
By Professors WOLCOTT GIBBS (Nos. 1-12) and JOHN TROWBRIDGE (Nos. 13–30).

1. Apply the principle of Edison's Tasimeter. a. To the determination of differences in the force of gravity with the latitude and height above the level of the sea.

b. To the measurement and registration of variations in atmospheric pressure.

c. To the construction of a manometer by which extremely minute pressures and variations of pressure may be estimated.

d. To the construction of a thermometer and calorimeter.

e. To the construction of balances, of various degrees of sensibility.

f. To the graphical representation of sound


g. To measurements of the variations of the intensity of the earth's magnetism.

2. Settle the question of the existence of electrical currents in the earth's surface.

3. Determine the electro-motive force of the cyanonitride of titanium, with reference to zinc; the point being to determine whether this force is greater or less than in the case of titanium alone; that is, to what extent the force is modified by the combination of the titanium with nitrogen and carbon.

4. Determine in like manner the electro-motive forces of the compounds of tungsten having respecttively the formulas WO,Na,, WO¿K2.

5. Examine these three compounds by means of the spectroscope and induction coil, so as to determine whether they yield respectively the spectra of carbon and nitrogen as well as of titanium, and of oxygen potassium and sodium, as well as of tungsten.

6. In crystals of elements or compounds which are conductors of electricity, determine whether the faces of the different crystalline forms which make up a complete crystal exhibit differences in electromotive force when tested with insulated proof planes of platinum or zinc. Thomson's electrometer would probably be the best instrument to employ.

7. Recent investigations by Rowland have shown that very sensible corrections must be applied to the mercurial thermometer to reduce its indications to those of the absolute scale of Thomson; a scale, in other words, the divisions of which are absolutely independent of the nature of the thermometric substance employed. Rowland has shown that upon the absolute scale the specific heat of water diminishes from zero, to thirty degrees centigrade, instead of increasing as supposed by Regnault and other physicists who employed the mercurial thermometer in their investigations. It therefore becomes necessary to revise a large number of calculations involving data yielded by the mercurial, or even by the air, thermometer. The student will do well to examine the whole subject and to deduce new empirical or rational formulas for coefficients of expansion of solids, liquids, and gases, for specific heats of liquids and gases, for latent heats and for tensions of vapors.

8. Determine whether a measurable amount of work is done when a galvanic current is made to traverse a helix surrounding a cylindrical rod of heavy glass in such a manner as to produce a sensible rotation in the plane of polarization of a ray of light which traverses the glass parallel to the axis of the helix.

9. Since the passage of a galvanic current under the circumstances detailed in suggestion 8 produces a deflection of the plane of polarization of a trans

mitted ray, it would seem to follow that when a cylinder of quartz or other material exhibiting permanent power of rotation is plunged into, or removed from, a helix connected with a galvanometer, a current should be induced in the helix. Determine this point by experiment. The failure of the attempt to generate a current under these circumstances would seem to show that the effect of the current in producing a rotation of the plane of polarization is only a temporary statical change in the positions of the molecules of the glass or other medium employed, and not an actual rotation of these molecules around the axis of the cylinder. On the other hand, a negative result might also be explained upon the supposition that the action of the current is upon the particles of the ether alone, and not upon the molecules of the material substance, since in this case a measurable inverse effect could hardly be expected.

10. Find the ratio of the two specific heats of phosphorus vapor at high temperatures, using the method employed by Kundt and Warburg in determining the same ratio for the vapor of mercury. The question is one of much theoretical interest because the molecule of phosphorus is tetratomic.

II. Recent experiments appear to show that the molecules of chlorine bromine and iodine undergo dissociation at high temperatures. Determine the ratio of the two specific heats for such dissociated gases. Does it approximate as the temperature rises to the ratio which obtains in the case of monatomic mercury vapor?

12. Study the relations of volume and pressure in gases at pressures less than a single atmosphere.

13 Investigate the effect of pressure on absorption spectra; and trace continuity of absorption from the liquid to the vapor.

