
is the reeling room, in which two ladies and one little girl are employed reeling the silk from the cocoons. This proceeding is very interesting, and a visit to the factory would repay any person for his trouble. In the main building, belonging to the Association, is a complete set of throwing machinery, consisting of two reels for reeling the threads from the cocoons, one hard silk winder for preparing thread for doubling, one doubling machine, one spinning mill for putting the twist in the thread, one soft silk winder for winding the silk from skeins after dyeing, one spooler, and other subordinate machinery, all used in the manufacture of the thread alone. Four persons are constantly engaged in this room, at their different machines, making sewing silk and twist. The aggregate cost of buildings and machinery, which are all on a small scale, is about three thousand dollars. This shows that the company now existing means business and intend to carry it on successfully, if possible.

Great difficulties have been met with, to obtain persons understanding, and competent to run the machinery now at the factory-which is the latest improved; but the persons there are endeavoring, with all their might, to produce marketable silk.

Samples of raw silk, raised in this Territory, have been sent to Italy, New York, and many other places, and the most encouraging replies received from silk dealers, in regard to the superior quality of our silk. Mr. P. A. Schettler,

America. The samples were tested, and the firm sent letters, from which the following is quoted: "We found the silk of good quality and strength and fairly reeled; much better than any samples of American silk we have ever tested."

These encouraging words stimulate the silk raisers in Utah with fresh hopes, and greatly encouraged them in producing it in large quantities. The enterprise is not confined to Salt Lake County alone, by a great deal; the whole Territory is more or less engaged in it. The people of Utah County have done much in the silk line, and have reason to feel proud of their efforts. They are still pushing it ahead and feel certain of making it pay well.

It is now clearly proved, that the climate of Utah Territory is well adapted to the cultivation of silk worms; that they have been and can be raised with success, if managed properly; that the Utah Silk Association will purchase all the silk raised in the Territory, and pay good prices in cash for the same; that we have the persons in Utah who can reel, double, twist and prepare it for market, and having the machinery and mechanics, there is no reason why it should not be done; that when it is fairly established and in good running order, it will be one of the most important branches of Utah's industry, and will add greatly to our character as an enterprising and selfsustaining people. Geo. D. Pyper.

To put a bent pin in a chair is a mean

who has done much toward advancing joke, and one that ought to be sat down

the interests of silk industry, took samples raised by himself to France and Italy, which were pronounced by competent men, equal in many respects to the Italian silk. When he returned he received many testimonials to the same effect. Rinalds, Knutzel & Co., silk manufacturers of Florence, Italy, had only one fault to find, viz: It was too coarse-having twelve or thirteen threads, in the sample sent them. Z. C. M. I. sent samples to the Nonotuck Silk Co., of Florence, Mass., one of the largest and most reliable firms in the silk line in


There is nothing-absolutely nothing in a name, if only the sentiment be the correct one. What difference did it make to the patriot whose overwrought feelings compelled him to pay a visit to the tomb of Washington that he mistook the granite ice house for the said tomb, and wept profusely and pondered profoundly as he knelt at the door? He never learned his mistake, and his patriotic ardor has been at fever heat ever since.

[blocks in formation]

THE earliest account of tapestry wrought with the needle, for hangings and garments, is in Exodus, where the curtains of the Tabernacle which divided the Holy place from the Most Holy are described as of "fine twined linen, with blue, purple and scarlet; with cherubim of cunning work"-"wrought with the needle," etc.

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and horses caparisoned in this costly work at tournaments, and on the occasion of great triumphal entries and other public celebrations.

The tapestries of Flanders were early famed for their beauty, and the Bayeaux tapestry, which is still preserved, is of priceless value as the work of fair Flemish fingers which have been, for long centuries, in the dust.

In very early times, tapestry was confined mainly to altar-cloths and other church decorations, but the growing de

coverings, and carpets, resulted in the establishment of looms at Antwerp, Bruges, and other cities; that made in Arras being the most famous.

