
1. 25. fell a praising, took to praising, began and continued to praise; here a is a corruption of the preposition on.

1. 27. Astyanax, son of Hector and Andromache; his proper name was Scamandrius, but he was called Astyanax, or 'lord of the city,' by the Trojans on account of the services of his father. 1. 31. going off, leaving the stage.

11. 33, 4. a notable young baggage, a regular young hussy, on account of her treatment of Pyrrhus.

P. 108, 1. 3. Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, and avenger of the murder of the former by the latter.

1. 4. struck in with them, joined in their conversation.

1. 5. Pylades, nephew of Agamemnon, whose murder he helped Orestes to avenge. The friendship between Orestes and Pylades

has become proverbial from its warmth and sincerity.

1. 11. smoke the knight, make fun of the knight.

11. 12, 3. whispered... act, and so prevented him from continuing his conversation with the wags.

11. 20, 1. as if he saw something, sc. a spectre.

1. 25. justling, we now say 'jostling.'


P. 109, 1. 9. upon occasion, when there is an opportunity of doing so.

11. 19, 20. brother or sister, not literally, but spiritually.

1. 25. humour, disposition.

11. 27, 8. a fellow of whim, a whimsical fellow, a fellow full of odd fancies and freaks. throw away, said because it might better be bestowed upon their fellow-creatures.

1. 29. lap-dogs, dogs carried about in their laps.

1. 31. this hint, the suggestion thus given him.

P. 110, 1. 1. parlour, sitting-room, literally a room for talking, from F. parler, to talk.

1. 18. Brachman, the older spelling for bráhman.

1. 19. Pythagoras, a celebrated Greek philosopher who flourished between B.C. 540 and 501, and travelled in Egypt and the East. 1. 21. the occult sciences, magic.

1. 22. demon, spirit.

1. 35. shuffled, thrust; cp. Haml. iii. 1. 67, "When we have shuffled off this mortal coil"; nowadays the word generally has the sense of haste or secrecy, though the latter sense is not inherent in it, shuffle' being merely a doublet of 'scuffle,' and the frequentative of ‘shove.'

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P. 111, 1. 9. upon my next remove, at the next stage of my metamorphosis.

1. 10. listed, enlisted, enrolled myself.

1. 32. aiming at me, trying to pounce down upon me.

11. 33, 4. whetting his bill, sharpening his beak in preparation for, etc.

P. 112, 1. 2. Lombard-street, the street of bankers in the city which derived its name from the Lombardy merchants who frequented it in early times.

1. 4, 5. cried shame of me, exclaimed against me as being a shameful extortioner.

1. 6. in a manner, to such an extent as was possible while still preserving life.

1. 23. received so warmly, met by so vigorous a defence.

1. 26. a town-rake, a dissipated man about town.

1. 29. jack-a-napes, foolish fellow. In this and similar compounds the a or an is a weakened form of the prepositions of, on, in, and must not be confounded with the indefinite article.

1. 30. would needs. See note, p. 63, 1. 19.

1. 34. masked, took part in masquerades.

1. 36. in a serenade, while serenading you; a serenade was music played under the windows of ladies, to enliven them; from Ital. serenare, 'to make cleere, faire, and lightsome, to looke cheerfullie and merrilie,' Florio" (Skeat, Ety. Dict.).


P. 113, l. 5. factory, the place of business, store-house, of the merchants trading in Ethiopia.

11. 7, 8. had me in a chain, the former bondage being that of love.

1. 10. given the world for, given everything in the world had I possessed it.

1. 14. Pugg, a term frequently applied to a monkey, originally meaning an imp or little demon.

1. 15. shock-dog, shaggy dog, dog with rough hair; in Macb. iii. 1. 94, spelt shough.


1. 27. The Humorous Lieutenant, a play by Fletcher, first printed in 1627.

1. 29. consort, concert, combined music: cat-calls, "a squeaking instrument, or kind of whistle, used especially in play-houses to express impatience or disapprobation ... (2) the sound made by this instrument or an imitation with the voice; a shrill screaming whistle... (3) one who uses the instrument” (Murray, Eng. Dict.).

P. 114, 1. 2. music-meeting, concert hall.

1. 4. caterwauling, "formed from cat, and the verb waw, to make a noise like a cat, with the addition of l to give the verb a frequentative force. The word waw is imitative" (Skeat, Ety. Dict.).

1. 13. lately come from Italy, an allusion to the introduction of the Italian opera.

1. 14. to be free with you, to speak my mind freely. I would ... fiddle, implying that to his ears an English fiddle was unpleasant enough.

1. 20. John Shallow, Esq., the name is taken from a foolish character in the Merry Wives of Windsor and ii. H. IV., who is fond of always calling himself 'esquire,' e.g. M. W. i. 1. 4, 111, "he shall not abuse Robert Shallow, esquire"; "Robert Shallow, esquire, saith he is wronged."

1. 30. the mathematical... music, the scientific theory of music which deals with the combination of tones, etc., etc.