14. Extend Loschmidt's results on the diffusion of gases.

15. Pyroelectricity. A study of the subject. 16. Surface tension. Extension of Quincke's re


17. Temperature of sublimation with especial reference to testing laws of thermodynamics in regard to change of state.

18. Extension of Herwig's results on change of


19. Repeat Minchin's experiments on the transformation of electricity into light.

20. Rate of propagation of magnetic induction. 21. Ratio between longitudinal and torsional vibrations of cylindrical rods. See Wüllner's Experimental Physik, pages 554 and 639.

22. Effect of great cold on magnetism. 23. Thermo-electric lines below zero.

24. Study the changes in the zero of a mercury thermometer with especial reference to measurements below zero.

25. Review the conclusions of various physicists in regard to average height of auroral discharges, and make experiments on the greatest distance at which discharges in rarefied gases are affected by a magnetic field of known strength.

26. Examine the methods used in the diffusion of liquids and invent a new method of observation. 27. Discussion of relations between specific heat of two metals and their thermo-electric relations. 28. Osmose under magnetic effect.

29. Diffusion of electrified strata of gases. 30. Sensitiveness of selenium compounds to light.



Occasionally titles are given of other than recent accessions, for the purpose of rectifying the old cataloguing or of drawing attention, with explanatory notes, to important books.

Accessions to the several departmental libraries are indicated by heavy-faced letters after the titles, as follows:

AO. Astronomical Observatory.
BG. Botanic Garden.

Bussey Institution.
DS. Divinity School.


Law School.

MS. Medical School.

MZ. Museum of Zoology.

PM. Peabody Museum of Archæology.

SS. Lawrence Scientific School.

[blocks in formation]

The college library has 1866–71, 1873-76. Abbott, A. Trial evidence. The rules of evidence applicable on the trial of civil actions at common law, in equity, and under the codes of procedure. New York. 1880. 1. 80. LS.

Abbott, B. V. Dictionary of terms and phrases used in American or English jurisprudence. 2 vol. Boston. 1879. 8°. D.R. 147.14

Abbott, C. C. The stone age in New Jersey. Salem. 1872. 80. PM.

Abu-l-feda, Ismail Ibn Ali. Historia anteislamica, arabice. Edidit, versione latina auxit H. O. Fleischer. Lipsiae. 1831. 4°. Sem. 354a Addison, A. The trial of Alexander Addison, on an impeachment, by the house of representatives, before the senate of Pennsylvania. Lancaster. 1803. 80. LS. Addison, C. G. Wrongs and their remedies: a treatise on the law of torts. 5th ed. By L. W. Cave. London. 1879. 1.80. LS.

Adolph, G. E. Ueber insectenflügel. Halle.

1880. 4o.

MZ. Paris. 12592.4

Albert, P. Variétés morales et littéraires. 1879. 160.

Contents:-Les consolateurs.- La légende de saint Martin de Tours. Le caractère de Jean Racine. - Diderot. — Alexandre Vinet. - Essai sur Ducis. - Discours prononcé à l'ouverture du cours de littérature française moderne au collège de France.

Aldrich, G. Walpole, [N. H.] as it was and as it is, from 1749 to 1879. Claremont, N. H. 1880. 80. 11326.55 Ed. novissima. Venezia. 1791



Algarotti, F., Count. Opere. [Edited by F. Aglietti.] 17 tom. sm. 80. Port. and vigns. The vignettes are, for the most part, designed and engraved by F. Novelli; the portrait and some vignettes are by Raffaello Morghen.-See Palmerini's Opere d'intaglio del cav. Raffaello Morghen, p. 141.

Also editions of 1764-65, 8 vol. and 1823, 3 vol.

