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FANZAGO (FRANCISCUS ALOYSIUS). Memorie sopra alcuni pezzi morbosi conservati nel gabinetto patologico dell' Università di Padova; fasc. I. 4° Padova, 1820.


Sulla pellagra, memorie; 2 vols. 8° Padova, 1815.

FAULKNER (Sir ARTHUR BROOKE). A treatise on the plague, designed

to prove it contagious. 8° London, 1820.


Traité de la chimie. See Febvre

(N. le). Traité, &c. 12° 1669. (Chemistry.)

A compleat body of chemistry. See Febvre (N. le). A compleat, &c. 4° 1664. (Chemistry.)

FEDERIGO (GASPARE). See Portal (A.). Observations sur la nature et le traitement de la phthisie pulmonaire. 8° 1809.

FELICI (J. B.) See Anonymous. Raccolta d' alcuni opuscoli sopra il moderno abuso del mercurio, &c. 4° 1753.

FELLOWES (Sir JAMES). Reports of the pestilential disorder of Andalusia, which appeared at Cadiz in 1800, 1804, 1810, 1813, with a detailed account of that epidemic which prevailed at Gibraltar during the autumnal months of 1804; also observations on the remitting and intermitting fever made in the military hospitals after the return of the troops from the expedition to Zealand in 1809. 8° London, 1815. FENDIUS (MELCHIOR). Oratio de dignitate et utilitate artis medicæ. 8° Vitębergæ, 1548.

FERAPIE DUFIEU (JEAN). See Dufieu (J. F.).

FERMIN (PHILIPPE). Traité des maladies les plus fréquentes à Surinam, et des remèdes les plus propres à les guérir; suivi d'une dissertation sur le crapaud de Surinam nommé Pipa. 12° Maestricht, 1764. FERNELIUS (JOHANNES). Medicinalium consiliorum centuria. 8° Francofurti, 1592.

FERRARA (FRANÇOIS). De l'influence de l'air, au sommet de l'Etna sur l'économie animale; (extrait du Journal universel des sciences medicales, tom. xxxiv. page 129). 8°

FERNELIUS (JOANNES). Universa medicina; adsunt ejusdem consilia, et G. Plantii scholia in pharmacopœam; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Geneva, 1643.

des sciences médicales. See Journals, &c. Bulletin général, &c. 8°
1823, &c. (Journals, &c.)

FEVRE (NICASIUS or NICOLAS le). See Febvre (N. le).
FIEBIGER (CHRISTOPHORUS). De diætæ vitio multorum morborum
causa; præside F. Hoffmanno. 4o Hala Magdeburgi, [1715].
FIORAVANTI (LEONARDO). Nuovo antidotario......sopra diverse in-
fermità. See Fioravanti (L.). Della fisica, divisa in quattro libri. 8°
1582. (Miscellaneous.)

FISCHER (JOANNES BENJ. de). Dissertatio osteologica de modo quo
ossa se vicinis accommodant partibus; sub præsidio H. D. Gaubii. 4°
Lugduni Batavorum, 1743.

FIZES (ANT.). Specimen medico-chirurgicum de suppuratione in parti-
bus mollibus; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 12° Monspelii, 1722.
FLAMBERG (FRIDER. EDVARDUS de). Dissertatione medica inaugu-
rali praxin clinicam et compendiosam morborum ex uteri vitio, præside F.
Hoffmanno, pro doctoris gradu defendet. 4o Hala Magdeburgi, [1715].
langæ. See Fleischmann (J. G.). Dissertatio inauguralis physico-
medica, &c. 4° [1766]. (Miscellaneous.)

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FORMEY (LUDWIG). See Anonymous. Pharmacopœa Borussica. 4o 1799.
FORRE (-). Lettera contenente alcuni tentativi d' esperienze per di-
mostrare una nuova forza esistente nel cuore. 4° [Milano, 1783.]
FORSKÅL (PETRUS). Materia medica Kahirina. See Forskäl (P.).
Descriptiones animalium, &c. 4o 1775. (Zoology.)

