



ACT for Church Liberties, 233-4. Es-
tablishes Roman Catholic Church,
236-8. At variance with Magna
Charta and the Maryland Charter,

ACT Concerning Religion known
as the "Toleration Act" passed
1549, 318. Confirmed by the Pro-
prietary the following year, 318.
ACT of Toleration a rule of intol-
erance, 319.

ACT Concerning Religion, passed
1634, repeals previous Act, 339.
ADVENTURERS to Maryland :-In-
fluenced by mundane considera-
tions, 134-140. Were mostly mem-
bers of the English Church, 142-3.
Sailed 1633, 146. Arrived in Mary-
land, Feast of the Annunciation,
1634, 167.

APOSTLE of the Indians of Mary-
land, Father White, 196.
of the first Legislature, 231. Rec-
ognized royal authority of Wil-
liam and Mary, 373. Established
Church of England, 374. Decided
to remove to Annapolis, 377.
AVALON, CHARTER OF, 37-57. Issued
to Sir George Calvert, 1623, 50.
Modelled on the feudal palatines
of Durham, 51.


BANCROFT withdraws the statement
of his first edition, 15-16.
BERTRAND, Rev. Paul, sailed to
Maryland A. D. 1685, 369,
BROOKE leads an expedition of
Anglican immigrants, 316.
BURNAP admits that the Act for
Church Liberties established the
Roman Catholic Church, 237.


on of Baltimore, 1-7. Preacher of
religious toleration a fiction, II.
Buys Vaughan's estates in New-
foundland, 38-39. Charter of Ava-
lon issued to him 1623, 50. Visited
Newfoundland 1627, 61. Visited
Newfoundland 1628, 63. Leaves
Newfoundland for Virginia, 77.
Refuses to take the Oath of Su-
premacy, 81. Returns to England,
92. Obtains charter for territory
south of Virginia, 98. Charter

annulled, 98. Secures new charter
for territory north of Virginia, 99.
Dies, 101. True place in history,

charter, III. Never visited Mary-
land, 121-129-130. Offers special
inducements to adventurers, 134-
140. Demands removal of the
Jesuits, 262. Petitions Sacred Con-
gregation for removal of the Je-
suits, 262. Issues new Conditions
of Plantation, 265. Makes con-
cordat with the Jesuits, 269. Sum-
moned before the House of Lords,
277. Makes overtures to the Puri-
tans of Massachusetts, 281. Letter
to his brother Leonard, A. D. 1642,
283-9. Gives up Maryland as lost,
302. Determines to make Mary-
Ĭand Protestant, 310. Requires
Governor Stone not to oppress
Roman Catholics, 312-3. Confirms,
1650, Act Concerning Religion,
318. Restored to his authority by
by Commonwealth, 345. Dies 1675,
357. His place in Maryland His-
tory, 358.

ius succeeds to his father's titles,
359. Reminded by Privy Council
of the conditions of his charter,


363. Alleged to be showing nndue
partiality to Roman Catholics, 365.
Submits to William of Orange, 370.
Province of Maryland, 1-6. Enters
into communication with Indians,
173. Rebuked by his brother Ce-
cilius for granting additional
lands to the Jesuits, 287-8. Visits
England, 291. Arrives in Mary-
land 1644, 296. His authority in
Maryland ceased, 296. Regains
St. Mary's by the help of Virgin-
ians, 303. Dies A. D. 1647, 305.
CHARLES, Second proclaimed King
by acting Governor, 335.
COODE, JOHN:- Impeaches


rule of the Lord Proprietary 1689,
CHURCHES to be consecrated ac-

cording to ecclesiastical laws of
England, 122-7.

CHURCH:-The first church build-
ing erected in Maryland, on Kent
Island, 175.

church at St. Mary's, 197. Build a
church at Poplar Hill, 199. Min-
istered to by clergy from Kent
Island and Virginia, 202-3. Estab-
lished in Maryland, not a popular
measure, 375.
CLAYBORNE, William:- Secretary
to the State of Virginia, 92. Sailed
to England when Sir George Cal-
vert went to England from Vir-
ginia, 92. Secured revocation of
Sir George Calvert's charter for
territory south of Virginia, 98.
Sails for Virginia, 98. Notified
by Leonard Calvert that he must
relinquish all dependence upon
Virginia, 180. His contention with
Lord Baltimore, 180. Ends disas-
trously, 183. Makes war on his
ancient foe, 295. Gains posses-
sion of Kent Island, 296. Estab-
lishes his authority in St. Mary's
City, 296. Fosters strife at Provi-
dence, 333. Appointed commis-
sioner for governing Chesapeake
Bay, 336. Sets out for Maryland
1651, 337. And his fellow commis-
sioners depose Governor Stone
and set up a new government, 337.
Victorious at Providence, 343.
Crushed by decision of Trades
and Plantations, 345.
CROMWELL refers Maryland mat-
ters to committee of Trades and
Plantations, 345.


