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" In general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of the... "
Nature - Pagina 242
geredigeerd door - 1902
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Nature, Volume 65

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1902 - 688 pagina’s
...publish and distribute documents, to conduct lectures and to hold meetings. To acquire and maintain a library and, in general, to do and perform all things...Trinity House. Fog-horns with elliptic cones instead of circular ones were tried, the major axis being about four times longer than the minor one. The experiments...
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Acts Passed by the General Assembly of Georgia

Georgia - 1887 - 358 pagina’s
...installment of subscribed stock; to provide for the forfeiture or transfer of stock, and generally to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of the corporation. SEC. VI. Be it further enacted, That said " Elberton Loan and uenerni Savings Bank" shall...
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Popular Science Monthly, Volume 66

1904 - 596 pagina’s
...documents : (e) To conduct lectures: (/) To hold meetings; (g) To acquire and maintain a library ; (A) And, In general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of Bald institution. It is not remarkable and it is perhaps fortunate that three years have elapsed without...
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The Current Encyclopedia: A Monthly Record of Human Progress, Volume 2

1902 - 684 pagina’s
...publish and distribute documents ; to conduct lectures and hold meetings ; to acquire and maintain a library, and in general to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of said institution." The incorporators were chosen by Mr. Carnegie, who also gave direction to the purpose...
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The New International Encyclopędia, Volume 4

Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby - 1902 - 962 pagina’s
...documents; (e) to conduct lectures; (f) to hold meetings; (g) to acquire and maintain n library; (h) and in general to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of the institution. The sum of $10,000,000 was transferred by Andrew Carnegie to a board of twenty-seven»trustees chosen...
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Year Book

Carnegie Institution of Washington - 1903 - 372 pagina’s
...distribute documents; (*) To conduct lectures; (f) To hold meetings; (£•) To acquire and maintain a library; (^) And, in general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of said Institution. Fourth, That the affairs, funds, and property of the corporation shall he in general...
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The Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C.: Founded by Andrew Carnegie 1902

Carnegie Institution of Washington - 1902 - 28 pagina’s
...documents ; (e) To conduct lectures ; (f ) To hold meetings ; (g) To acquire and maintain a library ; (h) And, in general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of said Institution. Fourth. That the affairs, funds, and property of the corporation shall be in general...
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Year Book

Carnegie Institution of Washington - 1903 - 390 pagina’s
...and distribute documents; (e*) To conduct lectures; (/) To hold meetings; (g} To acquire and maintain a library; (/*) And, in general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of said Institution. Fourth. That the affairs, funds, and property of the corporation shall be in general...
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Year Book, Volumes 1-2

Carnegie Institution of Washington - 1903 - 736 pagina’s
...documents; (tf) To conduct lectures; (/) To hold meetings; (£•) To acquire and maintain a library; (h) And, in general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of said Institution. Fourth. That the affairs, funds, and property of the corporation shall be in general...
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Year Book

Carnegie Institution of Washington - 1903 - 370 pagina’s
...documents; (e) To conduct lectures; (/) To hold meetings; (g) To acquire and maintain a library; (A) And, in general, to do and perform all things necessary to promote the objects of said Institution. Fourth. That the affairs, funds, and property of the corporation shall be in general...
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