






BALPHATUS Asphahanensis. See Apollonius Pergæus. Conicorum lib. v, VI, VII. fol. 1661.

ABBATI (PIETRO.) Riflessioni intorno al metodo di L. Lagrange per la soluzione delle equazioni numeriche. 4° Modena, 1804.

ABRAHAMUS Ecchellensis. See Apollonius Pergæus. Conicorum lib. v, VI, VII. fol. 1661.


ACADÉMIE DE BERLIN. Jugement de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres sur une lettre prétendue de Leibnitz [preceded by an exposé written by Euler]. 8° Berlin, 1752.

ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES. An account of the measure of a degree of a great circle of the Earth. See Academies, &c. Acad. des Sciences de Paris. Memoirs for a natural history of animals, &c. fol. 1788. (Transactions.)

ANALYTICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of the Analytical Society, 1813. 4° Cambridge, 1813.

COMMISSIONE DEI PESI E MISURE. Prospetto delle operazioni fatte in Roma per lo stabilimento del nuovo sistema metrico negli Stati Romani. 8o Roma, 1811.

FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Report of the Managers of the Franklin Institute of the state of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the mechanic arts in relation to weights and measures. 8° Philadelphia, 1834. ADAMS (GEORGE). Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a general description of the mathematical instruments used in geometry, surveying, levelling, and perspective; 2nd edit. enlarged by W. Jones. 8° London, 1797.

Plates. 8° London, 1797.

ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Reports upon......measures.

See Adams

(J. Q.). Reports upon weights, &c. 8° 1821. (Mechanics.) AGNESI (MARIA GAETANA). Instituzioni analitiche, ad uso della gioventù. 2 pts. 4° Milano, 1748.


AGNESI (MARIA GAETANA). Analytical institutions, translated by Colson, and published by Hellins, [with an introduction and an addition by the translator.] 2 vols. 4° London, 1801.

Chaulnes (M. F. d'Albert d'Ailly de).

Chaulnes (M. F. d'Albert d'Ailly de).

ALBIUS (RICARDUS). Hemisphærium dissectum, opus geometricum, in quo obiter tractatur de maximis inscriptibilibus et minimis circumscribentibus......; accessit appendix de inscriptione in sphæra coni scaleni, et de superficie ejus; demum cubatio cujusdam partis cylindri dissectæ plano. 4° Romæ, 1648.

ALEMBERT (JEAN LEROND d'). See Encyclopédie méthodique. Mathématiques. 1784, &c. (Miscellaneous.)

- Opuscules mathématiques, ou mémoires sur differens sujets de géométrie, de méchanique, d'optique, d'astronomie; 8 vols. 4o Paris,


ALEXANDER (JOHANNES). Synopsis algebraica, opus posthumum in usum scholæ mathematicæ apud Hospitium-Christi Londinense, editum. 8° Londini, 1693.

ALLAIZE (-), BILLY (-), BOUDROT (-), et PUISSANT (K.) Cours de mathématiques, redigé en 1813 pour l'usage des écoles militaires. 8° Paris, 1832.

ALSTEDIUS (JOHANNES HENRICUS). Methodus admirandorum mathematicorum novem libris exhibens universam mathesin. 12° Herbornæ, 1657.

AMPÈRE (A. M.). Rapport sur un mémoire de M. Bérard. See Bérard (J. B.). Méthodes nouvelles pour déterminer les racines, &c. 4o 1818.

Considérations sur la théorie mathématique du jeu. 4° Lyon, an


Considérations générales sur les intégrales des équations aux différentielles partielles. 4° [Paris.]

Mémoire sur quelques nouvelles propriétés des axes permanens de rotation des corps, et des plans directeurs de ces axes. 4° Paris, 1823. ANDERSON (ALEXANDER). Ad angularium sectionum analyticen ; Theoremata; kaoλкwrepa; a F. Vieta primum excogitata at absque ulla demonstratione ad nos transmissa, iam tandem demonstrationibus confirmata. 4° Parisiis, 1615.

