Arrhenius' (Prof.) Theory of Cometary Tails and Aurora, on,
Dr. J. Halm, 415 d'Arsonval (M.), Production and Maintenance of Low Temper- atures, 167; on the Action of High-frequency Currents upon Animals, 239
Artesian Waters of Australia, the, J. P. Thomson, 111; the Climate and Artesian Waters of Australia, J. P. Thomson, 350
Ash Constituents of some Lakeland Leaves, the, Dr. P. Q. Keegan, 80
Ashworth (J. Reginald), Results of some Recent Researches on the Properties of Various Electrical Rays, 180; Experiments on Drawn Steel, Part i. Magnetism and its Changes with Temperature, Part ii. Resistivity, Elasticity and Density, and the Temperature Coefficients of Resistivity and Elasticity, 526 Assyrian Language: Easy Lessons in the Cuneiform Inscrip- tions, L. W. King, 170
Assyrian, on Traces of an Indefinite Article in, R. Campbell Thompson, 412
Asteroid-orbit of Great Eccentricity, an, 161
Astronomy: the Tercentenary of Tycho Brahe's Death, Dr. J. L. E. Dreyer, Prof. Bohuslav, 5; Tycho Brahe's Observa- tory, Dr. J. L. E. Dreyer, 104; Tycho Brahe in Prague, Bericht uber die astrologischen Studien des Reformators der beobachtenden Astronomie Tycho Brahe, F. J. Studnička, 181; Bericht über die Untersuchungen der Gebeine Tycho Brahe's, Dr. H. Matiegka, 181; the Period of Algol, 15; Variable Stars of Algol Type, Dr. A. W. Roberts, 94; Early Observations of Algol Stars, 325; the Melbourne Observatory, 15; Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, 15; Our Astronomical Column, 15, 38, 62, 89, 112, 137, 161, 210, 232, 258, 282, 305, 325, 351, 374, 400, 423, 446, 475, 499, 520, 543, 574, 595; the Total Solar Eclipse of September 9, 1904, Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., 30; the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, November 10, 1901, 62; the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, November 11, 1901, M. A. de la Baume Pluvinel, 232; Observations in Lower Egypt of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun of November 11, 1901, A. de la Baume-Pluvinel, 215; the Total Solar Eclipse, May 18, 1901, 210, 283; Magnetic Observations during Total Solar Eclipse, 210: Results of International Magnetic Observa- tions made during the Total Solar Eclipse of May 17-18, 1901, Dr. L. A. Bauer, 246; Magnetic Observations during Total Solar Eclipse of May 18, 1901, Dr. W. van Bemmelen, 305; Planetary Influence on Sun spot Period, 39; a New Solar Theory, Dr. J. Halm, 351; the Effective Temperature of the Sun, Dr. W. E. Wilson, F.R.S., 428; Distortion of Sun's Disc at Horizon, Prof. W. Prinz, 520; Simultaneous Visibility of Sun and Total Lunar Eclipse, Dr. C. Hillebrand, 305; Total Eclipse of the Moon on April 22, 574; Lectures on the Lunar Theory, John Couch Adams, F.R.S., 583; the Leonid Meteors, 38; the Leonid Meteors, November 1901, 62, 89; Observations of Leonid Meteors, E. C. Willis, 54; Leonid Observations at Athens, M. D. Eginitis, 143; the Leonid Shower of 1901, W. F. Denning, 332; Nebulosity surrounding Nova Persei, 38, 475; Structure of the Region around Nova Persei, 62; Proper Motion of Nova Persei, 62; the New Star in Perseus, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C. B., FR.S., 112; the Photographs of Nova Persei, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F. R.S., 133; the Distance of Nova Persei, W. E. Wilson, F. R.S., 198, 298; Stars near Nova Persei, 210; Mean Parallax of Stars, 39; Distribution of Cosmic Velocities, 39; an Attempt to Ascertain the Date of the Original Construction of Stonehenge from its Orientation, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., and F. C. Penrose, F.R.S.. 55; C T. Whitmell, 128; New Variable Stars, 62, 37, 574 A. W. Koberts, 62; Variable Star Catalogue, 258; New Variable Star, 3, 1902 (Monocerotis), Prof. W. Ceraski, 475; Determination of Orbital Elements, F. C. Moulton, 63; Royal Astronomical Society, 71, 286, 405, 502, 602; Presentation of the Royal Astronomical Society's Gold Medal to Prof. J. C. Kapteyn, 348; Award of the Jackson-Gwilt Medal to Rev. Thos. D. Anderson, 348; Oeuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens, 74; Astronomical Occurrences in December, 89; in January, 210; in February, 305; in March, 400; in April, 499; in May, 595; Motion of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, 89; the Red Spot on Jupiter, A. Stanley Williams, 596; Diameter of Jupiter, 258; Observations of Jupiter, W. F. Denning, 446; Preliminary Invesugation of the Diameter of Mars, 90; Definitive Orbit