COPLEY, Thomas, arrives in Mary-
land 1637, 203. The evil genius of
Maryland, 204. Claims 6,000 acres
for sending out adventurers, 208.
Commences aggressive work, 209.
Excludes Anglicans from political
office, 212. Escapes personal in-
jury, but not pecuniary loss; ap-
peals to Lord Baltimore, 251.
Secretly acquires land from King
Pathuen, 259.
CORNWALEYS, Captain:Reminds
the first Legislature that they are
under English laws, 231. Sends
letter of complaint to Lord Balti-
more in reference to Act of Church
Liberties, 235. A wiser counsellor
than Copley, 254.


FITZHERBERT, a worthy successor to
Copley, 350-2. Threatens Thomas
Gerrard, 351. Suggests malevo-
lence of witches as cause of bad
weather, 352.

FLEET, Captain Henry, from Vir.
ginia, points out site for St. Mary's
City, 173-4.


HATTON, Thomas, a Protestant, ap-
pointed Secretary, 311.

HARVEY, Sir John, Governor of
Virginia, pays a state visit to St.
Mary's, 177.

HAWLEY, Jerome, sailed to Eng-
land, 183.

HISTORIES in our schools, untrust-
worthy, 17.

HOLY CHURCH and Roman Church
interchangeable terms, 238.


INDIANS evangelized, 186-7.
INGLE, Richard, aids Clayborne, 295.
INSTRUCTIONS of Lord Proprietary,


JAMES the Second commenced pro-
ceedings to annul the Maryland
Charter, 368.

JAMES, Rev. Richard, an English
clergyman sent by Sir George


Calvert with his emigrants to
Newfoundland, 46. Stationed on
Kent Island, 47. Died, 1638, 47.
Widow, dispossessed, 210.
JESUITS, sentiment towards their
Protestant countrymen, 193-4.
Proselytism, instances of, 216-19.
The first to introduce slavery into
Maryland, 214. Claim the power
of working miracles, 219-222. Per-
secute Protestants, 222-224. Re-
fuse to sit in first legislative as-
sembly, 225-6. Dispute Lord Bal-
timore's title to lands not ceded
to him by the Indians, 259. Tri-
umph over Cecilius Calvert, 269.
Break the concordat, 271. Panic-
stricken at the downfall of the
proprietary government, 296.

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PETITION to Anglican Hierarchy for
clergy for Maryland 1686, 366.
POCOMOKE, battle of, 183.
POTT, Governor of Virginia, to Privy

Council in reference to Calvert's
refusal to take the Oath of Su-
premacy, 89-90.

PROVIDENCE:-The headquarters of
the new emigrants, 330. Battle of,
PROTESTANT Declaration set forth
by Governor Stone and others, 332.


RALEIGH, Sir Walter, the founder
of the English Empire in Amer-
ica, 21.

RELIGIOUS Service at the landing
of the adventurers, 167-8.


SMITH, Captain John, Governor of
Virginia, explored Chesapeake
Bay in 1608, 91.

STOURTON, Rev. Erasmus, chaplain
of John Guy's company to New-
foundland, 46; Complains to the
King that mass was said openly
at Ferryland, 69.
STONE-A Protestant appointed
Governor in place of Green, a
Roman Catholic, 311. Undertakes
to procure five hundred immi-
grants for Maryland, 315. Puts
out Protestant Declaration 1650,

ST. MARY'S :-Chosen as the site of
the Capital, 173. Ceases to be the
Capital, 378.


TOLERATION, Religious, unknown
in Sir George Calvert's day, 9. Ac-
knowledged by Cardinal Vaugh-
an, 74. Acknowledged by Arch-
bishop Ireland, 74.


VAUGHAN, a Protestant appointed
Governor of Kent Island, 311.
VESTRIES made corporable bodies
to receive and hold property, 374.
VIRGINIA :-Visited by Sir George
Calvert, 77: Tendered oath of
supremacy to Sir George Calvert,
81. Governor Pott writes Privy
Council respecting Sir George
Calvert's refusal, 89.


WHITE, Father: his two accounts
of voyage of Ark and Dove, 151.
Apostle of the Indians, 196. Sent
to England for trial, 299. Re-
leased from Newgate, 300.
WILKINSON, Rev. Mr., an Anglican
clergyman, arrives in Maryland,
1650, 316.

WILLIAM III. deprived Charles
Calvert of his proprietaryship,
873. Appointed Sir Lionel Copley
royal governor, 373.


On page 113 read " commemorated" for "memorialized."

On page 201, third line, del. comma.

On page 239 read "Charta " for "Charter."

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