
Some animals and conditions inimical to fish eggs and larvæ in the sea. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 57-66. 1914.2

The herring fishery of Canada. Comm. Conserv. Canada, Proc. Committee Fisheries, Game, Fur-bearing Animals, Toronto, 1916, 37-46. 1916.1

On the red color of the flesh in the salmons and trouts. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1916, 46, 50-61. 1916.2

Unutilized fisheries resources of Canada. Comm. Conserv. Canada, Proc. Committee Fisheries, Game, Furbearing Animals, Toronto, 1916, 47-64. 2 pls. 1916.3

Prince, Edward E., & Halkett, Andrew. The eggs of the freshwater ling Lota maculosa Lesueur] Ottawa Naturalist, 1906, 19, 219–224.


Prince, Edward E., & M'Intosh, William Carmichael. See M'Intosh & Prince.

Prince, Edward E., & MacKay, A.

H. The paired fins of the mackerel shark. 32. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa, 1901 (Suppl.), 55-58. 3 pls. 1901.1

Prince, Edward E., & Steven, J. Lindsay. On two large tumours in a haddock and a cod. 10. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board, Canada, 1892, pt. 3, 323-325. 1892.1

Prince, Thomas. A chronological history of New England; in the form of annals, etc. Boston, 1826. 1826.1 The first edition of this work was published in It contains an account of New England

1736. fisheries.

Pringle, John. A discourse on the torpedo, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1774. London, 1775. 32 p. 4°.

1775.1 Discours sur la torpille. Observ. Mém. Phys., 1775, 5, 241–257; 444-449. 1775.2 De torpedine. 2 vols. Wittebergæ & Lipsia, 1779. 4°. 1779.1

Pritchard, G. B., & Chapman, Frederick. See Chapman & Pritchard.

Pritt, T.E. The book of the grayling. Being a description of the fish and the art of angling for him, as practiced chiefly in the midlands and the north of

England. Leeds, 1888. 64 p. illust. 8°. 1888.1

Probst, Josef. Ueber das Gebiss des Notidanus primigenius Ag. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg, 1858.1 1858, 14, 124-127. 10 figs.

Ueber die Streifung der fossilen Squalidenzähne. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg, 1859, 15, 100102. 1859.1

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen (Labroiden, Scarinen, Sparoiden] Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg, 1874, 30, 275-298. Ibid., 1877, 33, 69-103. Ibid., 1878, 34, 113154. Ibid., 1879, 35, 127-191. Ibid., 1882, 38, 116–136. pl. 1874.1

Ueber die Haifischreste der Meeresmolasse Oberschwabens. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg, 1876, 32, 51-55. 1876.1

Fossile Wirbel von Haien und Rochen aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Württem1886.1 berg, 1886, 42, 301-315. pl.

Procházka, Vladimir Josef. Miocén moravský; druhý príspěvek ku poznání rázu zvířeny mořských sliínů a jílů severo-západo- a středomoravské oblasti. Sitzber. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1899, 1900.1 no. 29, 1-45.

Listen von fossilen Fischen aus dem Miocän von Mähren.

Das ostböhmische Miocän. Arch. Nat. Durchforsch. Böhmen, 1900, no. 2, 1-173. 72 figs. 1900.2

Fossil otoliths are described.

Procter, George H. Fishermen's memorial and record book. Gloucester, 1873. 88 p. 1873.1

The fisheries of Gloucester from the first catch of the English in 1623 to the centennial year, 1876. Gloucester [1876?) 88 p. illust. 8°. 1876.1

Fishermen's own book. Gloucester, 1882. 274 p. 1882.1

Contains information concerning the fisheries of Gloucester and the methods of carrying on the fisheries in the earlier days. More valuable as a reference work than as a history of the fisheries.

Proctor, Ernest. Notes on the discovery of fossiliferous Old Red Sandstone rocks in a boring at Southall, near Ealing. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1913, 69, 78-81. 1913.1

Appendix. Note on the fish-remains from the Upper Devonian, by Arthur Smith Woodward. Ibid., 81-84. pl. Holoptychius and Bothriolepis remains.


Ueber die Verhältnisse der Binnenfischerei Oesterreichs. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1-2; 9-11.

