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Vol. i, Fishes, p. 227-229; 506. Vol. ii, p. 508-510; 766-774. Vol. iii, p. 190-193; 584593.

Martin, Philipp Leopold. Die Praxis der Naturgeschichte. Ein vollständiges Lehrbuch, etc. 5 Theile. Weimar, 1876-82. 4° & 8°. 1876.1

Martin, René, & Rollinat, R. Catalogue des reptiles, batraciens et poissons du département de l'Indre. Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1892, 5, 30-45.

1892.1 Vertébrés sauvages du département de l'Indre. Paris, 1894. 455 p. 8°. 1894.1

Martin, S. J. Coal ashes as a means of raising mackerel in purse-seines. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 65. 1882.1

Cod-fishing with gill nets from Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 384. 1882.2

First appearance of fish at Gloucester, 1881. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 66. 1882.3

Fishery news from Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 265. 1882.4

Fishery notes from Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 1882.5 (1882), 1, 381.

Fishery notes from Gloucester, Massachusetts, concerning cod, haddock, herring, halibut and mackerel. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 394395. 1882.6

Notes on New England fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 133. 1882.7

Notes on New England food fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 202. 1882.8

Notes on the fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 2, 419-420; 425-427. — Ibid., 1883, 3, 162-178; 297-300.- Ibid.,


1884, 4, 89-96; 249-255; 410-411; 444-448. — Ibid., 1885, 5, 57-62; 203208. 1882.9

Notes on the Gloucester fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 268. 1882.10 Notes on the Gloucester fishery. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 263. 1882.11

Notes on the mackerel fishery of 1881. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 132. 1882.12

Pollack fishing in Boston bay. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 1882.13


The American purse seine successful in the herring fishery of Sweden. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 161. 1883.1

Movements and catch of mackerel. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 89–90. 1883.2

Movements of mackerel. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 470. 1883.3

The movements of schools of mackerel. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 295–296. 1883.4

Notes on the cod gill-net fishing at Gloucester, Mass. 1882-1883. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 159–161.


Notes on the fisheries of Glouces

ter, Massachusetts; letters to Prof. S. F. Baird. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 1883.6 (1883), 2, 15–18; 91–93.

Notes on the cod gill-net fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U. S. 1884.1 Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 129-134.

Notes on the cod gill-net fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U. S. 1885.1 Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 49–51.

Martin, William Charles Linnæus [1798-1864] Notes on a few river fishes. Recreative Sci., 1861, 2, 8-11. pl.


The sprat [Clupea sprattus] and other products of our winter fishery. Recreative Sci., 1862, 3, 271–276.

1862.1 Martini, Ueber das Fischgift und die sanitätspolizeilischen Massnahmen zur Verhütung seiner Wirkung. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1898, 14, 289–300. 1898.1

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Martino, Ant. de Sul sistema venoso renale di Jacobson delle raje e delle torpedini Atti Sci. Italiani, 1845, 726728. 1845.1

Observations sur le développement des spermatozoïdes des raies et des torpilles. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1846, 3. sér. 5, 171-174.- Bibl. Univ. Archives, 2, 426-429. 1846.1

Sull' anatomia del Branchiostoma e specialmente sul moto ciliare che si verifica al contorno delle lamine branchiali simulante una vera circolazione vascolare. Giorn. Istit. Lombardo, 1846, 7, 95-106. Giorn. Istit. Lomb. Bibl. Ital., 1846, 13, 95–106.


Lettera sulla struttura del testicolo e sullo schiudimento degli spermatozoi nelle raie e nelle torpedini. Mem. Accad. Torino, 1848, 9, lxviii-lxxi.


Martin-Saint-Ange, Gaspard Joseph. Etude de l'appareil reproducteur dans les cinq classes d'animaux vertébrés, au point de vue anatomique, physiologique et zoologique. Mém. Savants Etrang., 1856, 14, 1-232. 1856.1

Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von [1794-1868] (editor) Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 Collegit et pingendos curavit . . J. B. de Spix, etc. See Spix & Martius.

Versuch eines Commentars über die Pflanzen in der Werken von Marcgrav und Piso über Brasilien, nebst weiteren Erörterungen über die Flora dieses Reiches. Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., math.-phys. Cl., 1853, 7, 179239. 1853.1

References to Marcgrave's colored drawings of fishes, etc., made in Brazil, and now preserved in Berlin.

Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von, & Spix, Johann Baptist von. See Spix & Martius.

Marukawa, H., & Ehrenbaum, E. See Ehrenbaum & Marukawa.

