
June 12, 1902

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12, 1902

June 12, 1903.

ABEGG, Practical Chemistry, 410


Abel (Dr. O.), Curiously Marked Pebbles from the Algerian Sahara, 594

Academy, the Proposed British, 418

Academy, the Royal Society and the Proposed, 393
Acarology: British Tyroglyphidæ, Albert D. Michael, 482
Accumulators for Electric Automobiles, Progress in the Design
of, Sir H. P. Maxim, 572

Acetic Acid, the Molecular Complexity of, in Chloroform
Solution, H. M. Dawson, 527

Acetone, on the Electrolytic Preparation of the Halogen Derivatives of, A. Richard, 119

Acetylene, the Dilution of Acetylene for Heating Purposes, A. E. Munby, 30; Determination of the Heat of Dissociation and Combustion of, W. G. Mixter, 93; Report of the Committee on Acetylene Generators, 472; Synthesis of Acetylenic Acetones and B-Ketonic Ethers, Ch. Moureu and R. Delange, 263

Achariach, New Meteorological Station at, 85

**Acker" Fusion Process for the Electrolytic Production or Caustic Alkali and Chlorine at Niagara Falls, 324

Acheson Graphite Company (Niagara Falls), Electrodes Manufactured by the, 420

Actions, Automatic, Will. A. Dixon, 102; Dr. W. Benthall, 152

Acoustics, Location of Open-Air Sound Loops and Nodes. Bergen Davis, 22; the Value of the Horns in Bighorn Wild Sheep as Ear-trumpets, George Wherry, 127; Change of Pitch in certain Sounds with Distance, Frederick M. West, 129; Dr. D. van Gulik, 174; Paul R. Heyl, 273; R. Freeman, 317; Air-Pressures in Playing Brass Instruments, Dr. E. H. Barton and S. C. Laws, 166; Experimental Phonetics, Prof. G. McKendrick, F. R.S., 182; the Interference of Sound, Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 278; Miniature Anemometer for Stationary Sound Waves, B. Davis, 404; Sounds Associated with Low Temperatures, Sir W. H. Preece, F.R.S., 487; Prof. J. D. Everett, F. R.S., 512; Charles J. P. Cave, 512; Spencer Pickering, F. R.S., 536

Adaus (John Couch, F. R.S.). Lectures on the Lunar Theory, 583

Advanced Exercises in Practical Physics, Prof. Arthur Schuster and Dr. C. H. Lees, 364

Aeronautics: the Meteorological Observations of the International Balloon Ascents of November 8, 1900, Dr. Hergesell, 36; International Balloon Ascents of June 13, 110; MeteoroLogical Results of International Balloon Ascents, 229; International Balloon Ascents, December 5, 302; International Balloon Ascents on January 9, 421; Herr Kress's Machine, 87; Aerial Navigation by Bodies Heavier than Air, William Marriott and Eric Stuart Bruce, 167; Aeronautical Society, 167; Kites and Wireless Telegraphy, Dr. A. Lawrence Rotch, 198: Scientific Ballooning, W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., 224; the Determination of the exact Trajectory of Aerostats with Respect to the Soil, H. Deslandres, 383; the Wreck of Santos Dumont No 6, Dr. J. Y. Buchanan, F.R.S., 397; Novel Form of Flying Machine, Henri Villard, 518; Aeronautical Experiments with Gliding Machines, Wilbur Wright, 541

Aeroplane Machine, Herr Kress's, 87

Aether, Drift of the, the FitzGerald Lorentz Effect, Prof. W. M. Hicks, F. R.S., 343

Africa: the Sierra Leone Campaign against Mosquitoes, Major Ronald Ross, 35; Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson's Expedition to Study Leprosy in South Africa, 109; Primary Cause of Leprosy, J. Hutchinson, F. R.S., 496; on the Earwigs,

