
Mola, Pasquale. Su di un cestode [Prosobothrium armigerum] del Carcharodon rondeletii M. Hle. Arch. Zool., Napoli, 1903, 1, 344-366. 2 pls. 1903.1

Molhuijsen, P. C. De visscherij in de Zuiderzee. Bijdragen Vaderl. Geschied. Nieuwe Reeks (Nijhoff), 1864, 3, 307-319. 1864.1

Molin, Raffaele. Sulla callosità faringea dei cyprini. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien (math.-nat. Cl.) 1850, 5, 436-440. Also separate; Wien, 1851.



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Una nuova specia di Squalus. Rivist. Period., Padova, 1851-53, 1, 381-389. 1851.3

Osservazioni sull' Acipenser ruthenus e sulla glandola delle appendici maschili dei Plagiostomi. Atti R. Istit. Venet. Sci., 1853, 2. ser. 4. 1853.1

Osservazioni sull' anatomia degli scheletri dei Plagiostomi. Atti R. Istit. Venet. Sci., 1853, 2. ser. 4 & 5. 1853.2 Sull' organo della respirazione del muggine. Atti R. Istit. Venet. Sci., 1853, 2. ser. 4. 1853.3

Sullo scheletro degli squali. Mem. R. Istit. Venet. Sci., 1859, 8, 391-481. 10 pls. 1859.1

Una monografia del genere Histiocephalus. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien (math.-naturw. Cl.) 1860, 39, 507516. 1860.1

Primitia Musei Archigymnasii Patavini (Pisces fossiles) Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1860, 40, 582-588. 1860.2 Sulla piscicoltura. Atti R. Istit. Venet. Sci., 1860–61, 3. ser. 6, 711-793. 1860.3

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New species are described of Anacanthus, Alexandrinum and Tæniura, from the Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy.

Sopra le valli Salse. Atti R. Istit. Veneto, 1861-62, 3. ser. 8, 9771012. 1861.2

Die rationelle Zucht der Süsswasserfische und einige in der Volkswirthschaft wichtigen Wasserthiere; unter Benützung der vom Verfasser gemachten Wahrnehmungen auf einer im Auftrage der K. K. Oesterr. Regierung nach Frankreich und dem westlichen Deutschland unternommenen Reise. Wien, 1864. xiv, 346 p. 170 1864.1 figs. 8°.

Molina, Giovanni Ignazio [1740-1829] Compendio della storia geografica, naturale, e civile del regno del Chile. Bologna, 1776. viii, 245 p. 8°. 1776.1

Il pesce-spada, p. 75.

Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chile, del Signor Abate Giovanni Ignazio Molina. Bologna, 1782. 368 p. 8°.


Libro iv. Vermi, insetti, rettili, pesci, uccelli e quadrupedi del Chile, p. 196-367.

There are numerous later editions in various languages, concerning which see also Philippi's Comentario in Anal. Univ. Chile, 1867, 29, 788-795.

Versuch einer Naturgeschichte von Chili. Aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt von J. D. Brandis. Leipzig, 1786. ix, 382 p. 8°. 1786.1

Compendio de la historia geografica, natural y civil del reyno de Chile, escrito en Italiano por el abate Don Juan Ignacio Molina. Primera parte, que abraza la historia geografica y natural, traducida en Espanol por Don Domingo Joseph de Arquellada Mendoza, etc. Madrid, 1788. xx, 418 p. 8°. 1788.1

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être utiles aux Européens. Paris, 1802. pl. 8°.

1802.1 Monica, Sister (pseudon.) See Taylor, (Sister) Monica.

Monoyer, Ferdinand. Contribution à l'étude d'équilibre et de la locomotion chez les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1866, 62, 847-850. 1866.1

Recherches expérimentales sur l'équilibre et la locomotion chez les poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1866, 5. sér. 6, 5-15. 1866.2 The material for these experiments consisted of species of Cyprinus and Perca.