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Mascall, Francis. Facts and remarks on the characteristics of the species of fish called char, and a suggestion respecting the synonymy of it. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1835, 8, 231–232. 1835.1

Mascall, Leonard. A booke of fishing with hooke and line. Reprinted from the edition of 1590, with preface and glossary by Thomas Satchell. London, 1884. x, 52 p. 8°. 1884.1

Masi, L. Aggiunte alla collezione ittiologica.-Symbranchus marmoratus Bl. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., Roma, 1910, 2. ser. 11, 97-102. 1910.1

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Acclimatization of Salmo quinnat in France. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 144. 1884.1

Maslowsky, A. Neue Beiträge zur Bestätigung der Fischart Aspius ousianka Czernay, und neue Beobachtungen über dieselbe. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1854, 27, pt. 1, 442-452. 1854.1

Einige Beobachtungen über das Knochengerüste der Fische Cyprinus vimba Pallas und Cyprinus carinatus Güldenstädt. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1855, 28, no. 3, 428-432. 2 figs. 1855.1

Ueber den Fischembryo Rhodeus amarus] in den Kiemen von Anodonta. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1863, 36, pt. 1, 269-278. pl. 1863.1

Mason, Francis [1799-1874] Burmah, its people and natural productions; or, Notes on the nations, fauna, flora

and minerals of Tenasserim, Pegu and Burmah, with systematic catalogues of the known mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, etc., with vernacular names. Rangoon, 1860. 8°. 1860.1 Mason, Frank H. Proposed exportation of whitefish eggs to Switzerland. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 272. 1883.1 Self-reproducing food for young fish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 58-63. 1893.1

Mason, H. W. Report of operations on the Navesink river, New Jersey, in 1879, in collecting living striped bass [Labrax lineatus) for transportation to California. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 663-666. 1882.1

Massalien, Ferdinandus Christophilus [1789-] Descriptio oculorum Scombri, Thynni et Sepiæ. Inaug. Dissert. Berolini, 1815. 16 p. pl. 4°. 1815.1

Massalongo, Abramo Bartolommeo [1824-1860] Specimen photographicum animalium quorumdam plantarumque fossilium agri Veronensis, etc. Veronæ, 1859. 101 p. 40 pls. 4°. 1859.1

Italian and Latin text in parallel columns. Some teleosts from the Eocene of monte Bolca are described and illustrated.

Massari, G. Sul pancreas dei pesci. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1898, 5. ser. 7, 134-137. 1898.1

Massat, E. Poissons fossiles des environs de Paris. Le Naturaliste, 1900, 22, 264-265. 5 figs. 1900.1

Massey-Mainwaring, William Frederic Barton [1845-1907] The preservation of fish life in rivers by the exclusion of town sewage. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 7, pt. 2.


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and young fishes procured by the "Garland" in 1892 and 1893. 11. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1893, 250–264. 1893.1

On the skeleton of the tunny. 12. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1894, 272-283. 2 pls. 1894.1

The life-history and growth-rate of the lesser sand-eel (Ammodytes tobianus) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 16, 282-288. 1895.1

On hermaphroditism in the cod. 13. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1895, 299-303. 3 figs. 1895.2

On the rate of growth of the marine food and other fishes. 13. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1895, pt. 3, 289-298. pl. 1895.3

The effects of pelagic spawning habit on the life histories of fishes. Abstract in Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1896, 837. 1896.1

Note on the rate of growth, larval and post-larval forms of the herring. 14. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1896, 294–302. 2 pls. 1896.2

On the "notochord" of Cephalodiscus reply to Harmer) Zool. Anz., 1897, 20, 443-450; 505-506. 5 figs. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1898, pt. 1, 81. 1897.1

A review of the work of the "Garland" in connection with the pelagic eggs of the food-fishes, 18901896. 15. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1897, pt. 3, 219–261. 1897.2

Some effects of pelagic spawninghabit on the life-histories of teleostean fishes. Natural Sci., 1897, 10, 382–392. 4 figs. 1897.3

On the origin of the vertebrate notochord and pharyngeal clefts. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 68 meet., 1898, 914-916.

On animal symmetry. Sci., 1899, 50–63. 12 pls.

1898.1 Natural 1899.1

A contribution to the life histories of the cod and whiting. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1901, 40, 1-14. 3 pls. 1901.1

Memorandum on the vitality of trawl-caught fish. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Public. de Circonstance, 1908, no. 42. 7 p. fig. 1908.1

Masterman, A. T.