Arioλoyia pro Zetetico Apolloniani problematis a se jam pridem edito; in quâ ad ea quæ obiter inibi perstrinxit Ghetaldus respondetur. 4o Parisiis, 1615.

Animadversionis in Franciscum Vietam, a Clemente Cyriaco nuper editæ, brevis diáкpiois. 40 Parisiis, 1617.

Exercitationum Mathematicarum decas prima. 4° Parisiis, 1699. Supplementum Apollonii redivivi; sive, analysis problematis hactenus desiderati ad Apollonii Pergæi doctrinam Teρì vévσewv à M. Ghetaldo hucusque non ita pridem restitutam; in qua exhibetur mechanice æqualitatum tertii gradus, in quibus magnitudo omnino data æquatur homogeneæ sub altero tamen coefficiente ignoto; subnexa est variorum problematum practice. 4° Parisiis, 1612.

Vindiciae Archimedis; sive elenchus cyclometriæ novæ, a P. Lansbergio nuper editæ. 4° Parisiis, 1616.

ANGELI or ANGELIS (STEFANO degli or de). Accessionis ad sterio

metriam et mechanicam pars prima; in qua traduntur mensuræ et centra gravitatis quamplurium solidorum. 4° Venetiis, 1662.* ANGELI or ANGELIS (STEFANO degli or de). Considerationi sopra la forza di alcune ragioni fisico-mattematiche addotte da G. B. Riccioli nel suo Almagesto nuovo e astronomia riformata contra il sistema Copernicano. 4o Venetia, 1667. (Two copies.)

. De infinitarum cochlearum mensuris, ac centris gravitatis; quibus accessit constructio quorundam problematum geometricorum. 4o Venetiis, 1661.

De infinitis parabolis, de infinitisque solidis ex variis rotationibus ipsarum partiumque earundem genitis, unà cum nonnullis ad centra gravitatis attinentibus. 4° Venetiis, 1659.

De infinitis spiralibus inversis de infinitisque hyperbolis; ac aliis geometricis. 4o Patavii, 1667.

De infinitorum spiralium spatiorum mensura. 4o Venetiis, 1660. De superficie ungulæ et de quartis liliorum parabolicorum et cycloidalium. 4° Venetiis, 1661.

Miscellaneum geometricum; agitur de mensura et centro gravitatis quorundam solidorum; de centris æquilibrii in basibus, et gravitatis in altitudinibus quamplurium truncorum cylindricorum diagonaliter resectorum; tanguntur quædam circa centra gravitatis superficierum curvarum; assignantur maxima inscriptibilia in infinitis trilineis et infinitis conicis ex ipsis revolutis. 4° Venetiis, 1660.

Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum; in quo præcipue agitur de centris gravitatis hyperbolæ, &c.; parabola noviter quadratur; ducuntur infinitarum parabolarum tangentes; assignantur maxima inscriptibilia minimaque circumscriptibilia infinitis parabolis, conoidibus, ac semifusis parabolicis. 4° Venetiis, 1659.

-. Problemata geometrica sexaginta circa conos, sphæras, superficies conicas sphæricasque præcipuè versantia. 40 Venetiis, 1658. ANHALTIN (CHRISTIAEN MARTINII). Oprecht, grondich en rechtsinnigh School-boeck van de Wyn-royeryen. 4° Amstelredam, 1663. ANONYMOUS.

ADDITION (an) unto the use of the instrument called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions, together with considerations touching navigation; hereunto is also annexed the excellent use of two rulers for calculation [by W. Forster]. 4° London, 1633.

[ADVANTAGES of the modern or Arabic system of notation in arithmetic, by W. Frend.] 40 London, 1831.

AGENCE (1') temporaire des poids et mesures, au redacteurs de la feuille du cultivateur, en réponse à des objections contre le nomenclature des mesures nouvelles. 8° Paris, an III. [1795.]

ARITHMETIC and Algebra [by J. Parker] (Library of Useful Knowledge), Nos. I-IV. 8° London, 1828-30.