Elements of Comet 1899 1, 90; the Perseids of 1901, M. Perrotin, 95; Observations of Perseids at Athens, D. Eginitis, 95; Variation of Latitude, Prof. S. C. Chandler, 113; Determination of the Elevation of Meteors, 113; Meridian Observations at Harvard College Observatory, A. Searle, 113; Length of the Terrestrial Day, R. S. Woodward, 113; Bright Meteor of December 4, 137; Bright Meteor of December 16, 161; Companion to the Observatory 1902, 137; on the Equilibrium of Stellar Atmospheres, Dr. Halm, 143; Spectra of Bright Southern Stars, Photographed with the 13-inch Boyden Telescope as a Part of the Henry Draper Memorial, Annie J. Cannon, A. Fowler, 155; an Asteroid- Orbit of Great Eccentricity, 161; Heights of Shooting Stars in August 1901, C. Flammarion, 167; on the Compound (so. called Stationary) Radiants of Shooting Stars, Th. Bredikhine, 381; the Quadrantid Meteors, John R. Henry, 198; the Quadrantid Meteors, 1902, John R. Henry, 272; the Quad- rantid Meteors, T. W. Backhouse, 439; Natal Observatory Report for 1900, 210; Sir G. Airy's Reflex Zenith Tube, Prof. S. C. Chandler, 214; the New Planetoid, S. B. Gay- thorpe, 223; the Equatorial of the New Calcutta Observa- tory, 229; the Farmers' Years, Sir Norman Lockyer, K. C. B., F.R.S., 248; the Heavens at a Glance, 1902, 258; Catalogue of 100 New Double Stars, 258; Observations of 900 Double and Multiple Stars, Prof. Doolittle, 400; Observations of 194 Double Stars, R. G. Aitken, 400; Death of Commissary. General G. D. Lardner, 278; Dimensions of the Planets and Satellites, 282; Harvard College Observatory Report, 1901, 282; Two Theorems Relating to the Periodic Solutions of the Differential Equations of Dynamics and Astronomy, E. T. Whittaker, 286; the Earth's Beginning, Sir Robert S. Ball, F.R.S., 294; Nautical Astronomy, J. H. Colvin, 296; Variability of the Satellites of Saturn, L. Rudaux, 305; Prof. T. J. J. See, 305; United States Naval Observatory Report, 326; Apparatus for Measuring the Variations of Small Zenithal Distances, G. Lippmann, 335: Pleasures of the Telescope, Garrett P. Serviss, 343; Disturbance of Corona in Neighbourhood of Prominences, Prof. C. D. Perrine, 351; the New Bruce Spectrograph for the Yerkes Refractor, 374; Conditions to be realised in the Execution of Negatives to obtain Homogeneity and the Maximum of Exactitude in the Determination of the Coordinates of Stellar Images, M. Loewy, 407; on Prof. Arrhenius' Theory of Cometary Tails and Auroras, Dr. J. Halm, 415; the Spectrum of the Chro- mosphere, S. A. Mitchell, 423; Photographic Determination of Longitude, G. Lippmann, 423; New Annual Terms in the Variation of Latitude, Prof. H. Kimura, 446; Explana- tion of some Celestial Phenomena by means of the Hertzian Waves, Charles Nordmann, 455; Tafeln zur Theoretischen Astronomie, Julius Bauschinger, 463; Origin of Disturbance in Corona May 17-18, 1901, 499; Foucault's Pendulum, 499; the Felix Meteorite, G. P. Merrill, 543: the Radiant Point of the April Lyrids, W. F. Denning, 578; Comet 1902a (Brooks), 595; Nebule and their Velocities in the Line of Sight, Dr. J. Hartmann, 595; the Relative Number of Star Images Photographed in different parts of a Plate, Prof. Turner, 602; the Stars: a Study of the Universe, Simon Newcomb, Prof. R. A. Gregory, Supp. March 13, viii.
Astro-Physics, on the State of Equilibrium of Stellar Atmo- spheres, Dr. Halm, 191-2
Astruc (A.), Method for the Alkalimetric Estimation of Diso- dium-methylarsenate or Arrhenal, 504
Astruc (Henri), Encyclopédie Scientifique des Aide-Mémoire, Le Vin, 245
Athens, Leonid Observations at, M. D. Eginitis, 143 Atkinson (Geo. Francis), First Studies of Plant Life, 75 Atlas Climatologique de l'Empire de Russie, Dr. Alexander Buchan, F.R.S., 554
Atlas of the Medulla and Midbrain, an, Florence R. Sabin, 172
Atmosphere: the Exploration of the Atmosphere over the Ocean, Dr. A. Lawrence Rotch, 4; the Exploration of the Atmosphere at Sea by means of Kites, A. Lawrence Rotch, 545; the Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Temperature in the British Isles and its Relation to Wind Direction, W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., and R. Waley Cohen, 68; the Inert Con- stituents of the Atmosphere, Prof. W. Ramsay, F.R.S., at the British Association at Glasgow, 161; Further Observations and Conclusions in Relation to Atmospheric Transparency,
Hon. Rollo Russell, 191; Atmospheric Air capable of in- ducing Radio-activity, Prof. Geitel, 207
Atomic Weight of Calcium, New Determination of the, F. W. Hinrichsen, 281
Atomic Weights, International Table of, 400
Ball (W. C), a New Colour Reaction of Hydroxylamine, 310 Ballads and Shorter Poems of Frederick V. Schiller, the, 151 Ballistics on the Measurement of High Explosive Pressures, J. E. Petavel, 119; a New Range-Finder, Prof. George Forbes, F.R S., Paper Read at Society of Arts, 261
Aucuba Japonica, on the Reserve Store of Carbohydrates in Ballooning: Meteorological Observations of the International the Seed of, G. Champenois, 120
Auger (V.), Glyceroarsenic Acid, 335
Auld (S. J. M.), Benzeneazo-a-naphthol, 238
Aurora Borealis, Electromagnetic Theory of the, Charles Nordmann, 479
Aurora, on Prof. Arrhenius' Theory of Cometary Tails and, Dr. J. Halm, 415
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Inaugural Address by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.R.S., Evo- lution and its Teaching, 425
Australia: the Artesian Waters of Australia, J. P. Thomson, III; the Climate and Artesian Waters of Australia, J. P. Thomson, 350; Geology of Kalgoorlie, A. Gibb Maitland, 303; Gums, Resins and other Vegetable Exudations of Australia, J. H. Maiden, 335; Practice Adopted by the Australian Aborigines of obtaining Water from the Roots of Plants, J. H. Maiden, 542; Climate of Western Australia, W. E. Cooke, 572
Austria: Fifty Years of Biological Study in, 122; the Jubilee of the Austrian Meteorological Centralanstalt, 440; Seis- mology in Austria, 475
