

[For Poems and Fragments which have no title, see 'Index to the First Lines.']

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Elegy, Imitated from Akenside, 31.
Eminent Characters, Sonnets on, 38.
Eolian Harp, The, 49.

Epilogue to 'The Rash Conjurer,' 461.
Epitaph, A Tombless, 180.
Epitaph [on himself], 210, 450.
Epitaph on a bad Man, 446.

Epitaph on a mercenary Miser, 448.
Epitaph on William Hazlitt, 446.
Epitaphium Testamentarium, 210.
Ἔρως ἀεὶ λάληθρος ἑταῖρος, 183.
Erskine, Sonnet to, 38.
Evening Star, To the, 11.
Exchange, The, 144.
Exile, An, 171.

Experiments in Metre, 470.


Falconer's Shipwreck, To a Lady with, 185
Fancy in nubibus, 190.
Farewell to Love, 173.
Fayette, Sonnet to La, 39.
Fears in Solitude, 127.
Fichtean Egoismus, 463.
Fielding's 'Amelia,' With, 20.

Fire, Famine, and Slaughter, 1II.

Apologetic Preface to, 527.

First Advent of Love ['Love's First Hope'], 193.
Forbearance, 208.

Fortune, To, 27.

Fortune, To a young Man of, 68.

Foster-Mother's Tale, The, 83, 501.

Fountain on a Heath, Inscription for a, 169.

Founts, The Two, 196.

Fragment from an unpublished Poem, 64.
FRAGMENTS, 453, 459.

France: an Ode, 124.

French Revolution, To a young Lady with a
Poem on the, 6.

Friend in Answer to a Melancholy Letter, Lines

to a, 43.

Friend, To a young, on his proposing to
domesticate with the Author, 67.

Friend together with an Unfinished Poem, To a,


Friend who died of a Frenzy Fever, Lines on a,


Friend who asked how I felt when the Nurse
first presented my Infant to me, Sonnet to a,

Friend who had declared his Intention of writ
ing no more Poetry, To a, 69.
Friends, The Three Sorts of, 468.
Friendship, Love and, opposite, 207.

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Market-Clock, For a, 181.

Mathematical Problem, A, 13.
Melancholy: a Fragment, 34.

Melancholy Letter, Lines to a Friend in Answer

to a, 43.

Metre, Experiments in, 470.

Metrical Feet, a Lesson for a Boy, 140.

Milton, Adaptation of, 473.

Minstrel, A Stranger, 155.

Miser, Epitaph on a Mercenary, 448.

Moles (included in Limbo '], 189.

Monk, The Mad, 156.

Monody on a Tea-Kettle, 12.

Monody on the Death of Chatterton-First Ver-

sion, 8; Latest Version, 61.

Moon, Sonnet to the Autumnal, 3.
Morgan, To Mrs., and her Sister, 179.
Moriens Superstiti, 29.
Morienti Superstes, 29.

Maporopia, or Wisdom in Folly, 449.
Motto for a Transparency, 450.
Muse, To the, 5.

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Picture, The, or the Lover's Resolution, 162.
Pindar, Translation from, 464.

Pitt, Sonnet on, 40.

Pixies, Songs of the, 21.

Poem, To a Friend with an Unfinished, 37-
Pondere non numero, 447.

Poole, Lines to Thomas, 459.

Prayer, A Child's Evening, 175.

Premiers and First Consuls, A Hint to, 446.

Pridham, To Mary, 203.

Priestley, Sonnet on, 39.

Primrose, To a, 64.

Prize Ode on the Slave Trade, Greek, 476.
Profuse Kindness, 468.

Progress of Vice, 8.

Published, To one who, in Print what had been

entrusted to him by my Fireside, 448.

Pye, To Mr., 444.

QUÆ nocent docent, 4.

RAIN, An Ode to the, 168.

Raven, The, 18, 475-

Reader of his own Verses, On a, 444.

Reason for Love's Blindness, 181.

Recantation, illustrated in the Story of the Mad
Ox, 133.

Recantation, The [i.e. France: an Ode'], 124.

Recollection, 566.

Recollections of Love, 178.

Reflections on having left a place of Retire-

ment, 52.

Religious Musings, 53.


Remorse, Prologue and Epilogue to, 547-

Reproof and Reply, The, 191.

Revisiting the Sea-shore, On, 159.

Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The, 95, 512.

'Robbers, The,' To the Author of, 34.

Rose, The, 23.

Ross, Lines written at the King's Arms, 33.
Ruined House in a romantic Country, On a, 111.
Rumford, Count, 64.


Saddleback, A Thought suggested by a View

of, 175.

Sancti Dominici Pallium, a Dialogue, 198.
Schiller, Sonnet to, 34.

School for College, Sonnet on quitting, 15.
Sea-shore, On revisiting the, 159.

Self-knowledge, 208.

Self-love, Duty surviving, 197.

Sentimental, 451.

Separation, 175.

Sheridan, Sonnet to R. B., 42.

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Sonnet to a Friend who asked how I felt when the

Nurse first presented my Infant to me, 66.
Sonnets attempted in the Manner of Contem-
porary Writers, 110.

Sonnets on Eminent Characters, 38.

Sonnets on receiving news of the Birth of a
Son, 66.

Southey, Sonnet to Robert, 42.

Southwell, Robert, Adaptation of, 473.
Spenser, Lines in the Manner of, 46.

Spring in a Village, Lines to a beautiful, 24.
Stanhope, Sonnet to Earl, 43.
Stanhope, Sonnet to Lord, 42.

Starling, The Death of the [Catullus], 29.

Stranger Minstrel, A, 155.

Stripling's War-Song, The British, 141.
Suicide's Argument, The, and

Answer, 182.

Sun, Spots in the, 450.

Sunset, A, 172.

Supper, Written after a Walk before, 44.

TALLEYRAND to Lord Grenville, 151.

Tea-Kettle, Monody on a, 12.

Tears of a grateful People, 188.

Tell's Birth-place, 142.

Thimble, The Silver, 51.


Thought suggested by a View of Saddleback in

Cumberland, 175.

Three Graves, The, 85.

Time, Real and Imaginary, 187.

Time-piece, Inscription for a, 181.
To, 64.

Tombless Epitaph, A, 180.

Tombstone, The two round Spaces on the, 157.

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