Allen, J. H. Fragments of Christian history to the foundation of the holy Roman empire. Boston. 1880. 12o or 16o. DS. Three phases of modern theology: Calvinism, unitarianism, liberalism. Boston. 1880. 1. 8°. III. 882, also DS. Ambert, J. M. J. J. A. J., Baron. Histoire de la guerre de 1870-1871. Paris. 1873. 1. 80. 6593.17 Amos, S. Political and legal remedies for war. 1880 London, etc. 80. VI. 904 Amsterdam, Holland - Koninkl. akad. van wetenschappen. Jaarboek. 1878. Amsterdam. [1878.] 80.

Verhandelingen. [Afdeeling natuurkunde.] xixe deel. Amsterdam. 1879. 40. The college library has the viii deel.





Verslagen en mededeelingen. natuurkunde. 2e reeks. xive deel. Amsterdam. 1879. 8°.

[Ancona, A. D', editor]. Rispetti del secolo XV. Livorno. 1876. 24°. 26223.12 "Edizione di soli 110 esemplari."

-] Venti canti popolari siciliani. Livorno. 1877. 80. 26225.13 Anderson, A. D. The Tehuantepec inter-ocean railroad. New York, etc. 1880. 80. VII. 1019 Anderson, R. Lightning conductors: their history, nature, and mode of application. London, etc. 1880. 1. 80. V. 639

Anderson, R. B., editor. Julegave. - Et udvalg af eventyr og fortællinger. 3e oplag. Chicago, Ill. 1878. 16o. 25285 23

André, G. G., editor. Spons' encyclopædia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and commercial products. Div. i., ii. London, etc. 1879-80. 1.80. D.R. 143.8

Angelucci, A. Ricerche preistoriche e storiche nella Italia meridionale. (1872-1875.) Torino, etc. 1876. 80. PM.

Antiquarisk tidsskrift, udgivet af det kongelige nordiske oldskrift-selskab. 1843-63. Kjöbenhavn. 1845-64. 8°. 10.95, also PM. Académie d'archéologie de Belgique. Annales. xxi.-xxxiv. Anvers. 1865–78. PM.


No more published. Antwerp, Belgium

To be continued.

[blocks in formation]

BIRCH, S., editor. Egyptian texts. [1877?]

II. 205

BOSCAWEN, W. St. C., editor. Extracts from standard Assyrian texts. [1877.] II.277

BUDGE, E. A., editor. Assyrian texts; being extracts from the annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-banipal. 1880. II. 1713 RENOUF, P. LeP. Egyptian. Exercise sheet 1-3; 2d sess. 1-3; 3d sess. 1. [1875-77?] II. 278 An elementary grammar of the ancient Egyptian language, in the hieroglyphic type. [1875?] 4.94 [SAYCE, A. H.]. Assyrian. Exercise sheet 1-4 [with answers. 1877?] II. 279 An elementary grammar of the Assyrian language, in the cuneiform type. 2d ed. [1877?] II 204


Lectures upon the Assyrian language, and syllabary.

Archbold, J. F. The new practice of attornies in the courts of law at Westminster, with forms and questions of practice. 3d ed. 2 vol. London. 1847.

[blocks in formation]

Archivio glottologico italiano, diretto da G. I. Ascoli. Vol. i.-iv.; v. punt. 1; vii. 1. Roma, etc. 1873-80. 80.

44.5 [Argou, G.]. The history of the origine of the French laws. From the French. By J. B[eaver]. London. 1724. 80. 241.83, also LS. The college library has also the original French, 1753, 2 tom. Aristophanes. Thesmophoriazusae recensuit A. von Velsen. Gr. [Leipzig. 187-?] 4o. II.1711 Aristoteles. Commentarii collegii conimbricensis societatis Iesv, in tres libros de Anima, hac qvarta editione, græci contextvs latino e regione respondentis accessione auctiores, in Germania editi. Coloniae. 1529. 40. MZ.

The college library has the edition of 1617.