Automatic Actions, Will A. Dixon, 102; Dr. W. Benthall, 152 Automobiles, Electric, Exhibition of, in New York, 303 Automorphic Functions, J. L. Hutchinson, 357
Avebury (Right Hon. Lord), the Scenery of England and the Causes to which it is Due, 490
Axolotls from Colorado and Dakota, Notes on, H. L. Osborne, 111 Ayrton (Hertha), Note on Electric Charging and Discharging at a Distance, 390
Baccellis (Prof.), New Treatment for Foot-and-mouth Disease, 59
Bachmetjew (Prof. P.), Experimentelle Entomologische Studien vom Physikalisch-chemischen Standpunkt aus, 101 Backhouse (T. W.), the Quadrantid Meteors, 439 Bacteriology: Sewage and the Bacterial Purification of Sewage, Dr. S. Rideal, Dr. Frank Clowes, 121; Oysters and Sewage in Narragansett Bay, Caleb A. Fuller, 519; the Chemical Properties of Bacterial Gum Levan, Thos. Steel, 168; a New Contribution to the Search for the Typhoid Bacillus, R. Cambier, 215; the Deterioration of Raw and Refined Sugar Crystals in Bulk, R. Greig Smith, 239; the Manquea Bacillus, O. Voges, 445; Bacteriological Study of Mont Blanc, Jean Binot, 504; Bacteriological Investigations on the Summit of Mont Blanc, Jean Binot, 573; a Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Frederick D. Chester, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 506; a New Scarlatina microbe, Diplococcus Scarlatinae, Dr. W. J. Class, 519-20; a Non-suppurative Form of Osteo- myelitis, M. Lannelongue, 527; Luminous Bacteria, J. E. Barnard, 536; Death of Prof. Hans Büchner, 540; Destruc- tion of Cell Walls by Bacteria, Erwin F. Smith, 542; Method of Examination for the Source of Contaminated Air by Bacteria, Prof. E. J. McWeeney, 551 Badger, Notes on the Life-history of the, T. Tweedy, 350 Bailey (C. H.), Botany and Elementary Text-book for Schools, 53
Baker (B. T. P.), Cultures of Saccharomyces and the Con- ditions of Spore Formation, 518
Baker (Dr.), Applications of Matrix Notation to Integration Problems, 603
Baker (H. Brereton), on a Mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen so pure that it will not Explode, 119; the Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen, 430
Baker (H. F.), Elementary Proof of a Theorem for Functions of Several Variables, 406
Baker (R. T.), on the Relation between Leaf Venation and the Presence of Certain Chemical Constituents in the Oils of the Eucalypts, 143
Balancing of Engines, the, W. E. Dalby, 556
Baldwin (J. M.), Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology,
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Balloon Ascent, of November 8, 1900, Dr. Hergesell, 36: International Balloon Ascents of June 13, 110; of December 5, 302; of January 9, 421; Meteorological Results of International Ascents, 229; the Gases of the Blood at Dif- ferent Altitudes during a Balloon Ascent, MM. J. Tissot and Hallion, 168; Scientific Ballooning, W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., 224
Baltic and the North Sea, Oceanography of the Straits Con- necting the, Dr. Martin Knudsen, 325
Baluchistan Desert, Geology of, and part of Eastern Persia, E. Vredenburg, III
Bannerman (Major W. B.), Haffkine's Plague Vaccine in India, 550
Barbados: Sugar Canes at, Prof. d'Albuquerque and Mr. Bovell, 231; on the Geological and Physical Development of Barbados, Prof. J. W. W. Spencer, 238 Barber (Commander F. M.), the Mechanical Triumphs of the Ancient Egyptians, 78
Barclay (J.), Optical Effect Produced by Refraction of Air, 497 Barium, on the Properties of, M. Guntz, 112
Barnard (J. E.), a Luminous Centipede, 299; Luminous Bac- teria, 536
Barograph Trace, Remarkable, obtained during a Typhoon, 444 Barometer Readings, High, of January last, Dr. H. R. Mill,
Barrel (Joseph), Physical Effects of Contact Metamorphism, 599
Barrett (Prof. W. F., F.R.S.), Increase of Electrical Resistivity Caused by Alloying Iron with various Elements to the Specific Heat of those Elements, 601
Barrois (Ch.), Composition of the Lodes of Kersanton, 552 Barton (Dr. E. H.), Air-Pressures in Playing Brass Instruments, 166
Bartrum (C. O.). Does Man Use his Arms in Locomotion? 102 Basquin (O. H.), the Arc Spectrum of Hydrogen, 421 Basset (A. B., F. R.S.), an Elementary Treatise on Cubic and Quartic Curves, 196
Bathymetrical and Geological Study of the Lakes of Snowdonia, Dr. T. J. Jehu, 334
Batteries, Primary, their Theory, Construction and Use, W. R. Cooper, 362
Baudin (L.), on a Petroleum Ether Thermometer for Use at Extremely Low Temperatures, 215
Bauer (Dr L A.), Results of International Magnetic Observa- tions made during the Total Solar Eclipse of May 17-18, 1901, 246 Baume-Pluvinel (A. de la), Observations in Lower Egypt of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun of November 11, 1901, 215, 232 Baumhauerite, R. H. Solly, 94
Bauschinger (Julius), Tafeln zur Theoretischen Astronomie, 463
Baxendell (J.), Report of the Fernley Observatory at Southport for 1901, 572
Bayliss (Dr.), Antidrome Vascular Dilatation obtainable from Posterior Spinal Roots of Pelvic Limb-nerves, 66
Bayliss (W. M.), on the Causation of the so-called "Peripheral Reflex Secretion " of the Pancreas, 333
Beaumont (W. Worby), Motor Vehicles and Motors, Supp March 13, 1902, vi.
