
things done in the body, whether they be good or bad," because they are verily confident in God, that the guilt of their evil things will be forgotten and forgiven, and the good they have meditated or performed, alone be remembered to their honour and their glory. With the same strictness, with the same impartiality, with the same fulness, with which the sins of the unredeemed will be scrutinized, with the same will the piety, and longsuffering, and patience, and meekness, and brotherly kindness and charity of the redeemed be rewarded; and in this there is no delusiveness of hope, no mockery of a promise, but the solid security of substantial bliss, to every one that will live godly in Christ. Each passing inclination to good, though abortive in act, from accident or infirmity; each pious thought, each holy word, each benevolent work, each mental prayer, each patient endurance of wrong, each wrathful feeling subdued, each temptation resisted, worldly affections mortified, sensual propensities not indulged, kindness felt or done, contented labour, honest poverty, and industrious greatness, shall all be recompensed according to each man's due. To every one this is a cheering view, but to the poor and to the mourner, and to the tempted, its consolation is beyond all praise. That affliction which for the present seemeth so grievous, that

poverty which now so narrows the benevolent exertions of the lowly in life, and those luxuries which make righteousness such a hard and constant act of self-denial to the wealthy, are soothed and gilded by the hope of the abundant greatness of their reward, and the Gospel becomes indeed glad tidings of salvation and of joy.

Hear ye then these terrors and these mercies of the Lord, these terrors to the wicked and these mercies to the redeemed. Hear of the heaviness of God's judgments upon the disobedient, of indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, the worm and the fire; and to-day, whilst it is called to-day, cast away the chains of sin and break the galling bonds of iniquity, that being justified in an accepted time, ye may be accepted in a joyful eternity. Hear of the multitude of God's mercies to the redeemed, and be not weary in your welldoing, knowing that, if ye faint not, ye shall in due season reap a glory not only beyond your merits, but beyond your understanding and your thoughts. Remember the infinite, yet mingled attributes of the Deity, and knowing that " God hath appointed a day, in the which we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in the body, according to that he hath done, whether it

be good or bad," so strive to approve yourselves to the God of your salvation, that, being justified by his blood, and sanctified by his Spirit, you may reign with him for ever; and having your evil deeds blotted out, be rewarded for your good.

Pater-noster-row Press.


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