Bourbon et de Madagascar. Paris. 1822. 80. 110 plates. 45.62, also BG. Augustus, C. J. C. O., emp. of Rome. Rerum a se gestarum indicem cum graeca metaphrasi edidit T. Bergk. Gottingae. 1873. 1. 80. II. 1725 [Aumale, H. E. P. L. D'ÖRLÉANS, duke d']. Les institutions militaires de la France. Louvois. Carnot. Saint-Cyr. Paris. 1867. 18°. 1537.10 Austin, J. Lectures on jurisprudence or the philosophy of positive law. 3d ed., by R. Campbell. LS. 2 vol. London. 1869. 8°.

Ayckbourn, H. The new chancery practice; comprising all the alterations effected by the new orders, 8th May, 1845. 2d ed. By T. H. and H. LS. Ayckbourn. London, etc. 1846. 120. The practice of the high court of chancery. [With forms of practical proceedings.] 5th ed. By T. H. and H. Ayckbourn. 2 vol. London, etc. 1855-56. 120. LS.

The practice in the chancery division of the high court of justice, and on appeal therefrom. 10th ed., by B. F. Lock and C. A. Cook. [Pt. i] London, etc. 1880. 120. LS.

Ayres, A., pseudon. The orthoëpist: a pronouncing manual, containing about 3,500 words. New York. 1880. 160. II. 1736

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The senses and the intellect. 3d ed. New York. 1879. 8°. III. 807 Also edition of 1855.

Baker, D. W. C., compiler. A Texas scrap-book. Made up of the history, biography, and miscellany of Texas and its people. New York, etc. [1875-1 12332.10

80. In libros Ethicorvm ad Nicomachvm, aliqvot conimbricensis cursus disputationes. Qvarta hac in Germania editione correctiores editæ. Coloniæ. 1521. 4°.


The college library has the edition of 1603. Aristoteles and Theophrastus. Historiae cùm de natura animalium, tum de plantis & earum causis. [Translated by T. Gaza and P. Alcyonius.] Lugduni. 1552. 80.


Arndt, W., editor. Schrifttafeln zum gebrauch bei vorlesungen und zum selbst unterricht. 2 hefte. Berlin. 1874-78. fo. 61 plates. II. 1714 Arnold, H. P. Gleanings from Pontresina and the upper Engadine. Boston, etc. 1880. 120. 15584.29 Ashe, T. Travels in America, in 1806, for the purpose of exploring the rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi. Newburyport. 1808. 15335.17, also PM.


"Re-printed." - - Rare.

Ashwell, A. R. Life of Samuel Wilberforce, with selections from his diaries and correspondence. Vol. i. [Edited by R. G. Wilberforce.] 4th thousand, London. 1880. 80.

VII. 756 Aubert du Petit-Thouars, (L. M.) A. Histoire particulière des plantes orchidées recueillies sur les trois îles australes d'Afrique, de France, de


I. 499

Baker, V. War in Bulgaria: a narrative of personal experiences. 2 vol. London. 1879. Baker, W. S., compiler. The engraved portraits of Washington, with brief biographical sketches of the painters. Philadelphia. 1880. 80. Large paper. II. 1114

A treatise upon the law of bank1879. I20. LS.

"Edition limited to 500 copies." Baldwin, E. T. ruptcy. London. Balfour, F. M. A treatise on comparative embryology. Vol. i. London. 1880. 80. V. 638 Banks, W. M. On the Wolffian bodies of the fœtus, and their remains in the adult; including the development of the generative system. Edinburgh. 1864. 8°. V.1085 Bardi, F. DE. Storia della letteratura araba sotto il califfato. 2 vol. Firenze. 1846. 8o. Sem. 356a Baring-Gould, S. Germany present and past., sm. 80. 15545.8 Étude sur l'histoire di[Pt. i.] Paris. 1880. VI. 932

[blocks in formation]

ering in England, departure for America, and final settlement in New England, of the first church and parish of Dorchester, Mass. Observed March 28 and June 17, 1880. Boston. 1880. 80. III. 822 Barry, E. The present practice of a justice of the peace; and a complete library of parish law. 4 vol. London. 1790. 8°.