Monro, Alexander (secundus) The structure and physiology of fishes explained, and compared with those of man and other animals. Edinburgh & London, 1785. 128 p. 44 pls. fol.


Vergleichung des Baues und der Physiologie der Fische mit dem Bau des Menschen und der übrigen Thiere. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt und mit eignen Zusätzen und Anmerkungen von P. Campern vermehrt durch Johann Gottlieb Schneider. Leipzig, 1787. viii, 191 p. 34 pls. 1787.1

Monro, T. K. On the optic nerve as part of the central nervous system. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1896, 30 (n. s. 10), 45-48. 1896.1

Monson, (Sir) William. Naval tracts (In Churchill's collection of voyages and travels, vol. vi, p. 473-508. ed. London, 1745)

3. 1745.1

Contains notes upon British fisheries. Montagu, (Col.) George [1755-1815] For biographical sketch, see Cummings, E., in Zool. Annalen, 1913, 5. Also Ibid., 1914, 6, 69–70.

Observations on some species of British quadrupeds, birds and fi hes. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1804, 7, 274– 294. pl. 1804.1

The following-named species of fishes are noticed: Cepola rubescens, Sparus niger, Cyclopterus bimaculatus.

An account of five rare species of British fishes. Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. Edinburgh, 1809, 1, 79–101.


The following-named species are described: Ziphoteca tetradens, Syngnathus æquoreus, Cyclop terus montagui, Ophidium imberbe and Blennius galerita.

An account of several new and rare species of fishes, taken on the south

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Monti, M. Ittiologia della provincia e diocesi di Como. Como, 1846. 12°. 1846.1

Notizie dei pesci della provincia

di Como, Sondrio e del cantone Ticino. 2. ed. Como, 1864. 105 p. 12°. 1864.1

Monti, Rina. Contributo alla conoscenza dei nervi del tubo digerente dei pesci. Rendic. Istit. Lombardo Sci., Milano, 1895, 2. ser. 28, 688-695. French translation in Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 188195. 1895.1

Innervazione del tubo digerente dei pesci ossei. Nota preventiva. Boll. Scientifico, Pavia, 1898, 5, 14-15.

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Selache maxima pescate sulle coste di Sardegna. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, 1910.1 Pavia, 1910, 2. ser. 5, 158-161.

La variabilità della pressione osmotica nelle diverse specie animali. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Milano, 1915, 53, 391-448. 1915.1

Classificazione dei modi di comportarsi della pressione osmotica in confronto colle variazioni dell' ambiente. Influenza dei periodi della ontogenesi e della nutrizione.

Montin, Lars [1722-1785] Beskrifning på en fisk, Lophius barbatus. Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1779, 187.- Abh. Schwed. Akad., 41, 165–173. pl. 1779.1

Montpetit, A. N. Les poissons d'eau douce du Canada. 1897. 553 p. 12 pls. 4°.

Montreal, 1897.1

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Montuori, A. Les processus oxydatifs chez les animaux marins en rapport avec la loi de superficie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1913, 59, 213-234. 1913.1

Montuori, A., & Diamare, V. See Diamare & Montuori.

Moodie, Roy L. The chub and the Texas horn-fly. Amer. Naturalist, 1909, 43, 186-188. fig. 1909.1

A contribution to the soft anatomy of Cretaceous fishes and a new primitive herring-like fish (Thrissopater intestinalis] from the Texas Cretaceous. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 1911, 5, 275287. 3 pls. 1911.1 The "stomach stones of reptiles (also in sharks] Science, 1912, n. s. 35, 377-378. 1912.1

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An account of a pilot-fish (Naucrates ductor) caught in fresh water. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 8, 316–317. - Notizen (Froriep), 21, 198-199.

1842.1 Moore, Evelyn V., & Cockerell, T. D. A. See Cockerell & Moore.

Moore, Frederick. Work of the fisheries commission. Scient. Amer., 1903, 89, 290. illust. 1903.1

Moore, H. F. List of fishes collected at Sea Isle city, New Jersey, during the summer of 1892. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 357–364.