ARITHMETICA universalis; sive de compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber [by Sir I. Newton]; cui accessit Halleiana æquationum radices arithmeticè inveniendi methodus; in usum juventutis. 8° Cantabrigiæ, 1707.

ARITHMETICAL (an) problem; (several unequal numbers being given it is required to divide each of them into two parts, and to find two other numbers such, that one of them by multiplying one of the parts

*This part only is mentioned in Beughem's Bibliographia Mathematica.

ANONYMOUS, continued.

and the other the other part, the sum of the product shall always be the same); [by Lawson]. 4o [No date.]

ARITHMETICALL tables [by C. Bardon]. fol.*

ARTICLE (the) on......measures from the Westminster Review. See Anonymous. Article (the) on weights, &c. 8° (Mechanics.) ASTROLABII......canones [&] de mensurationibus rerum.

See Ano

nymous. Astrolabii quo primi mobilis motus deprehenduntur canones. 4° (Astronomy.)

Avis instructif sur la fabrication des mesures de longueur à l'usage des ouvriers. 8° Paris, an III. [1795.]

Avis sur les corrections de nomenclature à faire dans cette instruction [viz. the Instruction sur les mesures, by Hauy], en conséquence de la loi du 18 germinal an III. 8° Paris, an iv. [1796.] CALEPIN (le) des administrateurs, des hommes de loi et d'affaires, des banquiers, et des commerçans; ou tableaux à l'aide desquels on facilite à toutes sortes de personnes la manière de trouver l'unité métrique des anciennes mesures, et de réduire par ce moyen toutes les transformations à une seule ouverture de compas [by C. L. Aubry]. 8° Paris, an vi. [1798.]

CANONS des logarithmes de H. W. [Hoëné Wronski], instructions et théorie; avec un supplément donnant la résolution générale de l'équation du cinquième degré. 8° Paris, 1827.

CANON logarithmorum, auctore H. W. [Hoëné Wronsky]; 6 tables. CANON triangulorum, sive tabulæ sinuum tangentium et secantium ad partes radii 100,000, et ad scrupula prima quadrantis. 12° † COMPANION to the gentleman's diary, or a preparative to that useful work for 1798 [by W. Davis]. 8° London, 1797. COMPARATIVE (a) view of the diseases and ages &c.

See Collections. Collection (a) of the yearly bills of mortality. 4° 1759. (Miscellaneous.) COMPENDIUM Euclidis curiosi: dat is, Meetkonstigh Passer-Werck, hoe men met een gegeven opening van een Passer en een Liniael, de Werckstucken van Euclides, ontbinden kan. 4° Amsterdam, 1673. COMPENDIUM Euclidis curiosi; or geometrical operations, shewing how with one single opening of the compasses and a straight ruler, all the propositions of Euclid's first five books are performed; translated out of the Dutch into the English by J. Moxon. 4° London, 1677. DESCRIPTION (the) and use of the carpenters-rule, together with the use of the lines of numbers inscribed thereon, and the application thereof to the measuring of superficies and solids; to which is added the use of a geometrical sun-dial, with a nocturnal on the back-side; also of a universal dial for seamen, by J. B. 12° London, 1656. DEUXIÈME Supplement à la théorie analytique des probabilités; application du calcul des probabilités aux opérations géodésiques [by Laplace]. 4o [Paris,] 1818. (Two copies.)

DIMOSTRAZIONE [by Monforte] del luogo ove terminano le linee cubiche ricercate nel libro intitolato: Nuovo metodo geometrico per trovare

These tables are engraved on copper, and the name of the author occurs in a manuscript dedication prefixed to this copy as follows: To the most illustrious the Royall Society, humbly presenteth these arithmeticall tables the author Claudius Bardon.' There is neither frontispiece nor title-page.

+ This is an imperfect work, wanting the beginning and perhaps the end. It extends from pag. 145 to 235, and, when complete, is probably not anonymous.

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