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" February to the secretary of the Institute. " The object of this scheme of scholarships is not to facilitate ordinary collegiate studies, but to enable students who have passed through a college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments,... "
Nature - Pagina 101
geredigeerd door - 1902
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The Annual Report of the President of Harvard University to the Overseers on ...

Harvard University - 1906 - 518 pagina’s
...through college or who have been trained in industrial establishments to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects with...aiding its advance or its application to industry. The appointment is for one year, but the Council at their discretion may renew the Scholarship for...
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Nature, Volume 71

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1905 - 1044 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...for the prosecution of metallurgical investigations. A CONFERENCE of teachers from elementary and secondary schools and technical institutes was held under...
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Nature, Volume 67

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1903 - 706 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...properly equipped for the prosecution of metallurgical investigation*. Last year the Andrew Carnegie gold medal was awarded to Ur. JA Mathews, New York, and...
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Nature, Volume 67

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1903 - 808 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...research which may be selected, whether university, lechnical school or works, provided it be properly equipped for the prosecution of metallurgical investigations....
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Nature, Volume 77

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1908 - 790 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...aiding its advance or its application to industry. THE sixth annual meeting of the North of England Education Conference was opened at the University...
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Nature, Volume 77

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1908 - 692 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...aiding its advance or its application to industry. THE sixth annual meeting of the North of England Education Conference was opened at the University...
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Iron and Steel Metallurgist and Metallographist, Volume 4

1901 - 388 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...aiding its advance or its application to industry. The National Physical Laboratory, on the governing body of which the Iron and Steel Institute is represented,...
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The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Volumes 58-59

Iron and Steel Institute - 1901 - 716 pagina’s
...suitable place in -which such a research could be carried out. There is, however, no restriction a? to the place of research which may be selected, whether university, technical school, or works, provided that it be properly equipped for the prosecution of metallurgical investigation. The appointment to...
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The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Volumes 34-58

Iron and Steel Institute - 1902 - 558 pagina’s
...college curriculum or have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...metallurgical investigations. The appointment to a Scholarship shall be for one year, but the Council may at their discretion renew the Scholarship for a further...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important ..., Volume 6;Volume 41

1902 - 894 pagina’s
...and also who have been trained in industrial establishments, to conduct independent researches in the metallurgy of iron and steel and allied subjects,...aiding its advance or its application to industry. 3G2 303 METHODISTS. I. Methodist Episcopal Church. — The Conference organization of this Church consists...
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