Beautiful Birds, Edmund Selous, 316, 392
Beck (R. and J.), a New Pattern Microscope, 142 Becquerel (Henri), Chemical Effects produced by Radium Radiation, 47; New Method of applying Thermocouple to determining Temperatures at a distance, 95; Radio-activity of Uranium, 167; Properties of Radiation from Radio-active Bodies, 335
Bed, King Og's, H. G. Wells, 366; O. Fisher, 392 Beddard (Frank E., F.R.S.), the "Chestnuts" of the Horse, 222; on the Tuft of Vibrisse commonly met with on the Wrists of Mammals, 431
Beechen Hedges on Elevated Ground, Wm. Gee, 535 Bell (Prof. F. Jeffrey), Squilla desmaresti, 366 Belloc (G.), Thermoelectricity of Steels and Nickel-Steels, 288 Belly (Pierre), a Manometric Double Log, 95
Bemmelen (Dr. W. van), Magnetic Observations during Total Solar Eclipse of May 18, 1901, 305
Bemont (G.), the Study of Fermentation Amyl Alcohol, 215 Benham (Prof. W. Blaxland), a Treatise on Zoology: the Platy- belmia, Mesozoa and Nemertini, 361
Bennett (Dr. A. H.), Death of, 11
Bennett (Alfred William), Death of. 301; Obituary Notice of, 321
Benoist (L.), Experimental Definition of the different kinds of X-rays by Radiochromometry, 335 Benthall (Dr. W.), Automatic Actions, 152 Bergen (Joseph Y.), Foundations of Botany, 4 Berkshire, Pine Grosbeak in, C. M. Rogers, 129 Bernacchi (Louis), to the South Polar Regions, Expedition of 1898-1900, 153
Bernard (II. M.), Unit of Classification in Systematic Biology, 95: Protoplasmic Networks, 534; Species Problem in Corals, 500
Bernouillan Function, Definitions of the, Prof. H. Renfer, 255 Berthelot (Daniel), the Boiling Point of Selenium, 528 Berthelot (M.): Chemical Reactions determined by Radium, 23; Celebration of the Jubilee of, 80; Studies on Radium, 167; Composition of an Antique Vase, 455; Electromotive Forces, 603
Berthelot, and the Metals of Antiquity, Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S., 82
Bertolio (S.), Coltivazione delle Miniere, 151
Bertrand (Gabriel), on the Bluing of Certain Fungi, 216 Berwerth (Dr.), the Structure of Chondritic Meteorites, 160 Berwerth (Dr. F.), Soundings from Eastern Mediterranean, 38 Beryllium, en a New Volatile Salt of, G. Urbain and H. lacombe, 119; Notes on Quantitative Spectra of Beryllium, Prof. W. N. Hartley, F.R.S., 190
Bettesworth Book, the, Talks with a Surrey Peasant, George Bourne, 173
Bevan (P. V.), Phenomena of Combination of Hydrogen and Chlorine under Influence of Light, 72
Bevan, Cross and, Researches on Cellulose from 1895-1900, 52 Bicentennial of Yale University, Dr. D. C. Gilman, 44 Binot (Jean), Bacteriological Study of Mont Blanc, 504; Bacteriological Investigations on the Summit of Mont Blanc,
Biology Unit of Classification in Systematic, H. M. Bernard, 95; Development of Sagitta, L. Doncaster, 95; Botanik und Zoologie in Oesterreich in den Jahren 1850 bis 1900. Festschrift v.d. K. K. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 122; the New Biological Test for Blood in Relation to Zoological Classification, George H. F. Nuttall, 166; the "Chestnuts" of the Horse, Frank E. Beddard, F. R.S., 222; the Protozoa, Gary N. Calkins, 433; Functional Inertia, a Property of Protoplasm, Dr. D. F. Harris, 479; Functional Inertia of Plant Protoplasm, R. A. Robertson, 479; Proto- plasmic Networks, Henry M. Bernard, 534; Quantitative Investigations of Biological Problems, 521; Variation and Inheritance in the Parthenogenetic Generations of the Aphis Hyalopterus trirhodus, Dr. Warren, 521; Colour Matching in Cuckoo's Eggs, Oswald Latter, 521; Modern Increase in the Expectation of Life, Prof. Flinders Petrie, Prof. Karl Pear- son, 521; Ciliated Grooves in the Brain of the Ammocœte, Arthur Dendy, 547; Development of the Layers of the Retina in the Chick after the Formation of the Optic Cup, John Cameron, 548; Early Development of Cribrella oculata, Dr. Masterman, 551; Ferments and their Actions, Carl Oppenheimer, Dr. A. C. Houston, 582; Marine Biology: Marine Organism from South Africa, 287; Squilla desmaresti, Prof. F. Jeffrey Bell, 366; Pleuronectes, Liverpool Marine Biology Committee's Memoirs on Typical British Marine Plants and Animals, F. J. Cole and Jas. Johnstone, 459; the Morphology of Pleuronectida, J. T. Cunningham, 511; the Writer of the Review, 511; the Species Problem in Corals, Henry M. Bernard, 560; Swarm of Velella, Isaac C. Thompson, 560; Prof. Ch. S. Sherrington, F.R.S., 586; Rose Haig Thomas, 586; Peculiar Phenomena on the Cali- fornian Coast, Dr. II. P. Torrey, 573; Mechanismus und Vitalismus, O. Butschli, Supp. April 24, 1902, x. Biometrika, a Journal for the Statistical Study of Biological Problems, 106, 521
Birds: the Mummified Birds of Ancient Egypt, M. M. Lortet and Gaillard, 119; Strange Adventures in Dicky-bird Land, R. Kearton, 126; The Birds of South Africa, A. C. Stark,
