
Removal of loose Substances from the Knee Joint.-Part 2nd. Of the Disorders of the Health in general, and of the Digestive Organs in particular which accompany Local Diseases and obstruct their Cure; on Diseases of the Urethra, particularly of that Part which is surrounded by the Prostate Gland; on the Treatment of one Species of Nævi Materni. 8vo. Lond. 1804-06 ABERNETHY (John) Surgical Works, viz.-On the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; Aneurism; Diseases resembling Syphilis; Diseases of the Urethra; Injuries of the Head; Miscellaneous Subjects, viz. The ill Consequences occasionally succeeding to Venæsection; On Emphysema; On the Operation of Puncturing the Urinary Bladder; On the Tic Douloureux; On the Removal of loose Substances from the Knee Joint; Treatment of one Species of the Nævi Materni; On Hæmorrhoidal Diseases ; On Fistulæ in the Perinæum, Tumours, and Lumbar Abscesses. 2 vols. 8vo.

The same: a new edit. 2 vols. 8vo.

ib. 1811

ib. 1827

Introductory Lectures, exhibiting some of Mr. Hunter's Opinions respecting Life and Diseases, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons, London, in 1814 & 1815. 8vo. ib. 1815

Physiological Lectures, exhibiting General Views of Mr. Hunter's Physiology and Researches in Comparative Anatomy. 8vo.

ib. 1817 The Hunterian Oration delivered Feb. 14, 1819. 4to. ib. 1819 -Reflections on Gall and Spurzheim's System of Physiognomy and Phrenology. 8vo.


ib. 1821

Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Surgery, ib. 1830.

An Address to the Audience at the Conclusion of the First Anatomical Lecture, &c. 8vo. [Anon.]


Surgical Lectures given at St. Bartholomew's Hos

pital. 1806. MS. By a Pupil.

Notes of Surgical Lectures given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. MS. By a Pupil.


ABINSCENUS. Vide Avicenna.


ACADEMY:-Transactions of Academies, Learned Societies, &c.

Great Britain and Ireland.

Philosophical Transactions, [of the Royal Society of London,] giving some Account of the present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the ingenious in many considerable Parts of the World.-128 vols. 4to.

Lond. 1665-1829 -Medical Essays and Observations relating to the Practice of Physic and Surgery; abridged from the Philcsophical Transactions, from their first publication down to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1745

A general Index to the Philosophical Transactions, from the 1st to the end of the 70th volume. By P. H. Maty, ib. 1787


A Continuation of the Alphabetical Index to the Matter
contained in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London from vol. 71 to vol. 110-the year
1781 to the year 1820 inclusive. 4to.
ib. 1821

An Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical and
Physiological Papers contained in the Transactions of
the Royal Society of London, from the Commencement
of that Work to the End of the Year 1813; Chronolo-
gically and Alphabetically arranged. [By James Briggs,
Esq.] 4to.
Westminst. 1814

Diplomata et Statuta Regalis Societatis Londini pro
Scientia Naturali promovendâ. 4to.

The History of the Royal Society of London.
Spratt. 4to.

The same: 3rd edit.

Lond. 1777

By Thos.

ib. 1667

ib. 1722

The History of the Royal Society of London, as a Sup-
plement to the Philosophical Transactions. By Tho.
Birch. 4 vols. 4to.
ib. 1756-57

The History of the Royal Society, from its Institution to
the End of the 18th Century. By Tho. Thomson, M.D.
ib. 1812


Philosophical Collections (published by Rob. Hooke
during the Interruption of the Philosophical Transac-
tions.) No. 1-7. 4to.
ib. 1679-81-82


A Review of the Works of the Royal Society of London,
containing Animadversions on such of the Papers as
deserve particular Observation. By Sir John Hill, M.D.
2nd edit. 4to.
Lond. 1780
Legends no Histories; or A Specimen of some Animad-
versions upon the History of the Royal Society. By
Henry Stubbe, Physician. 4to.
ib. 1670

Medical Essays and Observations, revised and published by a
Society in Edinburgh. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1737-44
The same: 3rd edit. 5 vols.