LS. Bartram, W. Travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, east & west Florida. Philadel phia. 1791. 80. 15374.4, also PM.

The college library has also the edition of 1792 (15374.5), and the French translation by P. V. Benoist, [1801 (15374.6)]. Bastian, (W.) A. Die seele und ihre erscheinungsweisen in der ethnographie. Berlin. 1868. 80.


Baudissin, W. (H. F. K.), count VON, translator. Ben Jonson und seine schule, dargestellt in einer auswahl von lustspielen und tragödien, übersetzt und erläutert. 2 theile. Leipzig. 1836. 80. 14494.25 Contents:i. JONSON, B. Der alchemist. Der dumme teufel. FLETCHER, J. Der spanische pfarrer. ii. MASSINGER, P., and FIELD, N. Die unselige mitgift. SINGER, P. Der herzog von Mailand. - FLETCHER, J. Der ältre bruder. - MASSINGER, P. Eine neue weise, alte schulden zu zahlen. Die bürgerfrau als dame.


Baynes, R. E. Lessons on thermodynamics. Oxford. 1878. sm. 8°. (Clarendon press series.) V.603 Bechstein, L. Märchenbuch. 32e aufl. Leipzig. 1879. 24°. 26297.9 Belden, G. P. Belden, the white chief. Edited PM. by J. S. Brisbin. Cincinnati, etc. 1870. 80. Belgium - Musée royale d'histoire naturelle. Annales. Tom. i., ii. Bruxelles. 1877-78. 4o. MZ. Contents:-i. BENEDEN, P. J. VAN. Description des ossements fossiles des environs d'Anvers. je pt. 4o, and atlas of 18 plates, fo.ii. KONINCK, L. (G.) de. Faune du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique. 1 pt. 4°, and atlas of 31 plates, fo.


The same. Série paléontologique. Tom. iv., v. Bruxelles. 1880. 4o, and atlas, fo. These two volumes contain the second parts of each of the above monographs.

Bender, H. Rom und römisches leben im alterthum. Tübingen. [1880.] 1. 8°. I. 489

Benecke, B. (A.). Fische, fischerei und fischzucht in Ost- und Westpreussen. 1e lief. Königsberg. 1880. 8°.

To be continued.


[blocks in formation]

Bible-0. T. Ethiopic. Biblia Veteris Testamenti aethiopica, edidit et apparatu critico instruxit A. Dillmann. Tom. i. Lipsiae. 1853. 4o.


Šem 45a Isaiah. Eng. The prophecies of Isaiah. A new translation with commentary by T. K.Cheyne. Vol. i. London. 1880. 8°. III. 805 Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. Fasc. xiv.-xviii. Paris. 1880. 8o. II. 582 Contents: - xiv. CHATELAIN, É. Notice sur les manuscrits des poésies de S. Paulin de Nole. -xv. DESCEMET, C., editor. Inscriptions doliaires latines. Marques de briques relatives à une partie de la gens Domitia. - xvi. MARTHA, J., compiler. Catalogue des figurines en terre cuite du musée de la société

archéologique d'Athènes.xvii. FERNIQUE, E. Étade sur Préneste ville du Latium-xviii. RIEMANN, O. Recherches archéologiques sur les Iles Ioniennes. iii.-v. [Conclusion.]

Bibliothèque scientifique internationale. xxiii. Paris. 1879. 8°. PM. Contents:- QUATREFages de Bréau, (J. L.) A. De. L'espèce humaine. 5 éd.

Biedermann, A. E. Die christliche dogmatik. Zürich. 1869. 8°. DS.

Biener, F. A. Geschichte der Novellen Justinian's. Berlin. 1824. 8°. LS.