completed by W. L. Sclater, 244; Birds Capturing Butte flies and Moths in Flight, A. E. McKay, 247, 486; Oswald H. Latter, 273; Lilian J. Veley, 299, 392; Prof. Edward B. Poulton, F.R.S., 343, 465; W. Irving Fortescue, 344; A. H. Hamm, 366; C. G. Seligman, 366; Howard Fox, 366; John Hartley Durrant, 392; F. Finn, 415, 587; Dr. Ad Nicolas, 415; Birds and Man, W. H. Hudson, 293; Beauti- ful Birds, Edmund Selous, 316, 392; The Home-Life of Wild Birds, F. H. Herrick, 437; Report of the Society for the Protection of Birds, 444; Birds' Nests, an Introduction to the Science of Caliology, Charles Dixon, 508; Colour Matching in Cuckoo's Eggs, Oswald Latter, 521
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Böhm (Dr. August), Geschichte der Moränenkunde, 362 Boilers Guide Pratique pour les Calculs de Résistance des Chaudières à Vapeur et l'essai des Matériaux Employés, G. Hain and E. Maire, 150
Boley (Pierre), Capillary Electrometer, 431
Bölza (Oskar), on Certain Pairs of Transcendental Functions whose roots separate each other, 117
Bone (Dr.), the Slow Oxidation of Methane at Low Tempera- tures, 477
Bone Instruments, Human, R. Quick, 350
Bonney (Prof. T. G., F.R.S.), the Relation of Certain Breccias to the Physical Geography of their Age, 405 Book of the Dead, the, E. A. Wallis Budge, 387
Boon (F. C.), a Commercial Geography of Foreign Nations, 245
Bordier (H.), the Action of High-frequency Currents upon Animals, 239
Bore, the Severn, Kinematograph Pictures of the, Dr. Vaughan Cornish, 280; Chas. T. Whitmell, 344, E. W. Prevost, 366, 392
Borel (Emile), Leçons sur les Séries Divergentes, 2 Bornean Insects and Spiders, Mimicry Amongst, R. Shelford, 311
Boruttan (Prof.), Rhythm of Action Current of Frog's Nerve under Strychnine Tetanus, 64
Bose (Prof. J. C.), Electric Response in Ordinary Plants under Mechanical Stimulus, 548
Botany Foundations of Botany, Joseph Y. Bergen, 4; Disease in Plants, H. Marshall Ward, F. R.S., 28; Flowers of the Field, the late Rev. C. A. Johns, G. S. Boulger, 29; Bulbi- form Seeds of Amaryllides, Dr. A. B. Rendle, 38; the Formation of Vanillin, Henri Lecomte, 47; Iboga and Ibogaine, J.; Dybowski and Ed. Landrin, 48; Influence of Methylal on Growth of Algæ in Soft Water, Raoul Bouilhac, 48; Irish Topographical Botany, R. L. Praeger, 53; Prac- tical Text-book of Plant Physiology, D. T. Macdougal, 53; Botany, an Elementary Text-book for Schools, C. H. Bailey, 53; Linnean Society, 71, 477; (1) the "Yuke" Plant, Siebera Deflexa, (2) Germinating Seeds of Araucaria Bid- welli, (3) Archidendron Solomonensis, W. Botting Hemsley, F. R.S., 71; a Laboratory Course in Plant Physiology, W. F. Ganong, 75; Methods in Plant Histology, Charles J. Chamberlain, 75; First Studies of Plant Life, Geo. Francis Atkinson, 75; the Ash Constituents of some Lakeland Leaves, Dr. P. Q. Keegan, 80; Insect and other Diseases of the Cacao and Sugar-cane Plants in the West Indies, 110; the Gum-fermentation of Sugar-cane Juice, R. Greig Smith, 168; on two Dwarf Japanese Trees, Pinus parvifolia and Thuja obtusa, Prof. F. E. Weiss, 119; Botanik und
Zoologie in Oesterreich in den Yahren 1850 bis 1900, Festschrift v. d. K.K. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 122; Bastarde zwischen Maisrassen mit besondere Berücksichtigung der Xenien, Prof. C. Correns, 126; the Self-Educator in Botany, R. S. Wishart, 126; Death and Obituary Notice of Thomas Meehan, S. A. Skan, 132; Rubus Australis, Forster, the New Zealand "Lawyer Vine," Dr. A. B. Rendle, 141; the Proteolytic Enzyme of Nepenthes, Prof. S. H. Vines, F.R.S., 141; Nepenthin, Prof. S. H. Vines, 231; on the Relation between Leaf Venation and the Presence of certain Chemical Constituents in the Oils of the Eucalypts, R. T. Baker and Henry G. Smith, 143; Composi tion of the Reserve Carbohydrates in the Albumin of Seeds of the Butcher's Broom, Georges Dubat, 143; the Economic Resources of the Straits Settlements and the Malay Peninsula, H. N. Ridley, 159; Protoplasmic Connections in Lichens, Dr. J. H. Salter, 167; Summary of the work at Antigua Botanic Station for the Year ending March 31, 1901, W. N. Sands, 208; Preliminary Account of the Prothallium of Phylloglossum, A. P. W. Thomas, 214; Chemistry of Chlorophyll, Edward Schunck, 214; Notes on the Sesquiterpene of Eucalyptus Oils, Henry G. Smith, 216; on the Bluing of certain Fungi, Gabriel Bertrand, 216; Cherry Orchard Fungus, William Carruthers, F. R.S., 239, 413; W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, F.R.S., 296, 413; Cherry Leaf Disease, Alfred O. Walker, 218; Death of Alfred William Bennett, 301, Obituary Notice, 321; on the Assimilation of Sugar and of Alcohol by Eurotyopsis Gayoni, P. Mazé, 312; the Use of Linnean Specific Names, H. and J. Groves, 