samuel Rowles Pattison, 109; Geology of the Baluchistan Desert and Part of Eastern Persia, E. Vredenburg, 111; Kharga Oasis, its Topography and Geology, J. Ball, 130; Notes on the Genus Lichas, F. R. C. Reed, 140; on the Origin of Certain Concretions in the Lower Coal-measures, H. B. Stocks, 141; Das Antlitz der Erde, La Face de la Terre, Eduard Suess, 145; Ein Wort über den Sitz der Vulkanischen Kräfte in der Gegenwart, Alphons Stübel, 150; the Geological Survey of the United States, 176; Death of James G. Shipman, 178; on the Development of the Grand Cañon of Colorado, Prof. W. M. Davies, 180; on a New Species Belonging to the Leperditiada, Prof. T. T. Groom, 190; the Sequence of the Cambrian and Associated Beds of the Malvern Hills, Prof. T. T. Groom, with an Appendix on the Brachiopoda, C. A. Matley, 191; on the Waste of the Coast of Ireland, Prof. J. P. O'Reilly, 192; Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey, 204; Rock Covered with Frozen Moraine at Lyngen, Arctic Norway, Dr. Hans Reusch, 206; Geschichte der Moränenkunde, Dr. August Böhn, 362; Mosasaurus Bones from Natal Coast Cretaceous, 229; South of England, post-Pliocene Non-Marine Mollusca, A. V. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, 230; on the Geological and Physical Development of Dominica, Prof. J. W. W. Spencer, 238 on the Geological and Physical Development of the Barbados, Prof. J. W. W. Spencer, 238; Death of Clarence King, 255; Obituary Notice of, 279; the Supposed Marine Submergence of the Gobi during the Secondary Period, 256; Discovery of a Nummulitic Layer at St. Louis, Senegal, G. Vasseur, 264; Geology of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, A. Gibb Maitland, 303; Bathymetrical and Geological Study of the Lakes of Snowdonia, Dr. T. J. Jehu, 334; Fifty years of Work in Canada, Scientific and Educational, Sir William Dawson, F. R.S., 339; the Climate and Artesian Waters of Australia, J. P. Thomson, 111, 350; Process for the Mixed Analysis of Rocks, Prof. W. J. Sollas, F.R.S., 358; Fossiliferous Silurian Beds and Associated Igneous Rocks of the Clogher Head District, Prof. S. H. Reynolds and C. I. Gardiner, 358; Folds of the Phosphatic Chalk in the Somme, J. Gosselet, 359; Geological Map of Ireland, Th. Thoroddsen, Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., 367; the Perforated Landscapes of Kappadocia, 372; the Relation of Certain Breccias to the Physical Geography of their Age, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R.S., 405; Matrix of the Suffolk Chalky Boulder-Clay, Rev. Edwin Hill, 405; Origin of the River-system of South Wales, Aubrey Strahan, 478; the Crystalline Limestones of Ceylon, Ananda K. CoomaraSwámy, 503; the Students' Handbook of Stratigraphical Geology, A. J. Jukes-Browne, 507; Geology of the "Riukiu Curve," Japan, Prof. S. Yoshiwara, 519; Class Book of Geology, Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., 533; Geology of the North-East Coast of Labrador, Reginald A. Daly, 542; the Plagioclase-augite Rocks between the Yenisei and the Lena, A. Laversky, 546; Petrology of British East Africa, G. T. Prior, 549; Progressive Dynamo metamorphism of a porphy ritic Andesite from Co. Wicklow, Henry J. Seymour, 551; Composition of the Lodes of Kersanton, Ch. Barrois, 552; Physical Effects of Contact Metamorphism, Joseph Barrel, 599 Geometry Elementary Geometry, Plane and Solid, for Use in |