Observations on the herring and herring fisheries of the northeast coast, with special reference to the vicinity of Passamaquoddy bay. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 387-487. pl. 1898.1

Moore, J. C. Notes on the fossil mollusca and fish from San Domingo. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1853, 9, 129-132. 1853.1

Moore, J. E. S. On the germinal blastema and the nature of the so-called "reduction division" in the cartilaginous fishes. Preliminary communication. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 547-552. 4 1894.1

at Vancouver island. Edinburgh New figs. Phil. Journ., 1861, n. s. 13, 165. 1861.2

Moore, Benjamin. Reactions of marine organisms in relation to light and phosphorescence. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1909, 23, 1–34. 1909.1

On the structural changes in the reproductive cells during the spermatogenesis of elasmobranchs. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1895, 38, 275-313. 4 pls. & figs. 1895.1

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Vol. i, p. 767-875, deals with the northwestern fisheries. This is the most thorough discussion of the fishery question, having a full discussion, copious quotations, and numerous references.

Moore, M. A. Fish mortality in the gulf of Mexico near Florida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 8, 238–240.Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4, 125–126. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 22, art. 2. 1881.1

Moore, P. Report on mackerel investigation in 1897. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1898 (1899), 23, 1–22.


Moore, Thomas J. Occurrence of the red bank-fish (Cepola rubescens Linn.) in Dundrum bay and in the river Mersey. Liverpool Nat. Journ., 1866, 25. 1866.1

The Lepidosiren [Protopterus] annectens, or mudfish of the river Gambia. Liverpool Nat. Journ., 1867, 132– 133. 1867.1

Summary of the fishes of the Argo expedition. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc., Liverpool, 1877, no. 31, 61. 1877.1

Moquin-Tandon, Christian Horace Benedict Alfred [= Frédol, Alfred, pseudon.] [1804-1863] Eléments de zoologie médicale contenant la description détaillée des animaux utiles à la médicine et des espèces nuisibles à l'homme, particulièrement des venimeuses et des parasites, etc. Paris, 1860. 428 p. 122 figs. 1860.1

Poissons, p. 36-39, 43, 47, 144, 160, 185, 218.

Le monde de la mer, etc. Paris, 1865. 632 p. 21 pls. 8°. 1865.1

693 p. 35 pls.


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More, A. G. Freshwater fishes (In Venables, E. The Isle of Wight, A guide with a synopsis of its topography ... geology, zoology and botany, etc. London, 1860. xvi, 526 p. 8°) 1860.1

On the occurrence of brown trout Salmo fario] in salt water. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 41. meet., 1871, 133. 1871.1 Montagu's blenny (Blennius galerita Linn.) in Ireland. Zoologist, 1878, 3. ser. 2, 297. 1878.1 Spinous shark (Echinorhinus spinosus Blainv.] on the coast of Dublin. Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 434. 1882.1


Moreau, Emile [1823-1896] sur la région crânienne de l'Amphioxus, pour faire suite aux observations sur la structure de la corde dorsale du poisson nommé Amphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 11891191. 1870.1

Observations sur la structure de la corde dorsale du poisson nommé Amphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 1006-1008. 1870.2 Sur l'œil du germon (Thynnus germo C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 1636-1638. 1872.1

Poissons de France. Notes sur

The same. 2. ed. Paris, 1866. quelques espèces nouvelles des côtes de l'océan Solea melanochira, Umbrina lafonti Rev. Mag. Zool., 1874, 2, 1151874.1

Le hareng, p. 447-456.

Moquin-Tandon, Gaston [1845-] Sur les feuillets du blastoderme chez les poissons osseux. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1875, 12, 23-25.



Recherches sur la structure de la corde dorsale de l'Amphioxus. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1875, 2. ser. 39,

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