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Cockroaches, Mantids and Stick-Insects Collected by Dr. Donaldson Smith in North-East Africa, J. A. G. Rehn, 180; the Extinct Blaauwbok of South Africa, G. Renshaw, 207; Mosasaurus, &c., Bones from Natal Coast Cretaceous, 229; the Birds of South Africa, A. C. Stark, completed by W. L. Sclater, 244; Peculiar Case of Fever with Parasite resembling that of Tsetse Fly Disease, Dr. J. Everett Dutton, 255; to the Mountains of the Moon, J. E. S. Moore, 273; Marine Organism from South Africa, 287; Death and Obituary Notice of Dr. Emil Holub, 396; the Native Question in South Africa, 440; the Obstacles to Development in West Africa, Dr. C. F. Harford-Battersby, 371; Note on the Discovery of a New Trypanosoma, Lieut.Colonel D. Bruce, F. R.S., 454; Composition of an Antique Vase, M. Berthelot, 455; Petrology of British East Africa, G. T. Prior, 549; Prehistoric Graves and Remains at Girga, Egypt, to be Investigated by Dr. Elliott Smith, 571; Curiously Marked Pebbles from the Algerian Sahara, Dr. O. Abel, 594

Agassiz (Prof. A.), Exploration of the Maldives, 398 Agazzetti (A.), Attempt to Train Flight of Pigeon whose Cerebral Hemisphere has been removed, 65 Agriculture; Sugar Cane Experiments in Antigua and St. Kitts, Francis Watts, 36; Sugar Canes at Barbadoes, Prof. D'Albuquerque and Mr. Bovell, 231; Experimental Cultivution of Hops at Wye, 109; Prevention of "Smut" in Oats, Prof. T. Johnson, 142; Damage done by "Smut" to the Irish Oat Crop, and the Use of an American fungicide," Sar," Prof. Johnson, 518; Death and Obituary Notice of Sir J. Henry Gilbert, LL.D., F.R.S., 205; Cultivation of Clover on Soils Deprived of Lime, P. P. Dehérain and E. Demoussy, 215; Cultivation of Lucerne upon Soils without Lime, P. Dehérain and E. Demoussy, 287; the Small Farm and its Management, James Long, 271; Chemical Modifications in Plants submitted to the Influence of Sodium Chloride, E. Charabot and E. Hébert, 312; the West Indian Agricultural Conference, 1902, Prof. J. P. d'Albuquerque, 331; the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 483; Culture of Fodder Beet, P. P. Dehérain, 504; Susceptibility of Different Species of Bromegrasses to the Attacks of the Rust Fungus, Prof. Marshall Ward, F.R.S., 519; Poultry Management on a Farm, Walter Palmer, 583 the Uses of Electricity in Stimulating the Growth of Plants, Dr. Selim Lemström, 593 Air: on the Exploration of the Air at Sea by means of Kites, A. Lawrence Rotch, 118; the Cooling Power and Conductivity of Air, P. Compan, 215; Optical Effect produced by Refraction of Air, J. Barclay, 497; E. Edser, 497; Rotation of a Lamina Falling in Air, A. Mallock, 510; the Photography of Disturbances in Air, H. S. Allen, 574 Air-pressures in Playing Brass Instruments, Dr. E. H. Barton and S. C. Laws, 166


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Allchin (W. H., F. R.S.), a Manual of Medicine, 99
Allen (H. S.), the Red (C) Line of Hydrogen and the Zeeman
Effect, 79; the Photography of Disturbances in Air, 574
Alloys of Aluminium and Magnesium, O. Boudouard, 167
Alloys of Copper and Tin, Microscopical Examination of, W.
Campbell, 354

Alternating Currents, an Elementary Treatise on, W. G. Rhodes,

Amaryllideæ, Bulbiform Seeds of, Dr. A. B. Rendle, 38
Amazonenströmes, Die Vogelwelt des, Emil A. Goeldi, 173
America Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 22,
140, 357, 546, 600; American Journal of Science, 22, 93,
190, 263, 404, 526, 599; the Great Deserts and Forests of
North America, Paul Fountain, 57; Municipal Sanitation in
the United States, Charles V. Chapin, 73; Notes on Axo-
lotls from Colorado and Dakota, H. L. Osborne, III; the
Nesting and other Habits of one of the American Cat Fishes
of the genus Amiurus, A. C. Eycleshymer, III; Transac-
tions of the American Mathematical Society, 117, 357;
Marconi's Signalling from England to America by Wireless
Telegraphy, 158; the Mammals of North America, 232;
American Journal of Anatomy, 236; American Journal of
Mathematics, 428; Central and South America, A. H.
Keane, Col. George Earl Church, 512; the American Bison,
516; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Committee's
Report and Resolution in Favour of the Metric System, 540;
Lord Kelvin in America, 591

