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" An Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and Physiological Papers contained in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from the commencement of that work, to the end of the year 1817; chronologically and alphabetically arranged, Lon.,... "
Catalogue - Pagina 3
door Royal college of surgeons of England libr - 1831 - 8 pagina’s
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Philosophical Transactions, Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings ...

1815 - 550 pagina’s
...Cathedral Church oiF St. Peter, York, zoth March, 1814, by the Rev. Francis Wrangham. York, 1814. 4° An Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical,...in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Westminster, 1814. 4° Transactions of the Geological Society. Vol. 2. London, 1814. 4° Elements of...
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 6

Tobias Smollett - 1814 - 718 pagina’s
...shall offer to our readers next month. ART. 22. — An Index to the Anatomical medical, chirnrgical, and Physiological papers contained in the Transactions...Royal Society of London, from the commencement of lint work to the end of the year 1813. Chronologically and Alphabetically arranged. 4to. J. Callow....
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The Medical and Physical Journal: Containing the Earliest ..., Volume 32

1815 - 564 pagina’s
...some of the children there was a pretty good crop of pustules. MONTHLY CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL BOOKS. AN INDEX to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical,...1813 ; chronologically and alphabetically arranged. 4to. boards, 10s. 6d. Professor Davy's interesting Inquiries concerning the Relation of Galvanism to...
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Annals of philosophy.., Volume 6

1815 - 508 pagina’s
...probable opinion is, that these tubes have been formed by the action of lightning. VOL. VI. N° I. " £ IL An Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical and...Socie'ty of London; from the commencement of that IVork to the end of the year 1813; chronologically and alphabetically arranged. Callow, &c. London....
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Eclectic Repertory and Analytical Review: Medical and Philosophical, Volume 5

1815 - 588 pagina’s
...Efficacy of Equable and Artificial Temperature, in the treatment of Consumption. By Thomas Sutton, MD An Index to the, Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and Physiological Papers, contained in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1665 to 1813; chronologically and alphabetically...
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Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy ..., Volume 6

Thomas Thomson - 1815 - 520 pagina’s
...the action of lightning. VOL. VI. N° I* E H. An 'Index to the Anatomical, MeSicdl, Chniergical anS, Physiological Papers contained in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London ; from (he commencement of thai Work to tne end yf 1m year 1813 ; chronologically and alphabetically arranged....
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The British Critic, Volume 1

1814 - 682 pagina’s
...Established Church at the prexnt day, this remark is rendered, ia a £,reat measure, inapplicable* MEDICAL. An Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and Physiological Papers contained in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of. London, from 1(j<35 to 1S13, chronologically and...
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A Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Volume 2

Harvard University. Library - 1830 - 480 pagina’s
...John Martyn. (vols. 8, 9, 10,) 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1747—56. Philosophical Transactions, from 1732 Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and...in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. Westminster. 1814. Londini. 4to. Lond. 1752. . Diplomata et Statuta Regalis Societutis . List...
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A catalogue of the library of Harvard university, Volume 2

Harvard university libr - 1830 - 476 pagina’s
...Transactions, from 1732 to 1750, Abridged, &c., by John Martyn. (vols. 8, 9, 10,) 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1747—56. Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and...in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. Westminster. 1814. Diplomats et Statuta Rognlis Societatis Londini. 4to. Lond. 1752. . . List...
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A Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts ...

Harvard University. Library - 1830 - 476 pagina’s
...from 1732 to 1750, Abridged, &c., by John Martyn. (vols. 8, 9, 10,) 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1747 — 56. Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and...in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. Westminster. 1814. Diplomata et Statute Regalis Societatis Londini. 4to. Lond. 1752. • . List...
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