1880.1 Ueber Oesterreichs brachliegendes Wassergebiet. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 17-21. 1880.2

Proli, P. P. Della citta di Commacchio, delle sue laghune e pesche. Cesena, 1761. fol. 1761.1

Prometheus (pseudon.) Aalblut und Viperngift. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 10. Jahrg., 218. 1899.1

Ein neuer Rundmäuler mit grossen normalen Augen wurde von L. Plate im Süden von Chile entdeckt. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 10. Jahrg., 176. 1899.2

Pron, L., & Bounhiol, J. P. See Bounhiol & Pron.

Proschowsky, A. R. L'utilisation des blattes pour l'alimentation des poissons. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1901, 49, 320. 1901.1

Prosser, Charles Smith [1860-1916] Classification and distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung series of central and eastern New York. 51. Ann. Rept. New York State Mus. 1897 (1899), 2, 65-315. 27 pls. & 32 figs. 1899.1

Appendix: Upper Devonian fish-fauna of Delaware county, New York, by C. R. Eastman, p. 317-328. 6 figs.

Dinichthys, Holoptychius, Onychodus, Onchus, Bothriolepis, Dipterus scales.

Prouty, Lorenzo. Fish; their habits and haunts, etc. Boston, 1883. 115 p. 1883.1

Provazek, F. Das Auge der Plattfische. Blätt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 32-33. fig. 1900.1

[blocks in formation]

Beiträge zur Kenntniss des feineren Baues und der Involution der Thymusdrüse bei den Teleostiern. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 164–177. 2 figs. 1902.1 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Thymusdrüse bei den Knochenfischen mit Berücksichtigung der Ganoiden und Cyclostomen [Text in Ruthenian Zbirn. Sekc. Matem.-Prírod.-Likarsk., Lemberg, 1902, 8, pt. 2, 1-11. 1902.2

Recherches sur l'évolution et l'involution du thymus chez les poissons osseux [Text in Ruthenian] Kosmos, Lwów Roczn., 1903, 28, 179–204. pl.

1903.1 Prymak, Teodor, & Nusbaum, Józef. See Nusbaum & Prymak.

Prytz, Lars Johan. Anteckningar under en resa till Nord Cap, genom Torneå Lappmark och vestra Finnmar129-160; 178–192. ken, år 1819. Mnemosyne, Abo, 1821, 1821.1

Pisces, p. 186.

Przhevalskii, Nikolai Mikhailovich [1839-1880] Mongolia and the Tagut country, or three years' journey in the eastern highlands of Asia. 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1875-76. illust. 8°.


Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N. M. Przevalski nach CentralAsien unternommenen Reise. Zoologischer Theil. St. Petersburg, 1888-98. 1888.1

Bd. iii, Abt. 2. Fische, von S. M. von Herzenstein. 1889-96.

Przibram, Hans. Experimentale Beitrag zur Pigmentfrage. Zool. Zoologie. 2. Teil. Regeneration. LeipAnz., 1900, 23, 477–480. zig, 1909. 1900.2

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Du réempoissonnement de nos cours d'eau par la pisciculture pratique. Lausanne, 1891. 8 p. 8°. 1891.2

Le rôle de l'état dans le réempoissonnement des cours d'eau. Lausanne, 1891. 28 p. 8°. 1891.3

La loutre dans le canton de Vaud en 1893. Lausanne, 1894. 5 p. 8°. 1894.1

The otter, predatory on fish.

Pütter, August. Leuchtende Organismen. Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., Jena, 1905, 5. 1905.1 Die Ernährung der Fische. Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., Jena, 1909, 9, 147-242. 1909.1

Pugh, Ernst. Fundulus guentheri Pfeffer und seine Zucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 639-641. 2 figs. 1914.1

Pugliesi, Emma. Il cranio della Lucioperca sandra Cuv. Morfologia e studi comparativi. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Milano, 1911, 49, 278296. 2 pls. & fig.


