
tendinous bands at the extremity of the windpipe, and blowing in at the other end, all the cries and notes might be produced, of which the living animal was capable. It can be sounded, just as a pipe or flute is sounded. Birds, says Bonnet, have, at the lower end of the windpipe, a conformation like the reed of a hautboy for the modulation of their notes. A tuneful bird is a ventriloquist. The seat of the song is in

the breast.

The use of the lungs in the system has been said to be obscure: one use however is plain, though, in some sense, external to the system, and that is, the formation, in conjunction with the larynx, of voice and speech. They are, to animal utterance, what the bellows are to the organ.

For the sake of method, we have considered animal bodies under three divisions, their bones, their muscles, and their vessels: and we have stated our observations upon these parts separately. But this is to diminish the strength of the argument. The wisdom of the Creator is seen, not in their separate but their collective action; in their mutual subserviency and dependence; in their contributing together to one effect, and one use. It has been said, that a man cannot lift his hand to his head without finding enough to convince him of the existence of a God. And it is well said; for he has only to reflect, familiar as this action is, and simple as it seems to be, how many things are requisite for the performing of it; how many things which we understand, to say nothing of many more, probably, which we do not; viz., first a long, hard, strong cylinder, in order to give to the arm its firmness and tension; but which, being rigid and, in its substance, inflexible, can only turn upon joints: secondly, therefore, joints for this purpose, one at the shoulder to raise the arm, another at the elbow to bend it: these joints continually fed with a a soft mucilage to make the parts slip easily upon one

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3. The bones of the head are 55 in number, as follows:

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Teeth, (Dentes)

Malar, (Ossa malarum f1)

Lachrymal, (Ossa Lachrymalia,)

Upper Jaw bones, (Ossa maxillaria superiora)

Palate bones, (Ossa palatina)

Inferior turbinated bones, (Ossa turbinata)

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Lower Jaw, (Os maxillare inferius, h,)

Tongue bone (Os hyoides)


To these are sometimes added the proper bones of the ear, contained in the temporal bones.






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5. The upper extremities contain 68 bones, viz:

Collar bones, (Claviculæ, a,)
Shoulder blades, (Scapulæ, b,)
Arm bones, (Ossa humeri, c,)

Fore arm bones, Radii et ulna, d, e,)

Wrist bones, (Ossa carpi, f,)

Hand bones, (Ossa metacarpi, g,

Thumb bones, (Ossa policis, l,)

Finger bones, (Phalanges digitorum manus, h, i, k,) 24

Sessamoid bones, (Ossa sessamoidea).

6 The inferior extremities contain 64 bones, viz:

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Toe bones, (Phalanges digitorum pedis, h, i, k,)

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