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Printed by T. BENSLEY, Bolt Court, Fleet Street,
For J. Johnson, J. Nichols and Son, R. Baldwin, F. C. and J. Riving.
ton, R. Faulder, T. Payne, Otridge and Son, J. Walker, Scatch-
erd and Letterman, G. Robinson, W. Lowndes, Clarke and Son,
T. Kay, J. Nunn, P. Macqueen, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and
Orme, C. Law, Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, T. Boosey, Cadell
and Davies, Lackington, Allen, and Co. B. Crosby and Co.
Pote and Williams, J. White, Wynne and Son, J. Murray, J.
and A. Arch, S. Bagster, J. Harding, J. Mawman, W. Ginger,
J. Harris, J. Asperne, T. Oftell, and J. Booker.



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OSC35 (1)





I SHOULD not act the part of an impartial Spectator, if I dedicated the following papers to one who is not of the most confummate and most acknowledged merit.

None but a person of a finished character can be a proper patron of a work which endeavours to cultivate and polish human life, by promoting virtue and knowledge, and by recommending naing whatsoever may be either useful or ornamental to society.

I know that the homage I now pay you, is offering a kind of violence to one who is as folicitous to shun applause, as he is affiduous to deserve it. But, my lord, this is perhaps the only particular in which your prudence will be always disappointed.

While justice, candour, equanimity, a zeal for the good of your country, and the most perfuafive eloquence in bringing over others to it, are valuable distinctions, you are not to expect

* This distinguished lawyer was born at Worcester in 1652. He was first taken notice of at the trial of the seven bishops, for whom he was one of the counsel. See p. ii.

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