Bigelow, M. M. History of procedure in England from the Norman conquest. The Norman period (1066-1204). Boston. 1880. 80. VI. 919 Bismarck-Schönhausen, (K.) O. (E. L.), prince VON. Les discours. Vol. i.-viii. Berlin, etc. [1871]79. 80. 14546.8 Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the laws of England (An interesting appendix to). Philadel phia. 1772. 80. 24.110, also LS. Contents:i. PRIESTLEY, J. Remarks on some paragraphs in the fourth volume of Blackstone's Commentaries, relating to the dissenters. ii. BLACKSTONE, Sir W. A reply to Dr. Priestley's Remarks.iii. PRIESTLEY, J. An answer to Blackstone's Reply. iv. BLACKSTONE, Sir W. The case of the late election for the county of Middlesex, considered on the principles of the constitution, and the authorities of law. v. FURNEAUX, P. Letters to Mr. Blackstone concerning his exposition of the act of toleration, and some positions relative to religious liberty, in his Commentaries. 2d ed. vi. FOSTER, Sir M. Argument in the case of Allen Evans, against Sir T. Harrison, chamberlain of London: MURRAY, W., ist earl of Mansfield. Speech in the house of lords, Feb. 4, 1767. In the cause between the city of London and the dissenters.

The college library has also the edition of 1773.

Blaikie, J. (A.). The elements of dynamics (mechanics). 3d ed. Edinburgh, etc. 1879. sm. 80. VI. 632

Blanc, (J. J.) L. Dix ans de l'histoire d'Angleterre. vii., viii. Paris. 1880. 180. 6476.6

Blannbeckin, A. Agnetis Blannbekin, vita et revelationes auctore anonymo. Accessit Pothonis, Liber de miraculis sanctæ Dei genitricis Mariæ. Utrumque opusculum ex MSS. codd. primùm edidit B. Pez. Viennæ. 1731. 80. III. 881 A work of great rarity. See Graesse, i. 437; Föcher, iii. 1730.

[blocks in formation]

Borlase, W. C. Nænia Cornubiæ, a descriptive essay, illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of Cornwall. London, etc. 1872. 80. 10.82, also PM. Boston, Mass. - Public library. Catalogue of works relating to Shakespeare and his writings in the Barton collection. By J. M. Hubbard. [Boston.] 12455.51

1880. 1. 80.

[blocks in formation]

Boucher de Crèvecœur de Perthes, J. De l'homme antédiluvien et de ses œuvres. Paris. 1860. 80.


Boudier, É. Des champignons au point de vue de leurs caractères usuels, chimiques et toxicologiques. Paris, etc. 1866. 80. V. 618 Bourgeois, the abbé. Sur les silex considérés comme portant les marques d'un travail humain découverts dans le terrain miocène de Thenay. Bruxelles. 1873. 8°.

PM. Bouvier, J. A law dictionary, adapted to the constitution and laws of the United States. 14th ed. 2 vol. Boston. 1880 [cop. 1867]. 1. 80. D.R. 147.13 Bowen, F. Gleanings from a literary life. 18381880. New York. 1880. 80. VII. 960 Contents: - The contest between the ancients and the moderns. - Classical and utilitarian studies. The abuse of the study of grammar. A minority report on the silver question. - The perpetuity of national debt. The financial conduct of the war The utility and the limitations of the science of political economy. - Dualism, materialism, or idealism. - The idea of cause. - The latest form of the development theory. Diseases and malformations not hereditable. The psychical effects of etherization. Buckle's History of civilization.-J. S. Mill's Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's philosophy. -The human and the brute mind. - Malthusianism, Darwinism, and pessimism. Blaise Pascal. - Essays and reviews: the Oxford clergymen's attack on Christianity. Restoration of the text of Shakespeare: the battle of the commentators.

[ocr errors]

Braithwaite, T. W. The "six clerks in chancery"; their successors in office, and the "houses" they lived in. London. 1879. 80. LS. Bridgman, R. W. A short view of legal bibliography. London. 1807. 80. LS.