FORSTER (JOHN REINOLD). Observations......on the human species.
See Forster (J. R.). Observations made during a voyage round the
world. 4° 1778. (Miscellaneous.)

FORSTER (THOMAS). Observations on the partial deafness to which
aërial and mountain travellers are liable. See Forster (T.). Annals of
some remarkable aërial voyages, &c. 8° 1832. (Miscellaneous.)
-. Essay on the origin, symptoms and treatment of the cholera mor-
bus and of other epidemic disorders, with a view to the improvement of
sanitary regulations. 8° London, 1831.

Illustrations of the atmospherical origin of epidemic diseases, and on
the means of prevention, mitigation and cure; to which are added po-
pular rules for the maintenance of health. 8° Chelmsford, 1829.

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Observations on the casual and periodical influence of particular states of the atmosphere on human health and diseases, particularly insanity. 8° London, 1817. (Two copies.)

Observations on the phenomena of insanity; being a supplement to observations on the influence of the atmosphere on human health. 8° London, 1817. (Three copies.)

Observations on the union which has become necessary between the
branches of the medical profession, and on the foundation of a faculty
of medicine. 8° Chelmsford [1830.]

-. Physiological reflections on the destructive operation of spirituous
and fermented liquors on the animal system. 8° London, 1812.
FOTHERGILL (A.). See Anonymous. Hints for restoring animation.
8° 1783.

A new......inquiry into......the Cheltenham water; with a concise
account of the diseases wherein it is chiefly indicated. See Fothergill
(A.). A new experimental inquiry, &c. 8° 1785. (Geology.)

-; with an appendix on the magnetic-alkaline water, a new and approved remedy against the stone and gravel. See Fothergill (A.). A new experimental inquiry, &c. 8° 1788. (Geology.)

An essay on the abuse of spirituous liquors; being an attempt to exhibit......its pernicious effects upon the people. 8° Bath, 1796.

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FOTHERGILL (JOHN). An account of the sore throat attended with ulcers. 8° London, 1748.

FOURCAULT (A.). Lois de l'organisme vivant, ou application des lois physico-chimiques à la physiologie, précédées des recherches sur les causes des phénomènes d'attraction et de répulsion considérés dans les molécules et dans les masses de la matière; 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1829.

FOWLER (THOMAS). Medical reports on the effects of arsenic in the
cure of agues, remitting fevers, and periodic headachs; together with a
letter from Dr. Arnold, and another from Dr. Withering, describing
their experience of the effects of arsenic in the cure of intermittents.
London, 1786.

FRANCINI (HORACE de). Maladies du cheval. See Francini (H. de).
Hippiatrique, &c. 4° 1607. (Zoology.)

FRANCISCUS de Pedemontium. See Mesue (J.). Canones universales,
&c. fol. 1502.

FRANCUS (JOHANNES). See Marius (J.). Castorologia. 8° 1685. (Zoology.)

FRANK (JOSEPH). Beziehung auf Spitäler, &c. See
Frank (J.). Reise nach Paris, &c. 8° 1804, &c. (Voyages.)
ac puerperis nostris temporibus minus lethifera; defendet J. G. F. F.,
assumpto J. G. Linckio. 4° Lipsia [1785.]

-. Prolusio de medicorum legibus metricis. 4° Lipsia [1787.]
FRASER (HENRY). Observations on vaccine inoculation tending to
confute the opinion of Dr. Rowley. 8° London, 1805.
FRAY (J. B.). Essai sur l'origine des corps organisés et inorganisés, et
sur quelques phénomènes de physiologie animale et végétale. 8°
Paris, 1817.

FREHERUS (PAULUS). Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum in qua-
tuor partes, quorum......3a medicos......anatomicos, &c.......complecti-
tur. See Freherus (P.). Theatrum, &c. fol. 1688. (Miscellaneous.)
FREKE (JOHN). A treatise......shewing the causes of vitality and mus-
cular motion. See Freke (J.). A treatise on the nature and property
of fire. 8° 1752. (Chemistry.)