The Israelites doubtless borrowed this beautiful art from the Egyptians, while in bondage to them; for the latter were skilled with both needle and loom, and also in dyeing and painting. The Baby-mand for it as wall hangings, and furniture lonians illustrated the mysteries of their religion, and recorded important historical events, in pictorial embroidery. To such perfection was this work carried by the ancient Greeks that they attributed the invention to Minerva. Such value was set upon it that the poets sang its praise; kings vied with each other in encouraging the art, and in possessing the richest specimens. In the early days of the French monarchy we read of women working tapestry with the needle. In the sixth century, when Clovis embraced Christianity, even the streets were deco- annals, and were styled historical tapes

rated with this costly fabric during the festivities in honor of the event. At the dedication of the church of St. Dennis, where generations of kings lie buried, the decorations were of tapestry, wrought with gold and silver and pearls.


was wrought with the needle

A piece representing the battles of Alexander the Great was among the gifts sent by the king of Flanders to the Sultan in 1379, for the ransom of captives taken in battle. It portrayed, also, scenes in history and romance; the feats of fabulous heroes; and grotesque figures of men and animals. Some pieces of this work were almost national


In the sixteenth century, Francis I

established manufactories of this fabric at Fountainbleau. Hitherto it had been made in pieces and joined neatly into great hangings; but now it began to be Francis woven in one large web.

in France, until the ninth century, when brought workmen from Flanders, paid the demand for it had become so great them well for their skill, and supplied

that weaving

was introduced, and a

them with the richest materials, including

manufactory established in the Abbey of gold and silver thread. His son, Henry

II, established manufactories in Paris, but after his death the art declined, and little was done until Paris was decorated for Louis XIV.

St. Florian, in 985. Monks then wove in their cloisters; while ladies, in their seclusion, portrayed with the needle on canvas, the stories that poets had sung of the deeds of their fathers, as well as those of their living lords and lovers. The walls of the palaces were high, and of rough, cold stone, and the tapestried ufactured. Here are carpets now woven hangings hid as well as ornamented


Shakspeare speaks of Falstaff

Now came in the present style known as "Gobelin tapestry," from the name of the dyers on whose premises it was man

for the palaces, but we must not judge of their style by that known among us as

hiding behind the arras (tapestry made "tapestry carpeting," the word itself simat Arras), in "The Merry Wives of ply meaning coverings or hangings; tap


Horsemen were now robed

isserie is the French word, which our man

ufacturers have as good a right to use as those who weave for royalty—even if they cannot carry "high art" into their work. In the reign of the last named king, Raphael and other Italian masters were copied, and weaving became one of the fine arts.

In 1802, ninety men were employed in weaving, mainly for the palace of St. Cloud. Occasionally the supply exceeds the demand of royalty. Now a piece may be purchased by an ordinary mortal, provided he has money enough to pay for it. The art was patronized by Henry VIII, in England, and Windsor Palace, Hampton Court, and other homes of royalty were decorated with copies of the best English painters, in tapestry.

These hangings were not fixtures, but were raised on frames, and were often taken down and forwarded to decorate the chambers of kings and queens when on royal "progresses," as their journeys were then called.

A good story is told of a blunder occasioned by this practice. Henry IV, wishing to do great honor to the Pope's legate, ordered his most costly tapestry to be hung at St. Germain, where he was then on a visit. By a terrible mistake one was sent which satirized the Pope and his court at Rome-a much more dreadful thing in that day than it would be in ours. You may be sure it came down quicker than it went up!

These ancient tapestries are now of great value, not only for their antiquity, but also as historical records of great events. The banquet, the chase and the tournament are as truthfully described as are the seige and the battle, forming pictorial story-books of mammoth dimensions.