1. 32. Jubal, the original inventor of music, son of Lamech; see Genesis, iv. 21, “And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ."

P. 115, ll. 3, 4. but for our string music in general, referring to the cat-gut' with which musical instruments are stringed; though in reality cat-gut' is the dried and twisted intestines of sheep, and sometimes of the horse and ass.

1. 5. virtuoso, see note on p. 94, 1. 9.

1. 6. Thespis, the father of Greek tragedy, a contemporary of Pisistratus, about B.C. 535.


1. 7. the ancient comedy, comedy among the Greeks was divided into the Old Comedy, from B.C. 458-404, the Middle Comedy, from 404 to 340, and the New Comedy from 340 to 269. Old Comedy properly begins with Cratinus; Aristophanes, the greatest of all the comic poets, belongs partly to the Old and

partly to the Middle Comedy; while of the poets of the New Comedy, Menander was the greatest.

1. 9. curious, of an enquiring mind, and so full of information. 1. 12. Momus, god of mockery and censure.

1. 14. Orpheus, a mythical personage, regarded by the Greeks as the most celebrated of the Greek poets before Homer's time.

1. 17. the roasting of a cat, this barbarity appears to have actually been committed at times. Other similar acts of cruelty were the burning of a bullfinch's eye to make him sing, as in Hogarth's first picture of the Progress of Cruelty, the basting to death of a live cat in a bag, the shying at cocks at Shrovetide, etc. 1. 23. a piece of music, a musical instrument.

1. 27. quavers, shakes.

11. 29, 30. overgrown, of enormous size.

1. 33. original, origin; properly an adjective, original source. 1. 36.-P. 116, l. 1. goes along with, is used as an accompaniment. 1. 2. harpsichord, an old instrument of music shaped like a harp. recitativo, an Italian word for the recital or delivery of words in song.

1. 3. the ancient chorus, the choral odes in Greek dramas, sung between the speeches of the actors, formed a sort of illustrative comment on the purport and action of the play, and Addison speaks of the cat-call as in a way fulfilling the same function.

1. 11. curdle the blood, cause the blood to coagulate with horror instead of flowing freely through the veins.

1. 13. warbling, used ironically, the word being usually descriptive of the chirp or carol of birds.

1. 16. anti-music, very antithesis of music.

1. 21. a damp, a chill of fear or anxiety. generals, those acting the part of a general, and so supposed to be above all fear. 1. 25. Almanzor, the invincible hero of Dryden's Conquest of Granada, a character of extravagant heroism.

11. 35, 6. his bass... cat-call, cat-calls formed to express the deep, solemn notes of the bass and the liquid notes of the treble; the bass being the lowest, i.e. deepest, part in music, the treble the highest, clearest part.

P. 117, 1. 3. the unities, of Action, Time, and Place. The first is laid down by Aristotle in his Poetics as an essential to tragedy, and, roughly speaking, may be defined as demanding a perfect and entire action, having a beginning, middle, and end, or in other words demanding that a drama should neither begin nor

end accidentally. The Unity of Time, mentioned by Aristotle as a characteristic of the ancient Greek drama, but not laid down by him as an essential, demands that the action of a drama should, as far as possible, circumscribe itself within one revolution of the sun. The Unity of Place, not mentioned by Aristotle, though usually observed in Greek dramas, demands that there should be no change of scene. For a full account of these Unities see Schlegel, Dramatic Literature, Lecture xvii.

11. 4, 5. the smut-note, the note which calls attention to anything indelicate in the language used. the fustian note, the note which calls attention to turgid, bombastic ranting.

1. 6. an act-tune, a general accompaniment to the play throughout.

1. 7. compass, used in a musical sense, the entire range of notes.


1. 20. to mark down, sc. as objects of my satire; a sporting metaphor used of dogs that give notice to the sportsman of the neighbourhood of game.

11. 23, 4. to swell, to grow to an enormous size; the hoops worn under the petticoat and expanding it to enormous dimensions were very fashionable at the time. its motions, the gradations

of its increase.

1. 26. the coloured hood, the various coloured hoods then in use are frequently the subject of satire in the Spectator.

1. 28. other the like... subjects, other similar subjects accidentally connected with these.

those discourses ...

P. 118, 1. 3. relish, worthily appraise. vogue, those discourses which were on the subject of things that were so fashionable; vogue, fashion, mode. "The original sense is 'the swaying motion of a ship,' hence its sway, swing, drift, course; or else the sway or stroke of an oar. It is the verbal substantive of F. voguer, to saile forth, set saile'; Cot.-Ital. voga, the stroke of an oare in the water when one roweth,' Florio"... (Skeat, Ety. Dict.).

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11. 5, 6. fantastic conceits, fanciful notions.

1. 10. plate, silver; now used of both gold and silver dishes, etc., but formerly of silver more particularly. Its original sense is that of a thin piece of metal, flat dish, from F. plat,. flat.

1. 13. keeps its ground, maintains its position, is still cherished.

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