Very rare; fifty copies only privately printed, not published, the greater part of which 72:00 John Jackren 1266 DIBDIN. Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a Descriptive Cata- 1267 DIBDIN. Ædes Althorpianæ ; or an Account of the Mansion, 3600 2 vols., imp. 8vo, boards, uncut. See the author's Reminiscences, 11, 557-94, for the interesting account of the publication of this work, where it appears that the cost of engraving the portraits was upwards of £2,000. It was designed as a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, and contains accounts of the ancestors of Earl Spencer; of the Mansion at Althorp; of the gallery, with engravings of the most important pictures; and of editions of the Scriptures, Aldine editions, and books printed in the fifteenth century, not contained in the former volumes. Jackson Jackson 1268 DIBDIN. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in 18,00 Forms another supplemental volume to the Bibliotbeca Spenceriana, with an index to 1269 DIBDIN. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days 600 Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected with Early Engravings, Typography, and Bibliography. London, Printed for the Author, 1817, 3 vols., Rl. 8vo, bds., uncut. Also on large paper, 3 vols., imp. 8vo. "This work may be considered as a continuation of the Bibliomania, the same characters being introduced in the dialogues. From the information which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in typography and the arts. 78.0012 DIBDIN. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Jackson Seward 3 vols., royal 8vo, boards, uncut. "This work contains much curious information respecting the Mss. and rare works in public and private libraries abroad. It is printed and embellished in the same style of excellence as the Doctor's other works.”— Lowndes. It "A work calculated to have as intoxicating an effect on the imagination of literary age. 16.50 1271 [DIBDIN.] A Series of Groups, Illustrating the Physiognomy, Manners, and Character of the People of France and Germany. By George Lewis. Containing sixty plates suitable to Illustrate the Original Edition of the Tour in France and Germany. London, 1823. Imp. 8vo. In parts as published. Mr. Lewis accompanied Dr. Dibdin on his "Southern Tour" during which these drawings were made. 51272 [DIBDIN.] Lettre Neuvième relative à la Bibliothèque de Rouen, traduite de l'Anglais, avec des Notes par T. Licquet, Conservateur de cette Bibliothèque. Paris, 1821. Roy. 8vo, boards, uncut. One hundred copies only of this rare tract were printed. It seldom occurs for sale. چھ Only one hundred copies; the notes and preface, which contain so much that is silly" and "scurrilous," drew from Dr. Dibdin the following reply, A Roland for an Oliver. 001274 DIbdin. 9.00 1275 [DIBDIN.] Lettre d'un Relieur Français un Bibliographe An- Also on large paper. One hundred copies only printed; very rare. 1276 DIBDIN. The Library Companion; or the Young Man's 23,50 Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. London, 1824. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. From an anecdote recorded at page 394 of this edition, concerning "certain buckskins," in the edition of 1823, and which is omitted in the subsequent ones, that acquired the title of the "Breeches Edition." "It contains much curious and important bibliographical information not elsewhere to be found, and will at all times be consulted, as a work of reference, by the bibliographer, biographer, and historian."— Lowndes. Jackson Perey 1277 DIBDIN. An Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and 10.50 2 vols., imp. 8vo, boards, uncut. One of fifty copies printed on large paper, to range with the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. "This edition is entirely rewritten, and contains for the first time an account of the best editions of the Hebrew Bibles and of the Greek and Latin Fathers."- Lowndes. 1278 DIBDIN. Sermon... St. Paul's, May, 1828. Private Distribution, 1830. With autographic inscription by the author. "Only 50 copies." Printed for 5,00 8vo, pp. 11, uncut. 1279 [DIBDIN.] Horæ Expingiane, Some Account of the Church 2.75 and Parish of Exping, with Autograph of the Author and plate. Inm [n.p., 1832.] 1280 [DIBDIN.] Bibliophobia. Remarks on the Present Languid 3,00 and Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade. In a Letter addressed to the Author of the Bibliomania. By Mer- 9.9.0 curius Rusticus. With Notes by Cato Parvus. London, 1839. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1281 [DIBDIN.] The Same. London, 1839. Imp. 8vo, bds., uncut. 3.25 Large paper. One hundred copies only printed for "Those whom it may concern." 1282 DIBDIN. Reminiscences of a Literary Life; by the Reverend 100 Thos. Frognall Dibdin, D.D. London: John Majer, 1836. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. The index, which was published subsequently, is often wanting. D751283 Half morocco. 52,0284 DIBDin. A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. 2 vols., roy, 8vo, boards, uncut. Jackson London, 1838. In this work the author concluded his tours. It is an essential companion to France and Germany; and, as it describes some collections that have ceased to exist, possesses an historical interest. 20.001285 DIBDIN. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness; A Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with Cuts, by Thomas Frognall Klon Dibdin, D.D. New and Improved Edition ... including a Key Jackson to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. London: H. G. This edition was undertaken by Mr. Walmsly. It contains a key to the characters, etc., and a supplement, edited by Dr. Dibdin himself. The copies on large paper, imp. 8vo, have title-pages for two volumes. "The Bibliomania is written in dialogues or conversations, the characters introduced are well-known book collectors of the author's acquaintance. The great value of the work is in the notes, which abound with anecdotes of books and book collectors, and an account of the rare articles in their collections, and the prices at which they were sold, extracted from the sale catalogues. It will be always consulted as an authority."— Lowndes. 42001286 DICKENS, Chas. Complete Works. Hall, v.d. London: Chapman & 24 vols., large 8vo, uncut. The last subscription edition, and the most elegantly printed uniform series. Last and best edition printed in large type. 1287 DICKENS. Novels. Vols. 1 and 4. Philadelphia, 1857. 1288 DICKENS. Little Dorrit. Leipzig, 1856. 4 vols., half mor. 31289 DICKENS. Mystery of Edwin Drood, completed by Dickens' Irwin spirit." 1873 251290 DICKESON, M. W. Invin Money of the Aborigines. 8vo. American Numismatic Manual of 20 plates. Phila., 1869. 4to. 100 1291 [DICKINSON, John.] Address to the Committee of Barbados. Dartladelphia, 1766. 8vo, uncut. -1292 [DICKINSON]. Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies. Philadelphia, 1774. 8vo, uncut. Percy Fine copy. 1293 [DICKINSON.] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to 1.25 the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Portrait inserted.d London, 1774. Half green morocco. Concerning this spirited performance see Sabin's Dictionary, No. 20044. 1294 DICKINSON. The Political Writings of John Dickinson, Esquire, Late President of the State of Delaware, and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ... Wilmington, 1801. Percy Stone 1295 DICKINSON, J. God's Protecting Providence, Man's Surest 50.00 The original manuscript in Dickinson's hand writing and in perfect condition. The 1296 DICTIONARY of Quotations. Philadelphia, 1860. 1.30 120. h 1297 DICTYS. Histoire de la Guerre de Troie, attribuee a Dictys 2.20 de Crete, traduite du Latin. Paris, 1813. 2 vols., 12mo, bds. Congres 1298 DIES IRE. [Translated by M. H. Bright.] New York, New York, privately printed, 1866. 8vo. Cash Black letter. 28 copies only printed. A new version of the famous old monkish song. 1299 DIES IRE. Another copy on drawing paper. 1866. 1300 DIES IRA. 1873. [Another edition.] Cambridge, privately printed, 1.50 6 Yato Perey Rowley 1301 DILSON, G. L. The Crescent and French Crusaders. New 50 of from 12mo, cloth. He 2.37 of the Discovery, ... of the Territory of the United States, Cal |