334; "Predisposition" and " Immunity" in Plants, Prof. H. Marshall Ward, F.R.S., 334; Gums, Resins and other Vegetable Exudations of Australia, J. H. Maiden, 335; Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, W. Botting Hemsley, F.R.S., 341; Fresh-Water Algae of the North of Ireland, W. West and Prof. G. S. West, 358; the Use of Anatomical Characters in the Identi. fication of Wood, Herbert Stone, Paper read at the Society of Arts, 379; Botany by Indian Foresters, Prof. W. R. Fisher, 413; Method of Investigating the Gravitational Sensitiveness of the Root-Tip, Francis Darwin, F.R.S., 431; Text-Book of Elementary Botany, Charlotte L. Lawrie, 437; Index Kewensis Plantarum Phanerogarum, Theophilus Durand, B. Daydon Jackson, 464; Root Irritation, Mr. Hart, 474; Two Plant Pests, 474; Journal of Botany, 476; Functional Inertia of Plant Protoplasm, R. A. Robertson, 479; Action of Temperature on the Mineral Absorption in Etiolated Plants, G. André, 504; Plant Structures, John M. Coulter, 508; Cultures of Saccharomyces and the Conditions of Spore Formation, B T. P. Baker, 518; the Digestion of the Mannane of the Tubercles of Orchids, II. Hérissey, 528; Studien ü. d. Milchsaft v. Schleimsaft der Pflanzen, Prof. Dr. Hans Molisch, 532; Beechen Hedges on Elevated Ground, Wm. Gee, 535; Destruction of Cell Walls by Bacteria, Erwin F. Smith, 542; Practice Adopted by the Australian Aborigines of Obtaining Water from the Roots of Plants, J. H. Maiden, 542; on the Fruit of Melocanna bambusoides, Dr. O. Stapf, 548; Electric Response in Ordinary Plants under Mechanical Stimulus, Prof. J. C. Bose, 548; Outlines of Botany, R. G. Leavitt, 557; an Interesting Case of Peloria, Dr. Masters, 574; Formation of Cleistogamic Flowers in Polygala, Dr. C. H. Shaw, 574; Magistri Salernitani nondum editi, Catalogo ragionato della Esposizione di Storia della Medicina, aperta in Torino nel 1898, Piero Giacosa, Supp. November 14, 1901, viii.; British Vegetable Galls, an Introduction to their Study, E. T. Connold, Supp. April 24, 1902, viii.
Bouasse (H.), Sturm's Theorem on the Properties of Focal Lines, 593
Boudouard (O.), Alloys of Aluminium and Magnesium, 167 Bouilhac (Raoul), Influence of Methylal on Growth of Algæ in Soft Waters, 48
Boulder-Clay, the Matrix of the Suffolk Chalky, Rev. Edwin Hill, 405
Boulger (G. S.), Flowers of the Field, the late Rev. C. A. Johns, 29; the Country Month by Month, 125 Boulud (M.), the Sugars in Blood, 47
Bourlet (Carlo), Cours de Mathematiques à l'Usage des Élèves. Architectes et Ingénieurs Professé à l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 78
Bourne (George), the Bettesworth Book, Talks with a Surrey Peasant, 173
Bovell (Mr.), Sugar Canes at Barbados, 231
Bovey (H. T.), New Extensometer, 60; a Treatise on Hydraulics, 315
Boyd (Dr. J. H.), College Algebra, 338
Bra (M.), Presence of a Parasite in the Blood of Epileptics, 263 Bradford (Mr.), on the Organism Infesting the Blood of Animals suffering from Tsetse Disease, 422
Brain: an Atlas of the Medulla and Mid-brain, Florence R. Sabin, 172; Brain of an Eskimo Man, Dr. A. Hrdlicka, 256 Branly (Edouard), Radio-conductors with a Single Contact, 383 Brass Instruments, Air-pressures in Playing, Dr. E. H. Barton and S. C. Laws, 166
Braun (Prof. F.), Wireless Telegraphy, 372
Brauner (Prof. Bohuslav), the Tercentenary of Tycho Brahe's Death, 5
Bredikhine (Th.), on the Compound (so-called) Stationary Radiants of Shooting Stars, 381
Bridges (Rev. Guy J.), the Zodiacal Light and Sun Pillars, 439 Briggs (S. H. C.), the Colouring Matters of Green Ebony, 310 Bristol Museum, Report of the, for 1901, 323
Britain, the Influence of the Mediterranean Peoples in Prehistoric, Address at Vesey Club by Prof, Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., 39
British Academy for the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical and Philological Studies, the, 290; the Proposed British Academy, 418; the Royal Society and the Proposed British Academy, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., 493 British Association, Glasgow Meeting of, the Movements of Plants, Francis Darwin, F.R S., 40; Lecture at, the Inert Constituents of the Atmosphere, Prof. William Ramsay, F.R.S., 161; Discussion on the Teaching of Mathematics, which took place on September 14, at a Joint Meeting of Two Sections, Section A Mathematics and Physics, Section L. Education, 457; Section I., continued: on the Relation of Physical and Chemical Structure as understood at present to our Conception of the Structure of Living Matter, Prof. McKendrick, 113; on the Use of the Telephone for Investi. gating the Rhythmic Phenomena of Muscles, Sir John Burdon Sanderson, 114; Experiments on the Brain of the Chimpanzee, Dr. A. S. Grünbaum and Prof. Sherrington, 114; on