The same: 4th edit. 5 vols.

ib. 1747

ib. 1752

ib. 1746

The same: Abridged and disposed under General Heads.
Lewis. 2 vols. 8vo.



Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary, read before a Society in Edinburgh; and published by them. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1754-71 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 10 vols. ib. 1788-1826 The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 15 vols. Dubl. 1787-1828 Transactions of the Society instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. 44 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1783-1827 Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. 1st and 2nd Series. 9 vols. 8vo.


Warrington, Manchester, & Lond. 1785-1824 Minutes of a Society for Philosophical Experiments and Conversations. 8vo.

Lond. 1795

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 2 vols.


Camb. 1822-27

Transactions of the Linnean Society. 16 vols. 4to.

Lond. 1791-1829

Transactions of the Geological Society. 1st and 2nd Series. 7 vols. 4to. ib. 1811-1828 Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. 5 vols. Edinb. 1811-24


Transactions of the Royal Humane Society. 1 vol. 8vo.

Lond. 1774-94


Medical Observations and Enquiries, by a Society of Physicians in London. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1757-76

Select Papers on different Branches of Medicine. By a Society. 8vo. ib. 1767 Medical Transactions published by the College of Physicians in London. 6 vols. 8vo. ib. 1768-1827 Memoirs of the Medical Society of London, instituted 1773. 6 vols. 8vo. ib. 1787-1805 -Transactions of the Medical Society of London. vol. 1. pts. 1 and 2. 8vo. ib. 1814-17 Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1793–1812 Medical Records and Researches selected from the Papers of a private Medical Association. 8vo. ib. 1798 Medico-Chirurgical Transactions; published by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London.

15 vols. 8vo.

ib. 1809-30

Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates

of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. 5 vols. 8vo. Dubl. 1817-28 Transactions of the Association of Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothecaries of England and Wales. 1st vol. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1824-29

Medical and Philosophical Commentaries; by a Society in Edinburgh. Vide JOURNAL.

Dependencies of Great Britain.

Asiatick Researches, or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia. 10 vols. 8vo. Calcutta. London reprinted, 1798-1811

Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. 3 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1826-27

Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society. vol. 1. vol. 2,

pt. 1. 4to.

Lond. 1824-29



Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia. 6 vols. New series 2 vols. 4to.

Philad. 1789-1826

Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 5 vols. 8vo. ib. 1817-25 Report of the Transactions of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; submitted by W. Keating. ib. 1824



Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences depuis son Etablissement en 1666 jusqu'à 1686.-Jusqu'à son Renouvellement en 1699. 11 en 14 tom. 4to.

Paris, 1733, &c. Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences; avec les Mémoires de Mathematique et de Physique, Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. 1699-1790. 92 tom. 4to. ib. 1792-97 Mémoires de Mathematique et de Physique presentés à l'Academie Royale des Sciences par divers Sçavans. 11 ib. 1750-86 -Machines et Inventions approuvées par l'Academie Royale des Sciences. 7 tom. 4to. ib. 1735-77

tom. 4to.

Recueil des Pièces qui ont remporté les Prix de l'Acade-
mie Royale des Sciences. 9 tom. 4to. ib. 1752-77
Suite des Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
des diverses Années. 1718-27-31-40, &c.
11 tom.
ib. 1720-68

Table Alphabetique des Matières contenues dans l'His-
toire et les Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences,
dressée par MM. Godin et Demours. 10 tom. 4to.
ib. 1734-1809
Nouvelle Table des Articles contenus dans les Volumes
de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris depuis 1666
jusqu'en 1770-dans ceux des Arts et Métiers publiés
par cette Academie, et dans la Collection Academique.
Par M. l'Abbé Rozier. 4 tom. 4to.
ib. 1775-76

Regiæ Scientiarum Academiæ Historia, Auctore J. B.
Du Hamel. edit. 2nda. 4to.

ib. 1701

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