An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, Volume 2J. Dodsley, 1782 |
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Pagina 3
... writers of the old romances , from whom Ariosto and Spencer have borrowed fo largely , are supposed to have had copious imaginations : but may they not be in- debted , for their invulnerable heroes , their monsters , their enchantments ...
... writers of the old romances , from whom Ariosto and Spencer have borrowed fo largely , are supposed to have had copious imaginations : but may they not be in- debted , for their invulnerable heroes , their monsters , their enchantments ...
Pagina 5
... writer of comic tales . He generally took his subjects from Boccace , Poggius † , and Ariosto ; but adorned them with so many natural strokes , with such quaintness in his reflections , and such a dryness and archness of humour , as ...
... writer of comic tales . He generally took his subjects from Boccace , Poggius † , and Ariosto ; but adorned them with so many natural strokes , with such quaintness in his reflections , and such a dryness and archness of humour , as ...
Pagina 9
... writers , and scarcely by any of the ancients , excepting Virgil and Horace . One of our late great poets is funk ... writer ; and for ten impressions which his works have had 4 in so many fuccessive years , yet at present in AND ...
... writers , and scarcely by any of the ancients , excepting Virgil and Horace . One of our late great poets is funk ... writer ; and for ten impressions which his works have had 4 in so many fuccessive years , yet at present in AND ...
Pagina 10
... writers who were popular in the time of Chaucer . The jocose old woman says , that her husband frequently read to her out of a volume that contained , Valerius whole : and of Saint Jerome part ; Chryfippus , and Tertullian , Ovid's art ...
... writers who were popular in the time of Chaucer . The jocose old woman says , that her husband frequently read to her out of a volume that contained , Valerius whole : and of Saint Jerome part ; Chryfippus , and Tertullian , Ovid's art ...
Pagina 13
... writer whose fancy was eminently strong . " Catilina vero , longe a fuis , inter hoftium cadavera repertus est , paululum etiam spirans ; ferociamque animi , quam habuerat vivus ,. * Palamon and Arcite , Book I. of the innumerable , that ...
... writer whose fancy was eminently strong . " Catilina vero , longe a fuis , inter hoftium cadavera repertus est , paululum etiam spirans ; ferociamque animi , quam habuerat vivus ,. * Palamon and Arcite , Book I. of the innumerable , that ...
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Adamo Addiſon addreſſed Æneid almoſt alſo anſwered beauty becauſe beſt Biſhop Boileau Bolingbroke cauſe character circumſtance Demetrius Phalereus deſcription deſign Dryden Dunciad elegant Engliſh epiſtle Eſſay eſt Euripides excellent expreſſed expreſſion faid fame fatire fays finiſhed firſt fome genius Hiſtory Horace houſe humour imitation infert intereſting juſt laſt letter lines Lord Lord Bolingbroke Lucretius malè Milton moſt muſe muſt nature obſerved occafion paffion paſſage paſſion perſon philoſopher piece pleaſing pleaſure poem poet poetry POPE Pope's preſent publiſhed purpoſe Quintilian raiſe reaſon repreſented reſpect reſt ſaid ſame ſatire ſays ſcarce SCENA ſecond ſee ſeems ſeen ſenſe ſenſible ſentiments ſerve ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhould ſome ſometimes ſon ſpeak ſpecies ſpirit ſtate Statius ſtill ſtory ſtriking ſtrong ſtudy ſtyle ſubject ſuch ſuppoſed Swift taſte theſe thing thoſe tranflation univerſal uſed uſual verſe Virgil Voltaire whoſe words writer δε