Colour-vision, Dr. Edridge-Green, 114; on the Registration of Sounds, Prof. McKendrick, 114; on Return of Voluntary Movements after Alteration of the Nerve-supply by Nerve-crossing or Anastomosis, Dr. R. Kennedy, 115; can Solutions of Native Proteids exert Osmotic Pressures? Prof. Waymouth Reid, F.R.S., 115; on the Study of Ionic Effects as Exemplified in the Small Intestine, Prof. Waymouth Reid, F.R.S., 115; on some Methods of Preparation of the Inner Ear, with Remarks on its Function, Dr. Albert A. Gray, 115; Experiments in Examination of the Asserted Hæmatopoietic Functions of the Spleen, Drs. Noel Paton, Gulland and Fowler, 115; on the Action of Oxalates on the Calcium of Muscle, Dr. W. Brodie Brodie, 116; Results of Testing the Vision of Natives of Murray Island, and that of a Number of English People, with the Visual Illusion known as the Müller-Lyer, Dr. W. H. R. Rivers, 116; on Observ. ations made with Galton's Whistle upon the Hearing of the Murray Islanders and some Inhabitants of Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Dr. C. S. Myers, 116; Experimental Phonetics, Prof. McKendrick, 182
British Empire, Extremes of Climate in the, Chas. A. Silberrad, 299; Dr. Hugh Robert Mill, 318
British Fire Prevention Committee, Publications of the, 169 British Geography: Britain and the British Seas, H. J. Mackinder, 385
British Islands, Gales on the Coasts of the, 1871-1900, F. J. Brodie, 550
British Isles, on the Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Temperature in the, and its Relation to Wind Direction, W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., and R. Waley Cohen, 68; Mono graph of the Coccidae of the British Isles, Robert Newstead, 295
British Geological Survey, Summary of Progress of the, 204 British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1902, 244
British Mollusca, Shell Life, an Introduction to the, E. Step, 29 British Museum, Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalenæ in the, Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., 220
British Museum (Natural History), Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the, Arthur Smith Woodward, F.R.S., 388 British Rule-and Before, Burma under, John Nesbit, 243
British Strata, Correlation Tables of, Bernard Hobson, 29 British Trade, Recent Developments in German and, 572 British Tyroglyphidæ, Albert D. Michael, 482
British Vegetable Galls, an Introduction to their Study, E. T. Connold, Supp., April 24, 1902, viii
Brocard (M.), Utilisation of Hexoses by the Organism, 263 Brodie (F. J.), Gales on the Coast of the British Islands, 1871-1900, 550
Brodie (Dr. T. G.), New Method for investigating Action of Drugs on Mammalian Heart, 66
Brodie (Dr. W. Brodie), on the Action of Oxalates on the Calcium of Muscle, 116; Condition of the Iron in the Spleen, 407
Bromwich (J. T. I'A ), on the Wave Surface of a Dynamical Medium Eolotropic in all Respects, 406; the Convergence of Series that represent a Potential, 603
Brontosaurus, the Wyoming, L. P. Gratacap, 280
Brooks, Comet 1902a, 595
Broom (Dr. R.), on the Organ of Jacobson in the Elephant- Shrew. 549
Brown (Prof. A. J.), Enzyme Action, 430
Brown (H. T., F.R.S.), Velocity of Hydrolysis of Starch by Diastase, 430
Brown (Mrs. M. Walton), Mechanical Ventilators for Mines, 404 Browne's (Sir Thomas) Notes and Letters on the Natural History of Norfolk, 412
Bruce (Lieut. Col. D., F. R.S.), Note on the Discovery of a New Trypanosoma, 454
Bruce (Eric Stuart), Aerial Navigation by Bodies heavier than Air, 167
Bruce Spectrograph, the New, for the Yerkes Refractor, 374 Brühl (Jul. Wilh.), Roscoe-Schorlemmer's ausführliches Lehr- buch der Chemie, Supp. November 14, 1901, iii Brunton (Sir Lauder), Fairies, Apparitions, Visions Hallucinations, 86
Bryan (Prof. G. H., F.R.S), Proofs of Euclid I., 5, 438, 487; Rearrangement of Euclid, Book I., 585
Buchan (Dr. Alexander, F.R.S.), Death and Obituary Notice of, Dr. Charles Meldrum, 9; Atlas Climatologique de l'Empire de Russie, 554
Buchanan (Dr.), Model Imitating Behaviour of Dielectrics, 46 Buchanan (H. B. M), a Country Reader for Use in Village Schools, 126
Buchanan (Dr. Y. Y., F.R.S.), the Wreck of Santos Dumont No. 6, 397
Buchner (Prof. Hans), Death of, 540
Budge (E. A. Wallis), the Book of the Dead, 387
Bullen (R. Ashington), Folk-lore about Stonehenge, 102 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 22, 140, 357, 546, 600
Bulletin de l'Academie de Sciences de St. Petersbourg, 381, 546
Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de St. Petersbourg, 547 Burma, Miocene Fauna of, Fritz Noetling, 37
