His statement is that the oral cavity produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has no definite relation to the fundamental tone emitted by the larynx. A vowel, according to him, is a special acoustic phenomenon, depending on the intermittent... Nature - Pagina 153geredigeerd door - 1902Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | Sir Norman Lockyer - 1902 - 688 pagina’s
...1857). Sec other reference» given in Schäfer's "TextBook," vol. ii, p. та Г7 (footnote). produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...For a, for example, the " formant " may vary from fat to ¿a4, even in the same person. He has also attempted, but not with complete success, to reproduce... | |
 | Sir Norman Lockyer - 1902 - 798 pagina’s
...1857). See other reference» given in Schäfer's "TextBook," vol. ii. p. 1217 (footnote). produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...or "formant," or "characteristique." The pitch of ihe "formant" may vary a little without altering the character o/ the vowel. For a, for example, the... | |
 | 1902 - 596 pagina’s
...photographic device, and has modified the theory of Helmholtz. His statement is that the oral cavity produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...vowel. For a, for example, the "formant" may vary from fa to la, even in the same person. He has also attempted, but not with complete success, to reproduce... | |
 | Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents - 1903 - 894 pagina’s
...photographic device, and has modified the theory of Helmholtz. His statement is that the oral cavity produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...acoustic phenomenon, depending on the intermittent produt'tion of a special partial, or "formant," or "characteristique." The pitch of the "formant" may... | |
 | John Henry Poynting, Joseph John Thomson - 1904 - 254 pagina’s
...somewhat. The vowel quality is still determined by the overtones, but these are not quite " definite." A vowel, according to him, is a special acoustic phenomenon,...For a, for example, the " formant " may vary from /a4 to lav even in the same person. At the other extreme to the "fixed pitch" theory is the "relative... | |
 | John Henry Poynting, Joseph John Thomson - 1906 - 248 pagina’s
...somewhat. The vowel quality is still determined by the overtones, but these are not quite " definite." A vowel, according to him, is a special acoustic phenomenon,...For a, for example, the " formant " may vary from fat to lav even in the same person. At the other extreme to the "fixed pitch" theory is the "relative... | |
 | Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents - 1903 - 906 pagina’s
...photographic device, and has modified the theory of Helmholt/. His statement is that the oral cavity produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...vowel. For a, for example, the "formant" may vary from fa t to la^ even in the same person. He has also attempted, but not with complete success, to reproduce... | |
 | Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents - 1903 - 892 pagina’s
...photographic device, and has modified the theory of Helmholtz. His statement is that the oral cavity produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...production of a special partial, or '' formant," or "charactcristique." The. pitch of the "formant" may vary a little without altering the character of... | |
 | Robert T. Beyer - 1999 - 472 pagina’s
...emitted by the larynx, and called this tone the "formant." McKendrick wrote in his article "A vowel ... is a special acoustic phenomenon, depending on the...little without altering the character of the vowel [134]." Thus the word formant entered the language of acoustics. Among the "other methods" referred... | |
 | Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents - 1903 - 896 pagina’s
...photographic device, and has modified the theory of Helmholtz. His statement is that the oral cavity produces independently a harmonic or partial tone which has...little without altering the character of the vowel. For «, for example, the "formant" may vary from/a, to lat, even in the same person. He has also attempted,... | |
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