Punnett, R. C. On the formation of the pelvic plexus, with especial reference to the nervus collector, in the genus Mustelus. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1900, 192, 331-352. pl. Abstracts in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 65, 445–446. - Zool. Anz., 23, 14–15. 1900.1

On the composition and variations of the pelvic plexus in Acanthias vulgaris. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1901, 68, 140-142. Ibid., 1902, 69, 2-26. 7 figs. Abstract in Zool. Anz., 24, 233235. 1901.1

Cephalochorda. Note on meristic variation in the group (In The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive archipelago, edited by J. S. Gardiner, vol. ii, p. 361-367. London, 1903) 1903.1 Merism and sex in Spinax niger. Biometrika, Cambridge, 1904, 3, 313362. pl. 1904.1

Purkyně, Cyrillv. Das Nýřaner und Radnitzer Kohlenflötz bei Třemošná.

Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Prague, 1903, 7. année, 216–230. pl. 1903.1

Purvis, George C. Note on certain terminal organs resembling touch-corpuscles or end-bulbs in intra-muscular connective-tissue of the skate. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1890, n. s. 30, 515–517. pl. 1890.1

On the pineal eye of Lamna cornubica, or porbeagle shark. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1890-91 (1892), 62-67. pl. 1892.1

Putnam, Frederick Ward [1839-1915] For biographical notice, see that read before the Essex Institute by E. S. Morse, and printed at Salem, 1915. For bibliography, see Putnam anniversary volume, 1909.

On the fishes of Essex county. Proc. Essex. Inst., 1856, 1, 144-146; 148; 201. 1856.1 Remarks on the coloration of fishes. Proc. Essex Inst., 1859, 2, 366. 1859.1 Remarks on the nests of fishes. Proc. Essex Inst., 1859, 2, 367–368.


Annual report, department of ichthyology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 280. 1861.1

Esox fasciatus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 156. 1861.2

Fishes from the Sandwich islands. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 151. 1861.3

On the young of Pomotis, Bryttus and Esox. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 3; 34.


A word on the fishes of the Bahamas. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 85. 1861.5

List of the fishes sent by the museum to different institutions, in exchange for other specimens, with annotations. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1863, 1, 2–16. 1863.1

Distribution of the freshwater fishes of North America. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 178. 1865.1

Note on the codfish of Massachusetts. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 319. 1865.2

Putnam, F. W.

Note on the young of Belone. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 334. 1865.3

On a specimen of Grystes fasciatus from Boston harbors. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 224– 248. 1865.4

On the genus Belone; specimen of the young. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 325–326.


On the ichthyological fauna of the Great Lakes compared with the Richardson chain of lakes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 181. 1865.6

On the limits of the freshwater fauna of the United States as shown by the fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 178. 1865.7 On the presence of pectoral fins in the young of Achirus lineatus. Proc. Essex Inst., 1865, 4, 49-50; 99. 1865.8

On two species of chromids from the Rio Negro, which develop their eggs in their mouths. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 226. 1865.9

Fishes of the Milwaukee river and the northern lakes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 64-65. 1866.1

The ichthyological fauna of the Great Lakes and the variability and abundance of the whitefish (Coregonus) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 1866.2 240. Malformation of snout of fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 68. 1866.3 Note on young garpike presented to the society. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 211. 1866.4 Observations on the Pleuronectidæ. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 181.

Report as curator of the department of ichthyology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 132; 372.

1866.8 Appendix to Storer's fishes of Massachusetts (In Storer, D. H. A history of the fishes of Massachusetts, p. 278-280. Cambridge & Boston, 1867) 1867.1

On the Salmo of Halifax, a paper read before the Essex Institute. Amer. Naturalist, 1868, 1, 107. 1868.1 Remarks on fishes and reptiles Inst., 1869, n. s. 1, 102. of Essex county, Mass. Bull. Essex 1869.1

Report as curator of the department of ichthyology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1868-69 (1869), 12, 17.


Exhibition of a fish, Hemirhamphus longirostris, taken off Nantucket. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 12.

1870.1 Fishes of lake Champlain. Proc. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 6. 1870.2

On a species of Hemirhamphus from the millpond in Danvers, Mass. Bull. Essex. Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 171.

1870.3 On the young of Orthagoriscus mola. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 19. meet., 1870, 255-260. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 4, 629–633. 1870.4

Remarks on the structure of fishes. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 110. 1870.5

Remarks on two specimens of interest which had been recently added to the Museum of Peabody Academy of Science. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 171-172. 1870.6

Species of Hemirhamphus.