Briganti, V., and F. Historia fungorum regni neapolitani. Neapoli. 1848. 4°. Large paper. 46 col. plates.

V. 625 Brink, B. TEN, and Scherer, W., editors. Quellen und forschungen zur sprach- und culturgeschichte der germanischen völker. xl.-xlii. Strassburg, etc. 1880. 8°. 16544.14

Contents:-xl. BRAHM, O. Das deutsche ritterdrama des achtzehnten jahrhunderts. Studien über J. A. von Törring, seine vorgänger und nachfolger.- xli. RIES, J. Die stellung von subject und prädicatsverbum im Hêliand. - xlii. MARTIN, E. Zur Gralsage.

Brinton, D. G. Notes on the Floridian peninsula, its literary history, Indian tribes and antiquities. Philadelphia. 1859. 120. 12355.11, also PM. British museum. Inscriptions in the Himyaritic character discovered chiefly in southern Arabia, and now in the museum. London. 1863. obl. fo. 18 plates. II. 1103

Broca, (P.) P. Sur la classification et la nomenclature crâniologiques d'après les indices céphaliques. [Paris. 187-?] 80. PM. Sur les crânes de la caverne de l'hommePM. mort (Lozère). [Paris. 187-?] 8°. Sur l'endocrâne. Nouveaux instruments destinés à étudier la cavité crânienne sans ouvrir le crâne. Paris. 1873. 8°. PM.

Études sur les propriétés hygrométriques des crânes considérées dans leurs rapports avec la crâniométrie. [With his "De l'influence de l'humidité sur la capacité du crâne."] Paris. 1874. 80. PM. De l'influence de l'éducation sur le volume et la forme de la tête. Paris. 1873. 80. PM. Instructions crâniologiques et crâniométriques de la société d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris. 1875. 1. 80. MZ.; PM. Instructions générales pour les recherches anthropologiques à faire sur le vivant. 2e éd. Paris. 1879. 160. PM. Sur la mensuration de la capacité du crâne. Paris. 1873. 1. 80. PM. Nomenclature cérébrale. Dénomination des

[blocks in formation]

The same.

Second series.

MZ.; PM. A treatise on the London. 1844.

III. 849

London. 1879.

IV. 160

London. 1880. IV. 161

160. Bruce, J., and Hamilton, W. D., editors. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles I. 1625-40. [Vol. i.-xvi.] London, etc. 1858-80. 1. 80. Brit. Hist. 1053 Brunswik, B. La succession au trône de Turquie. 2e éd. Paris. 1872. 80. VI. 937 Büchner, (F. K. C.) L. Man in the past, present, and future. From the German. By W. S. Dallas. London, etc. 1872. 8°. 47.20, also PM.

The college library has also the original German, 1872, and the French translation, 1870, 2o pt.

Aus natur und wissenschaft. Leipzig. 1874. 80.

"20 aufl."

3o auf. 23.82

Also the French translation by A. Delondre, 2 tom., 1866. Büttner, R. Quaestiones aeschineae. De codicum Aeschinis generibus et auctoritate. — Diss. inaug. Berolini. 1878. 4o. II. 1709 [Bullen, A. H., editor. Reprints of rare Elizabethan plays, poems and prose tracts.] 2 pt. [London. 1880.] sm. 80. Large paper. Namely:DAY, J. Plays. Pt. i., ii. 15426.20 Bullinger, A. Der endlich entdeckte schlüssel zum verständniss der aristotelischen lehre von der tragischen katharsis. München. 1878. 80. II 1705 Burn, R. Old Rome: a handbook to the ruins 1880. of the city and the Campagna. London, etc. 80. II 1095 Also his "Rome and the Campagna" of which this is an epit


Burton, W. H. An elementary compendium of the law of real property. 3d ed. London. 1834. 1. 80. LS.

« VorigeDoorgaan »