You may imagine the labor of making carpets and drapery by the slow stitch of the needle on canvas, and will not wonder that the haute lisse, or high loom (the one mostly in use now), has taken its place. In this loom, the frame and the wrap are perpendicular. There are two rollers; one at the top, around which the threads are wound; and one below, over which is rolled the finished fabric. The outlines of the design are drawn on the threads on front, but the pattern is hung at the back, and the workman, standing between that and his work, has to turn around continually to look at it, and never sees the beautiful design he is carrying out unless he goes round in front to do so.

Some of the Gobelin tapestry have all the delicacy of a picture. But the work

is very slow, and so can never become common nor cheap. One who can afford to order a small piece of it now must wait two or three years for it.-Youths' Companion.

Sleep is the fallow of the mind.


ONE of the oldest sacred records that has outlived the ravages of time is the Bible. Ancient manuscripts containing parts of the New Testament are still found in various places. A part of the Book of Mormon gives the history of familes that emigrated to this continent from the Tower of Babel, viz: Jared, his brother, and their friends. The brother of Jared talked with the Lord at the time of the confusion of languages, and some years after in the wilderness, and was commanded by Jesus Christ to write a record of it, but it was sealed up with


the stones or interpreters, also by commandment, till after Christ was crucified. Ether, a descendant of Jared, many generations after, wrote the record from which Moroni took his account; so Ether must have copied from the writings of Jared to have given an account of "the latter speaking with Jesus Christ; that part of the original writing must therefore have been written soon after leaving the tower, but whether they and Ether's record were kept with the records containing the Book of Mormon, and were seen by Joseph Smith is, I suppose, unknown.



found in the catacombs of Egypt, and now forming a part of the Pearl of Great Price.

The Book of Mormon, though not | favor of its authenticity. We are all ancient in itself, is valuable as contain- acquainted with the Book of Abraham, ing the only account and abridgement of a translation of some ancient records those records, as well as a history of the Nephites, and of the Lamanites, taken from the records of Nephi, which were commenced nearly two thousand four hundred years ago, and were hid up, 420 A. D. It differs from the Bible in this respect, that it was written and then hid

As a people, we expect that before long other records will be revealed, when the proper time has arrived. Sometime we are to have the record of the lost Ten

Tribes, and we very often read of the engravings on stone found in Mexico, which, no doubt, will be extremely interesting when deciphered. Is not the Doctrine and Covenants given in our own day as worthy of a place among sacred Scriptures as the reprints of those for which are paid fabulous prices, and which are prized so highly by lovers of religion and of the curious? It is wonderful how the manuscripts have been preserved so long, and from their instruction and age are deserving of all the value attached to them, but as regards instruction it is strange how highly the reprints are prized, while the Book of Mormon, equal in worth, is passed coolly by, and in the estimation of the majority, does not even enjoy a reputation as high as a common novel.

in the earth, and, after lying there undisturbed for centuries, was correctly translated by Joseph Smith, through the aid of the Urim and Thummim; while the Bible has been circulated among men ever since it was written, many manuscripts destroyed, and those that remain not correctly translated. Among other sacred manuscripts that have been found is one containing a description of Jesus Christ sent by Lentullus, President of Judea, to the Senate of Rome; also the Death Warrant of Jesus Christ; it was engraved on a copper plate, and found in an antique vase of white marble, in the city of Abuilla, in the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1826. Recently a manuscript of Clemen Romanus, and of other early ecclesiastical writers, have been found in Constantinople, and last March two German scholars traveling in Southern Italy, in the palace of the Archbishop of Rossano, found a very valuable manuscript of the whole of the gospel of St. Matthew, and that of St. Mark down to the middle of the fourteenth verse of the six- the people as the most important transla

teenth chapter; it consists of one hundred and eighty-eight leaves; the leaves are made of purple parchment; it is written with silver, except the first three lines of each gospel, which are golden. It is supposed to have been written in

In future years may not the manuscript of the Book of Mormon, now in the possession of Mr. Whitmer, occupy the place to which it is entitled, side by side with sacred manuscripts, and rank with them in the estimation of

tion into the English language, in correctness, if not in extreme old age?