On a possible case of mimicry in the common sole (Solea] Journ. Linn. Soc. London, 1908, 30, 239–244. 1908.2

Report on the later stages of the Pleuronectidæ. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 1910, 12 C, no. 4. 82 p. 18 figs. 1910.1

Third report on later stages of Pleuronectidæ. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 1912, 14, 34. 1912.1

Report on investigations upon the salmon with special reference to age determination by study of scales. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, London, 1913. Fishery investigations, 1. ser. Salmon and freshwater fisheries, 1, i-iii. 4 pls. 1913.1

Report on investigations upon the smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) with special reference to age determination by study of scales and its bearing upon sexual maturity. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Fishery investigations, 1. ser. Salmon and freshwater fisheries, 1, 113-126. 1913.2

Masterman, Arthur Thomas, & Fryer, Charles E. See Fryer & Masterman.

Masterman, Arthur Thomas, & McIntosh, William Carmichael. See McIntosh & Masterman.

Mataré, Franz. Ueber eine neue Tetracotyle im Hirn von Phoxinus lavis. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1910, 94, 488-540. pl. 1910.1

Mather, Frederic. Trout breeding (A series of articles on this and allied subjects, running through the years 187274] Live Stock Journ., 1872-74. 1872.1

This Journal was published at Buffalo, N. Y., and afterward merged into one of the same title published at Chicago.

Natural vs. artificial spawning as practised in the culture of brook trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1873 (1874), 10-13. 1874.1

The freshwater fisheries of Virginia. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 147. 1875.1

Stall-fed versus wild trout. Rod 1875.2

& Gun, 1875, 6, 72.

Apparatus for hatching shad ova while en route to new waters. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 372-376. fig. 1876.1

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Applications for fish made to the U. S. Fish Commission. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 404. 1878.2

The first soles for American waters. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 34. 1878.3

A fish without a name. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 115. 1878.4

Micropterus pallidus without a vernacular name. This is one of some three-score short articles on fish and fishing by the same author which appeared in the Chicago Field during the years 1878-79 (vols. ix-xi), titles to which are not here separately listed. Various unsigned articles by Mather were also contributed to vols. xii and xiii.

Salmon-canning on Columbia river. An account of the process, with statistics. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 101. 1878.5

Salmon-canning on Frazer river. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 196. 1878.6 Salmo quinnat in France. Chicago Field, 1878, 11, 360. 1878.7 The treatment of adhesive eggs. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 238. 1878.8 Account of a trip to Europe with eggs of the quinnat salmon. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 811-816. 1879.1

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The management of public aquaria with a plan for reducing their running expenses. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1879 (1880), 46–50. 1880.1

The jack Lucioperca] of Tennessee. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 83. 1880.2

Recollections of the early days of the American Fish Cultural Association with an account of the intentions of its founders. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1879 (1880), 55–59. 1880.3 Shipment of salmon ova to Germany in 1878. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 909. 1880.4

The growth of carp in America. Proc. 2. Ann. Meet. Central Fishculture Soc., Chicago 1880 (1881), 30-39. 1881.1

Fishes which can live in both salt and fresh water. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1881 (1882), 65–75.

1882.1 Exchange of live marine specimens with France. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 472. 1883.1

Remarkable development of embryo salmon. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1882 (1883), 7-11.


Account of eggs repacked and shipped to foreign countries under the direction of the United States Fish Commission during the winter of 1882-83. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 809–812. 1884.1 Notes on cod, shrimp, etc., at Cold Spring harbor. Bull. Û. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 123. 1884.2

Account of eggs repacked and shipped to foreign countries under the direction of the United States Fish Commission during the season of 1883-84. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 973-974.


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The shad fisheries of the Hudson. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 177-180. 1885.4

Account of eggs repacked at Cold Spring harbor, New York, and shipped to foreign countries, under the direction of the United States Fish Commission, during the winter of 188485. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 1886.1 12, 147-150.

Eggs received from foreign countries at Cold Spring harbor, New York, and retained or forwarded during the seasons of 1883-84 and 1884-85. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 143– 146. 1886.2

Memoranda relating to Adirondack fishes, with description of new species, from researches made in 1882. Albany, 1886. 1886.3

Protecting and hatching the smelt. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1885 (1886), 17-32.


Work at Cold Spring harbor. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1885 (1886), 94-97. 1886.5

New York and its fisheries (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, p. 341-377. Washing1887.1

Report upon the hatching and ton, 1887)

distribution of Penobscot and landlocked or Schoodic salmon in the spring of

Report of eggs shipped to and received from foreign countries at the

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