Amphioxus, the Renal Organs of the, E. S. Goodrich, 541
Amundsen (Capt. R.), Proposed Exploring Expedition to the
Magnetic North Pole, 497

Anastomosis, on Return of Voluntary Movements after Altera-
tion of the Nerve-supply by Nerve-crossing or, Dr. R.
Kennedy, 115

Anatomy: Die Medulla Oblongata und die Vierhügelgegend
von Ornithorhynchus und Echidna, A. Koelliker, 1; an
Atlas of the Medulla and Midbrain, Florence R. Sabin, 172;
the Significance of Certain Features and Types of the
External Ear, Dr. Arthur Keith, 16; Contributions to
the Comparative Anatomy of the Mammaliam Eye, chiefly
based on Ophthalmoscopic Examination, Dr. George Lindsay
Johnson, 137; American Journal of Anatomy, 236; Normal
Histology of Human Hæmolymph Glands, Dr. A. S.
Worthin, 237; Morphology of Pineal Region, Prof. C. S.
Minot, 237; Erlebtes und Erstrebtes, Carl Gegenbaur, 316;
Der Gang des Menschen, Ueber die Bewegung des Fusses
und die auf denselben einwirkenden Kräfte, Otto Fischer,
411; Ueber die Bewegung in den Handgelenken, Rudolf
Fick, 411; Contributions to Anatomical Journals, Prof. Alex.
Macalister, F. R.S., 416; the Writer of the Review, 416;
Varieties of Forms of the Liver of the Primates, G. Ruge,
519; Morphological Importance of the Foramen Found at
the lower end of the Humerus of many Mammals, and also
of the Trochanter of the Femur, Dr. E. Stromer, 519
Ancient Model of a Boat and Warrior Crew Found at Roos,
in Holderness, Thomas Sheppard, 256
Anderson (Mr.), on the Union of Hydrogen and Chlorine, 383
Anderson (Rev. Thos. D.), Award of the Jackson-Gwilt Medal
of the Royal Astronomical Society to, 348

Andes de Patagonie, L. Gallois, Supp. November 14, 1901, ix
André (G.), Action of Temperature on the Mineral Absorption
in Etiolated Plants, 504

Andrews (Thomas, F.R.S.), Micro-crystalline Structure of
Platinum, 547

Anemometer, Miniature, for Stationary Sound Waves, B. Davis,

Animal Behaviour, C. Lloyd Morgan, F. R.S., 49

Animal Engravings of the Stone Age, a Gallery of, 299
Animal Photography, D. English, 33

Animals, Use-inheritance; Illustrated by the Direction of Hair
on the Bodies of, W. Kidd, 4
Annals of Mathematics, 262, 357

Annular Eclipse of the Sun, November 10, 1901, the, 62;
Annular Eclipse of the Sun, November 11, 1901, the, M. A.
de la Baume Pluvinel, 215, 232

Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapour, the, R. W. Wood, 284
Ant-rice, the so-called, Prof. W. M. Wheeler, 422
Antarctica: Arrival of Discovery at Lyttelton, 109; Depar-
ture of Discovery from Lyttelton for Dunedin, 178; the
Discovery Expedition, 279; Voyage Southward of the
Discovery, Sir Clements Markham, 592; to the South Polar