Ann Fellows.

MODESTY is a virtue. It cannot be as

the end of the fifth or the beginning of sumed, but belongs to those who possess the sixth century, and contains a number it as a part of their natures. Its value of painted miniatures illustrating the life

of Christ,

the heads of forty prophets and one or two other subjects. Last year there died

as the last supper, etc., and of

cannot be compared with the inferior gifts of beauty and wealth; even wisdom itself, the greatest of all gifts, fails to elicit just appreciation when it is not ar

at Jerusalem,an old man one hundred and rayed in the snowy robes of modesty. nine years of age; among other things, Modest people are beautiful, no matter after his decease, was found a manuscript what their features may be.

on papyrus supposed to have been written

The ignorant may think the words

by St. Peter; a commission from the modesty and bashfulness are of the same Bible Society of London pronounced in meaning, but this is a great mistake;

modesty may go hand in hand with dignity and learning, while bashfulness is caused by ignorance, or is the effect of imperfect training.

Many will agree that a maiden's beauty consists in her modesty, but they will pause to reflect, before acknowledging that it is quite as admirable in a young

man. Yet it is so. True principles of modesty will not prevent young men from acquiring knowledge, wisdom, influence and power, but, on the contrary, if they attain to all these, their modesty will command for them respect, which will make them all the more appreciated.— Y. L. Companion, 16th Ward.


THIS time I was bound to make sure work, and so, with the best information I could procure, started off for the civil bureau (Standes Amt) to ascertain precisely what was required.

"Upon what business do you come?" demanded the pompous servant at the door.

"I am an American citizen, and want to know how to get married in Germany," I faltered.

He opened the door of the main office and shouted, "Ein Herr Amerikanner wishes to marry himself!" and then showed me into a large and well filled waiting room to take my turn, every occupant of which gazed fixedly at me, without winking, for some minutes. One thin, dark, wiry man, in soiled linen and bright yellow kid gloves, had dropped in to announce the death of his third wife. A trembling young mother was sharply reprimanded for letting the legal third day pass before announcing the death of her child. A somewhat seedy clerk had come, with a radiant face, to announce the birth of a boy fourteen hours old, and to be called Johannes Conrade Hermann Degenermeister. A servant girl and her lover were waiting in one corner—she red and giggling, he erect, dignified, and as taciturn as a head waiter-to be made man and wife. I had plenty of time to observe, for nearly an hour passed before my turn came. At length I was shown into a long room, with half a dozen clerks at one end, who twisted their necks, adjusted their glasses, and gazed and listened with open-mouthed wonder.

"I wish to get married in the very simplest and quickest way," I said, presenting my passport. "Will you please tell me how to do it?"

"It is extremely simple," said the officer. "We must have a certificate of your birth (Guertssohein) signed by the burgomaster of the town in which you were born, and with its seal, and witnessed in due form. Your certificate of baptism (Taufschien) should also be sent, to guard against all error, sealed and witnessed by the present pastor or the proper church officers. These must be presented here by each of the contracting parties, with their passports, as the first step." I carefully noted this, and he proceeded.

"The parents, if living, should certify to their knowledge and approval of the marriage. We must also be satisfied that there is no obstacle, legal, moral or otherwise, to it; whether either of you have been married before, and if so, whether there are children, and if so, their names and ages. The parents' names should be in full; also their residence, occupation, age and place of birth should of course be given for record here."

I begged for another scrap of paper and made further notes.

"When we have these here in this desk," he continued, patting fondly that piece of furniture, "then either we can publish the banns (Aufgebot) by posting a notice of your intention in the Rathhaus for fourteen days, or else you can have it printed in the journal of the place where you reside in America, and bring us a copy here as evidence that it has actually

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