An essay on the art of healing, in which pus laudabile or matter, as also incarning and cicatrising and the causes of various diseases are endeavoured to be accounted for. 8° London, 1748.

FREMERY (N. C. de). See Vrolik (W.). Specimen anatomico-zoologicum de phocis. 8° 1822. (Zoology.)

FREMONT d'ABLANCOURT (NICOLAS). See Anonymous. Dialogues de la santé. 12° 1683.

FRIDRICHS (ALBRECHT KAISER). Ross ertzney biechlein. Auch wie man ain yekliches pferd erkennen vn probieren soll. 4o Augspurg, 1513. FRIEDRÉICH (J. B.). Synopsis librorum de pathologia et therapia morborum physicorum. 12° Heidelbergæ & Lipsia, 1830. FRIEDLANDER (ML.). De l'éducation physique de l'homme. 8° Paris, 1815.

FROMHERZ (CARL). Lehrbuch der medizinischen chemie; vol. 1 in
4 pts. 8° Freiburg, 1830-1832.

FROST (JOHN). An oration delivered before the Medico-Botanical So-
ciety of London, Friday, 14th Oct. 1825. 4° London, 1825.
-, Friday, 13th Oct. 1826. 4° London, 1826,
Friday, 12th Oct. 1827. 4° London, 1827.
Tuesday, 28th Oct. 1828. 4° London, 1828.

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GAIRDNER (MEREDITH). Essay on the......medicinal effects of mineral
......springs. See Gairdner (M.). Essay on the natural history, &c.
12° 1832. (Geology.)

GALENUS (CLAUDIUS). See Beroaldi (P.). De terræmotu et pestilentia.
4° 1510. (Miscellaneous.)

See Hippocrates. Aphorismi. 8° 1542.

De inequali distemperantia; de bono corporis habitu; de confirmatione corporis humani; de presagitura; de presagio, introductorium; de succidaneis. See Nicephorus Calistus. Logica, &c. fol. 1498. (Miscellaneous.)

-. Θεραπευτικης μεθοδου λογος πρωτος [II-XIV, followed by] Προς
γλαυκωνα θεραπευτικων των εισδυο [two books]. fol. Venetiis, 1500.
一. Opera omnia; 5 vols. fol. Basileæ, 1538.

Delli mezzi che si possono tenere per conservarsi la sanità; da G.
Tarcagnota. 8° Venetia, 1549.

Exhortatio ad bonas arteis, præsertim medicinam, de optimo do-
cendi genere et qualem oporteat esse medicum; D. Erasmo interprete.
Basileæ, 1526.

GALEOTTI (MARTIUS). (In hoc volumine continentur hæc tria digna
et erudita opuscula, scilicet Galeottus de homine; Georgius Merula in
Galeottum; et rursus Galeotti refutatio objectorum in librum de ho-
mine a G. Merula). 4o Mediolani, 1490.

GALL (F. J.). Sur l'origine des qualités morales et des facultés intellec-
tuelles de l'homme, et sur les conditions de leur manifestation, 2 vols.;
Influence du cerveau sur la forme du crane, difficultés et moyens de
déterminer les qualités et facultés fondamentales, et de découvrir le
siège de leurs organes, 1 vol.; Organologie, ou exposition des instincts,
des penchants, des sentimens et des talens, ou des qualités morales et
des facultés intellectuelles de l'homme et des animaux, et du siège de
leurs organes, 2 vols.; Revue critique de quelques ouvrages anatomico-
physiologiques, et exposition d'une nouvelle philosophie des qualités
morales et des facultés intellectuelles, 1 vol.; [all forming part of the
same work, and not to be separated]; 6 vols. 8° Paris, 1825.

GALL (F. J.) et SPURZHEIM (.J. G.). Anatomic et physiologie du système



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