Burma under British Rule-and Before, John Nesbit, 243 Burnside (W. S.), the Theory of Equations, with an Introduc- tion to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms, 390 Bussy (M. de), the Resistance due to Companion Waves, 603 Butcher's Broom, Composition of the Reserve Carbohydrates in the Albumin of Seeds of the, Georges Dubat, 143 Batschli (O.), Mechanismus und Vitalismus, Supp. April 24,
Butterflies: Butterflies taken in the Sierra Albarracin, Spain, Dr. Chapman and G. C. Champion, 141; Colours of Butter- flies not due to Diftraction, W. B. Croft, 198; the Colours of Wings of, 344; W. B. Croft, 391; Seasonal Dimorphism in Butterflies, Dr. Frederick A. Dixey, Guy A. K. Marshall, 549; Birds attacking Butterflies and Moths, Annie E. McKay, 247, 486; Oswald H. Latter, 273; Lilian J. Veley, 299, 392; Prof. Edward B. Poulton, 343, 465; W. Irvine Fortescue, 344; A. W. Hamm, 366; C. G. Seligman, 366; Howard Fox, 366; John Hartley Durrant, 392; F. Finn, 415: a Correction, F. Finn, 587; Dr. Ad. Nicholas, 415; Diminution of the Habitat in Britain of the Swallow-tailed Butterfly, 372
Carao and Sugar Cane Plants, Insect and other Diseases of the, in the West Indies, 110
Cadman (John), Ironstones of the North Staffordshire Coal- field, 519
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Cailletet (L.), Mechanical Action of Gelatine on Glass, 407 Calcium, New Determination of the Atomic Weight of, F. W. Hinrichsen, 281; Researches on Silicide of, H. Moissen and W. Dilthey, 455
Calculus, an Elementary Treatise on the, with illustrations from Geometry, Mechanics and Physics, George A. Gibson, Prof. George M. Minchin, F.R.S., 530
Calcutta the Equatorial at the New Astronomical Observ- atory, 229; Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, W. Botting Hemsley, F. R.S., 341
Caldwell (E. W.), New Form of Stereoscopic Fluoroscope, 135
California Peculiar Phenomena on the Californian Coast, Dr. H. P. Torrey, 573
Caliology, Birds' Nests, an Introduction to the Science of, Charles Dixon, 508
Calkins (Gary N.), the Protozoa, 433
Calugareanu (M.), the Resistance of the Red Globules of the Blood determined by their Electrical Conductivity, 432 Cambier (R.), a New Contribution to the Search for the Typhoid Bacillus, 215
Cambridge: Cambridge Philosophical Society, 71, 95, 191, 334, 406, 431, 550; Elementary Histology at Cambridge, Dr. J. N. Langley, F. R.S., 171; the Cambridge School and a Zoological Text-Book, A. E. Shipley and E. W. McBride, 337; Mathematics and Science at Cambridge, C. A. Rumsey, 510; First Fruits of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedi- tion to Torres Straits, Alfred C. Haddon, F.R.S., E. Sidney Hartland, Supp. April 24, 1902, iii
Camphor, Conversion of 1-hydroxycamphene into B-halogen compounds of, Dr. M. O. Forster, 383
Campylograph" Curves, Père Marc Dechevrens, 421 Cameras and Accessories, Photographic, 151
Cameron (John), Development of the Layers of the Retina in the Chick after the Formation of the Optic Cup, 548 Camichel (M.), Blue and Green Coloration in Vertebrate Skin, 96
Campbell (W.), Microscopical Examination of Alloys of Copper and Tin, 354
Canada: Wild Animals I have Known, Ernest Seton-Thompson, T. Digby Pigott, 25; The Trail of the Sandhill Stag, Ernest Seton-Thompson, T. Digby Pigott, 25; The Bio- graphy of a Grizzly, Ernest Seton-Thompson, T. Digby Pigott, 25; Development of Water-power for Manufac turing Purposes in Canada, Sir Christopher Furness, 159; Fifty Years of Work in Canada, Scientific and Educational, Sir William Dawson, F. R.S., 339
Cancani (Dr.), Earthquake Shocks of April and May, 1901, near Rome, 422
Cancer Proposed Organised Research on, Prof. F. W. Tunnicliffe, 467
Cannon (Annie J.), Spectra of Bright Southern Stars, Photo- graphed with the 13-inch Boyden Telescope as a Part of the Henry Draper Memorial, 155
Capacity of Grey Parrots, Histrionic, D. R. Fearon, C. B., 127
Cape of Good Hope, Report of the Meteorological Commission of the, for 1900, 398
Capillary Electrometer, Pierre Boley, 431
Carbonoxyhaemoglobin, Researches on the Dissociation of, N. Gréhant, 143
Carette, (H.), on Some Derivatives of Methyl-nonyl-Ketone, 431
Carpenter (J. H.), on a number of Colias Hyale bred from Ova, 191
Carnegie (Douglas), a Curious Flame, 54 Carnegie Institution, Plans of the, 302
Carriere (G.), Treatment of Rickets by Cod Liver Oil contain- ing Lecithin, 604
Carruthers (W., F. R.S.), Cherry Orchard Fungus, 239, 413 Cassel (G.), Theory of Progressive Taxation, 208 Cassie (Prof. W.), Multiple Transmission Fixed Arm Spectro- scopes, 93; Measurement of Young's Modules, 93 Cast Iron: a Record of Original Research, William J. Keep, 533
Cast Steel: Dies Used in the Manufacture of Drawn Tubes, Failure of Certain, Dr. George Wilson, 263
Castle (Frank), Practical Mathematics for Beginners, 100 Catalogue of 100 New Double Stars, 258 Catalysis, Prof. Ostwald, 522
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