The Spectator, Volume 3

George Gregory Smith
J.M. Dent & Company, 1897

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Pagina 175 - only finds it What Sculpture is to a Block of Marble, Education is to an Human SouL The Philosopher, the Saint, or the Hero, the Wise, the Good, or the Great Man, very often lie hid and concealed in a Plebean, which a proper Education might have disenterred, and have brought to Light
Pagina 160 - Lord Cardinal/ if thou think'st on Heaven's Bliss Hold up thy Hand, make Signal of that Hope! He dies, and makes no Sign ! The Despair which is here shewn, without a Word or Action on the Part of the dying Person, is beyond what
Pagina 174 - If my Reader will give me leave to change the Allusion so soon upon him, I shall make use of the same Instance to illustrate the Force of Education, which Aristotle has brought to explain his Doctrine of Sub/ stantial Forms, when he tells us, that a Statue lies hid in
Pagina 211 - Minds« Discretion points out the noblest Ends to us, and pursues the most proper and laudable Methods of attaining them; Cunning has only private selfish Aims, and sticks at nothing which may make them succeed« Discretion has large and extended Views, and, like a well/formed Eye, commands a whole
Pagina 35 - in that one Sentence/ says he, 'than in a library of Sermons ; and indeed if those Sentences were understood by the Reader, with the same Emphasis as they are delivered by the Author, we needed not those Volumes of Instructions, but might be honest by an Epitome/ ' Since I am thus insensibly engaged in Sacred
Pagina 210 - some, and communicating others; whereas the other lets them all indifferently fly out in Words, This sort of Discretion, however, has no Place in private Conversation between intimate Friends, On such Occasions the wisest Men very often Talk like the weakest; for indeed the Talking with a Friend is nothing else but thinking aloud.
Pagina 174 - I CONSIDER an Human Soul without Education like Marble in the Quarry, which shews none of its inherent Beauties, till the Skill of the Polisher fetches out the Colours, makes the Surface shine, and discovers every ornamental Cloud, Spot and Vein that runs thro' the Body of it Education, after the same manner, when it works upon a noble Mind, draws out to
Pagina 36 - when evil found him, Neither have I suffered my mouth to sin, by wishing a curse to his souL The stranger did not lodge in the street/ but I opened my doors to the traveller, If my land
Pagina 212 - Cunning is often to be met with in Brutes themselves, and in Persons who are but the fewest Removes from them* In short, Cunning is only the Mimick of Discretion, and may pass upon weak Men, in the same manner as Vivacity is often mistaken for Wit, and Gravity for Wisdom/
Pagina 212 - is the Perfection of Reason, and a Guide to us in all the Duties of Life ; Cunning is a kind of Instinct, that only looks out after our immediate Interest and Welfare* Discretion is only found in Men of strong Sense and good Understandings

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