Regions, Expedition of 1898-1900, Louis Bernacchi, 153=
Purchase of the Hecla for William Bruce's forthcoming
Expedition, 178; Departure of the Antarctic with Prof.
Nordenskjold's Expedition from Buenos Ayres, 178; Scottish-
Antarctic Expedition, 207; Scientific Work of the German
Antarctic Expedition, Prof. Dr. Drygalski, 378
Anthropology: North Queensland Ethnography, Dr. Walter
E. Roth, 9; the Nayars of Malabar, F. Fawcett, 37; the
Play of Man, Karl Groos, 78; Anthropological Institute,
119; Brain of an Eskimo Man, Dr. A. Hrdlicka, 256; Fire
Worship in Arizona, Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, 256; the Scope
of Criminal Anthropology, 279; Rock-holes used by
Aborigines for Warming Water, R. H. Mathews, 336;
Textile Markings on Primitive Pottery, W. H. Holmes, 350;
Folk-lore of the North American Indians from the Jesuit
Relations (1611 to 1637), J. E. King, 406; Funeral Rites of
the North American Indians, J. E. King, 527; Tattooing of
Women in the Laughlan Islands, Prof. G. Thilenius, 445+
Fire-making of the Yánádis, T. R. Rao, 473; the Mystic
Rose a Study of Primitive Marriage, Ernest Crawley,
E. Sidney Hartland, 553; Prehistoric Graves and Remains
at Girga, Egypt, to be investigated by Dr. Elliot Smith, 571=
Head-hunters, Black, White, and Brown, Alfred C. Haddon,
F.R.S., E. Sidney Hartland, Supp. April 24, 1902, iii.
Anthropometry: on the Relation between Intelligence and the
Size and Shape of the Head, Paper Read before the Royal
Society by Prof. Pearson, 543

Antigua Botanic Station, Summary of the Work at, for the
Year ending March 31, 1901, W. N. Sands, 208
Antimony, Action of Lithium-ammonium on, and on the
Properties of the Antimonide of Lithium, P. Lebeau, 359
Antlers, Evolution of Horns and, Dr. H. Gadow, F.R.S., 549
Apes Physiology of Motor Area in Anthropoid Apes, A. S. F.
Grunbaum and Prof. C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S., 65=
Physiology of the Cerebral Cortex of Higher Apes, A. S. F.
Grunbaum and Prof. C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S., 165
Aquarium, Exhibition of Electrical Appliances at the Royal,
Arber (E. H. N.), Clarke Collection of New South Wales
Fossil Plants, 94
Archaeology: the Influence of the Mediterranean Peoples in
Prehistoric Britain, Address at Vesey Club by Prof. Boyd
Dawkins, F.R.S., 39; an attempt to ascertain the Date of
the Original Construction of Stonehenge from its Orienta-
tion, Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., F.R.S., and F. C.
Penrose, F.R.S., 55; C. T. Whitmell, 128; Berthelot and
the Metals of Antiquity, Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S., 82;
Kharga Oasis, its Topography and Geology, J. Ball, 130;
the Civilisation of Hallstatt and La Tene, Mittheilungen der
Prähistorischen Commission der K. Academie der Wissen-
schaften in Wien, Dr. Robert Munro, 212; Discoveries in
La Plata Island, Ecuador, Dr. G. A. Dorsey, 231; Ancient
Model of a Boat and Warrior Crew found at Roos, in
Holderness, Thomas Sheppard, 256; Fundamental Principles
of the Old and New World Civilisations, vol. ii. of the
Archæological and Ethnological Papers of the Peabody
Museum, Zelia Nuttall, 268; a Gallery of Animal Engravings
of the Stone Age, 299; Human Bone Instruments, R.
Quick, 350; Pigmy Flints from Lincolnshire, Rev. R. A.
Gatty, 372; Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult and its
Mediterranean Relations, Arthur J. Evans, Supp. November
14, 1901, vi.

Architecture: Publications of the British Fire Prevention
Committee, 169


Arctica News from Baron Toll's Expedition, 228; the
Kolymsk Mammoth, 228; the Musk-ox, 322; Proposed
Exploring Expedition to the Magnetic North Pole, Captain
R. Amundsen, 497

Argon, Classification of the Atomic Weights of Neon,
Krypton, Xenon and, H. Wilde, 579-80
Aristotelian Society, Proceedings of the, 78
Arithmetic, R. Hargreaves, 29

Arizona, Fire-worship in, Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, 256
Armagnat (H.), Instruments et Méthodes de Mesures Elec-
triques Industrielles, 342

"Armorl" Electric Capillary Relay, the, 129

Arms, does Man use His, in Locomotion? Basil W. Martin,
80 C. O. Bartrum, 102; Captain Giles A. Daubeny,

Arnaud (M.), Composition of the Amidotauric Acids, 604

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