Report on various zoological specimens collected from Chadwick's pond. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 91-93. 1870.7 Pickerel, shiners, dace, minnow, bream and



Skates' Raja batis] eggs and young. Amer. Naturalist, 1870, 3, 617-630. 12 figs. 1870.8

Remarks on Amphioxus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1864-66 (1866), 10, 68. 1866.6 Remarks on a supposed nondescript species of Gasterosteus from Massachusetts. Proc. Essex Inst., 1866, 5, 4.

Note on the classification of fishes by Prof. Cope. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 593. 1871.1

Note on the occurrence of 1866.7 Euleptorhamphus (Hemirhamphus) longi

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Note on the Pimelodus cyclopum of Humboldt. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 694-695. Bull. Essex Inst., 1871, n. s. 3, 170-178. 1871.3

Peculiar fishes belonging to the genera of Tetraodon and Diodon. Bull. Essex Inst., 1871, n. s. 3, 29. 1871.4

Blind fishes of the Mammoth cave and their allies (In his and Packard, A. S. Mammoth cave and its inhabitants. Salem, 1872. 62 p. 8°) 1872.1

The blind fishes of the Mammoth cave, and their allies. Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 6-30. 2 pls. 1872.2

Case of voracity in an eel. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1870–71 (1872), 14, 135. 1872.3

The etheostomoids. Amer. Nat1872.4 uralist, 1872, 6, 109-115. figs.

The new Australian fish. Bull. Essex Inst., 1872, n. s. 3, 40-41. 1872.5 On classification of fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 1870-71 (1872), 14, 189. 1872.6

On the alewives and other fishes collected in the Wenham lake. Bull. Essex Inst., 1872, 3, 88-90.



Liparis lineata and Liparis montagui from Massachusetts. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 114. 1874.2

Notes on Liparis, Cyclopterus and their allies. Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet., 1873 (1874), 335-340. 1874.3

Notes on Ophidiida and Fierasferida, with descriptions of new species from America and the Mediterranean. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 339–348. 1874.4

Notes on the genus Bdellostoma. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 127-135; 156-160. 1874.5

Notes on the genus Myxine. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 1874.6 (1874), 16, 127–135.

On the occurrence of Chauliodus sloanii Bl. on the Georges banks. Bull. Essex Inst., 1874, n. s. 6, 3. 1874.7

Remarks on the family Nemophida. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 366–373. figs.

1874.8 Remarks on the tooth of a

On the species of eels. Amer. shark, Carcharias, presented by Rev.
D. P. Noyes, of Pigeon cove.
Essex Inst., 1874, n. s. 6, 72.

1872.8 Remarks on a skate's egg. Bull. Essex Inst., 1872, n. s. 4, 123–124.

Naturalist, 1872, 6, 449.


Synopsis of the family Hete-
Rept. Peabody Acad. Sci.

1871 (1872), 15–23.

Young of the blind fish. Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 116-117. 1872.11

Account of the work of Prof. S. F. Baird, U. S. Fish Commissioner. Bull. Essex Inst., 1873, n. s. 5, 151–152. 1873.1

Fishes of Chebacco pond, Essex, Mass. Bull. Essex Inst., 1873, n. s. 5, 141-142. 1873.2 Pimelodus, Esox, Leuciscus, Perca, Labrax, Pomotis, Hololepis, Anguilla.

Remarks on toads and fishes. Bull. Essex Inst., 1873, n. s. 5, 124.

1873.3 Verbal communication on bones of the skel


Bull. 1874.9

Several fishes, new or rare, from harbors in Essex county, Massachusetts. Bull. Essex Inst., 1874, n. s. 6, 11-13. 1874.10 Cryptacanthodes inornatus, Liparis lineatus, Platessa glabra.

A straggler in the Ohio (Gobiosoma molestum) Amer. Naturalist, 1874, 8, 233-234. 1874.11

The blind fish and some of the associated species of the Mammoth cave, Kentucky, probably of marine origin. Bull. Essex Inst., 1875, n. s. 6, 191-200.- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 16, 79-80.· Amer. Journ. Sci., 3. ser. 9, 409-410. 1875.1

Exhibition of living specimens of fishes and cray-fishes collected in the waters of Mammoth cave. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1874-75 (1875), 17, 222-225. 1875.2

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